Пример #1
def mesh(mesh_type):
    if mesh_type == "triangle":
        model["opts"]["dimension"] = 2
        model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = spyro.create_transect(
            (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.9), 256
        model["acquisition"]["source_pos"] = [(-0.05, 1.5)]
    elif mesh_type == "square":
        model["opts"]["dimension"] = 2
        model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = spyro.create_transect(
            (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.9), 256
        model["acquisition"]["source_pos"] = [(-0.05, 1.5)]
    elif mesh_type == "tetrahedral":
        model["opts"]["dimension"] = 3
        model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = spyro.create_transect(
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 256
        model["acquisition"]["source_pos"] = [(-0.05, 1.5, 1.5)]

    return {
        "triangle": lambda n: UnitSquareMesh(2 ** n, 2 ** n),
        "tetrahedral": lambda n: UnitCubeMesh(2 ** n, 2 ** n, 2 ** n),
        "square": lambda n: UnitSquareMesh(2 ** n, 2 ** n, quadrilateral = True),
Пример #2
def test_correct_at_value2D():
    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)
    model["opts"]["degree"] = 3
    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(model, comm)
    pz = -0.1
    px = 0.3
    recvs = spyro.create_transect((pz, px), (pz, px), 3)
    # recvs = spyro.create_transect(
    #    (-0.00935421,  3.25160664), (-0.00935421,  3.25160664), 3
    # )
    model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = recvs
    model["acquisition"]["num_receivers"] = 3

    receivers = spyro.Receivers(model, mesh, V, comm)
    V = receivers.space
    z, x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    u1 = Function(V).interpolate(x + z)
    test1 = math.isclose((pz + px),
                         receivers._Receivers__new_at(u1.dat.data[:], 0),

    u1 = Function(V).interpolate(sin(x) * z * 2)
    test2 = math.isclose(
        sin(px) * pz * 2,
        receivers._Receivers__new_at(u1.dat.data[:], 0),

    assert all([test1, test2])
Пример #3
def test_correct_at_value3D():
    test_model2 = deepcopy(model3D)
    test_model2["acquisition"]["num_receivers"] = 3
    test_model2["opts"]["degree"] = 3
    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(test_model2)
    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(test_model2, comm)
    x_start = 0.09153949331982138
    x_end = 0.09153949331982138
    z_start = 0.0
    z_end = 0.0
    y_start = 0.47342699605572036
    y_end = 0.47342699605572036

    x_real, y_real, z_real = x_start, y_start, z_start

    recvs = spyro.create_transect((z_start, x_start, y_start),
                                  (z_end, x_end, y_end), 3)
    test_model2["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = recvs
    receivers = spyro.Receivers(test_model2, mesh, V, comm)
    V = receivers.space
    z, x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    u1 = Function(V).interpolate(x + z + y)
    realvalue = x_real + y_real + z_real
    test1 = math.isclose(realvalue,
                         receivers._Receivers__new_at(u1.dat.data[:], 0),

    u1 = Function(V).interpolate(sin(x) * (z + 1)**2 * cos(y))
    realvalue = sin(x_real) * (z_real + 1)**2 * cos(y_real)
    test2 = math.isclose(realvalue,
                         receivers._Receivers__new_at(u1.dat.data[:], 0),

    assert all([test1, test2])
Пример #4
def mesh(mesh_type):
    if mesh_type == "square":
        model["opts"]["element"] = "tria"
        model["opts"]["dimension"] = 2
        model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = spyro.create_transect(
            (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.9), 256)
        model["acquisition"]["source_pos"] = [(-0.05, 1.5)]
    elif mesh_type == "cube":
        model["opts"]["element"] = "tetra"
        model["opts"]["dimension"] = 3
        model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = spyro.create_transect(
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 256)
        model["acquisition"]["source_pos"] = [(-0.05, 1.5, 1.5)]
    return {
        "square": lambda n: UnitSquareMesh(2**n, 2**n),
        "cube": lambda n: UnitCubeMesh(2**n, 2**n, 2**n),
Пример #5
def test_correct_receiver_to_cell_location2D():
    """Tests if the receivers where located in the correct cell"""
    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)
    model["opts"]["degree"] = 3
    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(model, comm)

    model["acquisition"]["num_receivers"] = 3
    recvs = spyro.create_transect((-0.1, 0.3), (-0.1, 0.9), 3)
    recvs = model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = recvs

    receivers = spyro.Receivers(model, mesh, V, comm)

    # test 1
    cell_vertex1 = receivers.cellVertices[0][0]
    cell_vertex2 = receivers.cellVertices[0][1]
    cell_vertex3 = receivers.cellVertices[0][2]
    x = receivers.receiver_locations[0, 0]
    y = receivers.receiver_locations[0, 1]
    p = (x, y)

    areaT = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3)
    area1 = triangle_area(p, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3)
    area2 = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, p, cell_vertex3)
    area3 = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, p)

    test1 = math.isclose((area1 + area2 + area3), areaT, rel_tol=1e-09)

    # test 2
    cell_vertex1 = receivers.cellVertices[1][0]
    cell_vertex2 = receivers.cellVertices[1][1]
    cell_vertex3 = receivers.cellVertices[1][2]
    x = receivers.receiver_locations[1, 0]
    y = receivers.receiver_locations[1, 1]
    p = (x, y)

    areaT = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3)
    area1 = triangle_area(p, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3)
    area2 = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, p, cell_vertex3)
    area3 = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, p)

    test2 = math.isclose((area1 + area2 + area3), areaT, rel_tol=1e-09)

    # test 3
    cell_vertex1 = receivers.cellVertices[2][0]
    cell_vertex2 = receivers.cellVertices[2][1]
    cell_vertex3 = receivers.cellVertices[2][2]
    x = receivers.receiver_locations[2, 0]
    y = receivers.receiver_locations[2, 1]
    p = (x, y)

    areaT = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3)
    area1 = triangle_area(p, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3)
    area2 = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, p, cell_vertex3)
    area3 = triangle_area(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, p)

    test3 = math.isclose((area1 + area2 + area3), areaT, rel_tol=1e-09)

    assert all([test1, test2, test3])
Пример #6
def test_correct_receiver_location_generation2D():
    """Tests if receiver locations where generated correctly"""
    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)
    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(model, comm)

    receivers = spyro.create_transect((-0.1, 0.3), (-0.1, 0.9), 3)
    answer = np.array([[-0.1, 0.3], [-0.1, 0.6], [-0.1, 0.9]])

    assert np.allclose(receivers, answer)
Пример #7
def test_correct_receiver_location_generation3D():
    """Tests if receiver locations where generated correctly"""

    test_model = deepcopy(model3D)
    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(test_model)
    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(test_model, comm)
    test_model["acquisition"]["num_receivers"] = 3
    receivers = spyro.create_transect((-0.05, 0.3, 0.5), (-0.05, 0.9, 0.5), 3)
    test_model["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = receivers
    receivers = spyro.Receivers(test_model, mesh, V, comm)
    answer = np.array([[-0.05, 0.3, 0.5], [-0.05, 0.6, 0.5], [-0.05, 0.9, 0.5]])

    assert np.allclose(receivers.receiver_locations, answer)
Пример #8
    1.000,  # thickness of the pml in the z-direction (km) - always positive
    1.000,  # thickness of the pml in the x-direction (km) - always positive
    0.0,  # thickness of the pml in the y-direction (km) - always positive

acquisition = {
    "source_type": "Ricker",
    "frequency": 5.0,
    "delay": 1.0,
    "num_sources": 1,
    "source_pos": [(1.5, -0.5)],
    "amplitude": 1.0,
    "num_receivers": 100,
    "receiver_locations": create_transect((0.1, -2.90), (2.9, -2.90), 100),

timeaxis = {
    "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
    "tf": 2.0,  # Final time for event
    "dt": 0.001,  # timestep size
    "nspool": 9999,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
    "fspool": 1,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM
}  # how freq. to output to files and screen

inversion = {
    "freq_bands": [None]
}  # cutoff frequencies (Hz) for Ricker source and to low-pass the observed shot record

# Create your model with all the options
Пример #9
def test_forward_5shots():
    model = {}

    model["opts"] = {
        "method": "KMV",  # either CG or KMV
        "quadrature": "KMV",  # Equi or KMV
        "degree": 4,  # p order
        "dimension": 2,  # dimension
    model["parallelism"] = {
        "type": "automatic",
    model["mesh"] = {
        "Lz": 3.5,  # depth in km - always positive
        "Lx": 17.0,  # width in km - always positive
        "Ly": 0.0,  # thickness in km - always positive
        "meshfile": "meshes/marmousi_5Hz.msh",
        "initmodel": None,
        "truemodel": "velocity_models/vp_marmousi-ii.hdf5",
    model["BCs"] = {
        "status": True,  # True or false
        "outer_bc": "non-reflective",  #  None or non-reflective (outer boundary condition)
        "damping_type": "polynomial",  # polynomial, hyperbolic, shifted_hyperbolic
        "exponent": 2,  # damping layer has a exponent variation
        "cmax": 4.5,  # maximum acoustic wave velocity in PML - km/s
        "R": 1e-6,  # theoretical reflection coefficient
        "lz": 0.9,  # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
        "lx": 0.9,  # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
        "ly": 0.0,  # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive
    model["acquisition"] = {
        "source_type": "Ricker",
        "source_pos": spyro.create_transect((-0.1, 1.0), (-0.1, 15.0), 5),
        "frequency": 5.0,
        "delay": 1.0,
        "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect((-0.1, 1.0), (-0.1, 15.0),13),
    model["timeaxis"] = {
        "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
        "tf": 3.00,  # Final time for event
        "dt": 0.001,
        "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
        "nspool": 100,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
        "fspool": 99999,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM


    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)

    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(model, comm)
    vp = spyro.io.interpolate(model, mesh, V, guess=False)

    if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
        File("true_velocity.pvd", comm=comm.comm).write(vp)
    sources = spyro.Sources(model, mesh, V, comm)
    receivers = spyro.Receivers(model, mesh, V, comm)
    wavelet = spyro.full_ricker_wavelet(
    p, p_r = spyro.solvers.forward(model, mesh, comm, vp, sources, wavelet, receivers)

    pass_error_test = False
    for source_id in range(len(model["acquisition"]["source_pos"])):
        if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == (source_id % comm.ensemble_comm.size):
            receiver_in_source_index= get_receiver_in_source_location(source_id, model)
            if source_id != len(model["acquisition"]["source_pos"])-1 or source_id == 0:
                receiver_comparison_index = receiver_in_source_index + 1
                receiver_comparison_index = receiver_in_source_index - 1
            error_percent = compare_velocity(p_r, receiver_in_source_index, receiver_comparison_index, model,dt)
            if error_percent < 5:
                pass_error_test = True
            print(f"For source = {source_id}: test = {pass_error_test}", flush = True)

    spyro.plots.plot_shots(model, comm, p_r, vmin=-1e-3, vmax=1e-3)
    spyro.io.save_shots(model, comm, p_r)
    assert pass_error_test
Пример #10
    "cmax": 1.0,  # maximum acoustic wave velocity in PML - km/s
    "R": 1e-6,  # theoretical reflection coefficient
    "lz": 1.0,  # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
    "lx": 1.0,  # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
    "ly": 1.0,  # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive

model["acquisition"] = {
    "source_type": "Ricker",
    "num_sources": 1,
    "source_pos": [(-0.1, 1.0, 1.0)],
    "frequency": 5.0,
    "delay": 1.0,
    "num_receivers": 300,
    "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect(
        (-0.10, 0.1, 1.9), (-0.10, 0.1, 1.9), 300

# Simulate for 1.0 seconds.
model["timeaxis"] = {
    "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
    "tf": 1.0,  # Final time for event
    "dt": 0.0005,  # timestep size
    "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
    "nspool": 100,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
    "fspool": 99999,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM

# Note: nz, nx, and ny are obtained by dividing the dimensions 3 x 4 x 4 km
# by your desired element size.
Пример #11
def test_gradient_AD():
    model = {}

    model["opts"] = {
        "method": "KMV",  # either CG or KMV
        "quadratrue": "KMV",  # Equi or KMV
        "degree": 1,  # p order
        "dimension": 2,  # dimension
        "regularization": False,  # regularization is on?
        "gamma": 1e-5,  # regularization parameter

    model["parallelism"] = {
        "spatial",  # options: automatic (same number of cores for evey processor) or spatial

    # Define the domain size without the ABL.
    model["mesh"] = {
        "Lz": 1.5,  # depth in km - always positive
        "Lx": 1.5,  # width in km - always positive
        "Ly": 0.0,  # thickness in km - always positive
        "meshfile": "not_used.msh",
        "initmodel": "not_used.hdf5",
        "truemodel": "not_used.hdf5",

    # Specify a 250-m Absorbing Boundary Layer (ABL) on the three sides of the domain to damp outgoing waves.
    model["BCs"] = {
        "status": False,  # True or False, used to turn on any type of BC
        "non-reflective",  #  none or non-reflective (outer boundary condition)
        "abl_bc": "none",  # none, gaussian-taper, or alid
        0.25,  # thickness of the ABL in the z-direction (km) - always positive
        0.25,  # thickness of the ABL in the x-direction (km) - always positive
        0.0,  # thickness of the ABL in the y-direction (km) - always positive

    model["acquisition"] = {
        "source_type": "Ricker",
        "num_sources": 1,
        "source_pos": [(0.75, 0.75)],
        "frequency": 10.0,
        "delay": 1.0,
        "num_receivers": 10,
        "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect((0.9, 0.2), (0.9, 0.8),
    model["Aut_Dif"] = {
        "status": True,

    model["timeaxis"] = {
        "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
        "tf": 0.8,  # Final time for event (for test 7)
        0.001,  # timestep size (divided by 2 in the test 4. dt for test 3 is 0.00050)
        "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
        20,  # (20 for dt=0.00050) how frequently to output solution to pvds
        "fspool": 1,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM

    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)
    mesh = RectangleMesh(100, 100, 1.5,
                         1.5)  # to test FWI, mesh aligned with interface

    element = spyro.domains.space.FE_method(mesh, model["opts"]["method"],

    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
    z, x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    vp_exact = Function(V).interpolate(1.0 + 0.0 * x)
    vp_guess = Function(V).interpolate(0.8 + 0.0 * x)

    spyro.tools.gradient_test_acoustic_ad(model, mesh, V, comm, vp_exact,
Пример #12
def create_model_2D_heterogeneous(grid_point_calculator_parameters, degree):
    ''' Creates models  with the correct parameters for for grid point calculation experiments.
    frequency: `float`
        Source frequency to use in calculation
    degree: `int`
        Polynomial degree of finite element space
    method: `string`
        The finite element method choosen
    minimum_mesh_velocity: `float`
        Minimum velocity presented in the medium
    experiment_type: `string`
        Only options are `homogenous` or `heterogenous`
    receiver_type: `string`
        Options: `near`, `far` or `near_and_far`. Specifies receiver grid locations for experiment

    model: Python `dictionary`
        Contains model options and parameters for use in Spyro

    minimum_mesh_velocity = grid_point_calculator_parameters['minimum_velocity_in_the_domain']
    frequency = grid_point_calculator_parameters['source_frequency']
    dimension = grid_point_calculator_parameters['dimension']
    receiver_type = grid_point_calculator_parameters['receiver_setup']

    method = grid_point_calculator_parameters['FEM_method_to_evaluate']
    velocity_model = grid_point_calculator_parameters['velocity_model_file_name']
    model = {}

    if minimum_mesh_velocity > 500:
        print("Warning: minimum mesh velocity seems to be in m/s, input should be in km/s", flush = True)
    # domain calculations
    pady = 0.0
    Ly = 0.0

    #using the BP2004 velocity model
    Lz = 12000.0/1000.
    Lx = 67000.0/1000.
    pad = 1000./1000.
    Real_Lz = Lz+ pad
    Real_Lx = Lx+ 2*pad
    source_z = -1.0
    source_x = Real_Lx/2.
    source_coordinates = [(source_z,source_x)]
    if velocity_model != None:
        if velocity_model[-4:] == "segy":
            SeismicMesh.write_velocity_model(velocity_model, ofname = 'velocity_models/gridsweepcalc')
        elif velocity_model[-4:] == "hdf5":
            shutil.copy(velocity_model,'velocity_models/gridsweepcalc.hdf5' )
            raise ValueError("Velocity model filetype not recognized.")
        print("Warning: running without a velocity model is suitable for testing purposes only.", flush = True)
    padz = pad
    padx = pad

    if receiver_type == 'bins':

        # time calculations
        tmin = 1./frequency
        final_time = 25*tmin #should be 35

        # receiver calculations

        receiver_bin_center1 = 2.5*750.0/1000
        receiver_bin_width = 500.0/1000
        receiver_quantity_in_bin = 100#2500 # 50 squared

        bin1_startZ = source_z - receiver_bin_width/2.
        bin1_endZ   = source_z + receiver_bin_width/2.
        bin1_startX = source_x + receiver_bin_center1 - receiver_bin_width/2.
        bin1_endX   = source_x + receiver_bin_center1 + receiver_bin_width/2.

        receiver_coordinates = spyro.create_2d_grid(bin1_startZ, bin1_endZ, bin1_startX, bin1_endX, int(np.sqrt(receiver_quantity_in_bin)))

        receiver_bin_center2 = 6500.0/1000
        receiver_bin_width = 500.0/1000

        bin2_startZ = source_z - receiver_bin_width/2.
        bin2_endZ   = source_z + receiver_bin_width/2.
        bin2_startX = source_x + receiver_bin_center2 - receiver_bin_width/2.
        bin2_endX   = source_x + receiver_bin_center2 + receiver_bin_width/2.

        receiver_coordinates= receiver_coordinates + spyro.create_2d_grid(bin2_startZ, bin2_endZ, bin2_startX, bin2_endX, int(np.sqrt(receiver_quantity_in_bin))) 

        receiver_quantity = 2*receiver_quantity_in_bin

    if receiver_type == 'line':

        # time calculations
        tmin = 1./frequency
        final_time = 2*10*tmin + 5.0 #should be 35

        # receiver calculations

        receiver_bin_center1 = 2000.0/1000
        receiver_bin_center2 = 10000.0/1000
        receiver_quantity = 500

        bin1_startZ = source_z 
        bin1_endZ   = source_z 
        bin1_startX = source_x + receiver_bin_center1
        bin1_endX   = source_x + receiver_bin_center2

        receiver_coordinates = spyro.create_transect( (bin1_startZ, bin1_startX), (bin1_endZ, bin1_endX), receiver_quantity)

    # Choose method and parameters
    model["opts"] = {
        "method": method,
        "variant": None,
        "element": "tria",  # tria or tetra
        "degree": degree,  # p order
        "dimension": dimension,  # dimension

    model["BCs"] = {
        "status": True,  # True or false
        "outer_bc": "non-reflective",  #  neumann, non-reflective (outer boundary condition)
        "damping_type": "polynomial",  # polynomial. hyperbolic, shifted_hyperbolic
        "exponent": 1,
        "cmax": 4.7,  # maximum acoustic wave velocity in PML - km/s
        "R": 0.001,  # theoretical reflection coefficient
        "lz": padz,  # thickness of the pml in the z-direction (km) - always positive
        "lx": padx,  # thickness of the pml in the x-direction (km) - always positive
        "ly": pady,  # thickness of the pml in the y-direction (km) - always positive

    model["mesh"] = {
        "Lz": Lz,  # depth in km - always positive
        "Lx": Lx,  # width in km - always positive
        "Ly": Ly,  # thickness in km - always positive
        "meshfile": "demos/mm_exact.msh",
        "initmodel": "velocity_models/gridsweepcalc.hdf5",
        "truemodel": "velocity_models/gridsweepcalc.hdf5",

    model["acquisition"] = {
        "source_type": "Ricker",
        "num_sources": 1,
        "source_pos": source_coordinates,
        "source_mesh_point": False,
        "source_point_dof": False,
        "frequency": frequency,
        "delay": 1.0,
        "num_receivers": receiver_quantity,
        "receiver_locations": receiver_coordinates,

    model["timeaxis"] = {
        "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
        "tf": final_time,  # Final time for event
        "dt": 0.001,  # timestep size
        "nspool": 200,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
        "fspool": 100,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM
    model["parallelism"] = {
    "type": "off",  # options: automatic (same number of cores for evey processor), custom, off.
    "custom_cores_per_shot": [],  # only if the user wants a different number of cores for every shot.
    # input is a list of integers with the length of the number of shots.
    model['testing_parameters'] = {
        'minimum_mesh_velocity': minimum_mesh_velocity,
        'pml_fraction': padz/Lz,
        'receiver_type': receiver_type

    # print(source_coordinates)
    # print(receiver_coordinates)
    return model
Пример #13
    0.286,  # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
    0.286,  # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
    0.0,  # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive

model["acquisition"] = {
    "source_type": "Ricker",
    "num_sources": 1,
    "source_pos": [(-5.72, 4.29)],
    "frequency": 5.0,
    "delay": 1.0,
    "num_receivers": 15,
    "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect((-5.72, 6.29), (-5.72, 14.29),

# Simulate for 1.0 seconds.
model["timeaxis"] = {
    "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
    "tf": 4.0,  # Final time for event
    "dt": 0.0005,  # timestep size
    "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
    "nspool": 400,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
    "fspool": 99999,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM

comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)

## Starting meshing procedure with seismic mesh. This can be done seperately in order to not have to
Пример #14
    0.20,  # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
    0.20,  # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
    0.0,  # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive

acquisition = {
    "source_type": "Ricker",
    "num_sources": 1,
    "source_pos": [(-0.1, 0.5)],
    "frequency": 5.0,
    "delay": 1.0,
    "num_receivers": 100,
    "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect((-0.95, 0.1), (-0.95, 0.9),
timeaxis = {
    "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
    "tf": 1.0,  # Final time for event
    "dt": 0.001,  # timestep size
    "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
    "nspool": 99999,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
    "fspool": 1,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM

model_pml = {
    "self": None,
    "opts": opts,
    "BCs": BCs,
    "parallelism": parallelism,
Пример #15
from firedrake import File
import time
import numpy as np
import spyro

line1 = spyro.create_transect((0.25, 0.25), (0.25, 7.25), 4)
line2 = spyro.create_transect((2.0, 0.25), (2.0, 7.25), 4)
line3 = spyro.create_transect((3.75, 0.25), (3.75, 7.25), 4)
line4 = spyro.create_transect((5.5, 0.25), (5.25, 7.25), 4)
line5 = spyro.create_transect((7.25, 0.25), (7.25, 7.25), 4)
lines = np.concatenate((line1, line2, line3, line4, line5))

sources = spyro.insert_fixed_value(lines, -0.10, 0)

receivers = spyro.create_2d_grid(0.25, 7.25, 0.25, 7.25, 30)
receivers = spyro.insert_fixed_value(receivers, -0.15, 0)

model = {}

model["opts"] = {
    "method": "KMV",  # either CG or KMV
    "quadratrue": "KMV",  # Equi or KMV
    "degree": 3,  # p order
    "dimension": 3,  # dimension
model["parallelism"] = {"type": "spatial"}  # automatic",
model["mesh"] = {
    "Lz": 5.175,  # depth in km - always positive
    "Lx": 7.50,  # width in km - always positive
    "Ly": 7.50,  # thickness in km - always positive
    "meshfile": "meshes/overthrust_3D_true_model.msh",
Пример #16
model["BCs"] = {
    "status": True,  # True or false
    "outer_bc": "non-reflective",  #  None or non-reflective (outer boundary condition)
    "damping_type": "polynomial",  # polynomial, hyperbolic, shifted_hyperbolic
    "exponent": 2,  # damping layer has a exponent variation
    "cmax": 4.5,  # maximum acoustic wave velocity in PML - km/s
    "R": 1e-6,  # theoretical reflection coefficient
    "lz": 0.9,  # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
    "lx": 0.9,  # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
    "ly": 0.0,  # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive
model["acquisition"] = {
    "source_type": "Ricker",
    "num_sources": 40,
    "source_pos": spyro.create_transect((-0.01, 1.0), (-0.01, 15.0), 40),
    "frequency": 5.0,
    "delay": 1.0,
    "num_receivers": 500,
    "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect((-0.10, 0.1), (-0.10, 17.0), 500),
model["timeaxis"] = {
    "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
    "tf": 5.00,  # Final time for event
    "dt": 0.001,
    "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
    "nspool": 1000,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
    "fspool": 10,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM
    "skip": 4,
comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)
Пример #17
def test_correct_receiver_to_cell_location3D():
    """Tests if the receivers where located in the correct cell"""

    test_model1 = deepcopy(model3D)
    comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(test_model1)
    mesh, V = spyro.io.read_mesh(test_model1, comm)
    rec = spyro.create_transect((-0.05, 0.1, 0.5), (-0.05, 0.9, 0.5), 3)
    test_model1["acquisition"]["receiver_locations"] = rec
    test_model1["acquisition"]["num_receivers"] = 3
    receivers = spyro.Receivers(test_model1, mesh, V, comm)

    # test 1
    cell_vertex1 = receivers.cellVertices[0][0]
    cell_vertex2 = receivers.cellVertices[0][1]
    cell_vertex3 = receivers.cellVertices[0][2]
    cell_vertex4 = receivers.cellVertices[0][3]
    x = receivers.receiver_locations[0, 0]
    y = receivers.receiver_locations[0, 1]
    z = receivers.receiver_locations[0, 2]
    p = (x, y, z)

    volumeT = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3,
    volume1 = tetrahedral_volume(p, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3, cell_vertex4)
    volume2 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, p, cell_vertex3, cell_vertex4)
    volume3 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, p, cell_vertex4)
    volume4 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3, p)

    test1 = math.isclose((volume1 + volume2 + volume3 + volume4),

    # test 2
    cell_vertex1 = receivers.cellVertices[1][0]
    cell_vertex2 = receivers.cellVertices[1][1]
    cell_vertex3 = receivers.cellVertices[1][2]
    cell_vertex4 = receivers.cellVertices[1][3]
    x = receivers.receiver_locations[1, 0]
    y = receivers.receiver_locations[1, 1]
    z = receivers.receiver_locations[1, 2]
    p = (x, y, z)

    volumeT = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3,
    volume1 = tetrahedral_volume(p, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3, cell_vertex4)
    volume2 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, p, cell_vertex3, cell_vertex4)
    volume3 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, p, cell_vertex4)
    volume4 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3, p)

    test2 = math.isclose((volume1 + volume2 + volume3 + volume4),

    # test 3
    cell_vertex1 = receivers.cellVertices[2][0]
    cell_vertex2 = receivers.cellVertices[2][1]
    cell_vertex3 = receivers.cellVertices[2][2]
    cell_vertex4 = receivers.cellVertices[2][3]
    x = receivers.receiver_locations[2, 0]
    y = receivers.receiver_locations[2, 1]
    z = receivers.receiver_locations[2, 2]
    p = (x, y, z)

    volumeT = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3,
    volume1 = tetrahedral_volume(p, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3, cell_vertex4)
    volume2 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, p, cell_vertex3, cell_vertex4)
    volume3 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, p, cell_vertex4)
    volume4 = tetrahedral_volume(cell_vertex1, cell_vertex2, cell_vertex3, p)

    test3 = math.isclose((volume1 + volume2 + volume3 + volume4),

    assert all([test1, test2, test3])