Пример #1
class CoderRunner(object):
    def __init__(self, configuration, testFiles):
        self.logger = Logger()
        self._configuration = configuration
        self._icoder = CoderUtil(configuration)
        self._testFiles = testFiles
        self._unittestRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner() 
        self._testlist = unittest.TestSuite()
        self._switches = ""
        self._version = self._icoder.getVersion()
    def extractRelatedStories(self, line):    
        # find string that starts with "#" and follows by numbers and characters
        # furthermore, see the link: https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html    
        return re.findall("#\d\w+", line)

    def extractTestProjectAndStartMethod(self, line):
        # find string that does not starts with "'%sys%'"
        rs = re.findall("(?<='%sys%' )[a-zA-Z0-9_]+", line)
        if len(rs) > 0:
            projectName = rs[0]
            tmp = re.findall("(?<={0} )[a-zA-Z0-9_]+".format(projectName), line)
            startMethod = tmp[0] if len(tmp) > 0 else projectName
            return (projectName, startMethod)
            self.logger.error("Cannot extract project and method from %s" % line)
            return (None, None)

    def run(self):
            for testFile in self._testFiles:
                with open(testFile) as tests:
                    coderTestSuite = CoderTestSuites(testFile)
                    for line in tests.readlines():
                        if line.startswith(";") or not line.strip():
                        if "switches=" in line:
                            self._switches = re.search("(?<=switches=).*", line).group()
                        projectName, startMethod = self.extractTestProjectAndStartMethod(line)
                        relatedStories = self.extractRelatedStories(line)
                        if projectName is not None and startMethod is not None:
                            self._testlist.addTest(CoderTestCase(self._icoder, projectName, startMethod, relatedStories, switches=self._switches, cmpSrc=("CompareSrc" in line), coderTestSuite=coderTestSuite))                    
            ReportUtil(self._configuration, coderTestSuite, self._version).sendMail()
        except IOError as err:
Пример #2
class ProjectUtil(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = Logger()
    def generateCCode(self, genBatFile , projectPath, *args):
        Generate C code for ESDL project by running the bat file code-generation-cli.bat
        1. With no argument 
        C:/Program Files (x86)/ETAS/ISOLAR-CODER1.2.0/code-generation-cli.bat -w <workspace> -p <project name>
        2. With another argument
        C:/Program Files (x86)/ETAS/ISOLAR-CODER1.2.0/code-generation-cli.bat -w <workspace> -p <project name> -d truncate        
        self._logger.info("Generate C Code: %s" % projectPath)
        if (exists(projectPath)):
            wp, prjName = projectPath.rsplit(os.sep, 1);
            cmd = [genBatFile, "-w", wp, "-p", prjName]
            for arg in args:
                cmd += arg.split(" ")   
            output, err, code = runWindowCommand(cmd)
            if "ERROR" in err:
                self._logger.info("Generate C Code: %s - FAIL" % projectPath)
                code = 0
                self._logger.info("Generate C Code: %s - SUCCEED" % projectPath)
                code = 1
            return (output, err, code)
            self._logger.error("Project %s cannot be found in workspace" % projectPath)
            raise IOError

    def compileAndLink(self, mingwMake, cgenPrjPath):
        TODO: description
            cmd = [mingwMake, "-C", cgenPrjPath]
            self._logger.info("Compile and link: %s" % cgenPrjPath)
            outMsg, errMsg, code = runWindowCommand(cmd);
            self._logger.info("Compile and link: %s - %s" % (cgenPrjPath,"SUCCEED" if code == 0 else "FAIL"))
            return (outMsg, errMsg, not code)
            self._logger.error("Cannot be found: %s" % cgenPrjPath)
            raise IOError
Пример #3
class BeyondCompare(object):
    According to Beyond Compare. Error levels mapping    
    0     Success
    1     Binary same
    2     Rules-based same 
    11    Binary differences
    12    Similar
    13    Rules-based differences
    14    Conflicts detected
    100   Unknown error
    101   Conflicts detected, merge output not written
    102   BComp.exe unable to wait until BCompare.exe finishes
    103   BComp.exe cannot find BCompare.exe
    104   Trial period expired
    105   Error loading script file
    106   Script syntax error
    107   Script failed to load folders or files

    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = Logger()
        self.logger.name = __name__
        self.bc = self._getBeyondCompareExePath()

    def _getBeyondCompareExePath(self):
        rs = runWindowCommand('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\\Classes\BeyondCompare.Snapshot\shell\open\command" /ve')
        path = re.search('(?<=REG_SZ).*(?="%1")', rs[0]).group()
        return path.strip()

    def compareFile(self, ref, des, qcType=""):
        self.logger.info("Beyond Comparing file %s" % ref)

        if not exists(ref):
            self.logger.error("Missing file %s" % ref)
            return 105
        elif not exists(des):
            self.logger.error("Missing file %s" % ref)
            return 105

        if type in ("size", "crc", "binary"):
            self.logger.info("Using Beyond Compare with /qc=" + type)
            cmd = self.bc + " " + ref + " " + des + " /qc=" + type
            self.logger.info("Using Beyond Compare with default rules")
            cmd = self.bc + " " + ref + " " + des + " /qc"

        rs = runWindowCommand(cmd)
        self.logger.info("Beyond Compare Result: " + self._translateBCReturnCode(rs[2]))
        return rs[2]

    def quickCompareFile(self, ref, des):
        rs = self.compareFile(ref, des)
        return rs in [0, 1, 2, 12]

    def quickCompareFilesInFolder(self, refFolder, desFolder, fileNames):
        rs = True
        for f in fileNames:
            refFile = refFolder + "/" + f
            desFile = desFolder + "/" + f
            if not exists(desFile):
                self.logger.error("Missing file %s" % desFile)
                return False
            elif not exists(refFile):
                self.logger.error("Missing file %s" % refFile)
                return False
                rs = self.quickCompareFile(refFile, desFile) and rs
        return rs

    def _translateBCReturnCode(self, code):
        switcher = {
            0: "Success",
            1: "Binary same",
            2: "Rules-based same",
            11: "Binary differences",
            12: "Similar",
            13: "Rules-based differences",
            14: "Conflicts detected",
            100: "Unknown error",
            101: "Conflicts detected, merge output not written",
            102: "BComp.exe unable to wait until BCompare.exe finishes",
            103: "BComp.exe cannot find BCompare.exe",
            104: "Trial period expired",
            105: "Error loading script file",
            106: "Script syntax error",
            107: "Script failed to load folders or files",
        return switcher[code]