Пример #1
def test__linter__path_from_paths__file():
    """Test extracting paths from a file path."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('test/fixtures/linter/indentation_errors.sql')
    assert normalise_paths(paths) == {
Пример #2
def test__linter__lint_string_vs_file(path):
    """Test the linter finds the same things on strings and files."""
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        sql_str = f.read()
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    assert (lntr.lint_string(sql_str).check_tuples() == lntr.lint_path(
Пример #3
def assert_rule_fail_in_sql(code, sql, configs=None):
    """Assert that a given rule does fail on the given sql."""
    # Configs allows overrides if we want to use them.
    cfg = FluffConfig(configs=configs)
    r = get_rule_from_set(code, config=cfg)
    parsed, _, _ = Linter(config=cfg).parse_string(sql)
    print("Parsed:\n {0}".format(parsed.stringify()))
    lerrs, _, _, _ = r.crawl(parsed, dialect=cfg.get('dialect_obj'), fix=True)
    print("Errors Found: {0}".format(lerrs))
    assert any(v.rule.code == code for v in lerrs)
    fixed = parsed  # use this as our buffer (yes it's a bit of misnomer right here)
    while True:
        # We get the errors again, but this time skip the assertion
        # because we're in the loop. If we asserted on every loop then
        # we're stuffed.
        lerrs, _, _, _ = r.crawl(fixed,
        print("Errors Found: {0}".format(lerrs))
        fixes = []
        for e in lerrs:
            fixes += e.fixes
        if not fixes:
        print("Fixes to apply: {0}".format(fixes))
        l_fixes = fixes  # Save the fixes to compare to later
        fixed, fixes = fixed.apply_fixes(fixes)
        # iterate until all fixes applied
        if fixes:
            if fixes == l_fixes:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Fixes aren't being applied: {0!r}".format(fixes))

    return fixed.raw
Пример #4
def test__linter__lint_file_operators_negative():
    lntr = Linter()
    f = StringIO(
        u"SELECT\n    a  -  b as c,\n    -2 as d\n    a - b as e\nFROM tbl\n")
    lnt = lntr.lint_file(f)
    violations = lnt.check_tuples()
    # Check we only get one violation and it's the first
    assert violations == [('L006', 2, 7)]
Пример #5
def test__linter__path_from_paths__ignore(path):
    """Test extracting paths from a dot."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path(path)
    # We should only get query_b, because of the sqlfluffignore files.
    assert normalise_paths(paths) == {
Пример #6
def test__linter__lint_file_operators_star():
    """ Test the exception to the operator rule, allowing a star in brackets """
    lntr = Linter()
    f = StringIO(u"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl")
    lnt = lntr.lint_file(f)
    violations = lnt.check_tuples()
    # Check that this is allowed
    assert violations == []
Пример #7
def test__dialect__ansi_specific_segment_not_parse(raw, err_locations, caplog):
    """Test queries do not parse, with parsing errors raised properly."""
    config = FluffConfig(overrides=dict(dialect='ansi'))
    lnt = Linter(config=config)
    _, vs, _ = lnt.parse_string(raw)
    assert len(vs) > 0
    locs = [(v.line_no(), v.line_pos()) for v in vs]
    assert locs == err_locations
Пример #8
def test__linter__path_from_paths_dot():
    lntr = Linter()
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('.')
    # Use set theory to check that we get AT LEAST these files
    assert normalise_paths(paths) >= set([
Пример #9
def test__linter__path_from_paths__dir():
    """Test extracting paths from directories."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('test/fixtures/lexer')
    assert normalise_paths(paths) == {
Пример #10
def test__linter__path_from_paths__dir():
    lntr = Linter()
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('test/fixtures/lexer')
    # NB This test might fail on Linux or Mac - should probably correct...
    assert normalise_paths(paths) == set([
Пример #11
def test__rules__std_file(rule, path, violations):
    """Test the linter finds the given errors in (and only in) the right places."""
    # Use config to look for only the rule we care about.
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides=dict(rules=rule)))
    lnt = lntr.lint_path(path)
    # Reformat the test data to match the format we're expecting. We use
    # sets because we really don't care about order and if one is missing,
    # we don't care about the orders of the correct ones.
    assert set(lnt.check_tuples()) == {(rule, v[0], v[1]) for v in violations}
Пример #12
def test__linter__path_from_paths__dot():
    """Test extracting paths from a dot."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('.')
    # Use set theory to check that we get AT LEAST these files
    assert normalise_paths(paths) >= {
Пример #13
def test__linter__lint_file_operators():
    lntr = Linter()
    lnt = lntr.lint_path('test/fixtures/linter/operator_errors.sql')
    # Check the Num violations command while we're here
    assert lnt.num_violations() == 3
    violations = lnt.check_tuples()
    # Check we get comma whitespace errors
    assert ('L006', 3, 9) in violations
    assert ('L006', 4, 8) in violations
    assert ('L007', 5, 8) in violations
Пример #14
def assert_rule_pass_in_sql(code, sql, configs=None):
    """Assert that a given rule doesn't fail on the given sql."""
    # Configs allows overrides if we want to use them.
    cfg = FluffConfig(configs=configs)
    r = get_rule_from_set(code, config=cfg)
    parsed, _, _ = Linter(config=cfg).parse_string(sql)
    print("Parsed:\n {0}".format(parsed.stringify()))
    lerrs, _, _, _ = r.crawl(parsed, dialect=cfg.get('dialect_obj'), fix=True)
    print("Errors Found: {0}".format(lerrs))
    assert not any(v.rule.code == code for v in lerrs)
Пример #15
def test__linter__lint_file_operators_paths():
    """ Same as the above test, but called via lint_paths """
    lntr = Linter()
    lnt = lntr.lint_paths(['test/fixtures/linter/operator_errors.sql'])
    # Check the Num violations command while we're here
    assert lnt.num_violations() == 3
    violations = lnt.check_tuples()
    # Check we get comma whitespace errors
    assert ('L006', 3, 9) in violations
    assert ('L006', 4, 8) in violations
    assert ('L007', 5, 8) in violations
Пример #16
def assert_structure(yaml_loader, path, code_only=True):
    """Check that a parsed sql file matches the yaml file with the same name."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    p = list(lntr.parse_path(path + '.sql'))
    parsed = p[0][0]
    if parsed is None:
        raise RuntimeError(p[0][1])
    # Whitespace is important here to test how that's treated
    tpl = parsed.to_tuple(code_only=code_only, show_raw=True)
    expected = yaml_loader(path + '.yml')
    assert tpl == expected
Пример #17
def test__linter__lint_file_whitespace():
    lntr = Linter()
    lnt = lntr.lint_path('test/fixtures/linter/whitespace_errors.sql')
    violations = lnt.check_tuples()
    # Check we get comma (with leading space) whitespace errors
    # assert ('L005', 2, 8) in violations
    # assert ('L005', 4, 0) in violations
    # Check we get comma (with incorrect trailing space) whitespace errors
    assert ('L008', 3, 12) in violations
    # Check for no false positives on line 4 or 5
    assert not any([v[0] == 'L008' and v[1] == 4 for v in violations])
    assert not any([v[1] == 5 for v in violations])
Пример #18
def test__linter__lint_file_indentation():
    lntr = Linter()
    lnt = lntr.lint_path('test/fixtures/linter/indentation_errors.sql')
    violations = lnt.check_tuples()
    # Check we get the trialing whitespace violation
    assert ('L001', 4, 24) in violations
    # Check we get the mixed indentation errors
    assert ('L002', 3, 1) in violations
    assert ('L002', 4, 1) in violations
    # Check we get the space multiple violations
    assert ('L003', 3, 1) in violations
    # Check we get the mixed indentation errors between lines
    assert ('L004', 5, 1) in violations
Пример #19
def test__config__nested_config_tests():
    """Test linting with overriden config in nested paths.

    This looks like a linter test but it's actually a config
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides=dict(exclude_rules='L002')))
    lnt = lntr.lint_path('test/fixtures/config/inheritance_b')
    violations = lnt.check_tuples(by_path=True)
    for k in violations:
        if k.endswith('nested\\example.sql'):
            assert ('L003', 1, 4) in violations[k]
            assert ('L009', 1, 12) in violations[k]
            assert 'L002' not in [c[0] for c in violations[k]]
        elif k.endswith('inheritance_b\\example.sql'):
            assert ('L003', 1, 4) in violations[k]
            assert 'L002' not in [c[0] for c in violations[k]]
            assert 'L009' not in [c[0] for c in violations[k]]
Пример #20
def auto_fix_test(rules, dialect, folder):
    """A test for roundtrip testing, take a file buffer, lint, fix and lint.

    This is explicitly different from the linter version of this, in that
    it uses the command line rather than the direct api.
    filename = 'testing.sql'
    # Lets get the path of a file to use
    tempdir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    filepath = os.path.join(tempdir_path, filename)
    cfgpath = os.path.join(tempdir_path, '.sqlfluff')
    src_filepath = os.path.join(*base_auto_fix_path, dialect, folder,
    cmp_filepath = os.path.join(*base_auto_fix_path, dialect, folder,
    vio_filepath = os.path.join(*base_auto_fix_path, dialect, folder,
    cfg_filepath = os.path.join(*base_auto_fix_path, dialect, folder,
    # Open the example file and write the content to it
    print_buff = ''
    with open(filepath, mode='w') as dest_file:
        with open(src_filepath, mode='r') as source_file:
            for line in source_file:
                print_buff += line
    # Copy the config file too
        with open(cfgpath, mode='w') as dest_file:
            with open(cfg_filepath, mode='r') as source_file:
                for line in source_file:
    except FileNotFoundError:
        # No config file? No biggie
    print("## Input file:\n{0}".format(print_buff))
    # Do we need to do a violations check?
        with open(vio_filepath, mode='r') as vio_file:
            violations = json.load(vio_file)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        # No violations file. Let's not worry
        violations = None

    # Run the fix command
    cfg = FluffConfig.from_root(overrides=dict(rules=rules, dialect=dialect))
    lnt = Linter(config=cfg, output_func=lambda m: None)
    res = lnt.lint_path(filepath, fix=True)

    # If we have a violations structure, let's enforce it.
    if violations:
        vs = set(res.check_tuples())
        # Format the violations file
        expected_vs = set()
        for rule_key in violations["violations"]["linting"]:
            for elem in violations["violations"]["linting"][rule_key]:
                expected_vs.add((rule_key, *elem))
        assert expected_vs == vs

    # Actually do the fixes
    res = do_fixes(lnt, res)
    # Read the fixed file
    with open(filepath, mode='r') as fixed_file:
        fixed_buff = fixed_file.read()
    # Clearup once read
    # Read the comparison file
    with open(cmp_filepath, mode='r') as comp_file:
        comp_buff = comp_file.read()

    # Make sure we were successful
    assert res
    # Assert that we fixed as expected
    assert fixed_buff == comp_buff
Пример #21
Файл: sql.py Проект: ry-v1/lms
 def initialize(self):
     self._app = Linter(config=FluffConfig.from_root())
Пример #22
def test__linter__path_from_paths__not_exist():
    """Test extracting paths from a file path."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
Пример #23
def test__linter__path_from_paths__not_exist_ignore():
    """Test extracting paths from a file path."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig())
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('asflekjfhsakuefhse',
    assert len(paths) == 0
Пример #24
def test__linter__path_from_paths__file():
    lntr = Linter()
    paths = lntr.paths_from_path('test/fixtures/linter/indentation_errors.sql')
    assert normalise_paths(paths) == set(['test.fixtures.linter.indentation_errors.sql'])