await event.edit("EVERyBOdy") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("iZ") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) await event.edit("GangSTur") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await event.edit("UNtIL ") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) await event.edit("I") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("ArRivE") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("🔥🔥🔥") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await event.edit("EVERyBOdy iZ GangSTur UNtIL I ArRivE 🔥🔥🔥") MODULE_LIST.append("pro_noob") SYNTAX.update({ "pro_noob": "\ **Available commands in pro_noob**\ \n\n`.younoob`\ \n`.menoob`\ \n`.youpro`\ \n`.mepro`\ \n`.gangasta`\ " })
await borg.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply( "```Please unblock @sangmatainfo_bot and try again```") return if response.text.startswith("Forward"): await event.edit( "```can you kindly disable your forward privacy settings for good?```" ) else: if response.text.startswith("Select"): await event.edit( "`Please go to` @DrWebBot `and select your language.`") else: await event.edit( f"**Antivirus scan was completed. I got dem final results.**\n {response.message.message}" ) MODULE_LIST.append("antivirus") SYNTAX.update({ "antivirus": "\ **Requested Module --> Antivirus**\ \n\n `.scan <while replying to a file>`\ \nUsage: __Scans the replied message (file) for viruses.__\ " })
h = [(u[0], u[1], u[2]), (u[0], u[1], ''), (u[0], '', '')] for something in reversed([ y for y in ([ ''.join(x) for x in (f + (s, g, s + s * f.count(''), t), f + (g, s * 2 + s * f.count(''), t), f[:i] + (o, f[i], s * 2 + s * f.count(''), t), f[:i] + (s + s * f.count(''), o, f[i], s, t), f[:i] + (s * 2 + s * f.count(''), o, f[i], t), f[:i] + (s * 3 + s * f.count(''), o, t), f[:i] + (s * 3 + s * f.count(''), g, t)) ] for i, f in enumerate(reversed(h))) ]): for something_else in something: await asyncio.sleep(0.2) try: await message.edit(something_else) except MessageIdInvalidError: return MODULE_LIST.append("dustbin") SYNTAX.update({ "dustbin": "\ **Requested Module --> Dump into Dustbin**\ \n\n• `.bin`\ \nUsage: __Dump food into the bin.__\ " })
try: response = conv.wait_event( events.NewMessage(incoming=True, from_users=1124136160)) await event.client.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply( "```Please unblock me (@NovelCoronaBot) u N***a```") return if response.text.startswith("Country"): await event.edit( "Something Went Wrong Check [This Post](" ) else: await event.delete() await event.client.send_message(event.chat_id, response.message) MODULE_LIST.append("corona_virus") SYNTAX.update({ "corona_virus": "\ **Get current Corona Virus stats for any country**\ \n\n• `.covid <country name>`\ \n\n• `.corona <as a reply to country name>`\ \n__Usage: First send the name of the country. Then reply__ `.corona` __to the message.__\ \n\nFirst letter of the country name must be capital!!\ " })
await event.edit(reply) return page = BeautifulSoup(url.content, 'lxml') download = page.find('table').find('tr').find('a') dl_link = f"{download['href']}" dl_file = download.text size = page.find("span", {"class": "filesize"}).text date = page.find("em").text.strip() reply = f'**Latest TWRP for {device}:**\n' \ f'[{dl_file}]({dl_link}) - __{size}__\n' \ f'**Updated:** __{date}__\n' await event.edit(reply) SYNTAX.update({ "android": "\ **Requested module --> Android**\ \n\n```.magisk```\ \nUsage: Get latest Magisk releases\ \n\n```.device <codename>```\ \nUsage: Get info about android device codename or model.\ \n\n```.codename <brand> <device>```\ \nUsage: Search for android device codename.\ \n\n```.specs <brand> <device>```\ \nUsage: Get device specifications info.\ \n\n```.twrp <codename>```\ \nUsage: Get latest twrp download for android device.\ " })
# Exclusive for PhoeniX Userbot. # By @Techy05 (DON'T REMOVE THESE LINES) ## Don't modify this module from sql.global_variables_sql import SYNTAX, MODULE_LIST, SOLUTION, ERROR_LIST MODULE_LIST.append("errors") SYNTAX.update({ "errors": "\ **Getting errors/problems while using PhoeniX? Or a module isn't working?**\ \nDon't worry, Let's fix them\ \n\n• `.errors`\ \nUsage: __Shows the list of known errors in Userbots__\ \n\n• `.solution <error_name>`\ \nUsage: __Shows the solution for the requested error/problem__\ " }) ERROR_LIST.append("updater not working") SOLUTION.update({ "updater not working": "\ **So, you're having problems with updater. PhoeniX Service will fix it.**\ \n\nERROR: `Unfortunately, the directory /app does not seem to be a git repository.`\ \nSolution: __Use “.update now” and check again if it works.__\ \n__If it still doesn't work, then use “.chl” once.__\ \n\nERROR: `[UPDATER]: Looks like you are using your own custom branch (master). in that case, Updater is unable to identify which branch is to be merged. please checkout to any official branch`\ \nSolution: __Delete PhoeniX repo from your account. Refork__ [PhoeniX]( __Then Manual Deploy from Heroku to fix__\ \nIf you use custom fork, then please don't mess with branches.\ "
return await ups.edit('`Successfully Updated!\n' 'Restarting, please wait...`') else: # Classic Updater, pretty straightforward. try: ups_rem.pull(ac_br) except GitCommandError: repo.git.reset("--hard", "FETCH_HEAD") reqs_upgrade = await update_requirements() await ups.edit('`Successfully Updated!\n' 'Bot is restarting... Wait for a second!`') # Spin a new instance of bot args = [sys.executable, "-m", "userbot"] execle(sys.executable, *args, environ) return MODULE_LIST.append("PhoeniX Updater") SYNTAX.update({ "PhoeniX Updater": "\ **PhoeniX Updater**\ \n\n• `.update`\ \nUsage: __Checks for OTA update.__\ \n\n• `.update now`\ \nUsage: __Downloads and Installs the OTA update.__\ " })
return start = await event.edit("Pong!") end = ms = (end - start).microseconds / 1000 await event.edit("Pong!\n{}".format(ms)) @command(pattern="^.alive") async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return start = await event.edit("Yeah!") end = await event.edit("Yeah! 👍🏻 I'm Alive 🍻") MODULE_LIST.append("ping") SYNTAX.update({ "ping": "\ **Checks if PhoeniX is working or not!!**\ \n\n `.ping`\ \nUsage: __Ping-Pong!!__\ \n\n `.alive`\ \nUsage: __Same as .ping__\ " })
useragents = BeautifulSoup( requests.get( '' 'useragents/explore/operating_system_name/android/').content, 'lxml').findAll('td', {'class': 'useragent'}) user_agent = choice(useragents) return user_agent.text MODULE_LIST.append("direct_link") SYNTAX.update({ "direct_link": "\ **Requested Module --> Direct Link Generator**\ \n\n• `.direct <url>`\ \nUsage: __Generate direct download link from supported URL(s)__\ \n\nSupported websites:\ \nGoogle Drive\ \\ \nCloud Mail\ \nYandex.Disk\ \nAFH\ \nZippyShare\ \nMediaFire\ \nSourceForge\ \nOSDN\ \nGitHub\ " })
if len(final_output) > Config.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT: with io.BytesIO(str.encode(final_output)) as out_file: = "eval.text" await borg.send_file(event.chat_id, out_file, force_document=True, allow_cache=False, caption=cmd, reply_to=reply_to_id) await event.delete() else: await event.edit(final_output) async def aexec(code, event): exec(f'async def __aexec(event): ' + ''.join(f'\n {l}' for l in code.split('\n'))) return await locals()['__aexec'](event) MODULE_LIST.append("evaluate") SYNTAX.update({ "evaluate": "\ **Requested Module --> Evaluate Python Code**\ \n\n• `.evaluate` <python code>\ \nUsage: __Evaluates a python code for syntax errors and gives a detail of the error.__\ " })
@command(pattern="^.clearfilter (.*)") async def on_snip_delete(event): name = remove_filter(event.chat_id, name) await event.edit(f"filter {name} deleted successfully") @command(pattern="^.clearallfilters$") async def on_all_snip_delete(event): remove_all_filters(event.chat_id) await event.edit(f"filters **in current chat** deleted successfully") MODULE_LIST.append("filters") SYNTAX.update({ "filters": "\ **Requested Module --> Filters**\ \n\n• `.savefilter`\ \nUsage: __Saves a filter in the current chat__\ \n\n• `.listfilters`\ \nUsage: __Lists all the filters in the current chat.__\ \n\n• `.clearfilter`\ \nUsage: __Removes a filter in the current chat.__\ \n\n• `.clearallfilters`\ \nUsage: __Removes all the filters in the current chat.__\ " })
SYNTAX.update({ "admin": "\ **Detailed usage of Function(s) in Admin module -->**\ \n\n• `.promote <username/reply> <custom rank (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Provides admin rights to the person in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.demote <username/reply>`\ \nUsage: __Revokes the person's admin permissions in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.ban <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Bans the person off your chat.__\ \n\n• `.unban <username/reply>`\ \nUsage: __Removes the ban from the person in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.mute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Mutes the person in the chat, works on admins too.__\ \n\n• `.unmute <username/reply>`\ \nUsage: __Removes the person from the muted list.__\ \n\n• `.gmute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>`\ \nUsage: __Mutes the person in all groups you have in common with them.__\ \n\n• `.ungmute <username/reply>`\ \nUsage: __Reply someone's message with .ungmute to remove them from the gmuted list.__\ \n\n• `.kick`\ \nUsage: __Kick a particular member__\ \n\n• `.kickme`\ \nUsage: __Kicks yourself from the group__\ \n\n• `.delusers`\ \nUsage: __Searches for deleted accounts in a group. Use .delusers clean to remove deleted accounts from the group.__\ \n\n• `.admins`\ \nUsage: __Retrieves a list of admins in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.users or .users <name of member>`\ \nUsage: __Retrieves all (or queried) users in the chat.__\ \n\n• `.setgppic <reply to image>`\ \nUsage: __Changes the group's display picture.__\ " })
user_object = await event.client.get_entity(input_str) user_id = replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e elif event.is_private: try: user_id = event.chat_id replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e else: try: user_object = await event.client.get_entity(int(input_str)) user_id = replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e MODULE_LIST.append("about user") SYNTAX.update({ "about_user": "******" })
afk_since = wday.strftime('%A') elif hours > 1: afk_since = f"`{int(hours)}h{int(minutes)}m` **ago**" elif minutes > 0: afk_since = f"`{int(minutes)}m{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" else: afk_since = f"`{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" msg = None message_to_reply = f"__Master__ {BOSS} __is AFK Right Now.__ Since when, you ask? `{total_afk_time}` Exactly :P" + \ f"\n\nWhen will I be back? ~~Soon~~ __Whenever I feel like it__**( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ)**\n**REASON**: {reason}" \ if reason \ else f"**Heya!**\n__Master__ {BOSS} __is currently unavailable. Since when, you ask? For {total_afk_time} I guess.__\n\nWhen will I be back? ~~Soon~~ __Whenever I feel like it__**( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ)** " msg = await event.reply(message_to_reply) await asyncio.sleep(5) if event.chat_id in last_afk_message: # pylint:disable=E0602 await last_afk_message[event.chat_id].delete() # pylint:disable=E0602 last_afk_message[event.chat_id] = msg # pylint:disable=E0602 MODULE_LIST.append("afk") SYNTAX.update({ "afk": "\ **Requested Module --> AFK (Away from Keyboard)**\ \n\n• `afk`\ \nUsage: __You are AFK. Everyone who tag you or PM you automatically gets a reply informing that you are AFK__\ \n\n• `afk <reason>\ \nUsage: __Same as .afk but also tells the reason__\ " })
"`\"A comma is a short pause, a coma is a long pause.\"`") if x == 95: await event.edit( "`\"Someday you will either not wake up or not go to sleep.\"`") if x == 96: await event.edit( "`\"Bermuda Triangle might be the exit portal of this simulation.\"`" ) if x == 97: await event.edit( "`\"If we put solar panels above parking lots, then our cars wouldn't get hot and we would have a lot of clean energy.\"`" ) MODULE_LIST.append("logical things") SYNTAX.update({ "logical things": "\ **Let's thinks about random logic(s) with the logic module**\ \n\n• `.logic`\ \nUsage: __Brings out a random logical sentence.__\ " })
"Looking for Guilty.", "Looking for Guilty..", "Looking for Guilty...", "Getting F.I.R..", "Getting F.I.R...", "**!!Guilty Arrested!!**", "**!! Guilty Arrested !!**", "__user BANNED from TELEGRAM__", "__USER banned FROM telegram__", "__user BANNED from TELEGRAM__", f"***JUSTICE***\n\nPolice has arrested [{firstname}](tg://user?id={idd})!" ] for i in animation_ttl: await asyncio.sleep(animation_interval) await event.edit(animation_chars[i % 37]) MODULE_LIST.append("police") SYNTAX.update({ "police": "\ **Requested Module --> police**\ \n\n`.police`\ \nUsage: Call police, make an FIR. Police will arrest the guilty.\ " })
if event.fwd_from: return input_str = try: req_ascii = ascii[str(input_str)] await event.edit(req_ascii) except KeyError: await event.edit("ASCII art not found!") SYNTAX.update({ "reactions": "\ **Requested Module --> reactions**\ \n\n**Detailed usage of fuction(s):**\ \nUsage: Just some funny little animations ;)\ \n\n__List of reactions:__\ \n• `.oof`\ \n• `.sed`\ \n• `.hek`\ " }) SYNTAX.update({ "emojis": f"\ **Requested Module --> emojis**\ \n\n**Detailed usage of fuction(s):**\ \n\n• .emo `<emoji_name>`\ \nUsage: __Prints the target emoji.__\ \n\nList of included emoji(s):\ \n{unpacked_emojis}\
# await event.edit("Restarting [███]...\n`.ping` or `.alive` to check if I am alive after a lil bit.") # await asyncio.sleep(2) await event.edit( "Restarted. Use `.ping` or `.alive` to check if I am alive") await borg.disconnect() # os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) # You probably don't need it but whatever quit() @borg.on(admin_cmd("shutdown")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return await event.edit("Turning off ...Manually turn me on later") await borg.disconnect() MODULE_LIST.append("PhoeniX Tools") SYNTAX.update({ "PhoeniX Tools": "\ **Requested Module --> PhoeniX Developer Tools**\ \n\n• `.restart`\ \nUsage: __Restarts the bot. Takes 2 mins__\ \n\n• `.shutdown`\ \nUsage: __Shut downs the bot.__\ " })
os.remove(downloaded_file_name) else: message = previous_message.message else: message = "SYNTAX: `.iffuci <long text to include>`" url = "" r =, data=message.encode("UTF-8")).json() url = f"{r['key']}" end = ms = (end - start).seconds if r["isUrl"]: nurl = f"{r['key']}" await event.edit( "code is pasted to {} in {} seconds. GoTo Original URL: {}".format( url, ms, nurl)) else: await event.edit("code is pasted to {} in {} seconds".format(url, ms)) MODULE_LIST.append("iffuci") SYNTAX.update({ "iffuci": "\ **IFFUCI is website to store long codes as links.**\ \nThis is a very useful module.\ \n\n• `.iffuci <text>\ \nUsage: __Limit for the text is like infinity. This module will give you a link on which your text is stored.__\ \n\nUseful for storing large changelogs or important codes. But don't delete the link.\ " })
"Telegram HQ: `Hello This is Telegram HQ. Who is this?`\n\nmpSinGH: `Yo this is` @HawkEyesMohak", "Telegram HQ: `Oh Hello Peru Sir!! I Know You Are The Creator Of The Awesome PhoeniX Userbot. How May I Help You?`", f"Telegram HQ: `Oh Hello Peru Sir!! I Know You Are The Creator Of The Awesome PhoeniX Userbot. How May I Help You?`\n\nmpSinGH: `Hello Sir, Please Ban` {BOSS}'s `Telegram Account.`", "Telegram HQ: `May I Know What Did He Do?`", "Telegram HQ: `May I Know What Did He Do?`\n\nmpSinGH: `He tried to use the forbidden .call command and tried connecting to DarkWEB`", "Telegram HQ: `OMG!!! I'll Make Sure That Guy Account Will Get Banned From Telegram Within 24Hrs.`", "Telegram HQ: `OMG!!! I'll Make Sure That Guy Account Will Get Banned From Telegram Within 24Hrs.`\n\nmpSinGH: `Thanks, See You Later Brah.`", "Telegram HQ: `Please Don't Thank Sir. It's Our Duty To Ban These Guys. Thanks For Reporting Him`", "Telegram HQ: `Please Don't Thank Sir. It's Our Duty To Ban These Guys. Thanks For Reporting Him`\n\nmpSinGH: `Okay! See you later`", "Telegram HQ: `Sure Sur. TC Bye Bye :)`", "`Private Call Disconnected.`", f"{BOSS}'s **account will get banned in 24 Hours**", f"{BOSS}'s **account will get banned in 24 Hours**\n\n__Contact__ @HawkEyesMohak __to free up your account.__" ] for i in animation_ttl: await asyncio.sleep(animation_interval) await event.edit(animation_chars[i % 22]) MODULE_LIST.append("call") SYNTAX.update({ "call": "\ **Requested Module --> Private Call**\ \n\n• `.call`\ \nUsage: __Places a Private Call to the forbidden DarkWEB__\ " })
await smsg.delete() if BOTLOG: await destroy.client.send_message(BOTLOG_CHATID, "Self-destructed successfully") MODULE_LIST.append("purge") MODULE_LIST.append("self_destruct") SYNTAX.update({ "purge": "\ **A paragraph from Dictionary for purge module**\ \n\n• `.purge`\ \nUsage: Purges all messages starting from the reply.\ \n\n• `.purgeme <no of your messages>`\ \nUsage: Deletes specified no of your latest messages.\ \n\n• `.del`\ \nUsage: Deletes the message you replied to.\ \n\n• `.edit <newmessage>`\ \nUsage: Replace your last message with <newmessage>.\ " }) SYNTAX.update({ "self_destruct": "\ **A message that can self-destruct**\ \n\n• `.sd <time> <message>`\ \n\n__Usage: Creates a message that selfdestructs in specified seconds.__\ \nMaximum time: 100.\ "
return else: await message.edit(NO_HEROKU_APP_CFGD) else: await message.edit("No heroku api key found in `HEROKU_API_KEY` var") def generate_change_log(git_repo, diff_marker): out_put_str = "" d_form = "%d/%m/%y" for repo_change in git_repo.iter_commits(diff_marker): out_put_str += f"•[{repo_change.committed_datetime.strftime(d_form)}]: {repo_change.summary} <{}>\n" return out_put_str async def deploy_start(tgbot, message, refspec, remote): await message.edit(RESTARTING_APP) await message.edit("Updating and Deploying [X-tra-Telegram]( Master branch. This usually takes 5 minutes.\n\nIf bot doesn't work, then check [LOGS](") await remote.push(refspec=refspec) await tgbot.disconnect() os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) MODULE_LIST.append("PhoeniX Updater") SYNTAX.update({ "PhoeniX Updater": "\ **PhoeniX Updater**\ \n\n• `.update`\ \nUsage: __Downloads and Installs the OTA update.__\ " })
"`Hacking.. 35%\n█████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`Hacking... 43%\n███████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`modifying INFORMATION... 52%\n█████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`MODIFYING information... 58%\n███████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`modifying INFORMATION... 69%\n█████████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ `", "`Adding Modules... 84%\n█████████████████████▒▒▒▒ `", "`Adding Finishing Touches... 98%\n████████████████████████▒`", "`HACKED... 100%\n█████████████████████████ `", "`Your Telegram Account Hacked Successfully...`\n__Your userbot will now start spamming everywhere...__\n\n**Pay 25$ To** @TechyNewbie **Or delete and re-deploy your userbot to remove this hack.**" ] for i in animation_ttl: await asyncio.sleep(animation_interval) await event.edit(animation_chars[i % 21]) MODULE_LIST.append("hack") SYNTAX.update({ "hack": "\ **Special Prank module for Hacking**\ \n\n• ```.hack``` (as a reply to message)\ \nUsage: __Hacks the Telegram account of the targeted user.__\ \n\n• ```.gmailhack``` (as a reply to message)\ \nUsage: __Hacks the Google account of the targeted user.__\ " })
await v_url.delete() elif video: await v_url.edit(f"`Preparing to upload video:`\ \n**{ytdl_data['title']}**\ \nby *{ytdl_data['uploader']}*") await v_url.client.send_file( v_url.chat_id, f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4", supports_streaming=True, caption=ytdl_data['title'], progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop( ).create_task( progress(d, t, v_url, c_time, "Uploading..", f"{ytdl_data['title']}.mp4"))) os.remove(f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4") await v_url.delete() MODULE_LIST.append("youtube_dl") SYNTAX.update({ "youtube_dl": "\ **Requested Module --> YouTube Downloader**\ \n\n`.ytv <link>`\ \nUsage: Downloads YouTube video (with audio)\ \n\n`.yta <link>`\ \nUsage: Downloads audio only\ " })
color_name = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '/html/body/div[1]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div/span[2]/input' ).get_attribute('value') await e.edit("`Done...\n100%`") file = './carbon.png' await e.edit("`Uploading..`") await e.client.send_file( e.chat_id, file, caption= "<< `Here's your carbon!` \n **Carbonised by** @PhoeniX_UserBOT.>>\n**Colour Scheme: **`{}`" .format(color_name), force_document=True, reply_to=e.message.reply_to_msg_id, ) os.remove('./Anubis.png') driver.quit() # Removing carbon.png after uploading await e.delete() # Deleting msg MODULE_LIST.append("carbon") SYNTAX.update({ "carbon": "\ **Requested Module --> Carbon**\ ヾ• `.carbon <text>`\ \nUsage: __Carbonises text into a picture. Check it out__\ " })
await event.edit(f"```Looking for latest OTA for {model}...```") async with borg.conversation(bot) as bot_conv: if True: response = await silently_send_message(bot_conv, "/start") if not response.text.startswith("Hey!"): await event.edit(f"{response.text}") return response = await silently_send_message(bot_conv, f"/GetLatestOTA {model}") if response.text.startswith("There"): await event.edit(f"{response.text}") return await event.edit(response.text) async def silently_send_message(conv, text): await conv.send_message(text) response = await conv.get_response() await conv.mark_read(message=response) return response SYNTAX.update({ "rmota": "\ **Requested Module --> rmota**\ \n\n**Detailed usage of fuction(s):**\ \n\n• ```.rmota <device_model>```\ \nUsage: __Returns latest update info for specified device.__\nUses @Realme_3ProBot to get update information.\ " })