def get_matching_reactions(message, server_id, react_type='message'): """ Takes a message, and compares it against the database if it contains a matching keyword. All matches are reactions that will be returned. :param server_id: From which server the reactions are :param react_type: Whether the reaction to be sent is a gif or a normal message :param message: A string :return: A list of reactions, """ session = Session() query = session.query(Reaction.keyword, Reaction.answer) query = query.filter_by(react_type=react_type, from_server=server_id) reactions = query.all() session.close() matches = [] for reaction in reactions: keyword = reaction[0] answer = reaction[1] match ="\b{}\b".format(keyword), message, re.IGNORECASE | re.M) if match: matches.append(answer) if matches: return matches
def get_status(): """ Gets the playing status from the database :return: playing status """ session = Session() status = session.query(Misc).first().status_playing return status
def get_servers(): """ Retrieve all the discord servers in the database :return: List of servers """ session = Session() servers = session.query(Server).all() return servers
def get_user(discord_id): """ Retrieve an user by id :param discord_id: Discord id :return: User """ session = Session() user = session.query(User).filter_by(uid=discord_id).first() return user
def user_exists(discord_id): """ Checks if a user exists by id :param discord_id: Discord id :return: Boolean """ session = Session() row = session.query(User).filter_by(uid=discord_id).first() session.close() return True if row else False
def get_server(server_id): """ Retrieve a server from the database :param server_id: Server id :return: Server object """ session = Session() query = session.query(Server) query = query.filter_by(server_id=server_id) server = query.first() return server
def get_reaction(reaction_id, server_id): """ Gets a reaction by its id :param reaction_id: Reaction id :param server_id: Server id :return: Reaction object """ session = Session() query = session.query(Reaction) query = query.filter_by(reaction_id=reaction_id, from_server=server_id) reaction = query.first() return reaction
def get_users_paginated(low_bound, high_bound): """ Get a list of users, between 2 values. :param low_bound: On which users to start matching :param high_bound: On which users to stop matching :return: list of users """ session = Session() order = (User.reaction_count.desc(), User.username) row_number = func.row_number().over(order_by=order) query = session.query(User) query = query.add_column(row_number) query = query.from_self().filter(row_number.between(low_bound, high_bound)) users = query.all() session.close() return users
def delete_reaction(reaction_id): """ Delete a reaction from the database :param reaction_id: The id of the reaction """ session = Session() session.query(Reaction).filter_by(reaction_id=reaction_id).delete() session.commit() session.close()
def remove_server(server_id): """ Deletes a server from the database :param server_id: Server id """ session = Session() session.query(Server).filter_by(server_id=server_id).delete() session.commit() session.close()
def get_reactions_paginated(low_bound, high_bound, server_id): """ Get a list of reactions, between 2 values. :param low_bound: On which reactions to start matching :param high_bound: On which reactions to stop matching :param server_id: From which server the reaction belongs to :return: list of reactions """ session = Session() row_number = func.row_number().over(order_by=Reaction.reaction_id) query = session.query(Reaction.reaction_id, Reaction.answer, Reaction.keyword, Reaction.from_server) query = query.filter_by(from_server=server_id) query = query.add_column(row_number) query = query.from_self().filter(row_number.between(low_bound, high_bound)) reactions = query.all() session.close() return reactions
def add_server(server_id, server_name): """ Adds a server to the database :param server_id: Server id :param server_name: The server name """ if not server_in_db(server_id): session = Session() new_server = Server(server_id=server_id, server_name=server_name) session.add(new_server) session.commit() session.close()
def change_status(activity): """ Changes the playing status in the database :param activity: """ session = Session() session.query(Misc).first().status_playing = activity session.commit() session.close()
def update_answer(reaction_id, server_id, answer): """ Update the keyword of a reaction :param reaction_id: Reaction id :param server_id: Server id :param answer: Answer to update """ session = Session() reaction = session.query(Reaction).filter_by( reaction_id=reaction_id, from_server=server_id).first() reaction.answer = answer session.commit() session.close()
def update_keyword(reaction_id, server_id, keyword): """ Update the keyword of a reaction :param reaction_id: Reaction id :param server_id: Server id :param keyword: Keyword to update """ session = Session() reaction = session.query(Reaction).filter_by( reaction_id=reaction_id, from_server=server_id).first() reaction.keyword = keyword session.commit() session.close()
def create_user(discord_id, discord_name, server_id, reaction_count=0): """ Create an user and post it to the database :param discord_id: Discord id :param discord_name: Discord name (not nickname) :param server_id: From which server the user comes :param reaction_count: Amount of reactions that user triggered """ session = Session() user = User(uid=discord_id, username=discord_name, from_server=server_id, reaction_count=reaction_count) session.add(user) session.commit() session.close() f"Posted user to DB | {discord_id}: {discord_name} [{server_id}]")
def increment_reaction_counter(discord_id, inc_score): """ Increment amount of reactions triggered by an user :param discord_id: Discord id :param inc_score: Amount to increment by """ session = Session() user = get_user(discord_id) user.reaction_count += inc_score session.commit() session.close()
def set_image_chance(server_id, new_chance): """ Set the image chance percentage of a server :param server_id: Server id :param new_chance: What percentage to set it to """ session = Session() server = get_server(server_id) server.image_chance = new_chance session.commit() session.close()
def connected_to_db(): """ Queries the database to check if the connection is live :return: Boolean """ try: session = Session() session.execute(text('SELECT 1')) session.close() return True except: return False
def add_reaction(answer, keyword, react_type, server_id): """ Add a reaction to the database :param answer: What to send back as response :param keyword: On what keyword to match :param react_type: Whether the reaction to be sent is a gif or a normal message :param server_id: From which server the reaction belongs to """ try: session = Session() reaction = Reaction(answer=answer, keyword=keyword, react_type=react_type, from_server=server_id) session.add(reaction) session.commit() session.close() except: logger.error('Error when commiting reaction to database', exc_info=True)