Пример #1
    def _load_for_state(self, state, passive):
        if not state.key and \
            (not self.parent_property.load_on_pending or not state.session_id):
            return attributes.ATTR_EMPTY

        instance_mapper = state.manager.mapper
        prop = self.parent_property
        key = self.key
        prop_mapper = self.mapper
        pending = not state.key

        if (
                (passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH or \
                    passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED) and
                not self.use_get
            ) or (
                passive is attributes.PASSIVE_ONLY_PERSISTENT and
            return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT

        session = sessionlib._state_session(state)
        if not session:
            raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError(
                "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session; "
                "lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" %
                (mapperutil.state_str(state), key))

        # if we have a simple primary key load, check the
        # identity map without generating a Query at all
        if self.use_get:
            if session._flushing:
                get_attr = instance_mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column
                get_attr = instance_mapper._get_state_attr_by_column

            dict_ = state.dict
            if passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED:
                attr_passive = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF
                attr_passive = passive

            ident = [
                for pk in prop_mapper.primary_key
            if attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT in ident:
                return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT

            if _none_set.issuperset(ident):
                return None

            ident_key = prop_mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(ident)
            instance = Query._get_from_identity(session, ident_key, passive)
            if instance is not None:
                return instance
            elif passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH or \
                passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED:
                return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT

        q = session.query(prop_mapper)._adapt_all_clauses()

        # don't autoflush on pending
        if pending:
            q = q.autoflush(False)

        if state.load_path:
            q = q._with_current_path(state.load_path + (key, ))

        if state.load_options:
            q = q._conditional_options(*state.load_options)

        if self.use_get:
            return q._load_on_ident(ident_key)

        if prop.order_by:
            q = q.order_by(*util.to_list(prop.order_by))

        for rev in prop._reverse_property:
            # reverse props that are MANYTOONE are loading *this*
            # object from get(), so don't need to eager out to those.
            if rev.direction is interfaces.MANYTOONE and \
                        rev._use_get and \
                        not isinstance(rev.strategy, LazyLoader):
                q = q.options(EagerLazyOption((rev.key, ), lazy='select'))

        lazy_clause = self.lazy_clause(state)

        if pending:
            bind_values = sql_util.bind_values(lazy_clause)
            if None in bind_values:
                return None

        q = q.filter(lazy_clause)

        result = q.all()
        if self.uselist:
            return result
            l = len(result)
            if l:
                if l > 1:
                        "Multiple rows returned with "
                        "uselist=False for lazily-loaded attribute '%s' " %

                return result[0]
                return None