def bfs(self, i, j):

        if (i, j) in self.negative_visited_in_kron:
            return LabelGraph(self.graph_size)

        if (i, j) in self.visited_pairs_in_kron:
            bogus_result = LabelGraph(self.graph_size)
            bogus_result.is_empty = False
            return bogus_result
        self.visited_pairs_in_kron.add((i, j))

        result_graph = LabelGraph(self.graph_size)
        for k in self.kron[i]:  # k = (vertex, True)
            graph_i = i % self.graph_size
            graph_k = k[0] % self.graph_size

            rsa_i = i // self.graph_size
            rsa_k = k[0] // self.graph_size

            left = LabelGraph(self.graph_size)
            for label in self.rsa.labels:
                if self.rsa[label].get(rsa_i, rsa_k, default=False):
                    if label in self.rsa.nonterminals:
                        left += self.get_paths(graph_i, graph_k, label)
                        if label not in left.matrices:
                            left[label] = Matrix.sparse(
                                BOOL, self.graph_size, self.graph_size)
                        left[label][graph_i, graph_k] = True

            if left.is_empty:

            right = LabelGraph(self.graph_size)
            if k[0] != j:
                right = self.bfs(k[0], j)
                right.is_empty = False

            if right.is_empty:

            result_graph += left + right

        if result_graph.is_empty:
            self.negative_visited_in_kron.add((i, j))

        self.visited_pairs_in_kron.remove((i, j))

        return result_graph
Пример #2
    def prepare(self, graph: Graph, grammar: CFG):
        self.graph = graph
        self.grammar = CnfGrammar.from_cfg(grammar)

        self.sources = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)
        self.nonterminals = init_simple_rules(self.grammar.simple_rules,
    def get_paths(self, start, finish, nonterm):

        if (start, finish, nonterm) in self.solved_triplets:
            bogus_result = LabelGraph(self.graph_size)
            bogus_result.is_empty = False
            return bogus_result

        self.solved_triplets.add((start, finish, nonterm))

        result = LabelGraph(self.graph_size)
        start_state = self.rsa.start_state[nonterm]

        for finish_state in self.rsa.finish_states[nonterm]:
            result += self.bfs(start_state * self.graph_size + start,
                               finish_state * self.graph_size + finish)

        self.solved_triplets.remove((start, finish, nonterm))

        return result
Пример #4
    def solve(self, sources_vertices: Iterable) -> Tuple[Matrix, StatResponse]:
        new_sources = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)

        # Initialize sources and nonterms nnz
        # nnz: (l, r1, r2) in complex rules -> (nnz(new[l]), nnz(index[r1]), nnz(index[r2]))
        nnz = {}
        for l, r1, r2 in self.grammar.complex_rules:
            nnz[(l, r1, r2)] = (0, 0, 0)

        # Initialize source matrices masks
        for i in sources_vertices:
            if (i, i) not in self.index.sources[self.grammar.start_nonterm]:
                new_sources[self.grammar.start_nonterm][i, i] = True

        # Create temporary matrix
        tmp = Matrix.sparse(BOOL, self.graph.matrices_size,

        # Algo's body
        changed = True
        iter_count = 0
        while changed:
            iter_count += 1
            changed = False

            # Iterate through all complex rules
            for l, r1, r2 in self.index.grammar.complex_rules:
                # l -> r1 r2 ==> index[l] += (new[l_src] * index[r1]) * index[r2]

                new_nnz = new_sources[l].nvals, self.index.nonterms[
                    r1].nvals, self.index.nonterms[r2].nvals
                if nnz[(l, r1, r2)] != new_nnz:
                    # 1) new[r1_src] += {(j, j) : (j, j) in new[l_src] and not in index[r1_src]}
                    for i, _, _ in new_sources[l]:
                        if (i, i) not in self.index.sources[r1]:
                            new_sources[r1][i, i] = True

                    # 2) tmp = new[l_src] * index[r1]
                    tmp = new_sources[l] @ self.index.nonterms[r1]

                    # 3) new[r2_src] += {(j, j) : (i, j) in tmp and not in index[r2_src]}
                    update_sources_opt(tmp, self.index.sources[r2],

                    # 4) index[l] += tmp * index[r2]
                    self.index.nonterms[l] += tmp @ self.index.nonterms[r2]

                    # update nnz
                    nnz[(l, r1,
                         r2)] = new_sources[l].nvals, self.index.nonterms[
                             r1].nvals, self.index.nonterms[r2].nvals
                    changed = True

        return self.index.nonterms[
            self.index.grammar.start_nonterm], StatResponse(iter_count)
Пример #5
def matrix_base_algo(g: LabelGraph, grammar: CnfGrammar):
    m = LabelGraph()
    for l, r in grammar.simple_rules:
        m[l] += g[r]
    changed = True
    while changed:
        for l, r1, r2 in grammar.complex_rules:
            old_nnz = m[l].nvals
            m[l] += m[r1] @ m[r2]
            new_nnz = m[l].nvals
            changed = not old_nnz == new_nnz
    return m
Пример #6
 def prepare(self, graph: Graph, grammar: Union[RSM, CFG, Path]):
     self.graph = graph
     self.grammar = RecursiveAutomaton.from_grammar_or_path(grammar)
     self.part_graph = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)
     self.src_for_states = dict()
     for i in range(self.grammar.matrices_size):
             Matrix.sparse(BOOL, self.graph.matrices_size,
Пример #7
 def solve(self):
     m = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)
     for l, r in self.grammar.simple_rules:
         m[l] += self.graph[r]
     changed = True
     while changed:
         changed = False
         for l, r1, r2 in self.grammar.complex_rules:
             old_nnz = m[l].nvals
             m[l] += m[r1] @ m[r2]
             new_nnz = m[l].nvals
             changed |= not old_nnz == new_nnz
     return m[self.grammar.start_nonterm]
Пример #8
    def solve(self):
        m = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)

        for l in self.grammar.eps_rules:
            for i in range(m.matrices_size):
                m[l][i, i] = True

        for l, r in self.grammar.simple_rules:
            m[l] += self.graph[r]

        changed = True
        iter = 0
        while changed:
            iter += 1
            changed = False
            for l, r1, r2 in self.grammar.complex_rules:
                old_nnz = m[l].nvals
                m[l] += m[r1].mxm(m[r2], semiring=BOOL.ANY_PAIR)
                new_nnz = m[l].nvals
                changed |= not old_nnz == new_nnz
        return ResultAlgo(m[self.grammar.start_nonterm], iter)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, graph: LabelGraph, grammar: CnfGrammar):
     self.graph = graph
     self.grammar = grammar
     self.sources = LabelGraph(graph.matrices_size)
     self.nonterms = LabelGraph(graph.matrices_size)
Пример #10
    def solve(self):
        restore_eps_paths(self.grammar.start_and_finish, self.graph)

        sizeKron = self.graph.matrices_size * self.grammar.matrices_size

        prev_kron = Matrix.sparse(BOOL, sizeKron, sizeKron)
        iter = 0
        block = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)
        changed = True
        first_iter = True
        while changed:
            changed = False
            iter += 1

            kron = Matrix.sparse(BOOL, sizeKron, sizeKron)

            if first_iter:
                for label in self.grammar.labels:
                    kron += self.grammar[label].kronecker(self.graph[label])
                for nonterminal in block.matrices:
                    kron += self.grammar[nonterminal].kronecker(block[nonterminal])
                    block[nonterminal] = Matrix.sparse(BOOL, self.graph.matrices_size, self.graph.matrices_size)


            if not first_iter:
                part = prev_kron.mxm(kron, semiring=BOOL.ANY_PAIR)
                with BOOL.ANY_PAIR:
                    kron += prev_kron + part @ prev_kron + part + kron @ prev_kron

            prev_kron = kron

            for nonterminal in self.grammar.nonterminals:
                for element in self.grammar.states[nonterminal]:
                    i = element[0]
                    j = element[1]

                    start_i = i * self.graph.matrices_size
                    start_j = j * self.graph.matrices_size

                    control_sum = self.graph[nonterminal].nvals

                    if first_iter:
                        block[nonterminal] += kron[start_i:start_i + self.graph.matrices_size - 1,
                                                  start_j:start_j + self.graph.matrices_size - 1]
                        new_edges = kron[start_i:start_i + self.graph.matrices_size - 1,
                                         start_j:start_j + self.graph.matrices_size - 1]
                        part = new_edges - block[nonterminal]
                        block[nonterminal] +='==', True)

                    self.graph[nonterminal] += block[nonterminal]
                    new_control_sum = self.graph[nonterminal].nvals

                    if new_control_sum != control_sum:
                        changed = True

            first_iter = False

            if self.grammar.nonterminals.isdisjoint(self.grammar.labels):

        return ResultAlgo(self.graph[self.grammar.start_nonterm], iter)
Пример #11
def init_simple_rules(rules, graph: Graph):
    nonterms = LabelGraph(graph.matrices_size)
    for l, r in rules:
        nonterms[l] += graph[r]

    return nonterms
Пример #12
    def solve(self, sources: Iterable):
        new_sources = LabelGraph(self.graph.matrices_size)

        # Initialize sources and nonterms nnz
        # nnz: (l, r1, r2) in complex rules -> (nnz(new[l]), nnz(index[r1]), nnz(index[r2]))
        nnz = {}
        for l, r1, r2 in self.grammar.complex_rules:
            nnz[(l, r1, r2)] = (0, self.nonterminals[r1].nvals,

        # Initialize source matrices masks
        m_src = Matrix.sparse(BOOL, self.graph.matrices_size,
        for i in sources:
            m_src[i, i] = True
            if (i, i) not in self.sources[self.grammar.start_nonterm]:
                new_sources[self.grammar.start_nonterm][i, i] = True

        # Create temporary matrix
        tmp = Matrix.sparse(BOOL, self.graph.matrices_size,

        # Algo's body
        changed = True
        iter = 0
        while changed:
            iter += 1
            changed = False

            # Iterate through all complex rules
            for l, r1, r2 in self.grammar.complex_rules:
                # l -> r1 r2 ==> index[l] += (new[l_src] * index[r1]) * index[r2]

                new_nnz = new_sources[l].nvals, self.nonterminals[
                    r1].nvals, self.nonterminals[r2].nvals
                if nnz[(l, r1, r2)] != new_nnz:
                    # 1) new[r1_src] += {(j, j) : (j, j) in new[l_src] and not in index[r1_src]}
                    for i, _, _ in new_sources[l]:
                        if (i, i) not in self.sources[r1]:
                            new_sources[r1][i, i] = True

                    # 2) tmp = new[l_src] * index[r1]

                    # 3) new[r2_src] += {(j, j) : (i, j) in tmp and not in index[r2_src]}
                    update_sources_opt(tmp, self.sources[r2], new_sources[r2])

                    # 4) index[l] += tmp * index[r2]
                    self.nonterminals[l] += tmp.mxm(self.nonterminals[r2],

                    # update nnz
                    nnz[(l, r1, r2)] = new_sources[l].nvals, self.nonterminals[
                        r1].nvals, self.nonterminals[r2].nvals
                    changed = True
        for n in self.grammar.nonterms:
            self.sources[n] += new_sources[n]
        return ResultAlgo(m_src.mxm(self.nonterminals[self.grammar.start_nonterm], semiring=BOOL.ANY_PAIR), iter), \