class Lot(DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Lot. Each lot is linked to an account. Splits in this account can be associated to a Lot. Whenever the balance of the splits goes to 0, the Lot is closed (otherwise it is opened) Attributes: is_closed (int) : 1 if lot is closed, 0 otherwise account (:class:`piecash.core.account.Account`): account of the Lot splits (:class:`piecash.core.transaction.Split`): splits associated to the Lot """ __tablename__ = 'lots' __table_args__ = {} # column definitions account_guid = Column('account_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('accounts.guid')) is_closed = Column('is_closed', INTEGER(), nullable=False) title = pure_slot_property('title') notes = pure_slot_property('notes') # relation definitions account = relation( 'Account', back_populates='lots', ) splits = relation( 'Split', back_populates='lot', collection_class=CallableList, ) def __init__(self, title, account, notes="", splits=None, is_closed=0): self.title = title self.account = account self.notes = notes if splits: self.splits[:] = splits self.is_closed = is_closed @validates("splits", "account") def check_no_change_if_lot_is_close(self, key, value): if self.is_closed: raise ValueError( "Lot is closed and cannot be changed (adding splits or changing account" ) return value def object_to_validate(self, change): yield self def validate(self): # check all splits have same account for sp in self.splits: if sp.account != self.account: raise ValueError( "Split {} is not in the same commodity of the lot {}". format(sp, self)) def __unirepr__(self): return u"Lot<'{}' on {}>".format(self.title,
class Transaction(DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Transaction. Attributes: currency (:class:`piecash.core.commodity.Commodity`): currency of the transaction. This attribute is write-once (i.e. one cannot change it after being set) description (str): description of the transaction enter_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): datetimetime at which transaction is entered post_date (:class:``): day on which transaction is posted num (str): user provided transaction number splits (list of :class:`Split`): list of the splits of the transaction scheduled_transaction (:class:`ScheduledTransaction`): scheduled transaction behind the transaction notes (str): notes on the transaction (provided via a slot) """ __tablename__ = 'transactions' __table_args__ = {} # column definitions currency_guid = Column('currency_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('commodities.guid'), nullable=False) num = Column('num', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) _post_date = Column('post_date', _DateAsDateTime(neutral_time=True), index=True) post_date = mapped_to_slot_property(_post_date, slot_name="date-posted", # slot_transform=lambda x: if x else None ) enter_date = Column('enter_date', _DateTime) description = Column('description', VARCHAR(length=2048)) notes = pure_slot_property('notes') scheduled_transaction = pure_slot_property('from-sched-xaction', ignore_invalid_slot=True) # relation definitions currency = relation('Commodity', back_populates='transactions', ) splits = relation('Split', back_populates="transaction", cascade='all, delete-orphan', collection_class=CallableList, ) def __init__(self, currency, description="", notes=None, splits=None, enter_date=None, post_date=None, num="", ): assert enter_date is None or isinstance(enter_date, datetime.datetime), "enter_date should be a datetime object" assert post_date is None or ( isinstance(post_date, and not isinstance(post_date, datetime.datetime)), "post_date should be a date object" self.currency = currency self.description = description self.enter_date = (enter_date if enter_date else self.post_date = (post_date if post_date else self.num = num if notes is not None: self.notes = notes if splits: self.splits = splits def __unirepr__(self): return u"Transaction<[{}] '{}' on {:%Y-%m-%d}{}>".format(self.currency.mnemonic, self.description, self.post_date, " (from sch tx)" if self.scheduled_transaction else "") def object_to_validate(self, change): yield self def validate(self): old = self.get_all_changes() if old["STATE_CHANGES"][-1] == "deleted": return if self.currency.namespace != "CURRENCY": raise GncValidationError("You are assigning a non currency commodity to a transaction") # check all accounts related to the splits of the transaction are not placeholder(=frozen) for sp in self.splits: if sp.account.placeholder != 0: raise GncValidationError("Account '{}' used in the transaction is a placeholder".format(sp.account)) # check same currency if "currency" in old and old["currency"] is not NEVER_SET: raise GncValidationError("You cannot change the currency of a transaction once it has been set") # validate the splits if hasattr(self, "_recalculate_balance"): del self._recalculate_balance value_imbalance, quantity_imbalances = self.calculate_imbalances() if value_imbalance: # raise exception instead of creating an imbalance entry as probably an error # (in the gnucash GUI, another decision taken because need of "save unfinished transaction") raise GncImbalanceError("The transaction {} is not balanced on its value".format(self)) if any(quantity_imbalances.values()) and self.normalize_trading_accounts() # normalise post_date to 10:59AM # if self.post_date: # self.post_date = self.post_date.replace(hour=10, minute=59, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=utc) def calculate_imbalances(self): """Calculate value and quantity imbalances of a transaction""" value_imbalance = Decimal(0) # hold imbalance on split.value quantity_imbalances = defaultdict(Decimal) # hold imbalance on split.quantity per cdty # collect imbalance information for sp in self.splits: value_imbalance += sp.value quantity_imbalances[sp.account.commodity] += sp.quantity return value_imbalance, quantity_imbalances def normalize_trading_accounts(self): # collect imbalance information classic_splits = defaultdict(list) trading_splits = defaultdict(list) trading_target_value = defaultdict(Decimal) trading_target_quantity = defaultdict(Decimal) for sp in self.splits: cdty = sp.account.commodity if sp.account.type == "TRADING": trading_splits[cdty].append(sp) else: classic_splits[cdty].append(sp) trading_target_value[cdty] += sp.value trading_target_quantity[cdty] += sp.quantity root = # imbalance in quantities to be settled using trading accounts for cdty, v in trading_target_value.items(): q = trading_target_quantity[cdty] # if commodity is balanced, do not do anything if (v == q == 0): continue # otherwise, look if there is some trading imbalance (ie a split with the trading account already exists!) if cdty in trading_splits: # and adjust the related split to rebalance sp, = trading_splits[cdty] sp.value -= v sp.quantity -= q else: # otherwise, we must create the split related to the trading account # assume trading account exists t_acc = sp = Split(account=t_acc, value=-v, quantity=-q, transaction=self, )
class Economic(Base): id = Column(Integer(11), primary_key=True) eco_name = Column(VARCHAR(24), nullable=False) eco_unit = Column(VARCHAR(10), nullable=False) city_id = Column(Integer(11), primary_key=False) data = Column(Integer(20), nullable=False)
class TiKu(Base): __tablename__ = 'spider_tiku' id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) kaoshi = Column(VARCHAR(200), nullable=True) subject = Column(VARCHAR(200), nullable=True) chapter = Column(VARCHAR(200), nullable=True) section = Column(VARCHAR(200), nullable=True) tixing = Column(VARCHAR(20), nullable=True) question_case = Column(Text(), nullable=True) question = Column(Text, nullable=True) a = Column(VARCHAR(1000), nullable=True) b = Column(VARCHAR(1000), nullable=True) c = Column(VARCHAR(1000), nullable=True) d = Column(VARCHAR(1000), nullable=True) e = Column(VARCHAR(1000), nullable=True) other_sections = Column(VARCHAR(3000), nullable=True) answer = Column(VARCHAR(500), nullable=True) analysis = Column(Text(), nullable=True) source = Column(Text(), nullable=True) def __str__(self): return '< {} {} {}>'.format(self.kaoshi, self.subject, self.chapter)
"recurrences": 2, "schedxactions": 1, "slots": 4, "splits": 5, "taxtable_entries": 3, "taxtables": 2, "transactions": 4, "vendors": 1, }, } # this is not a declarative as it is used before binding the session to an engine. gnclock = Table( u"gnclock", DeclarativeBase.metadata, Column("hostname", VARCHAR(length=255)), Column("pid", INTEGER()), ) class Version(DeclarativeBase): """The declarative class for the 'versions' table.""" __tablename__ = "versions" __table_args__ = {} # column definitions # : The name of the table table_name = Column( "table_name", VARCHAR(length=50), primary_key=True, nullable=False
class OperateRevenueRanking(Base): __tablename__ = 'revenue_ranking' day = Column(VARCHAR(255), primary_key=True) Admin = Column(VARCHAR(5)) ranking = Column(VARCHAR(255))
class Eew(Base): __tablename__ = 'eew' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) event_id = Column(VARCHAR(256), unique=True)
class Product(Base): __tablename__ = "product" product_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) product_name = Column(VARCHAR(100)) quantity = Column(Integer) mrp = Column(Float) batch_num = Column(VARCHAR(100)) batch_date = Column(VARCHAR(100)) vendor_name = Column(VARCHAR(100)) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("user.user_id")) status = Column(VARCHAR(50), Enum("active", "inactive")) created_datetime = Column(DATETIME) def __init__(self, product_name=None, quantity=None, mrp=None, batch_num=None, batch_date=None, vendor_name=None, user_id=None, status=None, created_datetime=None): self.product_name = product_name self.quantity = quantity self.batch_num = batch_num self.batch_date = batch_date self.mrp = mrp self.vendor_name = vendor_name self.status = status self.user_id = user_id self.created_datetime = def add_product_to_inventory(self): product_obj = Product(product_name=self.product_name, quantity=self.quantity, mrp=self.mrp, batch_num=self.batch_num, batch_date=self.batch_date, vendor_name=self.vendor_name, user_id=self.user_id, status=self.status, created_datetime=self.created_datetime) session.add(product_obj) session.commit() return product_obj.product_id def update_product_in_inventory(self, product_id): session.query(Product).filter(Product.product_id == product_id).update({"product_name": self.product_name, 'quantity': self.quantity, "mrp": self.mrp, "batch_num": self.batch_num, "batch_date": self.batch_date, "vendor_name": self.vendor_name, "status": "active"}) session.commit() def remove_product_from_inventory(self, product_id): product_obj = session.query(Product).filter(Product.product_id == product_id).first() session.delete(product_obj) session.commit() def get_all_products(self): product_list = session.query(Product).all() session.commit() return product_list def get_all_products_by_user_id(self, user_id): product_list = session.query(Product).filter(Product.user_id == user_id).all() session.commit() return product_list def get_user_by_product_id(self, product_id): product_list = session.query(Product).filter(Product.product_id == product_id).first() user_list = session.query(UserRoleMap).filter(UserRoleMap.user_id == product_list.user_id).first() response = [product_list, user_list] session.commit() return response def get_active_products(self): acc_product_list = session.query(Product).filter(Product.status == "active").all() return acc_product_list def get_inactive_products(self): pen_product_obj = session.query(Product).filter(Product.status == "inactive").all() return pen_product_obj
class Neighbours(Base): __tablename__ = "neighbours" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True) router_name = Column(VARCHAR(80)) neighbour = Column(VARCHAR(80))
class IfBscPsopreferstock(Base): __tablename__ = 'if_bsc_psopreferstock' vc_scode = Column(VARCHAR(16), primary_key=True) vc_code = Column(VARCHAR(16)) vc_sname = Column(VARCHAR(128)) c_is_list = Column(CHAR(1)) l_market = Column(VARCHAR(50)) vc_kind = Column(VARCHAR(8)) l_listdate = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_delistdate = Column(VARCHAR(50)) vc_valuecur = Column(VARCHAR(3)) en_nst_volume = Column(VARCHAR(50)) en_nst_scale = Column(VARCHAR(50)) en_couponrate = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_begin_date = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_couponrate_adjust = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_adjust_unit = Column(VARCHAR(50)) vc_adjust_desc = Column(VARCHAR(1024)) vc_repricing_date = Column(VARCHAR(128)) en_premium = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_day_type = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_day_mode = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_interestpay_times = Column(VARCHAR(50)) vc_yearpay_date = Column(VARCHAR(128)) l_nextpay_date = Column(VARCHAR(50)) c_is_accumulate = Column(CHAR(1)) c_is_merge = Column(CHAR(1)) c_is_switch = Column(CHAR(1)) cl_transfershare_memo = Column(Text) en_current_price = Column(VARCHAR(50)) c_is_call = Column(CHAR(1)) cl_call_desc = Column(Text) c_is_putclause = Column(CHAR(1)) cl_putclause_desc = Column(Text) l_repaymode = Column(VARCHAR(50)) vc_chgsecode = Column(VARCHAR(36)) vc_chgsymbol = Column(VARCHAR(36)) c_as_bond_or_equity = Column(CHAR(1), server_default=text("'3'")) vc_eventcode = Column(VARCHAR(20)) d_updatetime = Column(DateTime) vc_source = Column(VARCHAR(20)) vc_update_operater = Column(VARCHAR(20)) def __str__(self): return 'vc_scode'
class BuggyDomainReflectionTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsExecutionResults): """Test Firebird domains (and some other reflection bumps), see [ticket:1663] and""" __only_on__ = "firebird" # NB: spacing and newlines are *significant* here! # PS: this test is superfluous on recent FB, where the issue 356 is # probably fixed... AUTOINC_DM = """\ CREATE DOMAIN AUTOINC_DM AS NUMERIC(18,0) """ MONEY_DM = """\ CREATE DOMAIN MONEY_DM AS NUMERIC(15,2) DEFAULT 0 CHECK (VALUE BETWEEN - 9999999999999.99 AND +9999999999999.99) """ NOSI_DM = """\ CREATE DOMAIN NOSI_DM AS CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL CHECK (VALUE IN ('S', 'N')) """ RIT_TESORERIA_CAPITOLO_DM = """\ CREATE DOMAIN RIT_TESORERIA_CAPITOLO_DM AS VARCHAR(6) CHECK ((VALUE IS NULL) OR (VALUE = UPPER(VALUE))) """ DEF_ERROR_TB = """\ CREATE TABLE DEF_ERROR ( RITENUTAMOV_ID AUTOINC_DM NOT NULL, RITENUTA MONEY_DM, INTERESSI MONEY_DM DEFAULT 0, STAMPATO_MODULO NOSI_DM DEFAULT 'S', TESORERIA_CAPITOLO RIT_TESORERIA_CAPITOLO_DM) """ DEF_ERROR_NODOM_TB = """\ CREATE TABLE DEF_ERROR_NODOM ( RITENUTAMOV_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, RITENUTA NUMERIC(15,2) DEFAULT 0, INTERESSI NUMERIC(15,2) DEFAULT 0, STAMPATO_MODULO CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'S', TESORERIA_CAPITOLO CHAR(1)) """ DOM_ID = """ CREATE DOMAIN DOM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL """ TABLE_A = """\ CREATE TABLE A ( ID DOM_ID /* INTEGER NOT NULL */ DEFAULT 0 ) """ # the 'default' keyword is lower case here TABLE_B = """\ CREATE TABLE B ( ID DOM_ID /* INTEGER NOT NULL */ default 0 ) """ @classmethod def setup_class(cls): con = testing.db.connect() con.exec_driver_sql(cls.AUTOINC_DM) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.MONEY_DM) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.NOSI_DM) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.RIT_TESORERIA_CAPITOLO_DM) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.DEF_ERROR_TB) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.DEF_ERROR_NODOM_TB) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.DOM_ID) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.TABLE_A) con.exec_driver_sql(cls.TABLE_B) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): con = testing.db.connect() con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE a") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE b") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN dom_id") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE def_error_nodom") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE def_error") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN rit_tesoreria_capitolo_dm") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN nosi_dm") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN money_dm") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN autoinc_dm") def test_tables_are_reflected_same_way(self): metadata = MetaData(testing.db) table_dom = Table("def_error", metadata, autoload=True) table_nodom = Table("def_error_nodom", metadata, autoload=True) eq_( table_dom.c.interessi.server_default.arg.text, table_nodom.c.interessi.server_default.arg.text, ) eq_( table_dom.c.ritenuta.server_default.arg.text, table_nodom.c.ritenuta.server_default.arg.text, ) eq_( table_dom.c.stampato_modulo.server_default.arg.text, table_nodom.c.stampato_modulo.server_default.arg.text, ) def test_intermixed_comment(self): metadata = MetaData(testing.db) table_a = Table("a", metadata, autoload=True) eq_(, "0") def test_lowercase_default_name(self): metadata = MetaData(testing.db) table_b = Table("b", metadata, autoload=True) eq_(, "0")
class MySQLInterface(DBInterface): _type_mapper = { 'datetime': DateTime, 'date': Date, 'float': Float, 'double': DOUBLE, 'str': Text, 'int': Integer, 'varchar': VARCHAR(20), 'boolean': Boolean } def __init__(self, engine: sa.engine.Engine, init: bool = False, db_schema_loc: str = None) -> None: """ MySQL server reads and writes interface :param engine: sqlalchemy engine :param init: if needed to initialize database tables :param db_schema_loc: database schema description if you have custom schema """ super().__init__() assert == 'mysql', 'This class is MySQL database ONLY!!!' self.engine = engine self.meta = sa.MetaData(bind=self.engine) self.meta.reflect() if init: self._create_db_schema_tables(db_schema_loc) def _create_db_schema_tables(self, db_schema_loc): self._db_parameters = utils.load_param('db_schema.json', db_schema_loc) for special_item in ['资产负债表', '现金流量表', '利润表']: tmp_item = self._db_parameters.pop(special_item) tmp_item['q1'] = 'date' tmp_item['q2'] = 'date' tmp_item['q4'] = 'date' tmp_item['q5'] = 'date' tmp_item['y1'] = 'date' tmp_item['y2'] = 'date' tmp_item['y3'] = 'date' tmp_item['y5'] = 'date' for prefix in ['合并', '母公司']: self._db_parameters[prefix + special_item] = tmp_item for table_name, table_schema in self._db_parameters.items(): self.create_table(table_name, table_schema) def get_table_names(self) -> List[str]: return list(self.meta.tables.keys()) def get_columns_names(self, table_name: str) -> List[str]: table = sa.Table(table_name, self.meta) return [str( for it in table.columns] def create_table(self, table_name: str, table_schema: Mapping[str, str]) -> None: """ 创建表 :param table_name: 表名 :param table_schema: dict{字段名: 类型} """ col_names = list(table_schema.keys()) col_types = [self._type_mapper[it] for it in table_schema.values()] if 'id' in col_names: primary_keys = ['id'] else: primary_keys = [ it for it in ['DateTime', 'ID', '报告期', 'ConstituteTicker'] if it in col_names ] existing_tables = [it.lower() for it in self.meta.tables] if table_name.lower() in existing_tables: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(f'表 {table_name} 已存在.') return new_table = Table( table_name, self.meta, *(Column(col_name, col_type) for col_name, col_type in zip(col_names, col_types)), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint(*primary_keys)) new_table.create() self.meta.reflect() logging.getLogger(__name__).info(f'表 {table_name} 创建成功.') def drop_all_tables(self) -> None: """删除database内所有的表, 谨慎使用!!!""" logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('DROPPING ALL TABLES') for table in self.meta.tables.values(): table.drop() self.meta.reflect() def purge_table(self, table_name: str) -> None: assert table_name in self.meta.tables.keys( ), f'数据库中无名为 {table_name} 的表' table = self.meta.tables[table_name] conn = self.engine.connect() conn.execute(table.delete()) logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(f'table {table_name} purged') def insert_df(self, df: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], table_name: str) -> None: if df.empty: return start_timestamp = time.time() df.to_sql(table_name, self.engine, if_exists='append') end_timestamp = time.time() logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( f'插入数据耗时 {(end_timestamp - start_timestamp):.2f} 秒.') def update_df(self, df: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], table_name: str) -> None: """ 将DataFrame写入数据库""" if df is None: return if df.empty: return metadata = sa.MetaData(self.engine) metadata.reflect() table = metadata.tables[table_name.lower()] flat_df = df.reset_index() date_cols = flat_df.select_dtypes( np.datetime64).columns.values.tolist() for col in date_cols: flat_df[col] = flat_df[col].apply(self._date2str) # replace nan to None so that insert will not error out # it seems that this operation changes dtypes. so do it last start_timestamp = time.time() for col in flat_df.columns: flat_df[col] = flat_df[col].where(flat_df[col].notnull(), other=None) for _, row in flat_df.iterrows(): insert_statement = insert(table).values(**row.to_dict()) statement = insert_statement.on_duplicate_key_update( **row.to_dict()) self.engine.execute(statement) end_timestamp = time.time() logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( f'插入数据耗时 {(end_timestamp - start_timestamp):.2f} 秒.') def update_compact_df(self, df: pd.Series, table_name: str, old_df: pd.Series = None) -> None: if df.empty: return existing_data = self.read_table( table_name) if old_df is None else old_df if existing_data.empty: self.update_df(df, table_name) else: current_date = df.index.get_level_values( 'DateTime').to_pydatetime()[0] existing_data = existing_data.loc[ existing_data.index.get_level_values( 'DateTime') < current_date] new_info = compute_diff(df, existing_data) self.update_df(new_info, table_name) def get_latest_timestamp( self, table_name: str, default_ts: dt.datetime = None, column_condition: (str, str) = None) -> Optional[dt.datetime]: """ 返回数据库表中最新的时间戳 :param table_name: 表名 :param default_ts: 当无匹配对象时返回的默认值 :param column_condition: 列条件Tuple: (列名, 符合条件的列内容) :return: 最新时间 """ assert table_name.lower() in self.meta.tables.keys( ), f'数据库中无名为 {table_name} 的表' table = self.meta.tables[table_name.lower()] if 'DateTime' in table.columns.keys(): session = Session(self.engine) q = session.query(func.max(table.c.DateTime)) if column_condition: q = q.filter( table.columns[column_condition[0]] == column_condition[1]) ret =[0] session.close() if isinstance(ret, ret = dt.datetime.combine(ret, dt.time()) elif ret is None: ret = default_ts return ret def get_column_min(self, table_name: str, column: str): """ 返回数据库表中某列的最小值 :param table_name: 表名 :param column: 列名 :return: 列的最小值 """ assert table_name.lower() in self.meta.tables.keys( ), f'数据库中无名为 {table_name} 的表' table = self.meta.tables[table_name.lower()] if 'DateTime' in table.columns.keys(): session = Session(self.engine) q = session.query(func.min(table.c[column])) ret =[0] session.close() return ret def get_column_max(self, table_name: str, column: str): """ 返回数据库表中某列的最大值 :param table_name: 表名 :param column: 列名 :return: 列的最大值 """ assert table_name.lower() in self.meta.tables.keys( ), f'数据库中无名为 {table_name} 的表' table = self.meta.tables[table_name.lower()] if 'DateTime' in table.columns.keys(): session = Session(self.engine) q = session.query(func.max(table.c[column])) ret =[0] session.close() return ret def get_all_id(self, table_name: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ 返回数据库表中的所有股票代码 :param table_name: 表名 :return: 证券代码列表 """ return self.get_column(table_name, 'ID') def get_column(self, table_name: str, column_name: str) -> Optional[List]: """ 返回数据库表中的`column_name`列排序后的非重复值 :param table_name: 表名 :param column_name: 列名 :return: 数据库表中的`column_name`列排序后的非重复值 """ assert table_name.lower() in self.meta.tables.keys( ), f'数据库中无名为 {table_name} 的表' table = self.meta.tables[table_name.lower()] if column_name in table.columns.keys(): logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( f'{table_name} 表中找到 {column_name} 列') session = Session(self.engine) tmp = session.query(table.columns[column_name]).distinct().all() session.close() return [it[0] for it in tmp] # todo: TBD def clean_db(self, table_name: str) -> None: """清理表中多余的数据. 未实现""" metadata = sa.MetaData(self.engine) metadata.reflect() assert table_name in metadata.tables.keys(), f'数据库中无名为 {table_name} 的表' table = metadata.tables[table_name] session = Session(self.engine) data = self.read_table(table_name).unstack() @staticmethod def _date2str(date) -> Optional[str]: if isinstance(date, pd.Timestamp): return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def read_table( self, table_name: str, columns: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, start_date: dt.datetime = None, end_date: dt.datetime = None, dates: Union[Sequence[dt.datetime], dt.datetime] = None, report_period: dt.datetime = None, report_month: int = None, ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, constitute_ticker: str = None, text_statement: str = None) -> Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: """ 读取数据库中的表 :param table_name: 表名 :param columns: 所需的列名 :param start_date: 开始时间 :param end_date: 结束时间 :param dates: 查询日期 :param report_period: 报告期 :param report_month: 报告月份 :param ids: 合约代码 :param constitute_ticker: 成分股代码 :param text_statement: SQL指令 :return: """ table_name = table_name.lower() index_col = self.get_table_primary_keys(table_name) session = Session(self.engine) t = self.meta.tables[table_name] q = session.query() if columns: if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] columns.extend(index_col) else: columns = [ for it in t.columns] for it in columns: q = q.add_columns(t.c[it]) if dates is not None: if isinstance(dates, Sequence): q = q.filter(t.columns['DateTime'].in_(dates)) else: q = q.filter(t.columns['DateTime'] == dates) elif end_date is not None: q = q.filter(t.columns['DateTime'] <= end_date) if start_date is not None: q = q.filter(t.columns['DateTime'] >= start_date) if report_period is not None: q = q.filter(t.columns['报告期'] == report_period) if report_month is not None: q = q.filter(extract('month', t.columns['报告期']) == report_month) if text_statement: q = q.filter(text(text_statement)) if (ids is not None) and ('ID' in columns): if isinstance(ids, str): q = q.filter(t.columns['ID'] == ids) else: q = q.filter(t.columns['ID'].in_(ids)) if (constitute_ticker is not None) and ('ConstituteTicker' in columns): q = q.filter(t.columns['ConstituteTicker'] == constitute_ticker) ret = pd.read_sql(q.statement, con=self.engine) session.close() if index_col: if 'DateTime' in index_col: ret.DateTime = pd.to_datetime(ret.DateTime) if '报告期' in index_col: ret['报告期'] = pd.to_datetime(ret['报告期']) ret = ret.set_index(index_col, drop=True) if ret.shape[1] == 1: ret = ret.iloc[:, 0] return ret def exist_table(self, table_name: str) -> bool: """ 数据库中是否存在该表""" table_name = table_name.lower() return table_name in self.meta.tables.keys() def get_table_primary_keys(self, table_name: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: table_name = table_name.lower() table = self.meta.tables[table_name] primary_key = [ for it in table.primary_key] if primary_key: return primary_key def delete_datetime_records(self, table_name: str, datetime: dt.datetime): table_name = table_name.lower() t = self.meta.tables[table_name] stmt = t.delete().where(t.c.DateTime == datetime) conn = self.engine.connect() conn.execute(stmt) def delete_id_records(self, table_name: str, tickers: Union[str, Sequence[str]]): table_name = table_name.lower() t = self.meta.tables[table_name] if isinstance(tickers, str): stmt = t.delete().where(t.c.ID == tickers) else: stmt = t.delete().where(t.c.ID.in_(tickers)) conn = self.engine.connect() conn.execute(stmt)
class TestModel(Base, BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'test' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(VARCHAR(255))
class CompanyBasicModel(Base, BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'company_basic' __table_args__ = (Index('wy', 'no', 'creditno', unique=True), ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(VARCHAR(255)) no = Column(VARCHAR(80), index=True) web_key = Column(VARCHAR(80), index=True) creditno = Column(VARCHAR(80), index=True) is_del = Column(Integer) u_ts = Column(Integer) c_ts = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): self.c_ts = kw.get("c_ts", None) self.creditno = kw.get("creditno", None) self.get = kw.get("get", None) self.getAll = kw.get("getAll", None) self.getAllIds = kw.get("getAllIds", None) self.getByFromId = kw.get("getByFromId", None) self.getByFromIdAndMod = kw.get("getByFromIdAndMod", None) self.getByName = kw.get("getByName", None) = kw.get("id", None) self.is_del = kw.get("is_del", None) self.metadata = kw.get("metadata", None) = kw.get("name", None) self.web_key = kw.get("web_key", None) = kw.get("no", None) self.u_ts = kw.get("u_ts", None) @staticmethod def getByNoOrCreditNo(no="", creditno="", session=None): return session.query(CompanyBasicModel).filter( or_( == no, CompanyBasicModel.creditno == creditno)).limit(1).all() @staticmethod def updateComKey(id_, web_key, session): infos = session.query(CompanyBasicModel).filter( == id_).update( {CompanyBasicModel.web_key: web_key}) session.commit() return infos @staticmethod def addBasic(data, session): if data.get("no"): exists = CompanyBasicModel.getByNo(data.get("no"), session) elif data.get("web_key"): exists = CompanyBasicModel.getByCreditNo(data.get("web_key"), session) elif data.get("creditno"): exists = CompanyBasicModel.getByCreditNo(data.get("creditno"), session) elif data.get("name"): exists = CompanyBasicModel.getByName(data.get("name"), session) else: return None if not exists: basic = CompanyBasicModel(**data) CompanyBasicModel.addModel(basic, session) return return exists[0].id
class DialectTypesTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL): __dialect__ = oracle.OracleDialect() def test_no_clobs_for_string_params(self): """test that simple string params get a DBAPI type of VARCHAR, not CLOB. This is to prevent setinputsizes from setting up cx_oracle.CLOBs on string-based bind params [ticket:793].""" class FakeDBAPI: def __getattr__(self, attr): return attr dialect = oracle.OracleDialect() dbapi = FakeDBAPI() b = bindparam("foo", "hello world!") eq_(b.type.dialect_impl(dialect).get_dbapi_type(dbapi), "STRING") b = bindparam("foo", "hello world!") eq_(b.type.dialect_impl(dialect).get_dbapi_type(dbapi), "STRING") def test_long(self): self.assert_compile(oracle.LONG(), "LONG") @testing.combinations( (Date(), cx_oracle._OracleDate), (oracle.OracleRaw(), cx_oracle._OracleRaw), (String(), String), (VARCHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleString), (DATE(), cx_oracle._OracleDate), (oracle.DATE(), oracle.DATE), (String(50), cx_oracle._OracleString), (Unicode(), cx_oracle._OracleUnicodeStringCHAR), (Text(), cx_oracle._OracleText), (UnicodeText(), cx_oracle._OracleUnicodeTextCLOB), (CHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleChar), (NCHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleNChar), (NVARCHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleUnicodeStringNCHAR), (oracle.RAW(50), cx_oracle._OracleRaw), ) def test_type_adapt(self, start, test): dialect = cx_oracle.dialect() assert isinstance( start.dialect_impl(dialect), test), "wanted %r got %r" % (test, start.dialect_impl(dialect)) @testing.combinations( (String(), String), (VARCHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleString), (String(50), cx_oracle._OracleString), (Unicode(), cx_oracle._OracleUnicodeStringNCHAR), (Text(), cx_oracle._OracleText), (UnicodeText(), cx_oracle._OracleUnicodeTextNCLOB), (NCHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleNChar), (NVARCHAR(), cx_oracle._OracleUnicodeStringNCHAR), ) def test_type_adapt_nchar(self, start, test): dialect = cx_oracle.dialect(use_nchar_for_unicode=True) assert isinstance( start.dialect_impl(dialect), test), "wanted %r got %r" % (test, start.dialect_impl(dialect)) def test_raw_compile(self): self.assert_compile(oracle.RAW(), "RAW") self.assert_compile(oracle.RAW(35), "RAW(35)") def test_char_length(self): self.assert_compile(VARCHAR(50), "VARCHAR(50 CHAR)") oracle8dialect = oracle.dialect() oracle8dialect.server_version_info = (8, 0) self.assert_compile(VARCHAR(50), "VARCHAR(50)", dialect=oracle8dialect) self.assert_compile(NVARCHAR(50), "NVARCHAR2(50)") self.assert_compile(CHAR(50), "CHAR(50)") @testing.combinations( (String(50), "VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)"), (Unicode(50), "VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)"), (NVARCHAR(50), "NVARCHAR2(50)"), (VARCHAR(50), "VARCHAR(50 CHAR)"), (oracle.NVARCHAR2(50), "NVARCHAR2(50)"), (oracle.VARCHAR2(50), "VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)"), (String(), "VARCHAR2"), (Unicode(), "VARCHAR2"), (NVARCHAR(), "NVARCHAR2"), (VARCHAR(), "VARCHAR"), (oracle.NVARCHAR2(), "NVARCHAR2"), (oracle.VARCHAR2(), "VARCHAR2"), ) def test_varchar_types(self, typ, exp): dialect = oracle.dialect() self.assert_compile(typ, exp, dialect=dialect) @testing.combinations( (String(50), "VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)"), (Unicode(50), "NVARCHAR2(50)"), (NVARCHAR(50), "NVARCHAR2(50)"), (VARCHAR(50), "VARCHAR(50 CHAR)"), (oracle.NVARCHAR2(50), "NVARCHAR2(50)"), (oracle.VARCHAR2(50), "VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)"), (String(), "VARCHAR2"), (Unicode(), "NVARCHAR2"), (NVARCHAR(), "NVARCHAR2"), (VARCHAR(), "VARCHAR"), (oracle.NVARCHAR2(), "NVARCHAR2"), (oracle.VARCHAR2(), "VARCHAR2"), ) def test_varchar_use_nchar_types(self, typ, exp): dialect = oracle.dialect(use_nchar_for_unicode=True) self.assert_compile(typ, exp, dialect=dialect) @testing.combinations( (oracle.INTERVAL(), "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND"), (oracle.INTERVAL(day_precision=3), "INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND"), (oracle.INTERVAL(second_precision=5), "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND(5)"), ( oracle.INTERVAL(day_precision=2, second_precision=5), "INTERVAL DAY(2) TO SECOND(5)", ), ) def test_interval(self, type_, expected): self.assert_compile(type_, expected) def test_interval_coercion_literal(self): expr = column("bar", oracle.INTERVAL) == datetime.timedelta(days=1) eq_(expr.right.type._type_affinity, sqltypes.Interval)
class SQLTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL): """Tests MySQL-dialect specific compilation.""" __dialect__ = mysql.dialect() def test_precolumns(self): dialect = self.__dialect__ def gen(distinct=None, prefixes=None): stmt = select(column("q")) if distinct: stmt = stmt.distinct() if prefixes is not None: stmt = stmt.prefix_with(*prefixes) return str(stmt.compile(dialect=dialect)) eq_(gen(None), "SELECT q") eq_(gen(True), "SELECT DISTINCT q") eq_(gen(prefixes=["ALL"]), "SELECT ALL q") eq_(gen(prefixes=["DISTINCTROW"]), "SELECT DISTINCTROW q") # Interaction with MySQL prefix extensions eq_(gen(None, ["straight_join"]), "SELECT straight_join q") eq_( gen(False, ["HIGH_PRIORITY", "SQL_SMALL_RESULT", "ALL"]), "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY SQL_SMALL_RESULT ALL q", ) eq_( gen(True, ["high_priority", sql.text("sql_cache")]), "SELECT high_priority sql_cache DISTINCT q", ) def test_backslash_escaping(self): self.assert_compile( sql.column("foo").like("bar", escape="\\"), "foo LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\\\'", ) dialect = mysql.dialect() dialect._backslash_escapes = False self.assert_compile( sql.column("foo").like("bar", escape="\\"), "foo LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", dialect=dialect, ) def test_limit(self): t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col1"), sql.column("col2")) self.assert_compile( select(t).limit(10).offset(20), "SELECT t.col1, t.col2 FROM t LIMIT %s, %s", { "param_1": 20, "param_2": 10 }, ) self.assert_compile( select(t).limit(10), "SELECT t.col1, t.col2 FROM t LIMIT %s", {"param_1": 10}, ) self.assert_compile( select(t).offset(10), "SELECT t.col1, t.col2 FROM t LIMIT %s, 18446744073709551615", {"param_1": 10}, ) @testing.combinations( (String, ), (VARCHAR, ), (String(), ), (VARCHAR(), ), (NVARCHAR(), ), (Unicode, ), (Unicode(), ), ) def test_varchar_raise(self, type_): type_ = sqltypes.to_instance(type_) assert_raises_message( exc.CompileError, "VARCHAR requires a length on dialect mysql", type_.compile, dialect=mysql.dialect(), ) t1 = Table("sometable", MetaData(), Column("somecolumn", type_)) assert_raises_message( exc.CompileError, r"\(in table 'sometable', column 'somecolumn'\)\: " r"(?:N)?VARCHAR requires a length on dialect mysql", schema.CreateTable(t1).compile, dialect=mysql.dialect(), ) def test_update_limit(self): t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col1"), sql.column("col2")) self.assert_compile(t.update(values={"col1": 123}), "UPDATE t SET col1=%s") self.assert_compile( t.update().values({ "col1": 123 }).with_dialect_options(mysql_limit=5), "UPDATE t SET col1=%s LIMIT 5", ) self.assert_compile( t.update().values({ "col1": 123 }).with_dialect_options(mysql_limit=None), "UPDATE t SET col1=%s", ) self.assert_compile( t.update().where(t.c.col2 == 456).values({ "col1": 123 }).with_dialect_options(mysql_limit=1), "UPDATE t SET col1=%s WHERE t.col2 = %s LIMIT 1", ) def test_utc_timestamp(self): self.assert_compile(func.utc_timestamp(), "utc_timestamp()") def test_utc_timestamp_fsp(self): self.assert_compile( func.utc_timestamp(5), "utc_timestamp(%s)", checkparams={"utc_timestamp_1": 5}, ) def test_sysdate(self): self.assert_compile(func.sysdate(), "SYSDATE()") m = mysql @testing.combinations( (Integer, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (INT, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (m.MSInteger, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (m.MSInteger(unsigned=True), "CAST(t.col AS UNSIGNED INTEGER)"), (SmallInteger, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (m.MSSmallInteger, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (m.MSTinyInteger, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), # 'SIGNED INTEGER' is a bigint, so this is ok. (m.MSBigInteger, "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (m.MSBigInteger(unsigned=False), "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)"), (m.MSBigInteger(unsigned=True), "CAST(t.col AS UNSIGNED INTEGER)"), # this is kind of sucky. thank you default arguments! (NUMERIC, "CAST(t.col AS DECIMAL)"), (DECIMAL, "CAST(t.col AS DECIMAL)"), (Numeric, "CAST(t.col AS DECIMAL)"), (m.MSNumeric, "CAST(t.col AS DECIMAL)"), (m.MSDecimal, "CAST(t.col AS DECIMAL)"), (TIMESTAMP, "CAST(t.col AS DATETIME)"), (DATETIME, "CAST(t.col AS DATETIME)"), (DATE, "CAST(t.col AS DATE)"), (TIME, "CAST(t.col AS TIME)"), (DateTime, "CAST(t.col AS DATETIME)"), (Date, "CAST(t.col AS DATE)"), (Time, "CAST(t.col AS TIME)"), (DateTime, "CAST(t.col AS DATETIME)"), (Date, "CAST(t.col AS DATE)"), (m.MSTime, "CAST(t.col AS TIME)"), (m.MSTimeStamp, "CAST(t.col AS DATETIME)"), (String, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (Unicode, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (UnicodeText, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (VARCHAR, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (NCHAR, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (CHAR, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.CHAR(charset="utf8"), "CAST(t.col AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8)"), (CLOB, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (TEXT, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.TEXT(charset="utf8"), "CAST(t.col AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8)"), (String(32), "CAST(t.col AS CHAR(32))"), (Unicode(32), "CAST(t.col AS CHAR(32))"), (CHAR(32), "CAST(t.col AS CHAR(32))"), (m.MSString, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.MSText, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.MSTinyText, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.MSMediumText, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.MSLongText, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.MSNChar, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (m.MSNVarChar, "CAST(t.col AS CHAR)"), (LargeBinary, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (BLOB, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSBlob, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSBlob(32), "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSTinyBlob, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSMediumBlob, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSLongBlob, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSBinary, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSBinary(32), "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSVarBinary, "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (m.MSVarBinary(32), "CAST(t.col AS BINARY)"), (Interval, "CAST(t.col AS DATETIME)"), ) def test_cast(self, type_, expected): t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col")) self.assert_compile(cast(t.c.col, type_), expected) def test_cast_type_decorator(self): class MyInteger(sqltypes.TypeDecorator): impl = Integer type_ = MyInteger() t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col")) self.assert_compile(cast(t.c.col, type_), "CAST(t.col AS SIGNED INTEGER)") def test_cast_literal_bind(self): expr = cast(column("foo", Integer) + 5, Integer()) self.assert_compile(expr, "CAST(foo + 5 AS SIGNED INTEGER)", literal_binds=True) def test_unsupported_cast_literal_bind(self): expr = cast(column("foo", Integer) + 5, Float) with expect_warnings( "Datatype FLOAT does not support CAST on MySQL/MariaDb;"): self.assert_compile(expr, "(foo + 5)", literal_binds=True) m = mysql @testing.combinations( (m.MSBit, "t.col"), (FLOAT, "t.col"), (Float, "t.col"), (m.MSFloat, "t.col"), (m.MSDouble, "t.col"), (m.MSReal, "t.col"), (m.MSYear, "t.col"), (m.MSYear(2), "t.col"), (Boolean, "t.col"), (BOOLEAN, "t.col"), (m.MSEnum, "t.col"), (m.MSEnum("1", "2"), "t.col"), (m.MSSet, "t.col"), (m.MSSet("1", "2"), "t.col"), ) def test_unsupported_casts(self, type_, expected): t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col")) with expect_warnings( "Datatype .* does not support CAST on MySQL/MariaDb;"): self.assert_compile(cast(t.c.col, type_), expected) @testing.combinations( (m.FLOAT, "CAST(t.col AS FLOAT)"), (Float, "CAST(t.col AS FLOAT)"), (FLOAT, "CAST(t.col AS FLOAT)"), (m.DOUBLE, "CAST(t.col AS DOUBLE)"), (m.FLOAT, "CAST(t.col AS FLOAT)"), argnames="type_,expected", ) @testing.combinations(True, False, argnames="maria_db") def test_float_cast(self, type_, expected, maria_db): dialect = mysql.dialect() if maria_db: dialect.is_mariadb = maria_db dialect.server_version_info = (10, 4, 5) else: dialect.server_version_info = (8, 0, 17) t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col")) self.assert_compile(cast(t.c.col, type_), expected, dialect=dialect) def test_cast_grouped_expression_non_castable(self): with expect_warnings( "Datatype FLOAT does not support CAST on MySQL/MariaDb;"): self.assert_compile(cast(sql.column("x") + sql.column("y"), Float), "(x + y)") def test_extract(self): t = sql.table("t", sql.column("col1")) for field in "year", "month", "day": self.assert_compile( select(extract(field, t.c.col1)), "SELECT EXTRACT(%s FROM t.col1) AS anon_1 FROM t" % field, ) # millsecondS to millisecond self.assert_compile( select(extract("milliseconds", t.c.col1)), "SELECT EXTRACT(millisecond FROM t.col1) AS anon_1 FROM t", ) def test_too_long_index(self): exp = "ix_zyrenian_zyme_zyzzogeton_zyzzogeton_zyrenian_zyme_zyz_5cd2" tname = "zyrenian_zyme_zyzzogeton_zyzzogeton" cname = "zyrenian_zyme_zyzzogeton_zo" t1 = Table(tname, MetaData(), Column(cname, Integer, index=True)) ix1 = list(t1.indexes)[0] self.assert_compile( schema.CreateIndex(ix1), "CREATE INDEX %s " "ON %s (%s)" % (exp, tname, cname), ) def test_innodb_autoincrement(self): t1 = Table( "sometable", MetaData(), Column("assigned_id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), mysql_engine="InnoDB", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE sometable (assigned_id " "INTEGER NOT NULL, id INTEGER NOT NULL " "AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id, assigned_id)" ")ENGINE=InnoDB", ) t1 = Table( "sometable", MetaData(), Column("assigned_id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), mysql_engine="InnoDB", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE sometable (assigned_id " "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id " "INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY " "(assigned_id, id))ENGINE=InnoDB", ) def test_innodb_autoincrement_reserved_word_column_name(self): t1 = Table( "sometable", MetaData(), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column("order", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), mysql_engine="InnoDB", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE sometable (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL, " "`order` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "PRIMARY KEY (`order`, id)" ")ENGINE=InnoDB", ) def test_create_table_with_partition(self): t1 = Table( "testtable", MetaData(), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column("other_id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), mysql_partitions="2", mysql_partition_by="KEY(other_id)", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE testtable (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "other_id INTEGER NOT NULL, " "PRIMARY KEY (id, other_id)" ")PARTITION BY KEY(other_id) PARTITIONS 2", ) def test_create_table_with_subpartition(self): t1 = Table( "testtable", MetaData(), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column("other_id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), mysql_partitions="2", mysql_partition_by="KEY(other_id)", mysql_subpartition_by="HASH(some_expr)", mysql_subpartitions="2", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE testtable (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "other_id INTEGER NOT NULL, " "PRIMARY KEY (id, other_id)" ")PARTITION BY KEY(other_id) PARTITIONS 2 " "SUBPARTITION BY HASH(some_expr) SUBPARTITIONS 2", ) def test_create_table_with_partition_hash(self): t1 = Table( "testtable", MetaData(), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column("other_id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), mysql_partitions="2", mysql_partition_by="HASH(other_id)", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE testtable (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "other_id INTEGER NOT NULL, " "PRIMARY KEY (id, other_id)" ")PARTITION BY HASH(other_id) PARTITIONS 2", ) def test_create_table_with_partition_and_other_opts(self): t1 = Table( "testtable", MetaData(), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column("other_id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), mysql_stats_sample_pages="2", mysql_partitions="2", mysql_partition_by="HASH(other_id)", ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), "CREATE TABLE testtable (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "other_id INTEGER NOT NULL, " "PRIMARY KEY (id, other_id)" ")STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES=2 PARTITION BY HASH(other_id) PARTITIONS 2", ) def test_create_table_with_collate(self): # issue #5411 t1 = Table( "testtable", MetaData(), Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), mysql_engine="InnoDB", mysql_collate="utf8_icelandic_ci", mysql_charset="utf8", ) first_part = ("CREATE TABLE testtable (" "id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "PRIMARY KEY (id))") try: self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), first_part + "ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_icelandic_ci", ) except AssertionError: self.assert_compile( schema.CreateTable(t1), first_part + "CHARSET=utf8 ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE utf8_icelandic_ci", ) def test_inner_join(self): t1 = table("t1", column("x")) t2 = table("t2", column("y")) self.assert_compile(t1.join(t2, t1.c.x == t2.c.y), "t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.x = t2.y") def test_outer_join(self): t1 = table("t1", column("x")) t2 = table("t2", column("y")) self.assert_compile( t1.outerjoin(t2, t1.c.x == t2.c.y), "t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN t2 ON t1.x = t2.y", ) def test_full_outer_join(self): t1 = table("t1", column("x")) t2 = table("t2", column("y")) self.assert_compile( t1.outerjoin(t2, t1.c.x == t2.c.y, full=True), "t1 FULL OUTER JOIN t2 ON t1.x = t2.y", )
class Document(Base): """ Represents a user-submitted document for processing. (A single document may be processed by multiple processors.) """ __tablename__ = 'documents' document_id = Column( "document_id", VARCHAR(MAX_DOC_ID_LEN), primary_key=True, comment="Primary key (UUID) for the document" ) # type: str doctext = deferred(Column( "doctext", Text, comment="Text contents of the document" )) # type: Optional[str] client_job_id = Column( "client_job_id", VARCHAR(MAX_JOB_ID_LEN), comment="Client job ID (supplied by the client)", index=True ) # type: Optional[str] queue_id = Column( "queue_id", VARCHAR(MAX_QUEUE_ID_LEN), comment="The UUID of the client request, if in queued mode", index=True ) # type: Optional[str] username = Column( "username", VARCHAR(MAX_USERNAME_LEN), comment="Username that submitted this document", nullable=False, index=True, ) # type: Optional[str] client_metadata = deferred(Column( "client_metadata", Text, comment="Metadata submitted by the client" )) # type: Optional[str] include_text = Column( "include_text", Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, comment="Include the source text in the reply?" ) # type: Optional[bool] datetime_submitted_utc = Column( "datetime_submitted_utc", DateTime, nullable=False, # Is the following OK, given that it's not exactly when it was # submitted? default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, comment="Date/time when the request was submitted (in UTC)" ) # type: Optional[datetime.datetime] docprocrequests = relationship( "DocProcRequest", cascade="all, delete-orphan", passive_deletes=True, back_populates="document", lazy="select", # # noqa ) # type: List[DocProcRequest] @property def datetime_submitted_pendulum(self) -> Optional[Pendulum]: return coerce_to_pendulum(self.datetime_submitted_utc, assume_local=False)
class TBscSecuritycomp(Base): __tablename__ = 't_bsc_securitycomp' l_publish_date = Column(VARCHAR(50), primary_key=True, nullable=False) vc_scode = Column(VARCHAR(20), primary_key=True, nullable=False) vc_stock_code = Column(VARCHAR(16), nullable=False) l_market = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False) vc_relation_type = Column(VARCHAR(32), primary_key=True, nullable=False) vc_relation_code = Column(VARCHAR(20), primary_key=True, nullable=False) l_relation_market = Column(VARCHAR(50), primary_key=True, nullable=False) l_begin_date = Column(VARCHAR(50)) l_end_date = Column(VARCHAR(50)) c_enable = Column(CHAR(1), nullable=False) d_updatetime = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) vc_md5 = Column(VARCHAR(32)) vc_source = Column(VARCHAR(20)) vc_update_operater = Column(VARCHAR(20)) def __str__(self): return str(self.l_publish_date) + str(self.vc_scode) + str( self.l_relation_market) + str(self.vc_relation_code) + str( self.vc_relation_type) + '$*' + str(self.vc_md5)
class OperateRevenue2(Base): __tablename__ = 'operate_his2' ID = Column(BIGINT, primary_key=True) EQUIPMENT_ID = Column(VARCHAR(30)) PLATENO = Column(VARCHAR(24)) COMPANY_ID = Column(VARCHAR(10)) TEAM_CODE = Column(VARCHAR(8)) EMPTY_MILE = Column(VARCHAR(24)) EMPTY_BEGIN_TIME = Column(VARCHAR(255)) WORK_BEGIN_TIME = Column(VARCHAR(255)) WORK_END_TIME = Column(VARCHAR(255)) UNIT_PRICE = Column(VARCHAR(7)) LOAD_MILE = Column(VARCHAR(6)) SLOW_COUNT_TIME = Column(VARCHAR(11)) OPERATE_MONEY = Column(VARCHAR(20)) EVALUATE = Column(VARCHAR(11)) TRADE_CODE = Column(VARCHAR(96)) GET_ON_LONGITUDE = Column(VARCHAR(16)) GET_ON_LATITUDE = Column(VARCHAR(16)) GET_OFF_LONGITUDE = Column(VARCHAR(16)) GET_OFF_LATITUDE = Column(VARCHAR(16)) TIME_REPRE = Column(VARCHAR(11)) GEOHASH5 = Column(VARCHAR(30)) MIN_REPRE = Column(VARCHAR(11)) GEOHASH7 = Column(VARCHAR(30)) GEOEND7 = Column(VARCHAR(765)) CHAUFFEUR_NO = Column(VARCHAR(8)) ROW_KEY = Column(VARCHAR(120))
def current_data(self, adjust_no_use=True): post_data = { 'btype': 'C', 'listed': 'Y', 'rp': '50', 'is_search': 'N', } js =, data=post_data) if not js: return None ret = js.json() bond_list = ret.get('rows', {}) cell_list = [] for item in bond_list: cell_list.append(pd.Series(item.get('cell'))) df = pd.DataFrame(cell_list) # 下面的数据暂时不需要 if adjust_no_use: # del df['active_fl'] # del df['adq_rating'] # del df['list_dt'] # del df['left_put_year'] # del df['owned'] # del df['put_dt'] # del df['real_force_redeem_price'] # del df['redeem_dt'] # del df['apply_cd'] # del df['force_redeem'] # del df['stock_id'] # del df['full_price'] # del df['pre_bond_id'] # del df['ytm_rt'] # del df['ytm_rt_tax'] # del df['repo_cd'] # del df['last_time'] # del df['pinyin'] # del df['put_real_days'] # del df['price_tips'] # del df['btype'] # del df['repo_valid'] # del df['repo_valid_to'] # del df['repo_valid_from'] # del df['repo_discount_rt'] # del df['adjust_tc'] # del df['cpn_desc'] # del df['market'] # del df['stock_net_value'] # 类型转换 部分含有% df['premium_rt'] = df['premium_rt'].map( lambda x: float(x.replace('%', ''))) df['price'] = df['price'].astype('float64') df['convert_price'] = df['convert_price'].astype('float64') df['premium_rt'] = df['premium_rt'].astype('float64') df['redeem_price'] = df['redeem_price'].astype('float64') def convert_float(x): try: ret_float = float(x) except: ret_float = None return ret_float def convert_percent(x): try: ret = float(x) * 100 except: ret = None return ret def remove_percent(x): try: ret = x.replace(r'%', '') ret = float(ret) except Exception as e: ret = None return ret df['put_convert_price'] = df['put_convert_price'].map( convert_float) df['sprice'] = df['sprice'].map(convert_float) df['ration'] = df['ration'].map(convert_percent) df['volume'] = df['volume'].map(convert_float) df['convert_amt_ratio'] = df['convert_amt_ratio'].map( remove_percent) df['ration_rt'] = df['ration_rt'].map(convert_float) df['increase_rt'] = df['increase_rt'].map(remove_percent) df['sincrease_rt'] = df['sincrease_rt'].map(remove_percent) rename_columns = { 'bond_id': '可转债代码', 'bond_nm': '可转债名称', 'price': '可转债价格', 'stock_nm': '正股名称', 'stock_cd': '正股代码', 'sprice': '正股现价', 'sincrease_rt': '正股涨跌幅', 'convert_price': '最新转股价', 'premium_rt': '溢价率', 'increase_rt': '可转债涨幅', 'put_convert_price': '回售触发价', 'convert_dt': '转股起始日', 'short_maturity_dt': '到期时间', 'volume': '成交额(万元)', 'redeem_price': '强赎价格', 'year_left': '剩余时间', 'next_put_dt': '回售起始日', 'rating_cd': '评级', # 'issue_dt': '发行时间', # 'redeem_tc': '强制赎回条款', # 'adjust_tc': '下修条件', 'adjust_tip': '下修提示', # 'put_tc': '回售', 'adj_cnt': '下调次数', # 'ration':'已转股比例' 'convert_amt_ratio': '转债剩余占总市值比', 'curr_iss_amt': '剩余规模', 'orig_iss_amt': '发行规模', 'ration_rt': '股东配售率', } df = df.rename(columns=rename_columns) df = df[list(rename_columns.values())] df['更新日期'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # dfx = df[['可转债代码', '可转债名称', '可转债涨幅', '可转债价格', '正股名称', '正股代码', # '正股涨跌幅', '正股现价', '最新转股价', '溢价率', '评级', # '转股起始日', '回售起始日', '回售触发价', '剩余时间', # '更新日期']] df = df.set_index('可转债代码', drop=True) try: df.to_sql('tb_jsl_{}'.format(, engine, if_exists='replace', dtype={'可转债代码': VARCHAR(10)}) engine2 = get_engine('db_stock') df.to_sql('tb_bond_jisilu'.format(, engine2, if_exists='replace', dtype={'可转债代码': VARCHAR(10)}) except Exception as e:
class Medico(Base): id_especialidade = Column(ForeignKey('')) nome = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False) senha = Column(VARCHAR(32), nullable=False) email = Column(VARCHAR(50), unique=True, nullable=False) foto = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False) celular = Column(VARCHAR(12), unique=True, nullable=False) sexo = Column(VARCHAR(11), nullable=False) nascimento = Column(Date(), nullable=False) cpf = Column(VARCHAR(11), nullable=False) cfm_cfp = Column(VARCHAR(25), nullable=False) estado = Column(VARCHAR(2), nullable=False) cidade = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False) bairro = Column(VARCHAR(100), nullable=False) rua = Column(VARCHAR(100), nullable=False) numero = Column(VARCHAR(20), nullable=False) atendimento_online = Column(Boolean(), nullable=False) receber_noticias = Column(Boolean(), nullable=False) valor = Column(Float(), nullable=False) verificado = Column(Boolean(), nullable=False) codigo_troca_senha = Column(VARCHAR(32)) expiracao = Column(Date()) saldo = Column(Float(), nullable=False)
class IfBscSuspensionstockquote(Base): __tablename__ = 'if_bsc_suspensionstockquote' vc_scode = Column(VARCHAR(20), primary_key=True, nullable=False) vc_stock_code = Column(VARCHAR(16), nullable=False) l_market = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False) l_estimate_date = Column(VARCHAR(50), primary_key=True, nullable=False) vc_index_code = Column(VARCHAR(16)) vc_index_name = Column(VARCHAR(100)) l_trade_date = Column(VARCHAR(50)) en_suspension_price = Column(VARCHAR(50)) en_suspension_index = Column(VARCHAR(50)) en_latest_index = Column(VARCHAR(50)) en_price = Column(VARCHAR(50)) d_updatetime = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) vc_source = Column(VARCHAR(20)) vc_update_operater = Column(VARCHAR(20)) def __str__(self): return 'l_estimate_date' + '$*' + 'vc_scode'
class Index(Base, DBBase): __tablename__ = 'indexes' db = db_init() idx_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) label = Column(VARCHAR(20)) desc = Column(Text(1000)) overall_qualified_draws = Column(Integer) overall_qualified_nums = Column(Integer) overall_wins = Column(Integer) overall_efficiency = Column(DECIMAL(5, 4)) overall_best = Column(Integer) overall_worst = Column(Integer) overall_avg = Column(DECIMAL(6, 4)) explores = relationship("iExplore", backref='my_index') #explores = relationship("iexplore.iExplore", foreign_keys=idx_id, backref='my_index', primary_join="iExplore.idx_id==Index.idx_id") def __init__(self, Label=None, Desc=None, idxID=0): self.label = Label self.desc = Desc self.idx_id = idxID if (self.label != None or self.idx_id > 0): self.setup() super().setupDBBase(Index, Index.idx_id, self.idx_id) def register(self): print("Index.register(): Want to register %s %s" % (self.label, self.desc)) d = self.db.session.query(Index).filter( Index.label == self.label).first() if (d == None): self.db_save() print("Registered index %s %s" % (self.label, self.desc)) else: print("Index already registered") def reset(self): print("Resetting Index") self.label = None self.desc = None self.overall_qualified_draws = 0 self.overall_qualified_nums = 0 self.overall_wins = 0 self.overall_efficiency = 0 self.overall_best = 0 self.overall_worst = 0 self.overall_avg = 0 def setup(self): d = None print("Setting up index %s" % self.label) if (self.label != None): d = self.db.session.query(Index).filter( Index.label == self.label).first() print("pulling index by label") else: d = self.db.session.query(Index).filter( Index.idx_id == self.idx_id).first() print("pulling index by id") if d is not None: self.idx_id = d.idx_id self.label = d.label self.desc = d.desc self.overall_qualified_draws = d.overall_qualified_draws self.overall_qualified_nums = d.overall_qualified_nums self.overall_wins = d.overall_wins self.overall_efficiency = d.overall_efficiency self.overall_best = d.overall_best self.overall_worst = d.overall_worst self.overall_avg = d.overall_avg
class ChannelTransactionHistory(Base): __tablename__ = "channel_transaction_history" row_id = Column("row_id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) order_id = Column("order_id", VARCHAR(128), nullable=False) amount = Column("amount", Integer, nullable=False) currency = Column("currency", VARCHAR(64), nullable=False) type = Column("type", VARCHAR(128), nullable=True, default=null) address = Column("address", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) recipient = Column("recipient", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) signature = Column("signature", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) org_id = Column("org_id", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) group_id = Column("group_id", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) request_parameters = Column("request_parameters", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) transaction_hash = Column("transaction_hash", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) status = Column("status", VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, default=null) row_created = Column("row_created", TIMESTAMP(timezone=False), nullable=True, default=datetime.utcnow()) row_updated = Column("row_updated", TIMESTAMP(timezone=False), nullable=True, default=datetime.utcnow()) UniqueConstraint(order_id, name="uq_cht_hs")
""" import os from sqlalchemy_aio import ASYNCIO_STRATEGY from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, MetaData, Table, VARCHAR, create_engine from owllook_gui.config import Config path = os.path.join(Config.BASE_DIR, 'database') db_path = os.path.join(path, 'owllook_gui.db') metadata = MetaData() books = Table( 'books', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column('title', VARCHAR(100)), Column('url', VARCHAR(200)), Column('latest_chapter_name', VARCHAR(50), default=None), Column('latest_chapter_url', VARCHAR(200), default=None), ) engine = create_engine( # In-memory sqlite database cannot be accessed from different # threads, use file. 'sqlite:///' + '/tmp/owllook_gui.db', strategy=ASYNCIO_STRATEGY) metadata.create_all(engine._engine)
from sqlalchemy import Column, VARCHAR, ForeignKey, Table from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from Util import __generate_id__ Base = declarative_base() pessoa_habilidade = Table( 'pessoa_habilidade', Base.metadata, Column('pessoa_id', VARCHAR(36), ForeignKey('')), Column('habilidade_id', VARCHAR(36), ForeignKey('')), ) pessoa_formacao = Table( 'pessoa_formacao', Base.metadata, Column('pessoa_id', VARCHAR(36), ForeignKey('')), Column('formacao_id', VARCHAR(36), ForeignKey('')), ) pessoa_experiencia = Table( 'pessoa_experiencia', Base.metadata, Column('pessoa_id', VARCHAR(36), ForeignKey('')), Column('experiencia_id', VARCHAR(36), ForeignKey('')), ) class Pessoa(Base):
class TestInfo(Base): __tablename__ = "test_info" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) nick_name = Column(VARCHAR(length=255))
class VdiEtlInstructionDetail(Base): __tablename__ = 'vdi_etl_instruction_detail' key_etl_instruction = Column(VARCHAR(50), primary_key=True) id_ind_port_code = Column(VARCHAR(30)) id_ins_data_bgndate = Column(DateTime) id_ins_data_enddate = Column(DateTime) id_ins_data_kind = Column(VARCHAR(50)) id_ins_exec_date = Column(DateTime) id_ins_exec_groupno = Column(VARCHAR(50)) ins_exec_update_style = Column(VARCHAR(50)) ins_exec_rec_source = Column(VARCHAR(50)) ins_exec_bgntime = Column(DateTime) ins_exec_endtime = Column(DateTime) ins_exec_state = Column(VARCHAR(50)) ins_rec_time = Column(DateTime) ins_remark = Column(VARCHAR(200)) src_port_code = Column(VARCHAR(60)) ind_rec_time = Column(DateTime) vc_source = Column(VARCHAR(20)) vc_update_operater = Column(VARCHAR(20)) d_updatetime = Column(DateTime) def __str__(self): return 'key_etl_instruction'
class Split(DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Split. .. note:: A split used in a scheduled transaction has its main attributes in form of slots. Attributes: transaction(:class:`piecash.core.transaction.Transaction`): transaction of the split account(:class:`piecash.core.account.Account`): account of the split lot(:class:``): lot to which the split pertains memo(str): memo of the split value(:class:`decimal.Decimal`): amount express in the currency of the transaction of the split quantity(:class:`decimal.Decimal`): amount express in the commodity of the account of the split reconcile_state(str): 'n', 'c' or 'y' reconcile_date(:class:`datetime.datetime`): time action(str): describe the type of action behind the split (free form string but with dropdown in the GUI """ __tablename__ = 'splits' __table_args__ = ( # indices Index('splits_tx_guid_index', 'tx_guid'), Index('splits_account_guid_index', 'account_guid'), ) # column definitions # the transaction_guid is not mandatory at construction time because it can be set through a tr.splits.append(...) operation # however, in the validation of the object, we raise an error if there is no transaction set at that time transaction_guid = Column('tx_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('transactions.guid')) account_guid = Column('account_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('accounts.guid'), nullable=False) memo = Column('memo', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) action = Column('action', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) reconcile_state = Column('reconcile_state', VARCHAR(length=1), nullable=False) reconcile_date = Column('reconcile_date', _DateTime()) _value_num = Column('value_num', BIGINT(), nullable=False) _value_denom = Column('value_denom', BIGINT(), nullable=False) _value_denom_basis = None value = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_value_num, _value_denom) _quantity_num = Column('quantity_num', BIGINT(), nullable=False) _quantity_denom = Column('quantity_denom', BIGINT(), nullable=False) _quantity_denom_basis = None quantity = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_quantity_num, _quantity_denom) lot_guid = Column('lot_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('lots.guid')) # relation definitions account = relation('Account', back_populates='splits') lot = relation('Lot', back_populates='splits') transaction = relation('Transaction', back_populates='splits') @property def is_credit(self): return self.value < 0 @property def is_debit(self): return self.value > 0 def __init__(self, account, value, quantity=None, transaction=None, memo="", action="", reconcile_date=None, reconcile_state="n", lot=None, ): self.transaction = transaction self.account = account self.value = value self.quantity = value if quantity is None else quantity self.memo = memo self.action = action self.reconcile_date = reconcile_date self.reconcile_state = reconcile_state self.lot = lot def __str__(self): try: cur = self.transaction.currency.mnemonic acc = self.account com = acc.commodity.mnemonic if com == "template": # case of template split from scheduled transaction sched_xaction = self["sched-xaction"] credit = sched_xaction["credit-formula"].value debit = sched_xaction["debit-formula"].value return "SplitTemplate<{} {} {}>".format(sched_xaction["account"].value, "credit={}".format(credit) if credit else "", "debit={}".format(debit) if debit else "", ) elif cur == com: # case of same currency split return "Split<{} {} {}>".format(acc, self.value, cur) else: # case of non currency split return "Split<{} {} {} [{} {}]>".format(acc, self.value, cur, self.quantity, com) except AttributeError: return "Split<{}>".format(self.account) def object_to_validate(self, change): yield self if self.transaction: yield self.transaction if self.lot: yield self.lot def validate(self): old = self.get_all_changes() if old["STATE_CHANGES"][-1] == "deleted": return if '_quantity_num' in old or '_value_num' in old: self.transaction._recalculate_balance = True if self.transaction_guid is None: raise GncValidationError("The split is not linked to a transaction") if self.transaction.currency == self.account.commodity: if self.quantity != self.value: raise GncValidationError("The split has a quantity diffeerent from value " "while the transaction currency and the account commodity is the same") else: if self.quantity is None: raise GncValidationError( "The split quantity is not defined while the split is on a commodity different from the transaction") if self.quantity.is_signed() != self.value.is_signed(): raise GncValidationError("The split quantity has not the same sign as the split value") # everything is fine, let us normalise the value with respect to the currency/commodity precisions self._quantity_denom_basis = self.account.commodity_scu self._value_denom_basis = self.transaction.currency.fraction if self.transaction.currency != self.account.commodity and self.quantity != 0: # let us also add a Price from piecash import Price value = (self.value / self.quantity).quantize(Decimal("0.000001")) try: # find existing price if any and if so, do nothing pr =, currency=self.transaction.currency, date=self.transaction.post_date, ) except KeyError: # otherwise, add a price in the database pr = Price(commodity=self.account.commodity, currency=self.transaction.currency, date=self.transaction.post_date, value=value, type="transaction", source="user:split-register") # and an action if not yet defined if self.action == "": self.action = "Sell" if self.quantity.is_signed() else "Buy"
class Account(Base): __tablename__ = "accounts" account_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) user_name = Column(VARCHAR(255), nullable=False)