Пример #1
 def __init__(self, input_stream):
     self.source = Sources.SIEMENS
     self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
     self.siemens_data = pd.read_csv(input_stream)
     tag_json = open(get_data_resource("csv_descriptions/PointDecoder.json"))
     self.tag_dict = json_load(tag_json)
     self.points_with_ids = {}
Пример #2
class RoomTagger:
    def __init__(self, building_name):
        self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
        self.building_id = self.db_connection.get_building_id(building_name)

    def generate_rooms(self):
        points = self.db_connection.get_point_names_in_building(
        for point in points:
            name = point[0]
            pid = point[1]
            rid = point[2]
            room_name = self.parse_room_name(name)
            if room_name:
                room_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_room(
                    room_name, self.building_id)
                if rid == room_id:
                self.db_connection.update_point_room(str(pid), str(room_id))

    def parse_room_name(self, name):
        room_identifier = "RM"
        parts = name.split(".")
        if len(parts) == 3:
            full_name = parts[1]
            if room_identifier in full_name:
                return full_name.replace(room_identifier, "")
        return False
class BuildingDeduplicator:
    building_mapper = {'Libe': 5, 'Rec': 9, 'Cassat Hall/James Hall': 40}

    def __init__(self):
        self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
        self.raw_buildings = self.db_connection.get_buildings()

    def construct_buildings(self):
        self.buildings = {}
        for building in self.raw_buildings:
            bid = building[0]
            name = building[1]
            self.buildings[name] = bid

    def deduplicate(self):
        for building in self.raw_buildings:
            bid = building[0]
            name = building[1]
            new_id = building[0]
            cleaned_name = name.strip()
            cleaned_name = cleaned_name.title()
            if cleaned_name in self.building_mapper:
                new_id = self.building_mapper[cleaned_name]
                hallified = cleaned_name + " Hall"
                if hallified in self.buildings:
                    new_id = self.buildings[hallified]
                if cleaned_name in self.buildings:
                    new_id = self.buildings[cleaned_name]
            if new_id != bid:
                self.db_connection.update_room_building_ids(bid, new_id)
 def __init__(self, input_stream):
     self.source = Sources.LUCID  # Use the enumeration for Lucid
     self.data = None  # Pandas DataFrame for storing CSV
     self.point_identities = {}
     self.point_values = None
     self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()  # Start up connection to DB
     self.data = pd.read_csv(input_stream, skiprows=4, dtype=object)
     print("Creating Points")
     self.add_points()  # Create values to insert into Points Table
     print("Creating Values")
     )  # Create values to insert into PointValue Table
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, building_name):
     self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
     self.building_id = self.db_connection.get_building_id(building_name)
Пример #6
class SiemensReader:
    def __init__(self, input_stream):
        self.source = Sources.SIEMENS
        self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
        self.siemens_data = pd.read_csv(input_stream)
        tag_json = open(get_data_resource("csv_descriptions/PointDecoder.json"))
        self.tag_dict = json_load(tag_json)
        self.points_with_ids = {}

    def add_to_db(self):
        Adds building, rooms, point types, and point to the database
        :return: None
        finish_lst = []
        cant_finish_lst = []
        for point_name in self.siemens_data.columns[2:]:
            tags = tagName(point_name, self.tag_dict)
            if tags is None:
                cant_finish_lst.append("No tags for point " + point_name)
            building_id, building_name = self._add_building(tags)
            room_id = self._add_room(tags, building_name, building_id)
            equipment_id = self._add_equipment_box(tags)
            point_type_id, point_type = self._add_point_type(tags)
            description = self._make_point_description(tags)
            point = Point(point_name, room_id, building_id, self.source, point_type_id, description, equipment_id)
            point.point_type = point_type
            point_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_point(point)
            point.id = point_id
            self.points_with_ids[point.name] = point
            finish_lst.append("Finished for point "+point_name)

        for item in finish_lst:

        for item in cant_finish_lst:

        print("Was able to successfully add {} points".format(len(finish_lst)))
        print("Was NOT able to add {} points".format(len(cant_finish_lst)))


    def _add_building(self, tags):
        Add unique building from the building tag of a point
        Only adds building if not in DB, adds dummy "Carleton Campus" building if no building tag
        :param tags: a dictionary of tags for a point
        :return: The building id (int) added to the database
        building = "Carleton Campus"  # dummy building
        if "Building" in tags:
            building = tags["Building"][0]

        building_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_building(building)
        return building_id, building

    def _add_room(self, tags, building_name, building_id):
        Add unique room -- only adds if room not already in DB
        :param tags: a dictionary of tags for a point
        :param building_name: Building name of point (string)
        :return: Room id (int)
        room = "{}_Dummy_Room".format(building_name)
        if "ROOM" in tags:
            room = tags["ROOM"][0]

        room_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_room(room, building_id)
        return room_id

    def _add_equipment_box(self, tags):
        Add unique equipment box -- only adds if not in DB
        :param tags: a dictionary of tags for a point
        :return: equipment box id (int)
        if "Equipment" in tags:
            description = self.tag_dict[tags["Equipment"][0]]["descriptor"]
            equipment_name = tags["Equipment"][0]
            if len(tags["Equipment"]) > 1:
                equipment_name += tags["Equipment"][1]
            equipment_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_equipment_box(equipment_name, description)
            return equipment_id
        return None

    def _make_point_description(self, tags):
        Creates the point description as a concatenation of the descriptions of its tags
        :param tags: a dictionary of the tags for a point
        :return: a string description
        description = ""
        if "Measurement" in tags:
            description += self.tag_dict[tags["Measurement"][0]]["descriptor"]
        if "Set Point" in tags:
            description += self.tag_dict[tags["Set Point"][0]]["descriptor"]
        if "Equipment" in tags:
            description += " in " + self.tag_dict[tags["Equipment"][0]]["descriptor"]
        if "Room" in tags:
            description += " in Room " + tags["ROOM"][0]
        if "Building" in tags:
            description += " in " + self.tag_dict[tags["Building"][0]]["descriptor"]
        return description

    def _get_point_type(self, tags):
        Gets the measurement or set point type tag in the dictionary of tags
        :param tags: a dictionary of tags for a point
        :return: the measurement or set point tag (should only be one)
            if "Measurement" in tags:
                return tags["Measurement"][0]
                return tags["Set Point"][0]
        except KeyError:
            print("This point does not have a type")
            return None

    def _add_point_type(self, tags):
        Gets point type information from tags and adds to databse
        :param tags: a dictionary of tags for a point
        :return: point type id (int)
        point_type_name = self._get_point_type(tags)
        description = self.tag_dict[point_type_name]["descriptor"]
        if self.tag_dict[point_type_name]["isEnumerated"] == "True":
            point_type = PointType(point_type_name, "enumerated", description=description)
            point_type.enumeration_values = self.tag_dict[point_type_name]["units"][5:].split("/")
            point_type = PointType(point_type_name, "float", description=description)
            point_type.units = self.tag_dict[point_type_name]["units"]
            point_type.factor = 5  # No longer getting this information, everything should be less than this

        point_type_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_point_type(point_type)
        return point_type_id, point_type

    def _add_point_values(self):
        Loops over all points and all values for points, adds to db
        :return: None
        df = self.siemens_data
        keep_cols = ['Date', 'Time']
        point_names = [x for x in list(df.columns.values) if x not in keep_cols]
        # first melt the point name headers into the table
        # so that point name is now a row variable, not a header
        df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Date', 'Time'], value_vars=point_names, var_name='pointname', value_name='pointvalue')
        # Next combine the date and time columns into one 
        df['pointtimestamp'] = df['Date'] + ' ' + df['Time']

        print("Timestamps Combined")

        # transform pointnames to pointids based on the mapping that we constructed earlier
        # get rid of cases where we get a null point id- means we couldn't map a type to the point
        df['pointid'] = df['pointname'].apply(self._map_point_names_id)

        df.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True)
        print('Null Points Dropped')

        df['pointid'] = df['pointid'].astype(int)
        print("Points Mapped")

        # finally get our formatted point values by inputting the row into format_value
        if df.empty:
            # Just check to make sure we don't have an empty df- otherwise it errors here if we do
            print("Invalid insert- double check that the points are successfully getting inserted")
        df['pointvalue'] = df.apply(self._format_value, axis=1)
        # replace all NaNs with None for sql
        print("Values Formatted")

        # drop all of the old cols
        df.drop(['Date', 'Time', 'pointname'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        # Now format it to go into the sql
        df = df[['pointvalue', 'pointtimestamp', 'pointid']]

    def _map_point_names_id(self, name):
            return self.points_with_ids[name].id
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def _format_value(self, row):
        Makes every given value into an integer for storage in db
        :param row: pandas dataframe containing a raw_value and a point_name
        :return: Formatted value as an int corresponding to the original data
        # TODO error catching if value not type expected, what if there is a problem value not in that list
        point_name = row['pointname']
        raw_value = row['pointvalue']
        point = self.points_with_ids[point_name]
        problem_values = ["data loss", "no data", "nan", "null"]
        if (isinstance(raw_value, str) and raw_value.lower() in problem_values) or pd.isnull(raw_value):
            formatted_value = 'None'
        elif point.point_type.return_type == "enumerated":
            formatted_value = point.point_type.enumeration_values.index(raw_value)
            # TODO if it doesn't have that value???, what if value is 'closed' and we expected 'on'/'off'
        elif point.point_type.return_type == "float":
            formatted_value = float(raw_value) * 10 ** point.point_type.factor
            formatted_value = round(formatted_value)
        else:  # it's an int!
            formatted_value = int(raw_value)
        return formatted_value
class LucidReader:
    def __init__(self, input_stream):
        self.source = Sources.LUCID  # Use the enumeration for Lucid
        self.data = None  # Pandas DataFrame for storing CSV
        self.point_identities = {}
        self.point_values = None
        self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()  # Start up connection to DB
        self.data = pd.read_csv(input_stream, skiprows=4, dtype=object)
        print("Creating Points")
        self.add_points()  # Create values to insert into Points Table
        print("Creating Values")
        )  # Create values to insert into PointValue Table

    def add_points(self):
        Adds the points to the points table.

        :return: None

        successfully_inserted = []
        unsuccessfully_inserted = []
        point_names = list(
            self.data.columns)  # Get row that includes all point name data.
        for i in range(1, len(point_names)):

            # Get the name, the building name (sometimes the same thing) and the units information
                name, building_name, description = point_names[i].split(" - ")
                name = name + " - " + "(".join(description.split("(")[:-1])
            except ValueError:
                building_name, description = point_names[i].split(" - ")
                name = building_name + " - " + "(".join(
                    description.split("(")[:-1])  # remove units information
            name = name.strip()
            building_name = building_name.strip()

            # Clean up the unit information
            units = description.split(" ")[-1]
            units = units.replace("(", "")
            units = units.replace(")", "")

                building_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_building(
                room = "{}_Dummy_Room".format(building_name)
                room_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_room(room, building_id)

                # Create PointType class for Lucid Data Column
                point_type = PointType(name=name,
                point_type_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_point_type(

                # Create Point Object from this column header information.
                point = Point(name=name,
                point_id = self.db_connection.add_unique_point(point)
                point.id = point_id
                self.point_identities[point_names[i]] = point
                successfully_inserted.append("Inserted point " + point.name)

            except KeyError as e:
                print("Error: " + e)
                unsuccessfully_inserted.append("Couldn't insert point: " +

        for item in successfully_inserted:
        for item in unsuccessfully_inserted:

        print("Was able to successfully insert {} points.".format(
        print("Was NOT able to successfully insert {} points.".format(

    def add_point_values(self):
        Loops over all points and all values for points, adds to db
        :return: None
        df = self.data
        keep_cols = ['Timestamp']
        point_names = [
            x for x in list(df.columns.values) if x not in keep_cols
        # first melt the point name headers into the table
        # so that point name is now a row variable, not a header
        df = pd.melt(df,
        # transform pointnames to pointids based on the mapping that we constructed earlier
        # get rid of cases where we get a null point id- means we couldn't map a type to the point
        df['pointid'] = df['pointname'].apply(self._map_point_names_id)
        df = df.rename(columns={'Timestamp': 'pointtimestamp'})

        df.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True)
        print('Null Points Dropped')

        df['pointid'] = df['pointid'].astype(int)
        print("Points Mapped")

        # finally get our formatted point values by inputting the row into format_value
        if df.empty:
            # Just check to make sure we don't have an empty df- otherwise it errors here if we do
                "Invalid insert due to null columns- double check that the points and buildings are successfully getting inserted"

        df['pointvalue'] = df.apply(self._format_value, axis=1).astype(str)
        df = df[df['pointvalue'] != "Invalid"]
        print('Bad Point Values Dropped')

        # drop the old col
        df.drop(['pointname'], axis=1, inplace=True)

        # replace all NaNs with None for sql
        print("Values Formatted")

        # Now format it to go into the sql
        df = df[['pointvalue', 'pointtimestamp', 'pointid']]

    def _map_point_names_id(self, name):
            return self.point_identities[name].id
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def _format_value(self, row):
            point_value = float(row['pointvalue'])
            if math.isnan(point_value):
                return 'None'
            if point_value > 0:
                # Round point_value to 5 decimal places.
                point_value = round(point_value, 5)
                # Multiply point_value by 100000 to get as long int
                point_value *= 100000
            return int(point_value)
            return "Invalid"
 def __init__(self):
     self.db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
     self.raw_buildings = self.db_connection.get_buildings()