Пример #1
class Iso639(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_iso639'

    charset = Unicode(1)
    code = Unicode(1, primary_key=True)
    lname = Unicode(1)
    name = Unicode(1, unique=True)
Пример #2
class Backup(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_backup'

    creationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    name = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    path = Unicode(1)
Пример #3
class Country(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_country'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    countrycode = Unicode(1)
    countryname = Unicode(1)
    countryprefix = Unicode(1)
Пример #4
class Timezone(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_timezone'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    gmtoffset = Integer64
    gmttime = Unicode(1)
    gmtzone = Unicode(1)
Пример #5
class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(Unicode(default='World'), UnsignedInteger(default=5),
    def say_hello(ctx, name, times):
        # workaround for Python2's lacking of nonlocal
        times = [times]

        def _cb(push):
            # This callback is called immediately after the function returns.

            if times[0] > 0:
                times[0] -= 1

                data = u'Hello, %s' % name
                print data

                # The object passed to the append() method is immediately
                # serialized to bytes and pushed to the response stream's
                # file-like object.

                # When a push-callback returns anything other than a deferred,
                # the response gets closed.
                return deferLater(reactor, 1, _cb, push)

        # This is Spyne's way of returning NOT_DONE_YET
        return Iterable.Push(_cb)

    @rpc(Unicode(default='World'), _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
    def say_hello_forever(ctx, name):
        def _cb(push):
            push.append(u'Hello, %s' % name)
            return deferLater(reactor, 0.1, _cb, push)

        return Iterable.Push(_cb)
Пример #6
class Support(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_support'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    email = Unicode(1)
    language = Unicode(1)
    name = Unicode(1)
Пример #7
class StockService(Service):

    @rpc(Unicode(encoding='utf-8'), Float(ge=0.0), _in_header=(AuthHeader,), _operation_name='CreateStock',
    def create_stock(ctx, StockName, StockPrice):
        user_name = ctx.in_header.UserName
        token = ctx.in_header.Token
        if all([user_name, token]):
            result = handlers.create_stock(user_name, token, StockName, StockPrice)
            if result['result']:
                return result['message']
            raise Fault(result['side'], result['message'])
        raise Fault('Client', 'Нет прав доступа')

    @rpc(Unicode(encoding='utf-8'), _operation_name='GetStockPrice', _returns=Float)
    def get_stock_price(ctx, StockName):
        result = handlers.get_stock_price(StockName)
        if result['result']:
            return result['message']
        raise Fault(result['side'], result['message'])

    @rpc(Unicode(encoding='utf-8'), Float(ge=0.0), _in_header=(AuthHeader,), _operation_name='SetStockPrice',
    def set_stock_price(ctx, StockName, Price):
        user_name = ctx.in_header.UserName
        token = ctx.in_header.Token
        if all([user_name, token]):
            result = handlers.set_stock_price(user_name, token, StockName, Price)
            if result['result']:
                return result['message']
            raise Fault(result['side'], result['message'])
        raise Fault('Client', 'Нет прав доступа.')
Пример #8
class Campaign(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_campaign'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    creationdate = Date
    daily_start_time = Time
    daily_stop_time = Time
    description = Unicode
    expirationdate = Date
    forward_number = Unicode(1)
    frequency = Integer32
    friday = Integer32
    id_campaign_config = Integer32
    id_card = Integer64
    id_cid_group = Integer32
    monday = Integer32
    name = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    nb_callmade = Integer32
    saturday = Integer32
    secondusedreal = Integer32
    startingdate = Date
    status = Integer32
    sunday = Integer32
    thursday = Integer32
    tuesday = Integer32
    wednesday = Integer32
Пример #9
class CampaignConfig(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_campaign_config'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    context = Unicode(1)
    description = Unicode
    flatrate = Decimal
    name = Unicode(1)
Пример #10
class Callerid(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_callerid'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    # id_cc_card = Integer64
    cc_card = Card.store_as(table(left='id_cc_card'))
    activated = Unicode(1, default='t')
    cid = Unicode(1, unique=True)
Пример #11
class Permission(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'permission'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.user_manager'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    application = Unicode(values=('usermgr', 'accountmgr'))
    operation = Unicode(values=('read', 'modify', 'delete'))
Пример #12
class Permission(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'permission'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.sql_crud'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(primary_key=True)
    application = Unicode(256)
    operation = Unicode(256)
Пример #13
class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    active = Integer32
    admin = Integer32
    email = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    password = Unicode(1)
    username = Unicode(1, unique=True)
Пример #14
class SubscriptionSignup(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_subscription_signup'

    description = Unicode(1)
    enable = Integer32
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_callplan = Integer64
    id_subscription = Integer64
    label = Unicode(1)
Пример #15
class Speeddial(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_speeddial'

    creationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_cc_card = Integer64
    name = Unicode(1)
    phone = Unicode(1)
    speeddial = Integer32
Пример #16
 class SomeObject(ComplexModel):
     _type_info = [
         ('i0', Integer),
         ('s0', Unicode),
         ('i1', Integer(fieldset=fset_one)),
         ('s1', Unicode(fieldset=fset_one)),
         ('i2', Integer(fieldset=fset_two)),
         ('s2', Unicode(fieldset=fset_two)),
Пример #17
class Extensions(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_extension'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    context = Unicode(64, default='home')
    exten = Unicode(20, default='')
    priority = Unicode(4, default='0')
    app = Unicode(20, default='Dial')
    appdata = Unicode(128, default='')
Пример #18
class Currencies(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_currencies'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    basecurrency = Unicode(1)
    currency = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    lastupdate = Date
    name = Unicode(1)
    value = Decimal
Пример #19
class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.sql_crud'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(primary_key=True)
    name = Unicode(256)
    first_name = Unicode(256)
    last_name = Unicode(256)
    permissions = Array(Permission, store_as='table')
Пример #20
class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.user_manager'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    email = Unicode(64, pattern=r'[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}')
    user_name = Unicode(32, min_len=4, pattern='[a-z0-9.]+')
    full_name = Unicode(64, pattern='\w+( \w+)+')
    permissions = Array(Permission).store_as('table')
Пример #21
class ServerManager(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_server_manager'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_group = Integer32
    lasttime_used = Date
    manager_host = Unicode(1)
    manager_secret = Unicode(1)
    manager_username = Unicode(1)
    server_ip = Unicode(1)
Пример #22
class Phonenumber(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_phonenumber'

    amount = Integer32
    creationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_phonebook = Integer32
    info = Unicode
    name = Unicode(1)
    number = Unicode(1)
    status = Integer32
Пример #23
class Notification(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_notification'

    date = Date
    from_ = Integer64(db_column='from_id')
    from_type = Integer32
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    key_value = Unicode(1)
    link = Integer64(db_column='link_id')
    link_type = Unicode(1)
    priority = Integer32
Пример #24
class Invoice(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_invoice'

    date = Date
    description = Unicode
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_card = Integer64
    paid_status = Integer32
    reference = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    status = Integer32
    title = Unicode(1)
Пример #25
class Preferences(ComplexModel):
    _type_info = [
        ('timezone', M(Unicode(values=pytz.all_timezones_set))),
        ('font_size', UnsignedInteger8(
            values_dict={10: 'Small', 20: 'Medium', 30: 'Large'},
        ('theme', Unicode(
            values={'dark', 'light'},
Пример #26
class Monitor(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_monitor'

    description = Unicode(1)
    dial_code = Integer32
    enable = Integer32
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    label = Unicode(1)
    query = Unicode(1)
    query_type = Integer32
    result_type = Integer32
    text_intro = Unicode(1)
Пример #27
class LogEntryMixin(TableModel):
    __mixin__ = True
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    time = DateTime(timezone=False)
    user = Unicode(256, index='btree')
    method = Unicode(64, index='btree')
    req_xml = AnyXml
    req_json = AnyDict(store_as='json')
    err_code = Integer
    resp_err = AnyDict(store_as='json')
    resp_int = Integer
    duration = Integer
Пример #28
class SystemLog(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_system_log'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    action = Unicode
    agent = Integer32
    creationdate = Date
    data = Unicode
    description = Unicode
    iduser = Integer32
    ipaddress = Unicode(1)
    loglevel = Integer32
    pagename = Unicode(1)
    tablename = Unicode(1)
Пример #29
class CardSubscription(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_card_subscription'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_cc_card = Integer64
    id_subscription_fee = Integer32
    last_run = Date
    limit_pay_date = Date
    next_billing_date = Date
    paid_status = Integer32
    product = Unicode(1, db_column='product_id')
    product_name = Unicode(1)
    startdate = Date
    stopdate = Date
Пример #30
class Voucher(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_voucher'

    activated = Unicode(1)
    creationdate = Date
    credit = Float
    currency = Unicode(1)
    expirationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    tag = Unicode(1)
    used = Integer32
    usedate = Date
    usedcardnumber = Unicode(1)
    voucher = Unicode(1, unique=True)