Пример #1
    def test_recursive_union_no_alias_two(self):

        pg's example::

            WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS (
                VALUES (1)
              UNION ALL
                SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
            SELECT sum(n) FROM t;


        # I know, this is the PG VALUES keyword,
        # we're cheating here.  also yes we need the SELECT,
        # sorry PG.
        t = select(func.values(1).label("n")).cte("t", recursive=True)
        t = t.union_all(select(t.c.n + 1).where(t.c.n < 100))
        s = select(func.sum(t.c.n))
            "WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS "
            "(SELECT values(:values_1) AS n "
            "UNION ALL SELECT t.n + :n_1 AS anon_1 "
            "FROM t "
            "WHERE t.n < :n_2) "
            "SELECT sum(t.n) AS sum_1 FROM t",
Пример #2
    def test_recursive_union_no_alias_two(self):

        pg's example:

            WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS (
                VALUES (1)
              UNION ALL
                SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
            SELECT sum(n) FROM t;


        # I know, this is the PG VALUES keyword,
        # we're cheating here.  also yes we need the SELECT,
        # sorry PG.
        t = select([func.values(1).label("n")]).cte("t", recursive=True)
        t = t.union_all(select([t.c.n + 1]).where(t.c.n < 100))
        s = select([func.sum(t.c.n)])
            "WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS "
            "(SELECT values(:values_1) AS n "
            "UNION ALL SELECT t.n + :n_1 AS anon_1 "
            "FROM t "
            "WHERE t.n < :n_2) "
            "SELECT sum(t.n) AS sum_1 FROM t"