Пример #1
 def _addProjectFilter(self):
     if self.projectName is None:
             Select(Project.q.id, LIKE(Project.q.name, "%" + self.projectName + "%"))
Пример #2
 def getBugBranchesForBugTasks(self, tasks):
     """See `IBugBranchSet`."""
     bug_ids = [task.bugID for task in tasks]
     if not bug_ids:
         return []
     bugbranches = BugBranch.select(IN(BugBranch.q.bugID, bug_ids),
     return bugbranches.prejoin(
         ['branch', 'branch.owner', 'branch.product'])
Пример #3
    def getSpecificationBranchesForBranches(self, branches, user):
        """See `ISpecificationBranchSet`."""
        branch_ids = [branch.id for branch in branches]
        if not branch_ids:
            return []

        # When specification gain the ability to be private, this
        # method will need to be updated to enforce the privacy checks.
        return SpecificationBranch.select(
            IN(SpecificationBranch.q.branchID, branch_ids))
Пример #4
 def hasAccess(self, member=False, branch="master", tag="", action="R"):
     from Phoenix.Models import Privilege
     from re import match
     from sqlobject import AND, OR, IN
     if not member:
         privileges = Privilege.selectBy(repository=self, public=True)
         privileges = Privilege.select(
                 Privilege.q.repository == self.id,
                 OR(Privilege.q.member == member.id,
                    IN(Privilege.q.role, member.roles),
                    Privilege.q.public == 1)))
     print privileges
     if privileges.count() > 0:
         for p in privileges:
             if branch and match(p.branch, branch) and action in p.crud:
                 return True
             if tag and match(p.tag, tag) and action in p.crud:
                 return True
     return False
Пример #5
def retrieve_sites(results):
    Retrieves the site objects associated with the results.
    # get a list of all the site keys
    site_keys = set()
    for r in results:

    # retrieve the site objects from the database
    site_objects = Site.select(IN(Site.q.key, list(site_keys)))

    # convert results into a dict with site key as the key
    sites = {}
    for s in site_objects:
        sites[s.key] = s

    # place site objects into the dict
    for r in results:
        site_key = r['siteKey']
        r['site'] = sites[site_key]
Пример #6
 def finalise_question(self, q):
     Massages and serialises the question object so it can be inserted into
     the search index in the form that we want.
     Things this does -
     * fetch comments for question and answers and attach them to the objects
     * creates the 'text' field for the search index that contains all the
       text of the question (title, question, answers and all comments).
     * serialises answers to JSON
     * creates dict that maps to the search index document schema
     * remove unwanted attributes from the q object and serialise question to
     * add question JSON to document
     * commit document to search index.
     # find and attach any comments for this question and its answers
     # get the set of post ids
     post_ids = set()
     for a in q['answers']:
     # get the comments
     comment_objs = Comment.select(AND(Comment.q.siteId == self.site.id,
                                       IN(Comment.q.postId, list(post_ids))))
     # sort the comments out into a dict keyed on the post id
     comments = { }
     for c in comment_objs:
         # convert comment object to a JSON-serialisable object
         comment_json = { }
         for f in Comment.json_fields:
             comment_json[f] = getattr(c, f)
         # we already know that this comment comes from the current site, so
         # we only need to filter on post ID
         if not comments.has_key(c.postId):
             comments[c.postId] = [ ]
     # add comments to the question
     if comments.has_key(q['id']):
     if len(q['comments']) != q['commentCount']:
         print('Post ID [%s] expected to have %d comments, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], q['commentCount'], len(q['comments'])))
     # add comments to the answers
     for a in q['answers']:
         if comments.has_key(a['id']):
         if len(a['comments']) != a['commentCount']:
             print('Post ID [%s] expected to have %d comments, but has %d instead. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (a['id'], a['commentCount'], len(a['comments'])))
     doc = { }
     # create the text field contents
     search_text = [ ]
     # question bits
     for c in q['comments']:
     # answer bits
     for a in q['answers']:
         for c in a['comments']:
     search_text = ' '.join(search_text)
     doc['text'] = search_text
     # serialise answers to JSON
     doc['answers-json'] = [ json.dumps(a, default=self.json_default_handler) for a in q['answers'] ]
     # map other fields to search index doc
     # this is the ID for Solr to uniquely identify this question across all
     # sites
     doc['documentId'] = self.site.key + '-' + str(q['id'])
     doc['id'] = str(q['id'])
     doc['siteKey'] = self.site.key
     doc['creationDate'] = q['creationDate']
     # the XML field name is score, but score is a reserved lucene keyword
     doc['votes'] = q['score']
     doc['viewCount'] = q['viewCount']
     doc['title'] = q['title']
     doc['answerId'] = [ str(a['id']) for a in q['answers'] ]
     doc['ownerUserId'] = q['ownerUserId']
     if 'lastEditorUserId' in q:
         doc['lastEditorUserId'] = q['lastEditorUserId']
     doc['lastActivityDate'] = q['lastActivityDate']
     if 'communityOwnedDate' in q:
         doc['communityOwnedDate'] = q['communityOwnedDate']
     if 'closedDate' in q:
         doc['closedDate'] = q['closedDate']
     if 'tags' in q:
         # parse tags into a list
         doc['tags'] = PostContentHandler.TAGS_RE.findall(q['tags'])
     # serialise question to JSON (the q object has cruft we don't want)
     question_obj = { }
     question_obj['id'] = q['id']
     if 'acceptedAnswerId' in q:
         # check that the accepted answer is in the question's answers section.
         # sometimes they're not, e.g. if the question was merged - the
         # acceptedAnswerId would point to an answer in another question
         # instead. We don't deal with merged questions yet, so this option
         # means questions won't appear to have answers when they don't.
         if q['acceptedAnswerId'] in post_ids:
             question_obj['acceptedAnswerId'] = q['acceptedAnswerId']
             print 'Question [ID# %i] had an unknown answer. Possibly been merged or migrated. Ignoring inconsistency.' % (q['id'], )
     question_obj['creationDate'] = q['creationDate']
     question_obj['score'] = q['score']
     question_obj['viewCount'] = q['viewCount']
     question_obj['body'] = q['body']
     question_obj['ownerUserId'] = q['ownerUserId']
     if 'lastEditorUserId' in q:
         question_obj['lastEditorUserId'] = q['lastEditorUserId']
     if 'LastEditDate' in q:
         question_obj['lastEditDate'] = q['lastEditDate']
     question_obj['lastActivityDate'] = q['lastActivityDate']
     if 'communityOwnedDate' in q:
         question_obj['communityOwnedDate'] = q['communityOwnedDate']
     if 'closedDate' in q:
         question_obj['closedDate'] = q['closedDate']
     question_obj['title'] = q['title']
     if 'tags' in q:
         question_obj['tags'] = PostContentHandler.TAGS_RE.findall(q['tags'])
     question_obj['favoriteCount'] = q['favoriteCount']
     question_obj['comments'] = q['comments']
     doc['question-json'] = json.dumps(question_obj, default=self.json_default_handler)
     return doc
Пример #7
def retrieve_users(results, question_only=False, ignore_comments=False):
    Retrieves the user objects associated with the question objects.
    # get a list of all the user IDs
    user_ids_by_site = {}
    for r in results:
        site_key = r['siteKey']
        if site_key not in user_ids_by_site.keys():
            user_ids_by_site[site_key] = set()

        # the search result object itself
        for k in r.keys():
            if k.lower().endswith('userid'):

        # the question object
        question = r['question']
        for k in question.keys():
            if k.lower().endswith('userid'):

            comments = question.get('comments')
            if not ignore_comments and comments:
                for c in comments:
                    for ck in c.keys():
                        if ck.lower().endswith('userid'):

        # the answers
        answers = r.get('answers')
        if not question_only and answers:
            for a in answers:
                for k in a.keys():
                    if k.lower().endswith('userid'):

                comments = a.get('comments')
                if not ignore_comments and comments:
                    for c in comments:
                        for ck in c.keys():
                            if ck.lower().endswith('userid'):

    # retrieve the user objects from the database by site
    users_by_site = {}
    for site_key in user_ids_by_site.keys():
        site = Site.select(Site.q.key == site_key).getOne()
        user_objects = User.select(
            AND(User.q.site == site,
                IN(User.q.sourceId, list(user_ids_by_site[site_key]))))

        # convert results into a dict with user id as the key
        users = {}
        for u in user_objects:
            users[u.sourceId] = u

        users_by_site[site_key] = users

    # place user objects into the dict
    for r in results:
        site_key = r['siteKey']

        # the search result object itself
        for k in r.keys():
            if k.lower().endswith('userid'):
                # use the same field name, minus the 'Id' on the end.
                r[k[:-2]] = users_by_site[site_key].get(r[k])

        # the question object
        question = r['question']
        for k in question.keys():
            if k.lower().endswith('userid'):
                # use the same field name, minus the 'Id' on the end.
                question[k[:-2]] = users_by_site[site_key].get(question[k])

        comments = question.get('comments')
        if not ignore_comments and comments:
            for c in comments:
                for ck in c.keys():
                    if ck.lower().endswith('userid'):
                        # use the same field name, minus the 'Id' on the end.
                        c[ck[:-2]] = users_by_site[site_key].get(c[ck])

        # the answers
        answers = r.get('answers')
        if not question_only and answers:
            for a in answers:
                for k in a.keys():
                    if k.lower().endswith('userid'):
                        # use the same field name, minus the 'Id' on the end.
                        a[k[:-2]] = users_by_site[site_key].get(a[k])

                comments = a.get('comments')
                if not ignore_comments and comments:
                    for c in comments:
                        for ck in c.keys():
                            if ck.lower().endswith('userid'):
                                # use the same field name, minus the 'Id' on the end.
                                c[ck[:-2]] = users_by_site[site_key].get(c[ck])
Пример #8
def get_api_keys(mss, extension_id, apis=None):
    For a given extension, get all the API keys out of the database

    `apis` is the result of something like get_extension_api_query() -
    if you don't provide it then mqlread will be run to fill it in for
    the given extension_id

    # get a list of all keys that this extension needs, grouped by API
    # (because, in fact, an extension might use APIs that share
    # overlapping keys)

    if apis is None:
        q = get_extension_api_query(extension_id, optional=False)
        apis = mss.mqlread(q)

    if not apis:
        return None

    # ok, now authenticate
    context = get_context(mss)

    # to fetch them from the database, we want a flat list of all unique ids
    all_keys = set()
    for api in apis:
        for api_key in api["api_keys"]:
        if api["access_token"]:
        if api["consumer_token"]:

    conn = get_sql_connection(mss)

    # now query the provider database for all of these specific keys
    foreign_key_list = mwOAuthProviderToken.select(AND(
        mwOAuthProviderToken.q.context == context,
        IN(mwOAuthProviderToken.q.apiKeyId, all_keys)),

    # generate a map of id->key data so we can access it below
    foreign_keys = {}
    for foreign_key in foreign_key_list:
        info = {"id": foreign_key.apiKeyId, "key": foreign_key.key}
        if foreign_key.secret:
            info["secret"] = foreign_key.secret

        foreign_keys[foreign_key.apiKeyId] = info

    # now generate a datastructure similar to the mqlread
    # something like
    # [{ "id": "/netflix/queue_info",
    #    "consumer_token": {
    #        "id": "/netflix/consumer_token",
    #        "key": "ccc",
    #        "secret": "secretccc",
    #    },
    #    "access_token": {
    #        "id": "/netflix/access_token",
    #        "key": "aaa",
    #        "secret": "secretaaa",
    #    },
    #  },
    #  { "id": "/netflix/movie_info",
    #    "consumer_token": {
    #        "id": "/netflix/consumer_token",
    #        "key": "ccc",
    #        "secret": "secretccc",
    #    },
    #    "api_keys": [{
    #        "id": "/netflix/affiliate_code",
    #        "key": "fff"
    #     }]
    #  }]

    api_manifest = []
    for api in apis:
        api_info = {"id": api["id"]}

        for special_key in ("consumer_token", "access_token"):
            if api.get(special_key):
                # map "consumer_token" to "/netflix/consumer_token"
                special_key_id = api[special_key]["id"]

                # even if we dont' have the key, include dummy entry
                # meaning that the API requires the key
                api_info[special_key] = {"id": special_key_id}
                if special_key_id in foreign_keys:
                    # key and secret MUST be there
                    foreign_key = foreign_keys[special_key_id]
                    api_info[special_key]["key"] = foreign_key["key"]
                    api_info[special_key]["secret"] = foreign_key["secret"]

        for api_key in api["api_keys"]:
            api_key_id = api_key["id"]

            # put a dummy entry in, meaning the API requires/expects
            # the key
            api_key_info = {
                "id": api_key_id,
            api_info.setdefault("api_keys", []).append(api_key_info)

            if api_key_id in foreign_keys:

                foreign_key = foreign_keys[api_key_id]

                if foreign_key.get("key"):
                    api_key_info["key"] = foreign_key["key"]

                if foreign_key.get("secret"):
                    api_key_info["secret"] = foreign_key["secret"]

    return api_manifest