class TestBeeBot(unittest.TestCase): """This test class unit tests the BeeBot class.""" def setUp(self): """ Create a minimal Scenario and use it to create a BeeBot. The Scenario is 5x5 (logical and pixel size) with the BeeBot in the centre, and no Obstacles or Goals. """ # Create the minimal Scenario test_scenario = Scenario('Test') test_scenario.set_board_step(1) test_scenario.set_logical_width(5) test_scenario.set_logical_height(5) test_scenario.set_beebot_start_position(2, 2) test_scenario.set_beebot_sprite('img/Default/robot.jpg') # Create the test BeeBot self.test_robot = BeeBot(test_scenario) def test_add_to_memory(self): """Test the add_to_memory method.""" # Create an event event = pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP) # Add it to the BeeBot's memory self.test_robot.add_to_memory(event) # Assert the BeeBot's memory only contains that event self.assertEqual(len(self.test_robot.memory), 1) [memory_event] = self.test_robot.memory self.assertEqual(memory_event.type, CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP) def test_clear_memory(self): """Test the clear_memory method.""" # Create an event event = pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP) # Add it to the BeeBot's memory self.test_robot.add_to_memory(event) # Clear the BeeBot's memory self.test_robot.clear_memory() # Assert the BeeBot's memory is empty self.assertEqual(len(self.test_robot.memory), 0) def test_push_out_memory(self): """Test the push_out_memory method.""" try: # Need to initaite pygame as we will use the event loop to confirm # proper function of the push_out_memory function. pygame.init() # Create events events = [ pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP), pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN), # We will use this event to prove we are removing # events from the queue pygame.event.Event(pygame.NOEVENT) ] # Add all events to the BeeBot's memory for event in events: self.test_robot.add_to_memory(event) # Push out all instructions for event in events: self.test_robot.push_out_memory() # Check the polled events match the events pushed for event in events: event_polled = pygame.event.poll() self.assertEqual(event, event_polled) # No matter what happens, exit pygame finally: pygame.quit() def test_turn_left(self): """Test the move and move_left methods.""" # Set the BeeBot's Heading self.test_robot.heading = Heading.NORTH # Create an event move_left_event = pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_left_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.WEST) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_left_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.SOUTH) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_left_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.EAST) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_left_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.NORTH) def test_turn_right(self): """Test the move and move_right methods.""" # Set the BeeBot's Heading self.test_robot.heading = Heading.NORTH # Create an event move_right_event = pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_right_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.EAST) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_right_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.SOUTH) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_right_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.WEST) # Move the BeeBot left and check it's heading is as expected self.test_robot.move(move_right_event) self.assertEqual(self.test_robot.heading, Heading.NORTH) def test_move_forward(self): """Test the move and move_forward methods.""" # test cases for this test are a tuple consisting of the BeeBot's # Heading and the BeeBot's new position after # moving forward with that Heading test_cases = [(Heading.NORTH, Point(2, 1)), (Heading.EAST, Point(3, 2)), (Heading.SOUTH, Point(2, 3)), (Heading.WEST, Point(1, 2))] # Create an event move_forward_event = pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP) for test_case in test_cases: # Set the BeeBot's setting self.test_robot.heading = test_case[0] # Pass the event to the move method self.test_robot.move(move_forward_event) # Assert the BeeBot's current position is what we expect it to be self.assertTrue( self.test_robot.logical_position.is_equal_to(test_case[1])) # Reset the BeeBot's position so each test # in the loop is independant self.test_robot.reset_position() def test_move_backward(self): """Test the move and move_backward methods.""" # test cases for this test are a tuple consisting of the BeeBot's # Heading and the BeeBot's new position after # moving backward with that Heading test_cases = [(Heading.NORTH, Point(2, 3)), (Heading.EAST, Point(1, 2)), (Heading.SOUTH, Point(2, 1)), (Heading.WEST, Point(3, 2))] # Create an event move_backward_event = pygame.event.Event(CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN) for test_case in test_cases: # Set the BeeBot's setting self.test_robot.heading = test_case[0] # Pass the event to the move method self.test_robot.move(move_backward_event) # Assert the BeeBot's current position is what we expect it to be self.assertTrue( self.test_robot.logical_position.is_equal_to(test_case[1])) # Reset the BeeBot's position so each test # in the loop is independant self.test_robot.reset_position()
class GameWindow(Thread): """This class defines the main GameWindow.""" BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREY = (100, 100, 100) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 24 def __init__(self): """Initiate the GameWindow.""" pygame.init() # Define vars here # Controls what to render self.rendering_mode = None # The unpickled Scenario self.scenario = None # Board Dimensions self.step = None self.height = None self.width = None # Variable that holds the Board self.board = None # Board Dimensions self.size = None # Variable that holds the BeeBot self.robot = None # Variable that holds the screen that is draw on self.screen = None # Used to monitor the frame rate self.clock = None # The font of the text displayed (excluding buttons) self.font = None # All Buttons to display self.buttons = ButtonGroup() # Create an empty CommandLog self.command_log = None # The logo to display on screen self.logo = None # If true, the main game loop will be running self._logic_running = None # If true, the renderer will be running self._rendering_running = None # Call the superclass constructor Thread.__init__(self) def start_rendering(self): """Change rendering_mode to TITLE_SCREEN and begin rendering.""" self._rendering_running = True self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 30) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.TITLE_SCREEN self.start() # Runs the run method. def run(self): """Run the rendering engine.""" while self._rendering_running: if self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.TITLE_SCREEN: # For now, we will let runSciBot drive the rendering pass elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.CHOOSE_SCENARIO: # Display the background self.screen.fill(GameWindow.GREY) # Display the Scenario Buttons self.buttons.display(self.screen) # Update display pygame.display.update() elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.LOAD_SCENARIO: pass # Maybe one day we'll have a fancy loading bar elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.NORMAL: self.screen.fill(GameWindow.GREY) # Display the Board and BeeBot self.board.display(self.screen) self.robot.display(self.screen) # Display the logo (if any) if self.logo is not None: self.screen.blit(self.logo, Point(self.width + 69, self.height - 85)) # Display any Buttons self.buttons.display(self.screen) # Update and refresh the CommandLog self.command_log.update(self.robot.memory) self.command_log.display(self.screen) # Update display pygame.display.update() # Limits the render to FRAMES_PER_SECOND self.clock.tick(GameWindow.FRAMES_PER_SECOND) elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.WIN_SCREEN: # Display some text self.display_text('Hooray you won!! Thanks for playing!', GameWindow.WHITE, GameWindow.RED) # Update display pygame.display.update() # Limits the render to FRAMES_PER_SECOND self.clock.tick(GameWindow.FRAMES_PER_SECOND) elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.FAIL_SCREEN: # Display some text self.display_text('Oh no, you crashed! Try again!', GameWindow.WHITE, GameWindow.BLACK) # Update display pygame.display.update() # Limits the render to FRAMES_PER_SECOND self.clock.tick(GameWindow.FRAMES_PER_SECOND) elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.END_RENDERING: # Let the renderer die self._rendering_running = False def choose_scenario(self): """Choose a Scenario (possibly using a PyGame UI).""" # Get the available Scenarios (those under ./scenarios/) scenario_list = glob.glob("./scenarios/*.scibot") # If no scenarios, exit! if len(scenario_list) is 0: print("No scibot files found.") print("Please place them in ./scenarios/") self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() # If only one scenario, use that one! if len(scenario_list) is 1: self.scenario = scenario_list[0] return # else, Remove Default.scenario from returned list if there scenario_list = [ scenario for scenario in scenario_list if "Default.scibot" not in scenario ] # If now only one scenario, use that one! if len(scenario_list) is 1: self.scenario = scenario_list[0] return # Determine the size of the window needed to display all the buttons. # Set maximum scenarios to display on a single row. max_width = 3 # If scenarios less than max_width, they can be displayed on one row. if len(scenario_list) <= max_width: height = 1 width = len(scenario_list) else: # Work out how many rows are needed. height = math.ceil(len(scenario_list) / 3.0) width = max_width # Work out screen size to display 120x120 # buttons with 10 space between. screen_width = 10 + (width * (120 + 10)) screen_height = 10 + (height * (120 + 10)) # Variables used to draw Buttons # Start a 10 because of padding width_counter = 10 height_counter = 10 # Empty ButtonGroup self.buttons.removal_all() for scenario_path in scenario_list: # Get the Scenario filename from the full path scenario_file = os.path.basename(scenario_path) # Add the Scenario filename (minus extension) to a list temp = Button( os.path.splitext(scenario_file)[0], GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(width_counter, height_counter), (120, 120)) # Add temp Button to ButtonGroup self.buttons.add(temp) # If the next Button would be printed off screen, # start a new row. if width_counter > ((width - 1) * 120): width_counter = 10 height_counter = height_counter + 120 + 10 else: width_counter = width_counter + 120 + 10 # Display the PyGame UI self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.CHOOSE_SCENARIO # User choose's a Scenario while self.scenario is None: event = pygame.event.poll() # If the event is a left mouse button up # assume it is a button press if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: # If it was indeed a Button release button = self.buttons.get_pressed_button(event.pos) if button is not None and button.swapped: # Get the file corresponding to the Button pressed button.swap_colours() self.scenario = "./scenarios/" + button.text + ".scibot" else: # Reset all Buttons without doing anything else self.buttons.unswap_all() # If the event is a left mouse button up # assume it is a button press if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: # If it was indeed a Button press button = self.buttons.get_pressed_button(event.pos) if button is not None: # Mark that Button as being pressed button.swap_colours() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() def load_scenario(self): """Load the chosen Scenario.""" self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.LOAD_SCENARIO # Unpickle the Scenario file self.scenario = load(open(self.scenario, "rb")) # Log Version of the scenario and code print("Loading Scenario Version %s with code base Version %s" % (self.scenario.get_version(), __version__)) license = self.scenario.get_license() if license is not None: print("Scenario licensed as follows:") print("") print(license) else: print("No license provided in scenario file.") # Get the logo to display (if any) self.logo = self.scenario.get_logo() # Load variables into memory self.step = self.scenario.get_board_step() self.height = self.scenario.get_logical_height() * self.step self.width = self.scenario.get_logical_width() * self.step self.board = Board(self.scenario) self.robot = BeeBot(self.scenario) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() buttons_on_the_left = True self.create_buttons(buttons_on_the_left) if buttons_on_the_left: # Make space for: # - the Buttons to the right of the map. # - the CommandLog below the map. self.size = (self.width + 400, self.height + 30) # Create the empty CommandLog self.command_log = CommandLog(Point(0, self.height), (self.width, 30)) else: # Make space for: # - the Buttons below the map. # - the CommandLog to the right of the map. self.size = (self.width + 30, self.height + 400) # Create the empty CommandLog self.command_log = CommandLog(Point(self.width, 0), (30, self.height)) # Only want to do this once, so sadly can't do it in the rendering # loop without a potential race condition as # size gets set by loading the Scenario if self._rendering_running: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) def create_buttons(self, buttons_on_the_left): """Helper method to populate ButtonGroup.""" # Empty ButtonGroup self.buttons.removal_all() if buttons_on_the_left: forward_button = Button( 'Forward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 140, float(self.height) / 2 - 240), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(forward_button) backward_button = Button( 'Backward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 140, float(self.height) / 2 + 20), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(backward_button) turn_left_button = Button( 'Turn Left', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 10, float(self.height) / 2 - 110), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_left_button) turn_right_button = Button( 'Turn Right', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 270, float(self.height) / 2 - 110), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_right_button) go_button = Button( 'Go', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 140, float(self.height) / 2 - 110), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(go_button) stop_button = Button( 'Stop', GameWindow.WHITE, GameWindow.RED, Point(self.width + 140, float(self.height) / 2 - 110), (120, 120), False) self.buttons.add(stop_button) reset_button = Button( 'Reset', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 10, float(self.height) / 2 + 20), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(reset_button) clear_button = Button( 'Clear', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(self.width + 270, float(self.height) / 2 + 20), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(clear_button) else: forward_button = Button( 'Forward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 - 60, self.height + 10), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(forward_button) backward_button = Button( 'Backward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 - 60, self.height + 270), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(backward_button) turn_left_button = Button( 'Turn Left', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 - 190, self.height + 140), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_left_button) turn_right_button = Button( 'Turn Right', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 + 70, self.height + 140), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_right_button) go_button = Button( 'Go', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 - 60, self.height + 140), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(go_button) stop_button = Button( 'Stop', GameWindow.WHITE, GameWindow.RED, Point(float(self.width) / 2 - 60, self.height + 140), (120, 120), False) self.buttons.add(stop_button) reset_button = Button( 'Reset', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 - 190, self.height + 270), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(reset_button) clear_button = Button( 'Clear', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, Point(float(self.width) / 2 + 70, self.height + 270), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(clear_button) def start_logic(self, scenario=None): """ Start the game logic. Possibly using some settings passed as arguments. """ self._logic_running = True # If we don't pass a scenario as an argument if scenario is None: # Choose Scenario self.choose_scenario() else: # Otherwise, use the one passed as an argument self.scenario = 'scenarios/%s.scibot' % scenario # Load the chosen scenario try: self.load_scenario() except ValueError as error: print(error) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Go to NORMAL rendering self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.NORMAL while self._logic_running: event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == CustomEvent.RUN_FAIL: self.robot.crash() sleep(1) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.FAIL_SCREEN sleep(2) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.NORMAL self.stop_beebot_movement() self.robot.reset_position() self.robot.clear_memory() self.board.goal_group.reset_all_goals() elif event.type == CustomEvent.RUN_WIN: sleep(1) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.WIN_SCREEN sleep(2) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() # End the loop self._logic_running = False # If the event is a left mouse button up # assume it is a button press elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: button = self.buttons.get_pressed_button(event.pos) if button is not None and button.swapped: button.swap_colours() self.handle_button_press(button) else: self.buttons.unswap_all() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: button = self.buttons.get_pressed_button(event.pos) if button is not None: button.swap_colours() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: self.handle_key_press(event) # If the event is a movement event # Move the BeeBot. elif (event.type >= CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP and event.type <= CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT): self.robot.move(event) self.check_for_obstacle_collisions() self.check_for_goal_collisions() self.check_for_off_map() elif self.robot.running: # If there are no further instructions in the BeeBot's memory if len(self.robot.memory) == self.robot.index: # Stop the BeeBot self.stop_beebot_movement() else: # Push out the next instruction self.robot.push_out_memory() # If we get here, the main game loop has exited sommehow # Let's exit safely self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() # No need to sys.exit() here as this is the end of the loop def check_for_goal_collisions(self): """Check if the BeeBot is currently on a Goal.""" # If so, mark that Goal as met. # If all Goals met, push a CustomEvent.RUN_WIN. if self.board.goal_group.is_ordered: goal = self.board.goal_group.get_current_goal() if self.robot.logical_position.is_equal_to(goal.logical_position): goal.complete() if goal.should_increment_beebot_sprite: self.robot.increment_sprite() self.board.goal_group.increment_pointer() else: for goal in self.board.goal_group.components: if self.robot.logical_position.is_equal_to( goal.logical_position): goal.complete() if goal.should_increment_beebot_sprite: self.robot.increment_sprite() if self.board.goal_group.have_all_goals_been_met(): # clear any remaining events pygame.event.clear() # push a win event def start_beebot_movement(self): """Start the BeeBot moving and turn the Go Buton to the Stop Button.""" if not self.robot.running: self.robot.running = True self.buttons.get_named_button('Go').displayed = False self.buttons.get_named_button('Stop').displayed = True # Hide 'Reset' and 'Clear' Buttons to prevent them # being pressed mid run as this can cause odd # behaviour where a reset BeeBot continues to movement # or a running BeeBot has no instructions to run. self.buttons.get_named_button('Reset').displayed = False self.buttons.get_named_button('Clear').displayed = False # Prevent the BeeBot being 'programmed' while running self.buttons.get_named_button('Forward').displayed = False self.buttons.get_named_button('Turn Left').displayed = False self.buttons.get_named_button('Backward').displayed = False self.buttons.get_named_button('Turn Right').displayed = False def stop_beebot_movement(self): """Stop the BeeBot moving and turn the Stop Buton to the Go Button.""" if self.robot.running: self.robot.running = False # Reset the BeeBot memory pointer to the start of the instructions self.robot.index = 0 # Clear the queue incase movement events have already # been pushed to the queue. pygame.event.clear() self.buttons.get_named_button('Go').displayed = True self.buttons.get_named_button('Stop').displayed = False # Now that movement has stopped, these Buttons cannot cause # odd side effects any more, so display them once again. self.buttons.get_named_button('Reset').displayed = True self.buttons.get_named_button('Clear').displayed = True # Allow the BeeBot to be programmed again. self.buttons.get_named_button('Forward').displayed = True self.buttons.get_named_button('Turn Left').displayed = True self.buttons.get_named_button('Backward').displayed = True self.buttons.get_named_button('Turn Right').displayed = True def fail_run(self): """Clear the event queue and push a RUN_FAIL event.""" # clear any remaining events pygame.event.clear() # push a fail event def check_for_obstacle_collisions(self): """Check if the BeeBot is currently on a Obstacle.""" # If so, push a CustomEvent.RUN_FAIL. for obstacle in self.board.obstacle_group.components: if self.robot.logical_position.is_equal_to( obstacle.logical_position): self.fail_run() def check_for_off_map(self): """Check if the BeeBot is off the map.""" if self.robot.logical_position.x not in range( 0, self.board.logical_board_width): self.fail_run() elif self.robot.logical_position.y not in range( 0, self.board.logical_board_height): self.fail_run() def display_text(self, text, text_colour, background_colour): """Display text on background_colour.""" self.screen.fill(background_colour) text = self.font.render(text, True, text_colour, background_colour) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx text_rect.centery = self.screen.get_rect().centery self.screen.blit(text, text_rect) def store_movement(self, movement): """Store a movement in the BeeBot.""" if movement == 'Forward': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_UP event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) if movement == 'Left': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) if movement == 'Right': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) if movement == 'Backward': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) def handle_button_press(self, button): """Convert button press into game logic.""" if button.text == 'Forward': self.store_movement('Forward') if button.text == 'Turn Left': self.store_movement('Left') if button.text == 'Turn Right': self.store_movement('Right') if button.text == 'Backward': self.store_movement('Backward') if button.text == 'Reset': # Reset the BeeBots position and the completed status of the Goals. self.robot.reset_position() self.board.goal_group.reset_all_goals() if button.text == 'Clear': # Remove any stored instructions self.robot.memory = [] if button.text == 'Go': self.start_beebot_movement() if button.text == 'Stop': self.stop_beebot_movement() def handle_key_press(self, event): """Convert key press into game logic.""" # If the event is an arrow key, store # a movement event in the BeeBot. if event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.store_movement('Forward') if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: self.store_movement('Down') if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.store_movement('Left') if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.store_movement('Right') # if the event is the space bar, # reset the BeeBot's position and clears any completed Goals. # it doesn't clear the memory! if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.robot.reset_position() self.board.goal_group.reset_all_goals() # if the event is the X key, clear the BeeBot's memory if event.key == ord('x') or event.key == ord('X'): self.robot.memory = [] # if the event is the G key, start the BeeBot. if event.key == ord('g') or event.key == ord('G'): self.start_beebot_movement() # if the event is the S key, stop the BeeBot. if event.key == ord('s') or event.key == ord('S'): self.stop_beebot_movement()
class GameWindow(Thread): """This class defines the main GameWindow.""" BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREY = (100, 100, 100) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 24 def __init__(self): """Initiate the GameWindow.""" pygame.init() # Define vars here # Controls what to render self.rendering_mode = None # The unpickled Scenario self.scenario = None # Board Dimensions self.step = None self.height = None self.width = None # Variable that holds the Board self.board = None # Board Dimensions self.size = None # Variable that holds the BeeBot self.robot = None # Variable that holds the screen that is draw on self.screen = None # Used to monitor the frame rate self.clock = None # The font of the text displayed (excluding buttons) self.font = None # All Buttons to display self.buttons = ButtonGroup() # The logo to display on screen self.logo = None # Call the superclass constructor Thread.__init__(self) def start_rendering(self): """Change rendering_mode to TITLE_SCREEN and begin rendering.""" self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 30) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.TITLE_SCREEN self.start() # Runs the run method. def run(self): """Run the rendering engine.""" while True: if self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.TITLE_SCREEN: # For now, we will let runSciBot drive the rendering pass elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.CHOOSE_SCENARIO: # Display the background self.screen.fill(GameWindow.GREY) # Display the Scenario Buttons self.buttons.display(self.screen) # Update display pygame.display.update() elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.LOAD_SCENARIO: pass # Maybe one day we'll have a fancy loading bar elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.NORMAL: self.screen.fill(GameWindow.GREY) # Display the Board and BeeBot self.board.display(self.screen) self.robot.display(self.screen) # Display the logo (if any) if self.logo is not None: self.screen.blit(self.logo, (self.width + 69, self.height - 85)) # Display any Buttons self.buttons.display(self.screen) # Update display pygame.display.update() # Limits the render to FRAMES_PER_SECOND self.clock.tick(GameWindow.FRAMES_PER_SECOND) elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.WIN_SCREEN: # Display some text self.display_text('Hooray you won!! Thanks for playing!', GameWindow.WHITE, GameWindow.RED) # Update display pygame.display.update() # Limits the render to FRAMES_PER_SECOND self.clock.tick(GameWindow.FRAMES_PER_SECOND) elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.FAIL_SCREEN: # Display some text self.display_text('Oh no, you crashed! Try again!', GameWindow.WHITE, GameWindow.BLACK) # Update display pygame.display.update() # Limits the render to FRAMES_PER_SECOND self.clock.tick(GameWindow.FRAMES_PER_SECOND) elif self.rendering_mode is RenderingMode.END_RENDERING: break # Let the renderer die def choose_scenario(self): """Choose a Scenario (possibly using a PyGame UI).""" # Get the available Scenarios (those under ./scenarios/) scenario_list = glob.glob("./scenarios/*.scibot") # If no scenarios, exit! if len(scenario_list) is 0: print("No scibot files found.") print("Please place them in ./scenarios/") self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() # If only one scenario, use that one! if len(scenario_list) is 1: self.scenario = scenario_list[0] return # else, Remove Default.scenario from returned list if there scenario_list = [scenario for scenario in scenario_list if "Default.scibot" not in scenario] # If now only one scenario, use that one! if len(scenario_list) is 1: self.scenario = scenario_list[0] return # Determine the size of the window needed to display all the buttons. # Set maximum scenarios to display on a single row. max_width = 3 # If scenarios less than max_width, they can be displayed on one row. if len(scenario_list) <= max_width: height = 1 width = len(scenario_list) else: # Work out how many rows are needed. height = math.ceil(len(scenario_list) / 3.0) width = max_width # Work out screen size to display 120x120 # buttons with 10 space between. screen_width = 10 + (width * (120 + 10)) screen_height = 10 + (height * (120 + 10)) # Variables used to draw Buttons # Start a 10 because of padding width_counter = 10 height_counter = 10 # Empty ButtonGroup self.buttons.removal_all() for scenario_path in scenario_list: # Get the Scenario filename from the full path scenario_file = os.path.basename(scenario_path) # Add the Scenario filename (minus extension) to a list temp = Button(os.path.splitext(scenario_file)[0], GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (width_counter, height_counter), (120, 120)) # Add temp Button to ButtonGroup self.buttons.add(temp) # If the next Button would be printed off screen, # start a new row. if width_counter > ((width - 1) * 120): width_counter = 10 height_counter = height_counter + 120 + 10 else: width_counter = width_counter + 120 + 10 # Display the PyGame UI self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.CHOOSE_SCENARIO # User choose's a Scenario while self.scenario is None: event = pygame.event.poll() # If the event is a left mouse button up # assume it is a button press if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: # If it was indeed a Button release button = self.buttons.get_appropriate_button(event.pos) if button is not None and button.swapped: # Get the file corresponding to the Button pressed button.swap_colours() self.scenario = "./scenarios/" + button.text + ".scibot" else: # Reset all Buttons without doing anything else self.buttons.unswap_all() # If the event is a left mouse button up # assume it is a button press if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: # If it was indeed a Button press button = self.buttons.get_appropriate_button(event.pos) if button is not None: # Mark that Button as being pressed button.swap_colours() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() def load_scenario(self): """Load the chosen Scenario.""" self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.LOAD_SCENARIO # Unpickle the Scenario file self.scenario = load(open(self.scenario, "rb")) # Log Version of the scenario and code print("Loading Scenario Version %s with code base Version %s" % (self.scenario.get_version(), __version__)) license = self.scenario.get_license() if license is not None: print("Scenario licensed as follows:") print("") print(license) else: print("No license provided in scenario file.") # Get the logo to display (if any) self.logo = self.scenario.get_logo() # Load variables into memory self.step = self.scenario.get_board_step() self.height = self.scenario.get_logical_height() * self.step self.width = self.scenario.get_logical_width() * self.step self.board = Board(self.scenario) self.robot = BeeBot(self.scenario) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() buttons_on_the_left = True self.create_buttons(buttons_on_the_left) if buttons_on_the_left: self.size = (self.width + 400, self.height) else: self.size = (self.width, self.height + 400) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) def create_buttons(self, buttons_on_the_left): """Helper method to populate ButtonGroup.""" # Empty ButtonGroup self.buttons.removal_all() if buttons_on_the_left: forward_button = Button('Forward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 140, float(self.height)/2 - 190), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(forward_button) backward_button = Button('Backward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 140, float(self.height)/2 + 70), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(backward_button) turn_left_button = Button('Turn Left', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 10, float(self.height)/2 - 60), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_left_button) turn_right_button = Button('Turn Right', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 270, float(self.height)/2 - 60), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_right_button) go_button = Button('Go', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 140, float(self.height)/2 - 60), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(go_button) reset_button = Button('Reset', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 10, float(self.height)/2 + 70), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(reset_button) clear_button = Button('Clear', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (self.width + 270, float(self.height)/2 + 70), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(clear_button) else: forward_button = Button('Forward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 - 60, self.height + 10), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(forward_button) backward_button = Button('Backward', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 - 60, self.height + 270), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(backward_button) turn_left_button = Button('Turn Left', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 - 190, self.height + 140), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_left_button) turn_right_button = Button('Turn Right', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 + 70, self.height + 140), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(turn_right_button) go_button = Button('Go', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 - 60, self.height + 140), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(go_button) reset_button = Button('Reset', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 - 190, self.height + 270), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(reset_button) clear_button = Button('Clear', GameWindow.BLACK, GameWindow.WHITE, (float(self.width)/2 + 70, self.height + 270), (120, 120)) self.buttons.add(clear_button) def start_logic(self): """Start the game logic.""" # Choose Scenario self.choose_scenario() # Load the chosen scenario self.load_scenario() # Go to NORMAL rendering self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.NORMAL while True: event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == CustomEvent.RUN_FAIL: self.robot.crash() sleep(1) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.FAIL_SCREEN sleep(2) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.NORMAL self.robot.reset_position() self.robot.clear_memory() self.board.goal_group.reset_all_goals() if event.type == CustomEvent.RUN_WIN: sleep(1) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.WIN_SCREEN sleep(2) self.rendering_mode = RenderingMode.END_RENDERING sleep(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: self.handle_key_press(event) # If the event is a movement event # Move the BeeBot. if (event.type >= CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP and event.type <= CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT): self.robot.move(event) self.check_for_obstacle_collisions() self.check_for_goal_collisions() self.check_for_off_map() # If the event is a left mouse button up # assume it is a button press if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: button = self.buttons.get_appropriate_button(event.pos) if button is not None and button.swapped: button.swap_colours() self.handle_button_press(button) else: self.buttons.unswap_all() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: button = self.buttons.get_appropriate_button(event.pos) if button is not None: button.swap_colours() def check_for_goal_collisions(self): """Check if the BeeBot is currently on a Goal.""" # If so, mark that Goal as met. # If all Goals met, push a CustomEvent.RUN_WIN. if self.board.goal_group.is_ordered: goal = self.board.goal_group.get_current_goal() if self.robot.logical_position.is_equal_to(goal.logical_position): goal.has_been_met = True self.board.goal_group.increment_pointer() else: for goal in self.board.goal_group.goals: if self.robot.logical_position.is_equal_to(goal.logical_position): goal.has_been_met = True if self.board.goal_group.have_all_goals_been_met(): # clear any remaining events pygame.event.clear() # push a win event def fail_run(self): """Clear the event queue and push a RUN_FAIL event.""" # clear any remaining events pygame.event.clear() # push a fail event def check_for_obstacle_collisions(self): """Check if the BeeBot is currently on a Obstacle.""" # If so, push a CustomEvent.RUN_FAIL. for obstacle in self.board.obstacle_group.obstacles: if self.robot.logical_position.is_equal_to(obstacle.logical_position): self.fail_run() def check_for_off_map(self): """Check if the BeeBot is off the map.""" if self.robot.logical_position.x not in range(0, self.board.logical_board_width): self.fail_run() elif self.robot.logical_position.y not in range(0, self.board.logical_board_height): self.fail_run() def display_text(self, text, text_colour, background_colour): """Display text on background_colour.""" self.screen.fill(background_colour) text = self.font.render(text, True, text_colour, background_colour) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.centerx = self.screen.get_rect().centerx text_rect.centery = self.screen.get_rect().centery self.screen.blit(text, text_rect) def store_movement(self, movement): """Store a movement in the BeeBot.""" if movement == 'Forward': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_UP event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_UP self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) if movement == 'Left': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_LEFT self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) if movement == 'Right': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_RIGHT self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) if movement == 'Backward': # Push a MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN event new_event = CustomEvent.MOVE_BEEBOT_DOWN self.robot.add_to_memory(pygame.event.Event(new_event)) def handle_button_press(self, button): """Convert button press into game logic.""" if button.text == 'Forward': self.store_movement('Forward') if button.text == 'Turn Left': self.store_movement('Left') if button.text == 'Turn Right': self.store_movement('Right') if button.text == 'Backward': self.store_movement('Backward') if button.text == 'Reset': # Reset the BeeBots position and the met status of the goals self.robot.reset_position() self.board.goal_group.reset_all_goals() if button.text == 'Clear': # Remove any stored instructions self.robot.memory = [] if button.text == 'Go': # Execute the instructions stored in the BeeBot self.robot.push_out_memory() def handle_key_press(self, event): """Convert key press into game logic.""" # If the event is an arrow key, store # a movement event in the BeeBot. if event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.store_movement('Forward') if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: self.store_movement('Down') if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.store_movement('Left') if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.store_movement('Right') # if the event is the space bar, # reset the BeeBot's position and clears any met goals. # it doesn't clear the memory! if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.robot.reset_position() self.board.goal_group.reset_all_goals() # if the event is the X key, clear the BeeBot's memory if event.key == ord('x') or event.key == ord('X'): self.robot.memory = [] # if the event is the G key, push stored movement # events into the event queue. if event.key == ord('g') or event.key == ord('G'): self.robot.push_out_memory()