Пример #1
    def new_decomposition(self):
        Return complete irreducible Hecke decomposition of "new"
        subspace of self.  


        - sorted Sequence of subspaces of self


            sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_hmf import F, QuaternionicModule
            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(3 * F.prime_above(31)); H
            Quaternionic module of dimension 6, level 15*a-6 (of norm 279=3^2*31) over QQ(sqrt(5))
            sage: H.new_decomposition()
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...
        V = self.degeneracy_matrix().kernel()
        primes = PrimesCoprimeTo(self.level())
        p = primes.next()
        T = self.hecke_matrix(p)
        D = T.decomposition_of_subspace(V)
        while len([X for X in D if not X[1]]) > 0:
            p = primes.next()
            verbose('Norm(p) = %s'%p.norm())
            T = self.hecke_matrix(p)
            D2 = []
            for X in D:
                if X[1]:
                    for Z in T.decomposition_of_subspace(X[0]):
            D = D2
        D = [self.subspace(X[0]) for X in D]
        S = Sequence(D, immutable=True, cr=True, universe=int, check=False)
        return S
Пример #2
    def rational_newforms(self):
        Return the newforms with QQ-rational Hecke eigenvalues.

        Conjecturally, these correspond to the isogeny classes of
        elliptic curves over Q(sqrt(5)) having conductor self.level().

        WARNING/TODO: This relies on an unproven (but surely correct)
        bound to determine whether a system of Hecke eigenvalues is
        really old.

        The smallest level example::
            sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_hmf import F, QuaternionicModule
            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(F.prime_above(31)); D = H.rational_newforms(); D
            Rational newform number 0...
            sage: f = D[0]; f
            Rational newform number 0 over QQ(sqrt(5)) in Quaternionic module of dimension 2, level 5*a-2 (of norm 31=31) over QQ(sqrt(5))

        Notice that computing `a_P` at the bad primes `P` isn't implemented
        (it just gives '?')::
            sage: f.aplist(50)
            [-3, -2, 2, -4, 4, 4, -4, -2, -2, 8, '?', -6, -6, 2]

        Another example of higher level::

            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(2*F.prime_above(31)); D = H.rational_newforms(); D
            Rational newform number 0 ...
            sage: D[0].aplist(33)
            ['?', 0, -2, 0, -6, 2, 2, 6, 0, -4, '?']
        primes = PrimesCoprimeTo(self._level)
        D = [X for X in self.new_decomposition() if X.dimension() == 1]

        # Have to get rid of the Eisenstein factor
        p = primes.next()
        while True:
            q = p.residue_field().cardinality() + 1
            E = [A for A in D if A.hecke_matrix(p)[0,0] == q]
            if len(E) == 0:
            elif len(E) == 1:
                D = [A for A in D if A != E[0]]
                p = primes.next()

        Z = []
        for number, X in enumerate(D):
            f = QuaternionicRationalNewform(X, number)
                # ensure that dual eigenspace is defined, i.e., that
                # newform really is new.
            except RuntimeError:
        return Sequence(Z, immutable=True, cr=True, universe=int, check=False)
Пример #3
    def decomposition(self, B):
        Return Hecke decomposition of self using Hecke operators T_p
        coprime to the level with norm(p) <= B.


        - `B` -- positive integer


        - sorted Sequence of subspaces of self


            sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_hmf import F, QuaternionicModule
            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(F.prime_above(31))
            sage: H.decomposition(10)
            Subspace of dimension 1 of Quaternionic module of dimension 2, level 5*a-2 (of norm 31=31) over QQ(sqrt(5)),
            Subspace of dimension 1 of Quaternionic module of dimension 2, level 5*a-2 (of norm 31=31) over QQ(sqrt(5))
            sage: H.decomposition(2)
            Quaternionic module of dimension 2, level 5*a-2 (of norm 31=31) over QQ(sqrt(5))

            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(3 * F.prime_above(31)); H
            Quaternionic module of dimension 6, level 15*a-6 (of norm 279=3^2*31) over QQ(sqrt(5))
            sage: H.decomposition(10)
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 1 ...,
            Subspace of dimension 2 ...
        primes = PrimesCoprimeTo(self.level(), B)
        if len(primes) == 0:
            D = [self]
            T = self.hecke_matrix(primes.next())
            D = T.decomposition()
            while len([X for X in D if not X[1]]) > 0 and len(primes) > 0:
                p = primes.next()
                verbose('Norm(p) = %s'%p.norm())
                T = self.hecke_matrix(p)
                D2 = []
                for X in D:
                    if X[1]:
                        for Z in T.decomposition_of_subspace(X[0]):
                D = D2
            D = [self.subspace(X[0]) for X in D]
        S = Sequence(D, immutable=True, cr=True, universe=int, check=False)
        return S