Пример #1
    def get_command_from_pipe(self, state, do_print=False):
            Returns a command object created based on the lastest message sendt from an ActionLoop queue.
        msg = self.pipe.recv()
        command = Command()
        ####### Handle discrete commands ########
        # Check if requesting a state transition to trotting, or from trotting to resting
        gait_toggle = msg["trot"]
        command.trot_event = (gait_toggle == 1 and self.previous_gait_toggle == 0)

        # Check if requesting a state transition to hopping, from trotting or resting
        hop_toggle = msg["hop"]
        command.hop_event = (hop_toggle == 1 and self.previous_hop_toggle == 0)            
        activate_toggle = msg["activation"]
        command.activate_event = (activate_toggle == 1 and self.previous_activate_toggle == 0)

        # Update previous values for toggles and state
        self.previous_gait_toggle = gait_toggle
        self.previous_hop_toggle = hop_toggle
        self.previous_activate_toggle = activate_toggle

        ####### Handle continuous commands ########
        ## CreateLab Comment: It looks wierd that x_vel uses y_axis_velocity, i don't know why. 
        # I have checked if it is the same in Stanfords Software, and it is.
        x_vel = msg["y_axis_velocity"] * self.config.max_x_velocity
        y_vel = msg["x_axis_velocity"] * -self.config.max_y_velocity
        command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([x_vel, y_vel])
        command.yaw_rate = msg["yaw"] * -self.config.max_yaw_rate
        message_rate = msg["message_rate"]
        message_dt = 1.0 / message_rate
        pitch = msg["pitch"] * self.config.max_pitch
        deadbanded_pitch = deadband(
            pitch, self.config.pitch_deadband
        pitch_rate = clipped_first_order_filter(
        command.pitch = state.pitch + message_dt * pitch_rate

        height_movement = msg["height"]
        command.height = state.height - message_dt * self.config.z_speed * height_movement
        roll_movement = - msg["roll"]
        command.roll = state.roll + message_dt * self.config.roll_speed * roll_movement

        return command
    def create_default_command_queue(self):
        None -> #TODO

        When no commands are specified in the command line, run default commands.
        #plot, zeroes, derivative, factorization, integral?
        plot = Command("plot{" + self.original_input + "}")
        zeroes = Command("zeroes{" + self.original_input + "}")
        partial_derivatives = Command("partialderivative{" +
                                      self.original_input + "}")
        partial_integral = Command("partialintegral{" + self.original_input +
        return [zeroes, plot, partial_derivatives, partial_integral]
    def __init__(self, commands_str):
        None -> None

        Instantiates a new CommandManager Object

        Interprets the commands as acceptable/unnaceptable using the Interpreter interface
        Creates a list of Command Objects using those strings
        self.ErrorStack = ErrorStack()
        self.default = False
        self.commands_queue = []
        self.original_input = commands_str
        self.command_str_container = self.process_commands(commands_str)

        if not self.default:
            self.uninterpreted = self.process_uninterpreted(commands_str)
            self.Commands_container = [
                Command(c) for c in self.command_str_container
            self.commands_queue = list(self.Commands_container)
            ##TODO update these when we create default command queue, not here
            ## This is a quick fix, do a real fix later
            self.uninterpreted = []
            self.Commands_container = []
Пример #4
def main(id, command_status):

    arduino = ArduinoSerial('COM4')  # need to specify the serial port

    # Create config
    config = Configuration()

    controller = Controller(
    state = State()
    last_loop = time.time()
    command = Command()

    while True:
        now = time.time()
        if now - last_loop < config.dt:
        last_loop = time.time()

        # calculate robot step command from keyboard inputs
        result_dict = command_status.get()

        x_vel = result_dict['IDstepLength']
        y_vel = result_dict['IDstepWidth']
        command.yaw_rate = result_dict['IDstepAlpha']
        command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([x_vel, y_vel])

        arduinoLoopTime, Xacc, Yacc, realRoll, realPitch = arduino.serialRecive(
        )  # recive serial(IMU part)

        # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available
        quat_orientation = (np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]))
        state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation

        # Step the controller forward by dt
        controller.run(state, command)
        deg_angle = np.rad2deg(
            state.joint_angles) + angle_offset  # make angle rad to deg

        arduino.serialSend(deg_angle[:, 0], deg_angle[:, 1], deg_angle[:, 2],
                           deg_angle[:, 3])
Пример #5
 def add_command(self, cmd, cmd_func=None, help_summary=None, help_full=None, check_perms=None, case_sensitive=False):
     """Adds a command to the current command system"""
     kwargs = {
         'cmd_func': cmd_func,
         'help_summary': help_summary,
         'help_full': help_full,
         'check_perms': check_perms,
         'case_sensitive': case_sensitive
     if isinstance(cmd, str):
         cmd_string = cmd
         cmd_string = cmd_string.lower() if not case_sensitive else cmd_string
         self._commands[cmd_string] = Command(**kwargs)
         raise ValueError('First argument has to be a string when adding a command.')
Пример #6
def main(use_imu=False):
    """Main program

    # Create config
    config = Configuration()
    training_interface = TrainingInterface()

    # Create controller and user input handles
    controller = Controller(
    state = State()

    # Behavior to learn
    state.behavior_state = BehaviorState.TROT

    print("Summary of gait parameters:")
    print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time)
    print("swing time: ", config.swing_time)
    print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance)
    print("x shift: ", config.x_shift)

    amplitude = 0.0
    amplitude_vel = 0.0
    angle = 0.0
    angle_vel = 0.0
    yaw = 0.0
    yaw_vel = 0.0

    while True:
        # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters
        command = Command()

        amplitude_accel = np.random.randn() * 3.0
        amplitude_vel += amplitude_accel * config.dt - 0.2 * amplitude_vel * config.dt
        amplitude += amplitude_vel * config.dt

        angle_accel = np.random.randn() * 3.0
        angle_vel += angle_accel * config.dt - 0.2 * angle_vel * config.dt
        angle += angle_vel * config.dt

        yaw_accel = np.random.randn() * 3.0
        yaw_vel += yaw_accel * config.dt - 0.2 * yaw_vel * config.dt
        yaw += yaw_vel * config.dt

        #print(str(amplitude) + " " + str(angle) + " " + str(yaw))

        # Go forward at max speed
        command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([
            np.cos(angle) * np.sin(amplitude),
            np.sin(angle) * np.sin(amplitude)
        ]) * 0.5
        command.yaw_rate = np.sin(yaw) * 0.5

        quat_orientation = (np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]))
        state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation

        # Step the controller forward by dt
        controller.run(state, command)

                command.horizontal_velocity[0], command.horizontal_velocity[1],

        # Update the agent with the angles
    def get_command(self, state, do_print=False):
            msg = self.udp_handle.get()
            command = Command()

            ####### Handle discrete commands ########
            # Check if requesting a state transition to trotting, or from trotting to resting
            gait_toggle = msg["R1"]
            command.trot_event = (gait_toggle == 1
                                  and self.previous_gait_toggle == 0)

            # Check if requesting a state transition to hopping, from trotting or resting
            hop_toggle = msg["x"]
            command.hop_event = (hop_toggle == 1
                                 and self.previous_hop_toggle == 0)

            activate_toggle = msg["L1"]
            command.activate_event = (activate_toggle == 1
                                      and self.previous_activate_toggle == 0)

            # Update previous values for toggles and state
            self.previous_gait_toggle = gait_toggle
            self.previous_hop_toggle = hop_toggle
            self.previous_activate_toggle = activate_toggle

            ####### Handle continuous commands ########
            x_vel = msg["ly"] * self.config.max_x_velocity
            y_vel = msg["lx"] * -self.config.max_y_velocity
            command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([x_vel, y_vel])
            command.yaw_rate = msg["rx"] * -self.config.max_yaw_rate

            message_rate = msg["message_rate"]
            message_dt = 1.0 / message_rate

            pitch = msg["ry"] * self.config.max_pitch
            deadbanded_pitch = deadband(pitch, self.config.pitch_deadband)
            pitch_rate = clipped_first_order_filter(
            command.pitch = state.pitch + message_dt * pitch_rate

            height_movement = msg["dpady"]
            command.height = state.height - message_dt * self.config.z_speed * height_movement

            roll_movement = -msg["dpadx"]
            command.roll = state.roll + message_dt * self.config.roll_speed * roll_movement

            return command

        except UDPComms.timeout:
            if do_print:
                print("UDP Timed out")
            return Command()
Пример #8
def main(stdscr):
    """Main program
    # Init Keyboard
    stdscr.clear()  # clear the screen
    curses.noecho()  # don't echo characters
    curses.cbreak()  # don't wait on CR
    stdscr.keypad(True)  # Map arrow keys to UpArrow, etc
    stdscr.nodelay(True)  # Don't block - do not wait on keypress

    # Create config
    config = Configuration()
    #  hardware_interface = HardwareInterface()
    command = Command()

    # Create controller and user input handles
    controller = Controller(
    state = State()

    last_loop = time.time()

    print("Summary of gait parameters:")
    print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time)
    print("swing time: ", config.swing_time)
    print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance)
    print("x shift: ", config.x_shift)
    print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.")

    key_press = ''
    while True:
        if key_press == 'q':

        # Wait until the activate button has been pressed
        while True:
                key_press = stdscr.getkey()
                key_press = ''
            if key_press == 'q':
            elif key_press == 'a':
                # command.activate_event = True
                # command.yaw_rate = 0
                # print(state.behavior_state.name)
                # print("\r")
                print("Robot Activated\r")
        if key_press == 'q':
        do_print_cmd = False
        while True:
            x_speed = command.horizontal_velocity[0]
            y_speed = command.horizontal_velocity[1]
            yaw_speed = command.yaw_rate
            new_x_speed = x_speed
            new_y_speed = y_speed
            new_yaw_speed = yaw_speed

                key_press = stdscr.getkey()
                key_press = ''

            if key_press == 'q':
            elif key_press == 'a':
                # command.activate_event = True
                # controller.run(state, command)
                # command.activate_event = False
                # command.trot_event = False
                print("Robot Deactivate\r")
            elif key_press == 't':
                command.trot_event = True
                print("Trot Event\r")
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == ' ':
                new_x_speed = 0
                new_y_speed = 0
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 'k':
                new_yaw_speed = 0
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 'i':
                new_x_speed = min(config.max_x_velocity,
                                  x_speed + config.max_x_velocity / 5.0)
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == ',':
                new_x_speed = max(-1 * config.max_x_velocity,
                                  x_speed - config.max_x_velocity / 5.0)
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 'f':
                new_y_speed = max(-1 * config.max_y_velocity,
                                  y_speed - config.max_y_velocity / 5.0)
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 's':
                new_y_speed = min(config.max_y_velocity,
                                  y_speed + config.max_y_velocity / 5.0)
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 'd':
                new_y_speed = 0
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 'j':
                new_yaw_speed = min(config.max_yaw_rate,
                                    yaw_speed + config.max_yaw_rate / 5.0)
                do_print_cmd = True
            elif key_press == 'l':
                new_yaw_speed = max(-1 * config.max_yaw_rate,
                                    yaw_speed - config.max_yaw_rate / 5.0)
                do_print_cmd = True

            command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([new_x_speed, new_y_speed])
            command.yaw_rate = new_yaw_speed

            now = time.time()
            if now - last_loop < config.dt:
            last_loop = time.time()

            # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available
            quat_orientation = (np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]))
            state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation

            # Step the controller forward by dt
            controller.run(state, command)
            if do_print_cmd:
                do_print_cmd = False

            # print(state.behavior_state.name + "\r")
            # print_state(state)

            # Update the pwm widths going to the servos
            # hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles)

            command.activate_event = False
            command.trot_event = False
Пример #9
    def get_command(self, state, do_print=False):
            #msg = self.udp_handle.get()
            command = Command()

            ####### Handle discrete commands ########
            # Check if requesting a state transition to trotting, or from trotting to resting
            gait_toggle = self.joy_state.btn1
            command.trot_event = (gait_toggle == 1
                                  and self.previous_gait_toggle == 0)

            # Check if requesting a state transition to hopping, from trotting or resting
            hop_toggle = self.joy_state.btn2
            command.hop_event = (hop_toggle == 1
                                 and self.previous_hop_toggle == 0)

            activate_toggle = self.joy_state.btn3
            command.activate_event = (activate_toggle == 1
                                      and self.previous_activate_toggle == 0)

            # Update previous values for toggles and state
            self.previous_gait_toggle = gait_toggle
            self.previous_hop_toggle = hop_toggle
            self.previous_activate_toggle = activate_toggle

            ####### Handle continuous commands ########
            x_vel = np.clip(self.twist.linear.x, -self.config.max_x_velocity,
            y_vel = np.clip(
                self.twist.linear.y, -self.config.max_y_velocity,
                self.config.max_y_velocity)  #check for "-" if needed
            command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([x_vel, y_vel])
            command.yaw_rate = np.clip(self.twist.angular.z,
            #message_rate = msg["message_rate"]
            message_dt = 1.0 / self.message_rate

            pitch = self.joy_state.right_x / 512.0 * self.config.max_pitch
            deadbanded_pitch = deadband(pitch, self.config.pitch_deadband)
            pitch_rate = clipped_first_order_filter(

            #command.pitch = state.pitch + message_dt * pitch_rate
            command.pitch = 0

            command.height = state.height
            command.roll = state.roll
            height_movement = msg["dpady"]
            command.height = state.height - message_dt * self.config.z_speed * height_movement
            roll_movement = - msg["dpadx"]
            command.roll = state.roll + message_dt * self.config.roll_speed * roll_movement
            return command

        except rospy.is_shutdown():
            print("ros is down")
            return Command()
Пример #10
from src.Command import Command

if "__main__" == __name__:
    c = Command()