Пример #1
def save_sample_plant(sample_id, plant_id, date):
    if add_plant(plant_id): progress('Plant %d added' % plant_id)

    if not sql.exists('samples', sample_id):
        sample = {
            'id': sample_id,
            'created': date,
        if sql.insert('samples', sample):
            progress('Sample %d added' % sample['id'])
            sample_plants = {
                'sample_id': sample_id,
                'plant_id': plant_id
            if sql.insert('sample_plants', sample_plants):
                progress('Sample_plants (%d, %d) added' % (sample_id, plant_id))
        # check if there is already a link between sample and plant
        samples = sql.fetch_all('sample_plants', { 'sample_id': sample_id, 'plant_id': plant_id })
        if samples:
            for sample in samples:
                if sample['plant_id'] == 1:
                    if sql.update('sample_plants', { 'sample_id': sample_id }, { 'plant_id': plant_id }):
                        progress('Updated %d sample plant_id from %d to %d' % (sql.lastrowid(), 1, plant_id))
            sample_plants = {
                'sample_id': sample_id,
                'plant_id': plant_id
            if sql.insert('sample_plants', sample_plants):
                progress('Sample_plants (%d, %d) added' % (sample_id, plant_id))
Пример #2
def add_plant(plant_id):
    if not sql.exists('plants', plant_id):
        plant = ora_sql.get_plant_information(plant_id)

        if plant == None: # fcuk! not found in LIMS, add a dummy :/
            plant = { 'id': plant_id, 'culture_id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID, 'subspecies_id': DUMMY_SUBSPECIES_ID } # culture_id 1 is the dummy culture
            # prepare the plant
            plant = dict( (k.lower(), v) for k,v in plant.iteritems() )
            plant['subspecies_id'] = plant['u_subspecies_id']
            plant['lineid'] = plant['line_id']
            plant['id'] = plant['aliquot_id']
            plant['culture_id'] = plant['u_culture']

        # add the culture if not exists
        if plant != None:
            if not sql.exists('cultures', plant['culture_id']):
                culture = ora_sql.get_culture_information(plant['culture_id'])
                if culture: # prepare the culture
                    culture = dict( (k.lower(), v) for k,v in culture.iteritems() )
                    culture['experiment_id'] = 1
                    culture['id'] = culture['study_id']
                else: # prepare dummy
                    culture = { 'id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID, 'name': 'placeholder' }
                if sql.insert('cultures', culture): progress('Culture %d added' % culture['id'])

            # add the subspecies if not exists
            if plant['subspecies_id'] == None:
                plant['subspecies_id'] = DUMMY_SUBSPECIES_ID
            if not sql.exists('subspecies', plant['subspecies_id']):
                subspecies = { 'species_id': SPECIES_ID, 'id': plant['subspecies_id'] }
                if sql.insert('subspecies', subspecies): progress('Subspecies %d added' % subspecies['id'])

        return sql.insert('plants', plant)
Пример #3
def f():
    q = sql.get_f('s.id', 'store s', ['p.id = s.id_product', 's.quantity > 0'])
    q = sql.get_f('p.id', 'product p', sql.exists(q))
    q = sql.order(q, 'p.id')
    pids = db.fetchvals(q)
    idmax = len(pids) - 1
    idl = map(lambda x: str(pids[random.randint(0, idmax)]), xrange(10))
    idl = ",".join(idl)
    site.config.set("RANDOM_PRODUCTS", idl)
    site.config.set("STATIC_PRODUCT", pids[0])
Пример #4
def f():
    f = ['ps.id_product = p.id', 'pr.id_prop = ps.id_prop1', 'pr.name = "ETA"']
    q = sql.get_f('pr.val1', ['prop_set ps', 'param pr'], f)
    q = '(%s)' % sql.limit(q, 0, 1)
    q = sql.update('eta', 'product p') % q

    f = ['s.id_product = p.id', 'pr.id_prop = s.id_store', 'pr.name = "ETA"']
    q = sql.get_f('pr.val1', ['store s', 'param pr'], f)
    q = sql.order(q, 'pr.val1')
    q = '(%s)' % sql.limit(q, 0, 1)
    fu = sql.get_f('id', 'store s', 's.id_product = p.id')
    fu = sql.exists(fu)
    q = sql.update('eta', 'product p', filter = fu) % q
Пример #5
 def sqlpids(self, pview, ppair, adfilter = [], usemem = False):
     f = self.sqlppair(ppair)
     f += ["ps.id_product = p.id"]
     f += ["ps.pview = '%s'" % pview] + adfilter
     if self.request('show_store'):
         fstore = sql.get_f('s.id', 'store s', ['s.id_product = p.id', 's.quantity > 0'])
         fstore = sql.exists(fstore)
         f += [fstore]
     if usemem:
         tpropset = const.MEM_SEARCH + ' ps'
         tpropset = self.tpropset
     field = 'ps.id_product'
     if not self.cat.isfiche:
         field = 'DISTINCT ' + field
     q = sql.get_f([field], tpropset + ', ' + self.tproduct, f) 
     return q
Пример #6
def main(argv):
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
    argparser.add_argument('files', nargs='+')
    args = argparser.parse_args(argv)

    for fn in args.files:
        if isdir(fn): continue

        # read in file
        print 'opening %s' % fn
        f = open(fn, 'r')

        lines_raw = f.readlines()
        raw_id = None
        if sql.insert('raws', { 'data': ''.join(lines_raw), 'filename': basename(fn) }):
            raw_id = sql.lastrowid()
            progress("Added %d to raws" % raw_id)

        # preprocess
        lines = []
            line_nr = 0
            for line in lines_raw:
                line_nr += 1
                line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
                line = re.split(r'\t|;', line)
                line = preprocess_line(line)
            print "%d: %s" % (line_nr, line)

        # add a dummy plant/culture/subspecies, just in case samples can't be connected just yet.
        if not sql.exists('cultures', 1): sql.insert('cultures', {'id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID, 'name': 'placeholder' })
        if not sql.exists('plants'  , 1): sql.insert('plants'  , {'id': DUMMY_PLANT_ID, 'name': 'placeholder', 'culture_id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID })
        if not sql.exists('subspecies'  , 1): sql.insert('subspecies'  , {'id': DUMMY_SUBSPECIES_ID, 'species_id': SPECIES_ID })

        # some lines need to be sent back to LIMS, this is where we store them
        lims_lines = []

        # save!
        line_nr = 0
            for line in lines:
                line_nr += 1
                program_id = get_program_id(line)
                if is_sample_plant(line):
                    line[8] = int(line[8]) # plant_id is still str
                    #save_sample_plant(sample_id=line[7], plant_id=line[8], date=date) # skipped because made redundant when preloading all samples/plants

                    lims_lines.append("\t".join([ str(item) for item in line ]))
                #elif program_id == 1 and is_freshweight_between(line):
                #    lims_lines.append("\t".join([ str(item) for item in line ]))
                    phenotype = format_line(line) # create a readable program

                    # add the actual phenotype
                    phenotype_id = None
                    if sql.insert('phenotypes', {
                        'version': phenotype['version'],
                        'object' : phenotype['object'],
                        'program_id': phenotype['program_id'],
                        'date': phenotype['date'],
                        'time': phenotype['time'],
                        'entity_id': phenotype['entity_id'],
                        'value_id': phenotype['value_id'],
                        'number': phenotype['number']
                        phenotype_id = sql.lastrowid()
                        progress('Added %d to phenotype' % phenotype_id)

                    # if plant, add it to plants, otherwise to samples
                    if ora_sql.is_plant(phenotype['sample_id']) or ora_sql.was_plant(phenotype['sample_id']):
                        sql.insert('phenotype_plants', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'plant_id': phenotype['sample_id'] })
                    elif ora_sql.is_sample(phenotype['sample_id']):
                        sql.insert('phenotype_samples', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'sample_id': phenotype['sample_id'] })
                    elif ora_sql.is_aliquot(phenotype['sample_id']):
                        sql.insert('phenotype_aliquots', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'aliquot_id': phenotype['sample_id'] })
                        print "%s NOT found!!" % phenotype['sample_id']

                    sql.insert('phenotype_raws'   , { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'raw_id': raw_id, 'line_nr': line_nr })
                    if program_id > 1:
                        sql.insert('phenotype_bbches', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'bbch_id': phenotype['bbch_id']})
            progress("%d: %s" % (line_nr, line))
        # save the current saved lines for LIMS
        write_lims_lines(lims_lines, fn)

Пример #7
 def __sqlstore(self):
     fstore = sql.get_f('s.id', 'store s', ['s.id_product = p.id', 's.quantity > 0'])
     fstore = sql.exists(fstore)
     return fstore
Пример #8
# Loop inside all the data from Ottawa
c.execute(sql.search(provider, city))

for row in c.fetchall():
    location = row['location']
    lng = row['lng']
    lat = row['lat']

    # Provider
    if bool(location and lng and lat):
        # Remove white spaces in location name
        location = location.strip()

        # Check if location already exists in Geocoder DB
        c.execute(sql.exists(), (provider, location))
        if not c.fetchone():
            # Select your provider for geocoding
            if provider == 'Bing':
                g = geocoder.bing(location)
            elif provider == 'Google':
                g = geocoder.google(location)

            # Geocode must be correct
            if g.ok:
                # Calculate Distance
                c.execute(sql.distance(lat, lng, g.lat, g.lng))
                distance = c.fetchone()['distance']

                # Insert Into Rows
                fieldnames = [
Пример #9
# Loop inside all the data from Ottawa
c.execute(sql.search(provider, city))

for row in c.fetchall():
    location = row['location']
    lng = row['lng']
    lat = row['lat']

    # Provider
    if bool(location and lng and lat):
        # Remove white spaces in location name
        location = location.strip()

        # Check if location already exists in Geocoder DB
            (provider, location))
        if not c.fetchone():
            # Select your provider for geocoding
            if provider == 'Bing':
                g = geocoder.bing(location)
            elif provider == 'Google':
                g = geocoder.google(location)

            # Geocode must be correct
            if g.ok:
                # Calculate Distance
                c.execute(sql.distance(lat, lng, g.lat, g.lng))
                distance = c.fetchone()['distance']

                # Insert Into Rows
Пример #10
    def parsefilter(self, ftext):
        """Метод, преобразовывающий метаописание в набор SQL-фильтров

	Функция преобразует созданный по определенным правилам текстовый шаблон
	в фильтр SQL-запроса (where), который обнулит наличие некоторых товаров
	на складе. Используется для удобного описания правил в заголовках Excel
	и Google Doc таблиц, по которым обновляется наличие товаров

        # список строк SQL-фильтра для отбора товаров
        # K - компоненты (свойства), характеризующие товар. 
        # Таких свойств может быть до 7 на каждое представление (View) товара.
        # Например, товар относится к категории "звезды" (k1=zvezdi),
        # и характеризуется некоторыми свойствами k2-k7 - цвет, размер и т.п.
        # Один товар может иметь несколько представлений, т.е. обладать разным
        # набором свойств K
        kfilter = []

        # список строк SQL-фильтра для отбора складов товаров
        sfilter = []

        cat = False
        ftext = real_translit(ftext.lower())

        # Объект <группа складов> - получается из базы вызовом
        # функции Get Property Group By Translit - 
        # получить группу свойств по коду свойства
        whgroup = db.fetchval('SELECT getpgbytr("stores")')

        for val in re.split(r'\,\s*', ftext):
            # Если в метаописании найдена инструкция по компонентному фильтру,
            # накладываемому для ограничения выборки товаров - расшифровать эту
            # инструкцию, и привести ее к виду строк SQL-фильтра
            if re.match(r'k\d=', val):
                propindex = toint(val[1:2])
                if propindex == 1:
                    cat = True
                propname = val[3:]
                propt    = real_translit(propname)
                prop = db.fetchobject('prop', propt, 'translit')
                if prop:
                    log("FILTER [K%d], ID %d = %s" % 
                        (propindex, prop.id, translit(propname)))
                    raise Exception("Property %s not found" % translit(propname))
                kfilter.append('ps.id_prop%d = %s' % (propindex, prop.id))

            # Если в метаописании найдена инструкция по очистке единиц хранения
            # товара перед загрузкой новых товаров - добавить ее в фильтр,
            # ограничивающий выбор товаров
            elif re.match(r'clear=', val):
                slist = []
                for store in re.split(r';\s*', val[6:]):
                    slist.append('translit RLIKE "%s"' % store)
                f = [sql.f_or(slist), 'id_group = %s' % whgroup]
                q = sql.get_f('id', 'prop', f)
                sfilter = db.fetchvals(q)

            # Если в метаописании найдена инструкция склада по умолчанию,
            # то установить склад по умолчанию
            elif re.match(r'default=', val):
                t = real_translit(val[8:])
                self.whdef = db.fetchobject('prop', t, 'translit')

        # Ограничить список товаров их главным представлением
        kfilter.append('ps.pview = "%s"' % gvar.view.pview)
        if not cat:
            kfilter.append('ps.id_prop1 = %s' % gvar.cat.id)

        # Список строк итогового SQL-фильтра
        f = []

        # Если есть ограничение по складам товаров - добавить его
        if sfilter:
            f.append(sql.fin('s.id_store', sfilter))

        # Если есть ограничение по компонентному фильтру - добавить его
        if kfilter:
            q = sql.get_f('ps.id', 'prop_set ps', 
                kfilter + ['ps.id_product = s.id_product'])
            self.kfilter = kfilter

        return f