def test_last_updated_attribute(properties):
    """Check that the 'last_updated' attribute contains proper timestamp."""
    now = time.time()
    last_updated = check_and_get_attribute(properties, "last_updated")
    value = check_and_get_attribute(last_updated[0], "value")
    assert value <= now
def get_results_from_gremlin(context):
    """Try to take the results from the Gremlin response."""
    data = context.response.json()
    result = check_and_get_attribute(data, "result")
    data = check_and_get_attribute(result, "data")
    meta = check_and_get_attribute(result, "meta")
    return data, meta
Пример #3
def check_repository_url(context, url):
    """Check the repository URL (if set) for the component."""
    details = get_details_node(context)[0]
    code_repository = check_and_get_attribute(details, "code_repository")
    actual_url = check_and_get_attribute(code_repository, "url")
    assert actual_url == url, "Repository URL should be set to {u1}, " \
        "but {u2} has been found instead".format(u1=url, u2=actual_url)
Пример #4
def check_vsc(context, vcs):
    """Check the type of version control system for the component."""
    details = get_details_node(context)[0]
    code_repository = check_and_get_attribute(details, "code_repository")
    actual_vcs = check_and_get_attribute(code_repository, "type")
    assert actual_vcs == vcs.lower(), "Expected {v1} version control system type, " \
        "but {v2} has been found instead".format(v1=vcs, v2=actual_vcs)
def check_gremlin_result_node(data):
    """Check the basic structure of the 'result' node in Gremlin response."""
    result = check_and_get_attribute(data, "result")
    data = check_and_get_attribute(result, "data")
    meta = check_and_get_attribute(result, "meta")

    assert type(data) is list
    assert type(meta) is dict
Пример #6
def check_schema_existence(context, schema, version, selector=None):
    """Check the existence of given schema."""
    data = context.response.json()
    if selector is not None:
        api_schemas = check_and_get_attribute(data, selector)
        schema = check_and_get_attribute(api_schemas, schema)
        schema = check_and_get_attribute(data, schema)
    check_and_get_attribute(schema, version)
def check_report_for_ecosystem(summary, ecosystem):
    """Check the stack report for the selected ecosystem."""
    report = check_and_get_attribute(summary, ecosystem)

    # try to retrieve all required attributes
    response_time = check_and_get_attribute(report, "average_response_time")

    # check actual values of required attributes
def check_dates_difference(report, days_threshold):
    """Compute the difference between two dates and compare it with given threshold value."""
    from_date = parse_date(check_and_get_attribute(report, "from"))
    to_date = parse_date(check_and_get_attribute(report, "to"))
    assert from_date is not None
    assert to_date is not None
    # a day (at least)
    diff = to_date - from_date
    assert diff.days >= days_threshold
def get_node_value(properties, property_name):
    """Retrieve the value of node taken from properties returned by Gremlin.

    Please note, that each property is an array of id+value pairs and in
    this case we are interested only in the first pair.
    node = check_and_get_attribute(properties, property_name)
    assert node[0] is not None
    return check_and_get_attribute(node[0], "value")
Пример #10
def check_runtime_dependency_count(context, num):
    """Check the number of runtime details for selected component."""
    data = context.s3_data

    details = check_and_get_attribute(data, "details")
    runtime = check_and_get_attribute(details, "runtime")

    cnt = len(runtime)
    assert cnt == num, "Expected {n1} runtime details, but found {n2}".format(
        n1=num, n2=cnt)
Пример #11
def oc_deployment_exist(context, deployment_name):
    """Check if the given deployment exists and is visible for logged in user."""
    deployments = check_and_get_attribute(context.oc_result, "items")
    for deployment in deployments:
        metadata = check_and_get_attribute(deployment, "metadata")
        name = check_and_get_attribute(metadata, "name")
        if name == deployment_name:
    raise Exception(
        "Deployment {d} could not be found".format(d=deployment_name))
Пример #12
def check_no_really_unknown_licenses(context):
    """Check the computed really unknown licenses."""
    json_data = context.response.json()
    unknown_licenses = check_and_get_attribute(json_data, "unknown_licenses")
    really_unknown = check_and_get_attribute(unknown_licenses,
    assert len(really_unknown) == 0, \
        "There should not be any really unknown licenses reported, " \
        "but the service returned {c} unknown licenses" \
        .format(c=", ".join(really_unknown))
Пример #13
def check_no_component_conflicts(context):
    """Check the computed component conflicts."""
    json_data = context.response.json()
    unknown_licenses = check_and_get_attribute(json_data, "unknown_licenses")
    component_conflicts = check_and_get_attribute(unknown_licenses,
    assert len(component_conflicts) == 0, \
        "There should not be any component conflicts reported, " \
        "but the service returned {c} conflicts" \
        .format(c=", ".join(component_conflicts))
Пример #14
def check_stacks_detail(detail):
    """Check selected stacks detail in generated stack report."""
    # try to retrieve all required attributes
    ecosystem = check_and_get_attribute(detail, "ecosystem")
    license = check_and_get_attribute(detail, "license")
    response_time = check_and_get_attribute(detail, "response_time")
    security = check_and_get_attribute(detail, "security")
    stack = check_and_get_attribute(detail, "stack")
    unknown_dependencies = check_and_get_attribute(detail,

    # check actual values of required attributes
    assert ecosystem in SUPPORTED_ECOSYSTEMS

    for package in stack:
        # TODO: add some package+version check

    for package in unknown_dependencies:
        # TODO: add some package+version check

    cve_list = check_and_get_attribute(security, "cve_list")


    for cve_record in cve_list:
        cve = check_and_get_attribute(cve_record, "CVE")
        cvss = check_and_get_attribute(cve_record, "CVSS")
        check_cve_value(cve, with_score=False)
Пример #15
def check_runtime_dependency_count_in_summary(context, num):
    """Check the number of dependencies in dependency snapshot summary."""
    data = context.s3_data

    summary = check_and_get_attribute(data, "summary")
    dependency_counts = check_and_get_attribute(summary, "dependency_counts")
    runtime_count = check_and_get_attribute(dependency_counts, "runtime")

    cnt = int(runtime_count)
    assert cnt == num, "Expected {n1} runtime dependency counts, but found {n2}".format(
        n1=num, n2=cnt)
Пример #16
def validate_result_post_registration(context):
    """Check that json response contains appropriate data."""
    json_data = context.response.json()
    assert context.response.status_code == 200
    assert json_data

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, "user_key")
    endpoints = check_and_get_attribute(json_data, "endpoints")

    prod_url = check_and_get_attribute(endpoints, "prod")
    assert prod_url.startswith("https://")
Пример #17
def check_package_name_and_version(context, name, version):
    """Check the package name and version."""
    details = get_details_node(context)[0]
    actual_name = check_and_get_attribute(details, "name")
    actual_version = check_and_get_attribute(details, "version")

    assert name == actual_name, "Name '{n1}' is different from " \
        "expected name '{n2}'".format(n1=actual_name, n2=name)

    assert version == actual_version, "Version {v1} is different from expected " \
        "version {v2}".format(v1=actual_version, v2=version)
Пример #18
def check_dependents_count(context, expected_dependents_count):
    """Check the number of dependend projects for given package."""
    details = get_details_node(context)

    dependents = check_and_get_attribute(details, 'dependents')

    dependents_count = check_and_get_attribute(dependents, 'count')

    assert int(dependents_count) == expected_dependents_count, \
        "Expected {e} dependents, but found {f} instead".format(e=expected_dependents_count,
Пример #19
def get_pod_states(context):
    """Get states for all pods."""
    states = {}
    pods = check_and_get_attribute(context.oc_result, "items")
    for pod in pods:
        if is_pod(pod):
            metadata = check_and_get_attribute(pod, "metadata")
            name = check_and_get_attribute(metadata, "name")
            phase = get_pod_phase(pod)
            states[name] = phase
    return states
def check_gremlin_status_node(data):
    """Check the basic structure of the 'status' node in Gremlin response."""
    status = check_and_get_attribute(data, "status")
    message = check_and_get_attribute(status, "message")
    code = check_and_get_attribute(status, "code")
    attributes = check_and_get_attribute(status, "attributes")

    assert message == ""
    assert code == 200

    # this node should be empty
    assert not attributes
Пример #21
def check_dependent_repositories_count(context, expected_repo_count):
    """Check the number of dependent repositories for given package."""
    details = get_details_node(context)

    dependent_repositories = check_and_get_attribute(details,

    repo_count = check_and_get_attribute(dependent_repositories, 'count')

    assert int(repo_count) == expected_repo_count, \
        "Expected {e} repositories, but found {f} instead".format(e=expected_repo_count,
Пример #22
def check_report_from_to_dates(report):
    """Check all attributes stored in 'report' node from the stack analysis."""
    assert report is not None
    from_date = check_and_get_attribute(report, "from")
    to_date = check_and_get_attribute(report, "to")
    generated_on = check_and_get_attribute(report, "generated_on")

    # 'generated_on' attribute should contain a proper timestamp

    # 'from' and 'to' attributes should contain a date in format YYYY-MM-DD
Пример #23
def check_valid_monthly_report(context):
    """Check if the monthly stacks report is valid."""
    response = context.response.json()
    assert response is not None

    # try to retrieve all required attributes
    report = check_and_get_attribute(response, "report")
    stacks_details = check_and_get_attribute(response, "stacks_details")
    stacks_summary = check_and_get_attribute(response, "stacks_summary")

    # check actual values of required attributes
Пример #24
def check_component_digest_metadata_value(context, selector, expected_value):
    """Check if the digest metadata can be found for the component."""
    data = context.s3_data
    details = check_and_get_attribute(data, "details")

    for detail in details:
        actual_value = check_and_get_attribute(detail, selector)
        if actual_value == expected_value:

    # nothing was found
    raise Exception(
        'Can not find the digest metadata {selector} set to {expected_value}'.
        format(selector=selector, expected_value=expected_value))
def package_data_timestamp_comparison_with_remembered_time(
        context, comparison):
    """Check if the last_updated attribute is older or newer than remembered time.

    The timestamp is checked for all package versions.
    remembered_time = context.current_time
    data, meta = get_results_from_gremlin(context)

    for package in data:
        properties = check_and_get_attribute(package, "properties")
        last_updated = check_and_get_attribute(properties, "last_updated")
        value = check_and_get_attribute(last_updated[0], "value")
        check_last_updated_value(comparison, value, remembered_time)
Пример #26
def check_cves_for_epv(context, cves, p, v, e):
    """Check number of CVEs reported for given e/p/v in dependencies."""
    response = context.response.json()
    depencencies = check_and_get_attribute(response, "dependencies")

    for dependency in depencencies:
        cve_count = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "cve_count")
        ecosystem = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "ecosystem")
        package = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "name")
        version = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "version")
        if ecosystem == e and package == p and version == v:
            assert int(cve_count) == int(cves), \
                "{exp} CVEs expected, but {found} was found".format(exp=cves, found=cve_count)
    raise Exception("{e}/{p}/{v} was not found".format(e=e, p=p, v=v))
Пример #27
def check_cves_for_epv(context, cves, p, v, e):
    """Check number of CVEs reported for given e/p/v in dependencies."""
    response = context.response.json()
    depencencies = check_and_get_attribute(response, "dependencies")

    for dependency in depencencies:
        cve_count = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "cve_count")
        ecosystem = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "ecosystem")
        package = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "name")
        version = check_and_get_attribute(dependency, "version")
        if ecosystem == e and package == p and version == v:
            # check whether at least 'cves' CVEs has been reported
            check_cve_count(cve_count, cves)
    raise Exception("{e}/{p}/{v} was not found".format(e=e, p=p, v=v))
def read_property_value_from_gremlin_response(context, property_name):
    """Read property value from the Gremlin response with all checks."""
    data, meta = get_results_from_gremlin(context)
    package = data[0]
    properties = check_and_get_attribute(package, "properties")

    # try to retrieve list of id+value pairs
    id_values = check_and_get_attribute(properties, property_name)

    # we expect list with one value only
    assert type(id_values) is list and len(id_values) == 1
    id_value = id_values[0]

    # check the content of 'value' attribute
    return check_and_get_attribute(id_value, "value")
Пример #29
def check_hash_attribute(context):
    """Check the commit hash in the JSON response."""
    response = context.response
    assert response is not None
    data = response.json()
    commit_hash = check_and_get_attribute(data, "commit_hash")
def check_timestamp_for_all_packages_in_gremlin_response(context):
    """Check if the last_updated attribute exists and if it contain proper timestamp."""
    data, meta = get_results_from_gremlin(context)

    for package in data:
        properties = check_and_get_attribute(package, "properties")