class Git_Checker: """Reference Git_Checker Get and check github repositories If the API is unavailable, wait 35mn for the refresh Attributes: _base_url : base url for the github api _db : database connection """ def __init__(self): self._base_url = "" self._db = Sqlite_db() def __exec_request(self, req): """Returns the result of the request Verify that the API is reachable Otherwise wait for the refresh Then return the result """ r = requests.get("") if int(json.loads(r.text or r.content)["rate"]["remaining"]) == 0: sleep(TEMPORISATION) return requests.get(req) def __r_get_last_commit(self, name): """Returns the last commit Get the name of the repo and its owner Then build the request Then get the commit as a 7 digits string Returns: String containing the commit "Missing" on failure """ last_release_json = {} owner = self._db.get_repo_owner(name) r = self.__exec_request(self._base_url + owner + "/" + name + "/commits") if r.ok: commitInfos = json.loads(r.text or r.content) for item in commitInfos: return item["sha"][:7] return "Missing" def __r_get_last_release(self, name): """Returns the name of the last release Get the name of the repo and its owner Then build the request Then gather its name Returns: A String containing the version "Missing" on failure """ last_release_json = {} owner = self._db.get_repo_owner(name) r = self.__exec_request(self._base_url + owner + "/" + name + "/releases/latest") if r.ok: return json.loads(r.text or r.content)["tag_name"] return "Missing" def close_db(self): """Close the checker's database """ self._db.close_db() def get_all_releases(self): """Gather the latest releases for all repos Check each repository and its latest release Returns: A dict as : { repo: [ latest_release, latest_commit ], ... } """ realease_dict = {} repo_list = [] used_versions = self._db.get_used_versions() for elem in used_versions: repo_list.append(elem) for repository in repo_list: newest_infos = [] newest_infos.append(self.__r_get_last_release(repository)) newest_infos.append(self.__r_get_last_commit(repository)) realease_dict[repository] = newest_infos return realease_dict
def test_databaseExitIfNoRepositoryExists_assertFalse(self): db = Sqlite_db() with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): db.get_repo_owner("some_imaginary_repository")