def get_previsions(cls, session, end_date=None): """ Retrieve future validated requests per user """ # Searching for requests with an timeframe # [NOW()] ---------- ([end_date])? # exemples: # <f --r1---- t> # <f --r2-- t> # <f ------r3-------- t> # <f ----------- r4 -------------------- t> # => Matching period are periods ending after NOW() # and if an end_date is specified periods starting before it: if end_date: future_requests = session.query(cls.user_id,func.sum(cls.days)).\ filter(cls.date_to >= func.current_timestamp(), cls.date_from < end_date, cls.vacation_type_id == 1, cls.status == 'APPROVED_ADMIN').\ group_by(cls.user_id).\ order_by(cls.user_id); else: future_requests = session.query(cls.user_id,func.sum(cls.days)).\ filter(cls.date_to >= func.current_timestamp(), cls.vacation_type_id == 1, cls.status == 'APPROVED_ADMIN').\ group_by(cls.user_id).\ order_by(cls.user_id); ret = {} for user_id, total in future_requests: ret[user_id] = total return ret
def test_three(self): t = self.tables.t actual_ts = testing.db.scalar(func.current_timestamp()) - datetime.timedelta(days=5) self._test( func.current_timestamp() - datetime.timedelta(days=5), {"hour": actual_ts.hour, "year": actual_ts.year, "month": actual_ts.month}, )
def add_ralert_to_to_database(session): for adven in ralert_to_add: print("Adventure Name: \'%s\', Type: \'%d\'" % (adven[0], adven[1])) new_alert = RescueAlert(adven[0],adven[1], func.current_timestamp(), func.current_timestamp()) user = session.query(User).filter_by(email=adven[2]).first() user.rescue_alerts.append(new_alert) session.add(user) session.commit()
def test_twelve(self): t = self.tables.t actual_ts = testing.db.scalar(func.current_timestamp()).replace(tzinfo=None) - datetime.datetime( 2012, 5, 10, 12, 15, 25 ) self._test( func.current_timestamp() - func.coalesce(t.c.dtme, func.current_timestamp()), {"day": actual_ts.days} )
def valid_login(u_account): """Check if current login pass is acceptable. User can login by name, mobile or email. Returns a dict {id, name, privilege} if valid.""" query_str = '' if u_account['name']: query_str = 'name="' + u_account['name'] + '"' elif u_account['mobile']: query_str = 'mobile="' + u_account['mobile'] + '"' elif u_account['email']: query_str = 'email="' + u_account['email'] + '"' if not query_str or not u_account['pwd']: #Error user info, return 1 is safe return '无效的用户名和密码格式' query_str += ' and passwd="' + u_account['pwd'] + '"' session = open_session() try: u = session.query(User).filter(query_str).first() if u == None: return '用户名或密码错误。' u.lastactive = func.current_timestamp() session.merge(u) session.commit() return {'id':, 'name':, 'privilege': u.privilege} except Exception, ex: print ex return '出错了,请重试。'
def get_dag_duration_info(): '''get duration of currently running DagRuns :return dag_info ''' driver = Session.bind.driver durations = { 'pysqlite': func.sum( (func.julianday(func.current_timestamp()) - func.julianday(DagRun.start_date)) * 86400.0 ), 'mysqldb': func.sum(func.timestampdiff(text('second'), DagRun.start_date,, 'default': func.sum( - DagRun.start_date) } duration = durations.get(driver, durations['default']) with session_scope(Session) as session: return session.query( DagRun.dag_id, DagRun.run_id, duration.label('duration') ).group_by( DagRun.dag_id, DagRun.run_id ).filter( DagRun.state == State.RUNNING ).all()
def register_changes(self, memento_changes): """Create rows in the memento table :param memento_changes: an iterator over `memento_change` tuples that need to be stored in the memento table. """ rows = list() authentication_id = self._get_authentication_id() for m in memento_changes: if len(m.primary_key) == 1: rows.append( { "model": m.model, "primary_key": m.primary_key[0], "previous_attributes": m.previous_attributes, "memento_type": self.memento_id_by_type.get(m.memento_type, None), "authentication_id": authentication_id, } ) if len(rows): table = self._get_memento_table() clause = table.insert(creation_date=func.current_timestamp()) try: clause.execute(rows) except exc.DatabaseError, e: LOGGER.error("Programming Error, could not flush history", exc_info=e)
def test_compile(self): for dialect in all_dialects(exclude=("sybase",)): bindtemplate = BIND_TEMPLATES[dialect.paramstyle] self.assert_compile( func.current_timestamp(), "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", dialect=dialect ) self.assert_compile(func.localtime(), "LOCALTIME", dialect=dialect) if in ("firebird",): self.assert_compile( func.nosuchfunction(), "nosuchfunction", dialect=dialect ) else: self.assert_compile( func.nosuchfunction(), "nosuchfunction()", dialect=dialect ) # test generic function compile class fake_func(GenericFunction): __return_type__ = sqltypes.Integer def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): GenericFunction.__init__(self, arg, **kwargs) self.assert_compile( fake_func("foo"), "fake_func(%s)" % bindtemplate % {"name": "fake_func_1", "position": 1}, dialect=dialect, ) functions._registry['_default'].pop('fake_func')
def test_compile(self): for dialect in all_dialects(exclude=('sybase', )): bindtemplate = BIND_TEMPLATES[dialect.paramstyle] self.assert_compile(func.current_timestamp(), "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", dialect=dialect) self.assert_compile(func.localtime(), "LOCALTIME", dialect=dialect) if in ('firebird',): self.assert_compile(func.nosuchfunction(), "nosuchfunction", dialect=dialect) else: self.assert_compile(func.nosuchfunction(), "nosuchfunction()", dialect=dialect) # test generic function compile class fake_func(GenericFunction): __return_type__ = sqltypes.Integer def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): GenericFunction.__init__(self, arg, **kwargs) self.assert_compile( fake_func('foo'), "fake_func(%s)" % bindtemplate % {'name': 'fake_func_1', 'position': 1}, dialect=dialect)
def get_last_applied_membership_fee(): """ Get the last applied membership fee. :rtype: MembershipFee """ return MembershipFee.q.filter( MembershipFee.ends_on <= func.current_timestamp()) \ .order_by(MembershipFee.ends_on.desc()).first()
def disable(self, ends_at=None): if ends_at is None: ends_at = object_session(self).query(func.current_timestamp()).scalar() if self.begins_at is not None and self.begins_at > ends_at: self.ends_at = self.begins_at else: self.ends_at = ends_at
def end_website_run(self, website_run_id): upd = ( self.website_run.update(). where( self.website_run.c.website_run_id == website_run_id ). values( end_time=func.current_timestamp() ) ) result = self.conn.execute(upd)
def test_constructor(self): try: func.current_timestamp('somearg') assert False except TypeError: assert True try: func.char_length('a', 'b') assert False except TypeError: assert True try: func.char_length() assert False except TypeError: assert True
def test_rename_column_serv_compiled_default(self): context = op_fixture('mysql') op.alter_column('t1', 'c1', new_column_name="c2", existing_type=Integer, existing_server_default=func.utc_thing(func.current_timestamp())) # this is not a valid MySQL default but the point is to just # test SQL expression rendering context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE c1 c2 INTEGER NULL DEFAULT utc_thing(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)" )
def upgrade(): print "... Create TABLE hebergement_video" op.create_table( 'hebergement_video', Column('heb_vid_pk', Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True, nullable=False), Column('heb_vid_url', String()), Column('heb_vid_date', Date(), default=func.current_timestamp()), Column('heb_vid_heb_fk', Integer, ForeignKey('hebergement.heb_pk')) )
def play_with_time(session, name): user = session.query(User).filter_by(email='*****@*****.**').first() new_alert = RescueAlert(name, AdventureType.SnowBoarding.value, func.current_timestamp(), get_time_plus_minutes(30)) #func.current_timestamp().op('AT TIME ZONE')('UTC')) #func.current_timestamp()) user.rescue_alerts.append(new_alert) session.add(user) session.commit()
def test_no_paren_fns(self): for fn, expected in [ (func.uid(), "uid"), (func.UID(), "UID"), (func.sysdate(), "sysdate"), (func.row_number(), "row_number()"), (func.rank(), "rank()"), (, "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), (func.current_timestamp(), "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), (func.user(), "USER"), ]: self.assert_compile(fn, expected)
def active(self, when=None): """ Tests if the membership overlaps with a given interval. If no interval is given, it tests if the membership is active right now. :param Interval when: interval in which the membership :rtype: bool """ if when is None: now = object_session(self).query(func.current_timestamp()).scalar() when = single(now) return when.overlaps(closed(self.begins_at, self.ends_at))
def create_table(self): Table( OPLOG_TABLENAME, MetaData(bind = self.engine), Column('id', Integer, autoincrement=True, nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column('time', TIMESTAMP, default=func.current_timestamp(), nullable=False, index=True), Column('user', VARCHAR(32), nullable=False, index=True), Column('action', Text, nullable=False), Column('args', Text, nullable=True), Column('others', Text, nullable=True), mysql_engine = 'InnoDB', mysql_charset = 'utf8', ).create(checkfirst = True)
def _baseline_5_aggregates(self): Animal = self.metadata.tables["Animal"] Zoo = self.metadata.tables["Zoo"] # TODO: convert to ORM engine = self.metadata.bind for x in range(ITERATIONS): # views view = engine.execute(select([Animal.c.Legs])).fetchall() legs = sorted([x[0] for x in view]) expected = { "Leopard": 73.5, "Slug": 0.75, "Tiger": None, "Lion": None, "Bear": None, "Ostrich": 103.2, "Centipede": None, "Emperor Penguin": None, "Adelie Penguin": None, "Millipede": None, "Ape": None, "Tick": None, } for species, lifespan in engine.execute( select([Animal.c.Species, Animal.c.Lifespan]) ).fetchall(): assert lifespan == expected[species] expected = ["Montr\xe9al Biod\xf4me", "Wild Animal Park"] e = select( [Zoo.c.Name], and_( Zoo.c.Founded != None, # noqa Zoo.c.Founded <= func.current_timestamp(), Zoo.c.Founded >=, 1, 1), ), ) values = [val[0] for val in engine.execute(e).fetchall()] assert set(values) == set(expected) # distinct legs = [ x[0] for x in engine.execute( select([Animal.c.Legs], distinct=True) ).fetchall() ] legs.sort()
def test_rename_column_serv_compiled_default(self): context = op_fixture("mysql") op.alter_column( "t1", "c1", existing_type=Integer, server_default=func.utc_thing(func.current_timestamp()), ) # this is not a valid MySQL default but the point is to just # test SQL expression rendering context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 ALTER COLUMN c1 " "SET DEFAULT utc_thing(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)" )
def _baseline_5_aggregates(self): Animal = self.metadata.tables['Animal'] Zoo = self.metadata.tables['Zoo'] # TODO: convert to ORM engine = self.metadata.bind for x in range(ITERATIONS): # views view = engine.execute(select([Animal.c.Legs])).fetchall() legs = sorted([x[0] for x in view]) expected = { 'Leopard': 73.5, 'Slug': .75, 'Tiger': None, 'Lion': None, 'Bear': None, 'Ostrich': 103.2, 'Centipede': None, 'Emperor Penguin': None, 'Adelie Penguin': None, 'Millipede': None, 'Ape': None, 'Tick': None, } for species, lifespan in engine.execute( select([Animal.c.Species, Animal.c.Lifespan])).fetchall(): assert lifespan == expected[species] expected = ['Montr\xe9al Biod\xf4me', 'Wild Animal Park'] e = select([Zoo.c.Name], and_(Zoo.c.Founded != None, Zoo.c.Founded <= func.current_timestamp(), Zoo.c.Founded >=, 1, 1))) values = [val[0] for val in engine.execute(e).fetchall()] assert set(values) == set(expected) # distinct legs = [ x[0] for x in engine.execute( select([Animal.c.Legs], distinct=True)).fetchall()] legs.sort()
def add_host_deployment(dep_id, host_id, user, status, package_id): """Add host deployment for a given host and deployment""" host_dep = HostDeployment( deployment_id=dep_id, host_id=host_id, user=user, status=status, realized=func.current_timestamp(), package_id=package_id, ) # Commit to DB immediately Session.add(host_dep) Session.commit() return host_dep
def add_user(name, pwd, mobile='', email='', bindto=None, privilege=0): """Add a new user with name, password, mobile, email. Once created successfully, return the user id, name and privilege.""" session = open_session() try: #If existed, it will raise error user = User(name=name, passwd=pwd, mobile=mobile, email=email, lastactive=func.current_timestamp(), bindto=bindto, privilege=privilege) session.add(user) session.flush() #Add an account to this user a = Acct( session.add(a) session.commit() return {'id', 'name', 'privilege':user.privilege} except Exception, ex: session.rollback() print ex return False
def add_deployment(user): """Add deployment for a given package ID""" dep = Deployment( user=user, # THIS NEEDS TO BE REMOVED ONCE THE NEW DEPLOY CODE # IS IN PLACE - KEL 20150827 status='complete', declared=func.current_timestamp() ) # Commit to DB immediately Session.add(dep) Session.commit() Session.flush() # Needed to get DeploymentID generated return dep
def add_dataset_meta(name, file_name='', human_name='', description='', val_attr='', count_q=False, area_q=False, dist_q=False, temp_q=False, weighted_q=False, access_q=False, voronoi=False, duration='interval', demo=False): """ Add infotmation about a dataset in the meta table """ if human_name == '': human_name = name meta_table = Table('sf_meta', Base.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine, extend_existing=True) row = {'table_name': name, 'file_name': file_name, 'human_name': human_name,'description': description, 'last_update': func.current_timestamp(), 'val_attr': val_attr, 'count_q': count_q, 'area_q': area_q, 'dist_q': dist_q, 'temp_q': temp_q, 'weighted_q': weighted_q, 'access_q': access_q, 'voronoi': voronoi, 'duration': duration, 'demo': demo} ins = meta_table.insert(row) conn = engine.contextual_connect() conn.execute(ins) return 'Meta information for {0} inserted.'.format(name)
def search_location(self, loc): shops = self.fb_bot.search_restaurant(, loc.lon) loc.found = len(shops) updated = 0 for shop in shops: updated += self._save_fb_shop(shop.get('id'), loc) "Track_id: {track_id} Found: {found} Updated: {updated}".format( track_id=loc.id_, found=loc.found, updated=updated)) loc.update_ts = func.current_timestamp() try: self.session.commit() except exc.SQLAlchemyError as err: self.session.rollback() logger.error(err) return updated
def _fetch_rating(self, fb_shop): info = self.fb_bot.fetch(fb_shop.fbid) if not info: logger.error( "fbid: %s FB API GraphMethodException" % fb_shop.fbid) return 0 fb_shop.update_ts = func.current_timestamp() fb_shop.likes = info.get('likes', 0) fb_shop.checkins = info.get('checkins', 0) fb_shop.talking = info.get('talking_about_count', 0) try: self.session.commit() status = 1 except exc.SQLAlchemyError as err: self.session.rollback() logger.error(err) status = 0 return status
def _update_by_type(session, table_type, info): """Update a record. Return if succeeded.""" record = session.query(tables[table_type]).get(int(info['id'])) if record == None: #'**Record from ' + table_type + ' by ' + str(key) + ' not found' return False count = 0 for item, value in info.items(): if hasattr(record, item): setattr(record, item, value) count += 1 print '**Record from ' + table_type + ' by ' + str(key) + ' updated' if count: if table_type == 'user': setattr(record, 'lastactive', func.current_timestamp()) session.merge(record) return True else: return False
def add_package_definition(deploy_type, validation_type, name, path, arch, build_type, build_host): """Add base definition for a package""" pkg_def = PackageDefinition( deploy_type=deploy_type, validation_type=validation_type, pkg_name=name, path=path, arch=arch, build_type=build_type, build_host=build_host, created=func.current_timestamp() ) Session.add(pkg_def) Session.flush() # Needed to get pkg_ef_id generated return pkg_def
def test_ansi_functions_with_args(self): ct = func.current_timestamp("somearg") self.assert_compile(ct, "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(:current_timestamp_1)")
class Vulnerability(MainBase): # __fulltext_columns__ = ('comment',) __tablename__ = "vulnerability" comment = Column(Text, nullable=False) date_created = Column(DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(), index=True) exploit_exists = Column(Boolean, default=False) # N.B. Don't use a ForeignKey constraint on NVD here as the nvd data might be # updated dynamically (e.g. row deleted and then added by go-cve-dictionary). cve_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True, unique=True) creator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=True) creator = relationship(User) resource_links = relationship( VulnerabilityResources, backref="vulnerability", cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True, ) commits = relationship( VulnerabilityGitCommits, backref="vulnerability", cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True, lazy="joined", ) nvd = relationship( "Nvd", backref="vulns", primaryjoin="remote(Nvd.cve_id) == foreign(Vulnerability.cve_id)", ) _has_annotations = None def set_has_annotations(self, status=True): self._has_annotations = status @hybrid_property def has_annotations(self): if self._has_annotations is not None: return self._has_annotations if self.commits: for c in self.commits: if c.comments: self._has_annotations = True return True return False @has_annotations.expression def has_annotations(self): return self.commits.any(VulnerabilityGitCommits.comments.any()) @property def master_commit(self): # TODO: refactor assumption that the first commit is the "master" one! if self.commits: return self.commits[0] return None def __repr__(self): return f"Vulnerability Info({vars(self)})" @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, id): return cls.query.filter_by( id=id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first() @classmethod def get_by_cve_id(cls, cve_id): return (cls.query.filter_by( cve_id=cve_id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first()) @classmethod def get_by_commit_hash(cls, commit_hash): return (cls.query.join( Vulnerability.commits, aliased=True).filter_by(commit_hash=commit_hash).options( default_vuln_view_options).first()) def to_json(self): """Prepare object for Json serialisation.""" products = [{ 'vendor': v, 'product': p } for v, p in self.nvd.get_products()] cwes = [{'id': c.cwe_id, 'name': c.cwe_name} for c in self.nvd.cwes] return { 'is_processed': True, 'comment': self.comment, 'cve_id': self.cve_id, 'exploit_exists': self.exploit_exists, 'has_annotations': self.has_annotations, 'master_commit': self.master_commit.to_json(), 'products': products, 'langs': self.nvd.get_languages(), 'description': self.nvd.description, 'cwes': cwes, 'score': self.nvd.score, 'references': [ for l in self.nvd.references] } def to_json_full(self): """Serialize object properties as dict.""" ressources = [ r.to_json() for r in self.resource_links if self.resource_links is not None ] commits = [ c.to_json() for c in self.commits if self.commits is not None ] return { 'is_processed': True, 'date_created': self.date_created, 'date_modified': self.date_modified, 'comment': self.comment, 'exploit_exists': self.exploit_exists, 'cve_id': self.cve_id, 'creator': self.creator.to_json() if self.creator is not None else None, 'resource_links': ressources, 'commits': commits, 'nvd': self.nvd._to_json_full() if self.nvd is not None else None, 'has_annotations': self.has_annotations }
class Base(object): __abstract__ = True date_created = Column('date_created', DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(), nullable=False) date_modified = Column('date_modified', DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=func.current_timestamp(), nullable=False)
class Vulnerability(MainBase): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods # __fulltext_columns__ = ('comment',) __tablename__ = "vulnerability" vcdb_id = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) version = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) prev_version = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) state = Column(Enum(VulnerabilityState), default=VulnerabilityState.NEW, nullable=False) reviewer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, name="fk_reviewer_id"), nullable=True) reviewer = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[reviewer_id]) review_feedback = Column(Text) feedback_reviewer_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, name="fk_feedback_reviewer_id", ondelete="RESTRICT"), nullable=True, ) feedback_reviewer = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[feedback_reviewer_id]) comment = Column(Text, nullable=False) date_created = Column(DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(), index=True) exploit_exists = Column(Boolean, default=False) # N.B. Don't use a ForeignKey constraint on NVD here as the nvd data might # be updated dynamically (e.g. row deleted and then added by # go-cve-dictionary). cve_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True, index=True) UniqueConstraint(vcdb_id, version, name="uk_vcdb_id_version") creator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="RESTRICT"), nullable=True) creator = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[creator_id]) resources = relationship( VulnerabilityResources, cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True, ) commits = relationship( VulnerabilityGitCommits, cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True, lazy="joined", ) nvd = relationship( "Nvd", backref="vulns", primaryjoin="remote(Nvd.cve_id) == foreign(Vulnerability.cve_id)", ) products = relationship( "Product", secondary=vulnerable_products, backref="vulnerabilities", ) _has_annotations = None def user_can_read(self, user: User): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED or self.is_creator( user) def user_can_update(self, user: User): return self.is_creator(user) def user_can_annotate(self, user: User): return False # disable for now return self.is_creator(user) # pylint: disable=unreachable def user_can_delete(self, user: User): return (self.is_creator(user) and self.state in ( VulnerabilityState.READY, VulnerabilityState.NEW, VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT, ) or user.is_admin() and self.state == VulnerabilityState.ARCHIVED) def reviewer_can_read(self, user: User): return (self.state == VulnerabilityState.READY or self.state in ( VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW, VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED, VulnerabilityState.ARCHIVED, ) and self.is_reviewer(user)) _permissions = { PredefinedRoles.ADMIN: { MANAGE: ALL, }, PredefinedRoles.USER: { READ: user_can_read, UPDATE: user_can_update, DELETE: user_can_delete, ANNOTATE: user_can_annotate, }, PredefinedRoles.REVIEWER: { READ: reviewer_can_read, ASSIGN: True, APPROVE: True, REJECT: True, }, } def set_has_annotations(self, status: bool = True): self._has_annotations = status @hybrid_property def has_annotations(self): if self._has_annotations is not None: return self._has_annotations if self.commits: for commit in self.commits: if commit.comments: self._has_annotations = True return True return False @has_annotations.expression # type: ignore[no-redef] def has_annotations(self): return self.commits.any(VulnerabilityGitCommits.comments.any()) @property def master_commit(self): # TODO: refactor assumption that the first commit is the "master" one! if self.commits and self.commits[0].commit_link: return self.commits[0] return None def __repr__(self): return f"Vulnerability Info({vars(self)})" @classmethod def get_by_vcdb_id(cls, id: str, published_only: bool = True): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin state_filter = None if published_only: state_filter = VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED return (cls.query.filter_by( vcdb_id=id, state=state_filter).options(default_vuln_view_options).order_by( cls.version.desc()).first()) @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, id: str): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return cls.query.filter_by( id=id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first() @classmethod def get_by_cve_id(cls, cve_id: str, published_only: bool = True): state_filter = None if published_only: state_filter = VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED return (cls.query.filter_by( cve_id=cve_id, state=state_filter).options(default_vuln_view_options).first()) @classmethod def get_by_commit_hash(cls, commit_hash: str): return (cls.query.join( Vulnerability.commits, aliased=True).filter_by(commit_hash=commit_hash).options( default_vuln_view_options).first()) def get_contributors(self): return User.query.join(Vulnerability.creator).filter( Vulnerability.vcdb_id == self.vcdb_id, Vulnerability.is_published) def to_json(self): """Prepare object for Json serialisation.""" products = [{ "vendor": v, "product": p } for v, p in self.nvd.get_products()] cwes = [{"id": c.cwe_id, "name": c.cwe_name} for c in self.nvd.cwes] return { "comment": self.comment, "cve_id": self.cve_id, "cwes": cwes, "description": self.nvd.description, "exploit_exists": self.exploit_exists, "has_annotations": self.has_annotations, "is_processed": True, "langs": self.nvd.get_languages(), "master_commit": self.master_commit.to_json(), "products": products, "references": [ for l in self.nvd.references], "score": self.nvd.score, } def to_json_full(self): """Serialize object properties as dict.""" data = self.to_json() data["resources"] = [ r.to_json() for r in self.resources if self.resources is not None ] data["commits"] = [ c.to_json() for c in self.commits if self.commits is not None ] data["nvd"] = self.nvd.to_json_raw_data( ) if self.nvd is not None else None data["creator"] = self.creator.to_json( ) if self.creator is not None else None data["date_created"] = self.date_created data["date_modified"] = self.date_modified return data def update_state(self, new_state): state_machine = VulnerabilityState(self) state_machine.next_state(new_state) self.state = new_state @hybrid_property def is_new(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.NEW @hybrid_property def is_published(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED @hybrid_property def is_archived(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.ARCHIVED @hybrid_property def needs_improvement(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT @hybrid_property def is_reviewable(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.READY @hybrid_property def is_in_review(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW @hybrid_property def is_publishable(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED def is_reviewer(self, reviewer): return self.reviewer == reviewer def is_creator(self, creator): return self.creator == creator @hybrid_property def has_feedback(self): return bool(self.review_feedback) def make_reviewable(self): self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.READY) def accept_review(self, reviewer): self.reviewer = reviewer self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW) def deny_review(self): self.reviewer = None self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.READY) def accept_change(self): self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED) def deny_change(self, reviewer, reason): self.feedback_reviewer = reviewer self.review_feedback = reason self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT) def archive_entry(self): self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.ARCHIVED) def return_to_review_pool(self): self.reviewer = None self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.READY) def publish_change(self): self.version = self.next_version_number() # TODO: Assign a new vcdb_id if required at this point. # This is mostly relevant for fully new entry proposals. self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED) def next_version_number(self): prev_version = (Vulnerability.query.filter_by( vcdb_id=self.vcdb_id).with_entities(func.max( Vulnerability.version)).first()[0]) if not prev_version: prev_version = 0 return prev_version + 1 @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_action_required(user): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.creator == user, Vulnerability.state.in_( [VulnerabilityState.NEW, VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT]), ).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_pending(user): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.creator == user, Vulnerability.state.in_([ VulnerabilityState.READY, VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW, VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED, ]), ).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_publishing_pending(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_unassigned(): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.READY).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_assigned(): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_assigned_to(user): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.reviewer == user, Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW, ).count() def copy(self): new_vuln = copy_obj(self) new_vuln.commits = [] for commit in self.commits: new_vuln.commits.append(commit.copy()) for resource in self.resources: new_vuln.resources.append(resource.copy()) # N.B. We never copy NVD data as it's supposed to stay read only. return new_vuln'name', type_=String) + text("'%'")), bindparam('name', type_=String) + text("'@%'")))).select_from( users.outerjoin(addresses)).order_by( print(conn.execute(s, name='jack').fetchall()) # Functions print("\nFunctions") print( print(func.concat('x', 'y')) print(func.xyz_my_goofy_function()) print( "Some functions are know by SQLAlchemy thus they don't get the parenthesis added after them" ) print(func.current_timestamp()) # Below, we use the result function scalar() to just read the first column of the first row and then close the result print( "\nBelow, we use the result function scalar() to just read the first column of the first row and then close the result" ) print( conn.execute( select([ func.max(addresses.c.email_address, type_=String).label('maxemail') ])).scalar()) # we can construct using “lexical” column objects as well as bind parameters: print( "\nwe can construct using “lexical” column objects as well as bind parameters:" )
def __init__(self, request): = request.GET['query'] self.create_date = func.current_timestamp() self.request = request self.count = 0
def approve_update(update: Update, db: Session): """Add a comment to an update if it is ready for stable. Check that the update is eligible to be pushed to stable but hasn't had comments from Bodhi to this effect. Add a comment stating that the update may now be pushed to stable. Args: update: an update in testing that may be ready for stable. """ if not update.release.mandatory_days_in_testing and not update.autotime: # If this release does not have any testing requirements and is not autotime, # skip it f"{} doesn't have mandatory days in testing") return # If this update was already commented, skip it if update.has_stable_comment: return # If updates have reached the testing threshold, say something! Keep in mind # that we don't care about karma here, because autokarma updates get their request set # to stable by the Update.comment() workflow when they hit the required threshold. Thus, # this function only needs to consider the time requirements because these updates have # not reached the karma threshold. if not update.meets_testing_requirements: return'{update.alias} now meets testing requirements') # Only send email notification about the update reaching # testing approval on releases composed by bodhi update.comment(db, str(config.get('testing_approval_msg')), author='bodhi', email_notification=update.release.composed_by_bodhi) notifications.publish( update_schemas.UpdateRequirementsMetStableV1.from_dict( dict(update=update))) if update.autotime and update.days_in_testing >= update.stable_days:"Automatically marking {update.alias} as stable") # For now only rawhide update can be created using side tag # Do not add the release.pending_stable_tag if the update # was created from a side tag. if update.release.composed_by_bodhi: update.set_request(db=db, action=UpdateRequest.stable, username="******") # For updates that are not included in composes run by bodhi itself, # mark them as stable else: # Single and Multi build update conflicting_builds = update.find_conflicting_builds() if conflicting_builds: builds_str = str.join(", ", conflicting_builds) update.comment( db, "This update cannot be pushed to stable. " f"These builds {builds_str} have a more recent " f"build in koji's {update.release.stable_tag} tag.", author="bodhi") update.request = None if update.from_tag is not None: update.status = UpdateStatus.pending update.remove_tag( update.release.get_testing_side_tag(update.from_tag)) else: update.status = UpdateStatus.obsolete update.remove_tag(update.release.pending_testing_tag) update.remove_tag(update.release.candidate_tag) db.commit() return update.add_tag(update.release.stable_tag) update.status = UpdateStatus.stable update.request = None update.pushed = True update.date_stable = update.date_pushed = func.current_timestamp() update.comment( db, "This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi", author=u'bodhi') # Multi build update if update.from_tag: # Merging the side tag should happen here pending_signing_tag = update.release.get_pending_signing_side_tag( update.from_tag) testing_tag = update.release.get_testing_side_tag( update.from_tag) update.remove_tag(pending_signing_tag) update.remove_tag(testing_tag) update.remove_tag(update.from_tag) koji = buildsys.get_session() koji.deleteTag(pending_signing_tag) koji.deleteTag(testing_tag) # Removes the tag and the build target from koji. koji.removeSideTag(update.from_tag) else: # Single build update update.remove_tag(update.release.pending_testing_tag) update.remove_tag(update.release.pending_stable_tag) update.remove_tag(update.release.pending_signing_tag) update.remove_tag(update.release.candidate_tag)
def test_eleven(self): self._test( func.current_timestamp() - func.current_timestamp(), {"year": 0, "month": 0, "day": 0, "hour": 0}, )
def test_five(self): t = self.tables.t self._test( func.coalesce(t.c.dtme, func.current_timestamp()), overrides={"epoch": 1336652125.0}, )
def run(self, api_version: int, data: dict): """ Process the given message, updating relevant bugs and test cases. Duplicate messages: if the server delivers the message multiple times, the bugs and test cases are simply re-fetched and updated, so nothing bad happens. Args: api_version: API version number. data: Information about a new or edited update. """ action = data["action"] alias = data['update'].get('alias')"Updates Handler handling %s, %s" % (alias, action)) # Go to sleep for a second to try and avoid a race condition # time.sleep(1) with self.db_factory() as session: update = Update.get(alias) if not update: raise BodhiException("Couldn't find alias '%s' in DB" % alias) bugs = [] if action == "edit": # If editing a Pending update, all of whose builds are signed, for a release # which isn't composed by Bodhi (i.e. Rawhide), move it directly to Testing. if not update.release.composed_by_bodhi \ and update.status == UpdateStatus.pending \ and update.signed:"Every build in the update is signed, set status to testing") update.status = UpdateStatus.testing update.date_testing = func.current_timestamp() update.request = None"Update status of {update.display_name} has been set to testing") for idx in data['new_bugs']: bug = Bug.get(idx) # Sanity check if bug is None or bug not in update.bugs: update_bugs_ids = [b.bug_id for b in update.bugs] update.update_bugs(update_bugs_ids + [idx], session) # Now, after update.update_bugs, bug with idx should exists in DB bug = Bug.get(idx) bugs.append(bug) elif action == "testing": bugs = update.bugs else: raise NotImplementedError("Should never get here.") self.work_on_bugs(session, update, bugs) self.fetch_test_cases(session, update) if config['test_gating.required']: with self.db_factory() as session: update = Update.get(alias) update.update_test_gating_status()"Updates Handler done with %s, %s" % (alias, action))
class Membership(IntegerIdModel): begins_at = Column(DateTimeTz, nullable=True, index=True, server_default=func.current_timestamp()) ends_at = Column(DateTimeTz, nullable=True, index=True) # many to one from Membership to Group group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True) group = relationship(Group, backref=backref("memberships", cascade="all, delete-orphan", order_by='')) # many to one from Membership to User user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True) user = relationship(User, backref=backref("memberships", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) __table_args = ( CheckConstraint("begins_at IS NULL OR " "ends_at IS NULL OR " "begins_at <= ends_at") ) @hybrid_method def active(self, when=None): """ Tests if the membership overlaps with a given interval. If no interval is given, it tests if the membership is active right now. :param Interval when: interval in which the membership :rtype: bool """ if when is None: now = object_session(self).query(func.current_timestamp()).scalar() when = single(now) return when.overlaps(closed(self.begins_at, self.ends_at)) @active.expression def active(cls, when=None): """ Tests if memberships overlap with a given interval. If no interval is given, it tests if the memberships are active right now. :param Interval when: :return: """ if when is None: now = session.utcnow() when = single(now) return and_( or_(cls.begins_at == null(), literal(when.end) == null(), cls.begins_at <= literal(when.end)), or_(literal(when.begin) == null(), cls.ends_at == null(), literal(when.begin) <= cls.ends_at) ).label("active") @validates('ends_at') def validate_ends_at(self, _, value): if value is None: return value if self.begins_at is not None: assert value >= self.begins_at,\ "begins_at must be before ends_at" return value @validates('begins_at') def validate_begins_at(self, _, value): if value is None: return value if self.ends_at is not None: assert value <= self.ends_at,\ "begins_at must be before ends_at" return value def disable(self, ends_at=None): if ends_at is None: ends_at = object_session(self).query(func.current_timestamp()).scalar() if self.begins_at is not None and self.begins_at > ends_at: self.ends_at = self.begins_at else: self.ends_at = ends_at
class Spot(Base): __tablename__ = 'spots' spot_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) king_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('user_infos.user_id', use_alter=True, name='fk_spot_kinginfo')) queen_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('user_infos.user_id', use_alter=True, name='fk_spot_queen')) name = Column(String(50)) lat = Column(Float) lng = Column(Float) description = Column(Text) is_private = Column(Boolean) price = Column(Float) popularity = Column(Float) created = Column(DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp()) assoc = relationship('SpotUserAssociation', backref='spot') king = relationship('UserInfo', primaryjoin='UserInfo.user_id==Spot.king_id') queen = relationship('UserInfo', primaryjoin='UserInfo.user_id==Spot.queen_id') attrs = [ 'spot_id', 'king_id', 'queen_id', 'name', 'lat', 'lng', 'description', 'is_private', 'price', 'popularity', 'created', ] def __init__(self, spot_id=None, name=None, lat=None, lng=None, description=None, is_private=False, price=None, popularity=None, created=None): self.spot_id = spot_id = name = lat self.lng = lng self.description = description self.is_private = is_private self.price = price self.popularity = popularity self.created = created def __repr__(self): return '<Spot {spot_id}>'.format(spot_id=self.spot_id)
class Author(db.Model): """ A document author, which may be a single person (in which case it's linked to a Person), or it may be an agency. """ __tablename__ = "authors" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(100), index=True, nullable=False, unique=True) author_type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) person_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='SET NULL')) created_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True, unique=False, nullable=False, updated_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) # Associations author_type = relationship("AuthorType", lazy=False) person = relationship("Person", lazy=False) def json(self): return { 'id':, 'name': if self.person else, 'author_type':, } def __repr__(self): return "<Author id=%s, type=%s, name=\"%s\", person=%s>" % (, self.author_type, self.person,'utf-8')) @classmethod def unknown(cls): return cls.get_or_create('Unknown', AuthorType.unknown()) @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, name, author_type, gender=None, race=None): """ Get the author with this name or create it if it doesn't exist. """ a = Author.query.filter( == name).first() if not a: a = Author() = name[0:100] a.author_type = author_type if in ['Journalist', 'Guest Writer']: # create an associated person a.person = Person.get_or_create(name, gender, race) # force a db write (within the transaction) so subsequent lookups # find this entity db.session.add(a) db.session.flush() return a
def define_tables(cls, metadata): default_generator = cls.default_generator = {"x": 50} def mydefault(): default_generator["x"] += 1 return default_generator["x"] def myupdate_with_ctx(ctx): conn = ctx.connection return conn.execute("13"))).scalar() def mydefault_using_connection(ctx): conn = ctx.connection return conn.execute("12"))).scalar() use_function_defaults = testing.against("postgresql", "mssql") is_oracle = testing.against("oracle") class MyClass(object): @classmethod def gen_default(cls, ctx): return "hi" class MyType(TypeDecorator): impl = String(50) def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: value = "BIND" + value return value cls.f = 6 cls.f2 = 11 with testing.db.connect() as conn: currenttime = cls.currenttime = func.current_date(type_=sa.Date) if is_oracle: ts = conn.scalar( func.trunc( func.current_timestamp(), sa.literal_column("'DAY'"), type_=sa.Date, ) ) ) currenttime = cls.currenttime = func.trunc( currenttime, sa.literal_column("'DAY'"), type_=sa.Date ) def1 = currenttime def2 = func.trunc( sa.text("current_timestamp"), sa.literal_column("'DAY'"), type_=sa.Date, ) deftype = sa.Date elif use_function_defaults: def1 = currenttime deftype = sa.Date if testing.against("mssql"): def2 = sa.text("getdate()") else: def2 = sa.text("current_date") ts = conn.scalar(func.current_date()) else: def1 = def2 = "3" ts = 3 deftype = Integer cls.ts = ts Table( "default_test", metadata, # python function Column("col1", Integer, primary_key=True, default=mydefault), # python literal Column( "col2", String(20), default="imthedefault", onupdate="im the update", ), # preexecute expression Column( "col3", Integer, default=func.length("abcdef"), onupdate=func.length("abcdefghijk"), ), # SQL-side default from sql expression Column("col4", deftype, server_default=def1), # SQL-side default from literal expression Column("col5", deftype, server_default=def2), # preexecute + update timestamp Column("col6", sa.Date, default=currenttime, onupdate=currenttime), Column("boolcol1", sa.Boolean, default=True), Column("boolcol2", sa.Boolean, default=False), # python function which uses ExecutionContext Column( "col7", Integer, default=mydefault_using_connection, onupdate=myupdate_with_ctx, ), # python builtin Column( "col8", sa.Date,,, ), # combo Column("col9", String(20), default="py", server_default="ddl"), # python method w/ context Column("col10", String(20), default=MyClass.gen_default), # fixed default w/ type that has bound processor Column("col11", MyType(), default="foo"), )
def utcnow(): return session.query(func.current_timestamp()).scalar()
def test_compare_current_timestamp_fn_w_binds(self): self._compare_default_roundtrip( DateTime(), func.timezone("utc", func.current_timestamp()))
class User(db.Model, UserMixin): """ A user who can login and work with Dexter. """ __tablename__ = "users" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) email = Column(String(50), index=True, nullable=False, unique=True) first_name = Column(String(50), nullable=False) last_name = Column(String(50), nullable=False) admin = Column(Boolean, default=False) disabled = Column(Boolean, default=False) password = Column(String(100), default='') default_analysis_nature_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), default=1, nullable=False) country_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) created_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True, unique=False, nullable=False, updated_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) # associations default_analysis_nature = relationship("AnalysisNature") country = relationship("Country") roles = db.relationship('Role', secondary='roles_users', backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic')) def short_name(self): s = "" if self.first_name: s += self.first_name if self.last_name: if s: s += " " + self.last_name[0] + "." else: s = self.last_name if not s: s = return s def full_name(self): s = '%s %s' % (self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '') s = s.strip() if not s: s = return s def __repr__(self): return "<User email=%s>" % (, ) # Flask-Security requires an active attribute @property def active(self): return not self.disabled @active.setter def active(self, value): self.disabled = not value @classmethod def create_defaults(self): from . import Country from flask_security.utils import encrypt_password admin_user = User() admin_user.first_name = "Admin" admin_user.last_name = "Admin" admin_user.admin = True = "*****@*****.**" = Country.query.filter( == 'South Africa').one() admin_user.password = encrypt_password('admin') return [admin_user]
class User(BaseMixin, db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) uid = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False, unique=True) name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) uid = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) odesk_url = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) email = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) portrait_32_img = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=True) auth_token = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False, unique=True) created_on = db.Column(db.DateTime, updated_on = db.Column(db.DateTime,, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) @validates('email') def validate_email(self, key, address): assert '@' in address return address @classmethod def get_hash(cls, token): import hashlib return hashlib.sha224(token).hexdigest() @classmethod def authenticate(cls, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier): logging.debug( 'User Auth: try to authenticate with token %s', oauth_token) from auth import OdeskAuth auth = OdeskAuth() _oauth_token, _oauth_token_secret = auth.authenticate( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier) info = auth.get_my_info(_oauth_token, _oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier) user_info = auth.get_user_info(_oauth_token, _oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier) 'User Auth: authenticating user %s', info['user']['id']) try: user = User.query.filter_by( uid=info['user']['id']).one() except orm_exc.NoResultFound: user = User() user.uid = info['user']['id'] logging.debug('User Auth: new user %s added', user.uid) import uuid auth_token = str(uuid.uuid1()) user.auth_token = cls.get_hash(auth_token) = '{0} {1}'.format( info['auth_user']['first_name'], info['auth_user']['last_name']) user.odesk_url = user_info['info']['profile_url'] user.portrait_32_img = user_info['info']['portrait_32_img'] = info['user']['email'] return auth_token, user @classmethod def get_auth_url(cls): from auth import OdeskAuth auth = OdeskAuth() return auth.get_auth_url() def __repr__(self): return "%s <%s>" % (, self.uid)
class UserMixin(FlaskUserMixin): # login uid = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True) username = Column(String(32)) # profile admin = Column(Boolean(), default=False) face = Column(JSON_GEN()) points = Column(SmallInteger) last_active = Column(TIMESTAMP,, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) # oauth access_token = Column(String(255), unique=True, nullable=False) refresh_token = Column(String(255), index=True) issued_at = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=lambda: int(time())) expires_in = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0) def get_id(self): return str(self.uid) if self.uid else None @property def expires_at(self): if self.issued_at is None or self.expires_in is None: # bugfix for records that have no expiry return 0 return self.issued_at + self.expires_in @property def is_active(self): return True @property def is_authenticated(self): return self.uid is not None @property def is_anonymous(self): return False def get_user_id(self): # used for oauth2 return self.uid def __hash__(self): return hash(self.uid) def __repr__(self): return "{}({}..)".format(self.username, str(self.uid)[0:4]) def update_token(self, th): self.access_token = th.access_token self.issued_at = th.issued_at self.expires_in = th.expires_in if hasattr(th, 'refresh_token'): self.refresh_token = th.refresh_token def update_user(self, user): if self.access_token != user.access_token and user.access_token is not None: self.update_token(user) if hasattr(user, 'refresh_token'): self.refresh_token = user.refresh_token if user.username != self.username and user.username is not None: self.username = user.username if user.points != self.points and user.points is not None: self.points = user.points if user.face != self.face and user.face is not None: self.face = user.face if user.admin != self.admin and user.admin is not None: self.admin = user.admin if user.last_active != self.last_active and user.last_active is not None: self.last_active = user.last_active
__all__ = [ 'ATTR_TABLE', 'Attribute', 'and_', 'ENTITY_TABLE', 'Entity', 'func', 'METADATA', 'not_', 'or_', 'SESSION', 'select', 'VERSION', 'latest_version', 'CLUSTO_VERSIONING', 'Counter', 'ClustoVersioning', 'working_version', 'OperationalError', 'ClustoEmptyCommit' ] METADATA = MetaData() CLUSTO_VERSIONING = Table('clustoversioning', METADATA, Column('version', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP, default=func.current_timestamp(), index=True), Column('user', String(64), default=None), Column('description', Text, default=None), mysql_engine='InnoDB') logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') audit_log = logging.getLogger('clusto.audit') class ClustoEmptyCommit(Exception): pass class ClustoSession(sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.SessionExtension): def after_begin(self, session, transaction, connection):
class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'users' uid = Column(postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) created_at = Column(TIMESTAMP,, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) last_time = Column(TIMESTAMP,, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) iso = Column(String(3)) wid = Column(postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True)) username = Column(String(32)) email = Column(String(128)) salt = Column(String(128), nullable=True) token = Column(String(128), nullable=True) password = Column(String(128)) elo = Column(SmallInteger) division = Column(SmallInteger) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.uid = kwargs.get('uid') = kwargs.get('email') self.username = kwargs.get('username') self.iso = kwargs.get('iso') self.wid = kwargs.get('wid') self.salt = kwargs.get('salt') self.token = kwargs.get('token') self.password = kwargs.get('password') self.elo = kwargs.get('elo') self.division = kwargs.get('division') # data conversion if isinstance(self.wid, str): self.wid = uuid.UUID(self.wid) if isinstance(self.uid, str): self.uid = uuid.UUID(self.uid) def to_dict(self): return { "uid": self.uid, "username": self.username, "iso": self.iso, "wid": str(self.wid) if self.wid else None, "token": self.token, "elo": self.elo, "division": self.division, } def to_game_view(self): return { "username": self.username, "division": self.division, } def __repr__(self): return "{}({},{})".format(self.username, self.division, self.iso)
class Vulnerability(MainBase): # __fulltext_columns__ = ('comment',) __tablename__ = "vulnerability" vcdb_id = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) version = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) prev_version = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) state = Column(Enum(VulnerabilityState), default=VulnerabilityState.NEW, nullable=False) reviewer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, name='fk_reviewer_id'), nullable=True) reviewer = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[reviewer_id]) review_feedback = Column(Text) feedback_reviewer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, name='fk_feedback_reviewer_id'), nullable=True) feedback_reviewer = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[feedback_reviewer_id]) comment = Column(Text, nullable=False) date_created = Column(DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(), index=True) exploit_exists = Column(Boolean, default=False) # N.B. Don't use a ForeignKey constraint on NVD here as the nvd data might # be updated dynamically (e.g. row deleted and then added by # go-cve-dictionary). cve_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True, index=True) UniqueConstraint(vcdb_id, version, name='uk_vcdb_id_version') creator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=True) creator = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[creator_id]) # TODO: Enable this once custom resource links are supported again. # resource_links = relationship( # VulnerabilityResources, # backref="vulnerability", # cascade="all, delete-orphan", # single_parent=True, # ) commits = relationship( VulnerabilityGitCommits, cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True, lazy="joined", ) nvd = relationship( "Nvd", backref="vulns", primaryjoin="remote(Nvd.cve_id) == foreign(Vulnerability.cve_id)", ) _has_annotations = None _permissions = { PredefinedRoles.ADMIN: { MANAGE: ALL, }, PredefinedRoles.USER: { READ: { 'state': VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED, }, UPDATE: lambda vuln, user: vuln.creator == user, }, PredefinedRoles.REVIEWER: { READ: lambda vuln, user: (vuln.state == VulnerabilityState.READY or vuln.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW and vuln.reviewer == user), ASSIGN: True, APPROVE: True, REJECT: True, } } def set_has_annotations(self, status: bool = True): self._has_annotations = status @hybrid_property def has_annotations(self): if self._has_annotations is not None: return self._has_annotations if self.commits: for commit in self.commits: if commit.comments: self._has_annotations = True return True return False @has_annotations.expression # type: ignore[no-redef] def has_annotations(self): return self.commits.any(VulnerabilityGitCommits.comments.any()) @property def master_commit(self): # TODO: refactor assumption that the first commit is the "master" one! if self.commits and self.commits[0].commit_link: return self.commits[0] return None def __repr__(self): return f"Vulnerability Info({vars(self)})" @classmethod def get_by_vcdb_id(cls, id: str, published_only: bool = True): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin state_filter = None if published_only: state_filter = VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED return cls.query.filter_by( vcdb_id=id, state=state_filter).options(default_vuln_view_options).order_by( cls.version.desc()).first() @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, id: str): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return cls.query.filter_by( id=id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first() @classmethod def get_by_cve_id(cls, cve_id: str, published_only: bool = True): state_filter = None if published_only: state_filter = VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED return (cls.query.filter_by( cve_id=cve_id, state=state_filter).options(default_vuln_view_options).first()) @classmethod def get_by_commit_hash(cls, commit_hash: str): return (cls.query.join( Vulnerability.commits, aliased=True).filter_by(commit_hash=commit_hash).options( default_vuln_view_options).first()) def to_json(self): """Prepare object for Json serialisation.""" products = [{ 'vendor': v, 'product': p } for v, p in self.nvd.get_products()] cwes = [{'id': c.cwe_id, 'name': c.cwe_name} for c in self.nvd.cwes] return { 'comment': self.comment, 'cve_id': self.cve_id, 'cwes': cwes, 'description': self.nvd.description, 'exploit_exists': self.exploit_exists, 'has_annotations': self.has_annotations, 'is_processed': True, 'langs': self.nvd.get_languages(), 'master_commit': self.master_commit.to_json(), 'products': products, 'references': [ for l in self.nvd.references], 'score': self.nvd.score, } def to_json_full(self): """Serialize object properties as dict.""" data = self.to_json() # TODO: Enable this once custom resource_links are supported again. #data['resource_links'] = [ # r.to_json() for r in self.resource_links # if self.resource_links is not None #] data['commits'] = [ c.to_json() for c in self.commits if self.commits is not None ] data['nvd'] = self.nvd._to_json_full( ) if self.nvd is not None else None data['creator'] = self.creator.to_json( ) if self.creator is not None else None data['date_created'] = self.date_created data['date_modified'] = self.date_modified return data def update_state(self, new_state): state_machine = VulnerabilityState(self) state_machine.next_state(new_state) self.state = new_state def is_new(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.NEW def needs_improvement(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT def is_reviewable(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.READY def is_in_review(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW def is_publishable(self): return self.state == VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED def is_reviewer(self, reviewer): return self.reviewer == reviewer def is_creator(self, creator): return self.creator == creator def has_feedback(self): return bool(self.review_feedback) def make_reviewable(self): self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.READY) def accept_review(self, reviewer): self.reviewer = reviewer self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW) def deny_review(self): self.reviewer = None self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.READY) def accept_change(self): self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED) def deny_change(self, reviewer, reason): self.feedback_reviewer = reviewer self.review_feedback = reason self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT) def archive_entry(self): self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.ARCHIVED) def return_to_review_pool(self): self.reviewer = None self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.READY) def publish_change(self): self.version = self.next_version_number() # TODO: Assign a new vcdb_id if required at this point. This is mostly relevant for fully new entry proposals. self.update_state(VulnerabilityState.PUBLISHED) def next_version_number(self): prev_version = Vulnerability.query.filter_by(vcdb_id=self.vcdb_id) \ .with_entities(func.max(Vulnerability.version)) \ .first()[0] if not prev_version: prev_version = 0 return prev_version + 1 @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_action_required(user): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.creator == user, Vulnerability.state.in_( [VulnerabilityState.NEW, VulnerabilityState.NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT])).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_pending(user): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.creator == user, Vulnerability.state.in_([ VulnerabilityState.READY, VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW, VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED ])).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_publishing_pending(): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.REVIEWED).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_unassigned(): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.READY).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_assigned(): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW).count() @staticmethod def get_num_proposals_assigned_to(user): return Vulnerability.query.filter( Vulnerability.reviewer == user, Vulnerability.state == VulnerabilityState.IN_REVIEW).count() def copy(self): new_vuln = copy_obj(self) new_vuln.commits = [] for commit in self.commits: new_vuln.commits.append(commit.copy()) # N.B. We never copy NVD data as it's supposed to stay read only. return new_vuln
class Post(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'post' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) title = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) slug = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, unique=True, index=True) featured = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False, server_default=sql.expression.false(), nullable=False, index=True) body = db.Column(db.Text) date = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), index=True, unique=False, nullable=False, files = db.relationship("PostFile", lazy='joined') created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), index=True, unique=False, nullable=False, updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True),, onupdate=func.current_timestamp()) @validates('slug') def validate_slug(self, key, value): return value.strip('/') def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.title)
class Pod(db.Model): """Pod model.""" __tablename__ = 'pod' id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) name = Column(String(255), nullable=False) user_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey('', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), index=True, nullable=False) base_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(''), index=True) user = relationship("User", back_populates="pod") resources = relationship("Resource") queue = relationship("Queue", uselist=False, back_populates="pod") modules = relationship("Module", back_populates="pod") researches = relationship("Research", back_populates="pod") created_at = Column(DateTime,, nullable=False) updated_at = Column( DateTime,, onupdate=func.current_timestamp(), nullable=False, ) def __init__(self, nickname): """Create a new pod.""" = "{nickname}'s pod" self.queue = Queue() resources = [] for resource in ResourceTypes: resources.append(Resource( self.resources = resources def update_resource_production(self): """Update the production of each resource.""" return def update_resources(self): """Update the current resource state in the db.""" for resource in self.resources: time_diff = - resource.last_update diff_in_seconds = time_diff.total_seconds() resource_diff = diff_in_seconds * resource.production / 3600 resource.amount += resource_diff if resource.amount < 0: resource.amount = 0 elif resource.amount > resource.max_amount: resource.amount = resource.max_amount resource.last_update = db.session.add(resource) def get_by_name(self, name): """Get a resource by name.""" resource = next((r for r in self.resources if == name), None) if resource is None: raise LookupError(f'No resource with name {name} found.') return resource def enough_resources(self, requirements) -> bool: """Check if there are enough resources for construction.""" enough = True missing = {} self.update_resources() for requirement in requirements: resource = self.get_by_name(requirement['type']) amount = requirement['amount'] if resource is None: print(f'Missing resource: {requirement["type"]}') if resource.amount <= amount: enough = False missing[] = amount - resource.amount return enough, missing def subtract_resources(self, requirements) -> bool: """Check if there are enough resources for construction.""" for requirement in requirements: resource = self.get_by_name(requirement['type']) amount = requirement['amount'] if (resource.amount - amount) <= 0: print(f"Can't afford resource {requirement['type']}: {resource.amount} of {amount}") raise Exception else: resource.amount -= amount db.session.add(resource) db.session.commit() return True def add_resources(self, requirements) -> bool: """Check if there are enough resources for construction.""" for requirement in requirements: resource = self.get_by_name(requirement['type']) amount = requirement['amount'] resource.amount += amount db.session.add(resource) db.session.commit() return True
def main(argv=sys.argv): """ Comment on updates that are eligible to be pushed to stable. Queries for updates in the testing state that have a NULL request, looping over them looking for updates that are eligible to be pushed to stable but haven't had comments from Bodhi to this effect. For each such update it finds it will add a comment stating that the update may now be pushed to stable. This function is the entry point for the bodhi-approve-testing console script. Args: argv (list): A list of command line arguments. Defaults to sys.argv. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) if len(argv) != 2: usage(argv) settings = get_appsettings(argv[1]) initialize_db(settings) db = Session() buildsys.setup_buildsystem(config) try: testing = db.query(Update).filter_by(status=UpdateStatus.testing, request=None) for update in testing: if not update.release.mandatory_days_in_testing and not update.autotime: # If this release does not have any testing requirements and is not autotime, # skip it print( f"{} doesn't have mandatory days in testing" ) continue # If this update was already commented, skip it if update.has_stable_comment: continue # If updates have reached the testing threshold, say something! Keep in mind # that we don't care about karma here, because autokarma updates get their request set # to stable by the Update.comment() workflow when they hit the required threshold. Thus, # this function only needs to consider the time requirements because these updates have # not reached the karma threshold. if update.meets_testing_requirements: print(f'{update.alias} now meets testing requirements') # Only send email notification about the update reaching # testing approval on releases composed by bodhi update.comment( db, str(config.get('testing_approval_msg')), author='bodhi', email_notification=update.release.composed_by_bodhi) notifications.publish( update_schemas.UpdateRequirementsMetStableV1.from_dict( dict(update=update))) if update.autotime and update.days_in_testing >= update.stable_days: print(f"Automatically marking {update.alias} as stable") # For now only rawhide update can be created using side tag # Do not add the release.pending_stable_tag if the update # was created from a side tag. if update.release.composed_by_bodhi: update.set_request(db=db, action=UpdateRequest.stable, username="******") # For updates that are not included in composes run by bodhi itself, # mark them as stable else: # Single and Multi build update conflicting_builds = update.find_conflicting_builds() if conflicting_builds: builds_str = str.join(", ", conflicting_builds) update.comment( db, "This update cannot be pushed to stable. " f"These builds {builds_str} have a more recent " f"build in koji's {update.release.stable_tag} tag.", author="bodhi") update.status = UpdateStatus.pending update.request = None update.remove_tag( update.release.get_testing_side_tag( update.from_tag)) db.commit() continue update.add_tag(update.release.stable_tag) update.status = UpdateStatus.stable update.request = None update.pushed = True update.date_stable = update.date_pushed = func.current_timestamp( ) update.comment( db, "This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi", author=u'bodhi') # Multi build update if update.from_tag: # Merging the side tag should happen here pending_signing_tag = update.release.get_pending_signing_side_tag( update.from_tag) testing_tag = update.release.get_testing_side_tag( update.from_tag) update.remove_tag(pending_signing_tag) update.remove_tag(testing_tag) update.remove_tag(update.from_tag) koji = buildsys.get_session() koji.deleteTag(pending_signing_tag) koji.deleteTag(testing_tag) # Removes the tag and the build target from koji. koji.removeSideTag(update.from_tag) else: # Single build update update.remove_tag( update.release.pending_testing_tag) update.remove_tag( update.release.pending_stable_tag) update.remove_tag( update.release.pending_signing_tag) update.remove_tag(update.release.candidate_tag) db.commit() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) db.rollback() Session.remove() sys.exit(1)
def _baseline_4_expressions(self): Zoo = self.metadata.tables["Zoo"] Animal = self.metadata.tables["Animal"] engine = self.metadata.bind def fulltable(select): """Iterate over the full result table.""" return [list(row) for row in engine.execute(select).fetchall()] for x in range(ITERATIONS): assert len(fulltable( == 5 assert len(fulltable( == ITERATIONS + 12 assert len(fulltable( == 4))) == 4 assert len(fulltable( == 2))) == 5 assert ( len( fulltable( and_(Animal.c.Legs >= 2, Animal.c.Legs < 20) ) ) ) == ITERATIONS + 9 ) assert len(fulltable( > 10))) == 2 assert len(fulltable( > 70))) == 2 assert ( len(fulltable("L")))) == 2 ) assert ( len( fulltable("pede"))) ) == 2 ) assert ( len(fulltable( != None))) == 1 ) # noqa assert ( len(fulltable( == Animal.c.LastEscape))) == ITERATIONS + 11 ) # noqa # In operator (containedby) assert ( len(fulltable("%pede%")))) == 2 ) assert ( len( fulltable( Animal.c.Species.in_(["Lion", "Tiger", "Bear"]) ) ) ) == 3 ) # Try In with cell references class thing(object): pass pet, pet2 = thing(), thing() pet.Name, pet2.Name = "Slug", "Ostrich" assert ( len( fulltable( Animal.c.Species.in_([pet.Name, pet2.Name]) ) ) ) == 2 ) # logic and other functions assert ( len(fulltable("Slug")))) == 1 ) assert ( len(fulltable("%pede%")))) == 2 ) name = "Lion" assert ( len( fulltable( func.length(Animal.c.Species) == len(name) ) ) ) == ITERATIONS + 3 ) assert ( len(fulltable("%i%")))) == ITERATIONS + 7 ) # Test now(), today(), year(), month(), day() assert ( len( fulltable( and_( Zoo.c.Founded != None, # noqa Zoo.c.Founded < func.current_timestamp(_type=Date), ) ) ) ) == 3 ) assert ( len( fulltable( Animal.c.LastEscape == func.current_timestamp(_type=Date) ) ) ) == 0 ) assert ( len( fulltable( func.date_part("year", Animal.c.LastEscape) == 2004 ) ) ) == 1 ) assert ( len( fulltable( func.date_part("month", Animal.c.LastEscape) == 12 ) ) ) == 1 ) assert ( len( fulltable( func.date_part("day", Animal.c.LastEscape) == 21 ) ) ) == 1 )
mysql.VARCHAR(length=_MAX_TWEET_USERNAME_LEN), nullable=True, server_default=""), # Tweet contributors JSON object, NULL if none; also, NULL in legacy rows that # predate this column. # Source: contributors Column("contributors", mysql.TEXT(convert_unicode=True), nullable=True), # Timestamp when this row was stored # NOTE: would have preferred DATETIME, but DATETIME with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is # not possible there until MySQL 5.6.5 Column("stored_at", TIMESTAMP, nullable=True, server_default=func.current_timestamp()), mysql_COLLATE=MYSQL_COLLATE, mysql_CHARSET=MYSQL_CHARSET, ) Index("created_at_idx", twitterTweets.c.created_at) Index("stored_at_idx", twitterTweets.c.stored_at) # Twitter metric data samples from twitter_direct_agent # NOTE: some messages may match multiple metrics twitterTweetSamples = Table( "twitter_tweet_samples", metadata, # Sequence number; we save the sequence number of the most recently dispatched # non-metric data item in the "emitted_non_metric_tracker" table
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session, relationship from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB from arrow.arrow import Arrow from ztfperiodic.config import app from flask_login.mixins import UserMixin from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy db = SQLAlchemy(app) DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) EXECUTEMANY_PAGESIZE = 50000 utcnow = func.timezone('UTC', func.current_timestamp()) data_types = { int: 'int', float: 'float', bool: 'bool', dict: 'dict', str: 'str', list: 'list' } class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Extends json.JSONEncoder with additional capabilities/configurations.""" def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, (datetime, Arrow, date)):
class Vulnerability(MainBase): # __fulltext_columns__ = ('comment',) __tablename__ = "vulnerability" vcdb_id = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) version = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) prev_version = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) state = Column(Enum(VulnerabilityState), default=VulnerabilityState.NEW, nullable=False) reviewer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, name='fk_reviewer_id'), nullable=True) reviewer = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[reviewer_id]) review_feedback = Column(Text) comment = Column(Text, nullable=False) date_created = Column(DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(), index=True) exploit_exists = Column(Boolean, default=False) # N.B. Don't use a ForeignKey constraint on NVD here as the nvd data might # be updated dynamically (e.g. row deleted and then added by # go-cve-dictionary). cve_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True, index=True) UniqueConstraint(vcdb_id, version, name='uk_vcdb_id_version') creator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=True) creator = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[creator_id]) # TODO: Enable this once custom resource links are supported again. # resource_links = relationship( # VulnerabilityResources, # backref="vulnerability", # cascade="all, delete-orphan", # single_parent=True, # ) commits = relationship( VulnerabilityGitCommits, cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True, lazy="joined", ) nvd = relationship( "Nvd", backref="vulns", primaryjoin="remote(Nvd.cve_id) == foreign(Vulnerability.cve_id)", ) _has_annotations = None def set_has_annotations(self, status: bool = True): self._has_annotations = status @hybrid_property def has_annotations(self): if self._has_annotations is not None: return self._has_annotations if self.commits: for commit in self.commits: if commit.comments: self._has_annotations = True return True return False @has_annotations.expression # type: ignore[no-redef] def has_annotations(self): return self.commits.any(VulnerabilityGitCommits.comments.any()) @property def master_commit(self): # TODO: refactor assumption that the first commit is the "master" one! if self.commits: return self.commits[0] return None def __repr__(self): return f"Vulnerability Info({vars(self)})" @classmethod def get_by_vcdb_id(cls, id: str): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return cls.query.filter_by( vcdb_id=id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first() @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, id: str): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return cls.query.filter_by( id=id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first() @classmethod def get_by_cve_id(cls, cve_id: str): return (cls.query.filter_by( cve_id=cve_id).options(default_vuln_view_options).first()) @classmethod def get_by_commit_hash(cls, commit_hash: str): return (cls.query.join( Vulnerability.commits, aliased=True).filter_by(commit_hash=commit_hash).options( default_vuln_view_options).first()) def to_json(self): """Prepare object for Json serialisation.""" products = [{ 'vendor': v, 'product': p } for v, p in self.nvd.get_products()] cwes = [{'id': c.cwe_id, 'name': c.cwe_name} for c in self.nvd.cwes] return { 'comment': self.comment, 'cve_id': self.cve_id, 'cwes': cwes, 'description': self.nvd.description, 'exploit_exists': self.exploit_exists, 'has_annotations': self.has_annotations, 'is_processed': True, 'langs': self.nvd.get_languages(), 'master_commit': self.master_commit.to_json(), 'products': products, 'references': [ for l in self.nvd.references], 'score': self.nvd.score, } def to_json_full(self): """Serialize object properties as dict.""" data = self.to_json() # TODO: Enable this once custom resource_links are supported again. #data['resource_links'] = [ # r.to_json() for r in self.resource_links # if self.resource_links is not None #] data['commits'] = [ c.to_json() for c in self.commits if self.commits is not None ] data['nvd'] = self.nvd._to_json_full( ) if self.nvd is not None else None data['creator'] = self.creator.to_json( ) if self.creator is not None else None data['date_created'] = self.date_created data['date_modified'] = self.date_modified return data
class Tag(self.Base): __tablename__ = 'tag' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode) updated_at = Column(DateTime,, onupdate=func.current_timestamp())