def sell(): userInfo = UserInfo()[0] if request.method == "GET": stock_list = db.execute("SELECT symbol FROM :username", username=userInfo['username']) if len(stock_list) < 1: return render_template("trade/sell.html") else: return render_template("trade/sell.html", stock_list=stock_list) else: stock = request.form.get("symbol") number = request.form.get("number") number_owned = db.execute("SELECT number FROM :username WHERE symbol=:symbol", username=userInfo['username'], symbol=stock) if not number or len(number_owned) == 0 or int(number) < 0: return apology("Invalid input") elif int(number) > number_owned[0]['number']: return apology("You do not own " + number + " stocks") number = int(number) quote = lookup(stock) cash = quote['price'] * number remaining = number_owned[0]['number'] - number if remaining != 0: db.execute("UPDATE :username SET number=:remaining WHERE symbol=:symbol", username=userInfo['username'], remaining=remaining, symbol=stock) else: db.execute("DELETE FROM :username WHERE symbol=:symbol", username=userInfo['username'], symbol=stock) db.execute("UPDATE users SET cash=:total WHERE username=:username", username=userInfo['username'], total=(cash+userInfo['cash'])) db.execute("INSERT INTO :tablename ('symbol','number', 'price', 'nature') VALUES (:symbol, :number, :price, 's')", tablename=(userInfo['username'] + "History"), symbol=stock, number=number, price=quote['price']) return redirect("/")
def buy(): userInfo = UserInfo()[0] if request.method == "GET": return render_template("trade/buy.html") else: symbol = request.form.get("symbol").upper() number = request.form.get("number") if not symbol or not number or int(number)<1: return apology("Invalid input") number = int(number) quote = lookup(symbol) if quote != None: cost = float(number) * quote["price"] cash = db.execute("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = :id", id = userInfo["id"])[0] if cost > cash['cash']: return apology("You do not have enough cash") else: db.execute("UPDATE users SET cash = :remaining WHERE id = :id", remaining = cash['cash'] - cost, id = userInfo["id"]) stockExists = db.execute("SELECT number FROM :username WHERE symbol=:symbol", username=userInfo['username'], symbol=symbol) if len(stockExists) == 0: db.execute("INSERT INTO :username ('symbol', 'number') VALUES (:symbol, :number)", username=userInfo['username'], symbol = symbol, number = float(number)) else: db.execute("UPDATE :username SET number = :number WHERE symbol = :symbol", username=userInfo['username'], number = (number + int(stockExists[0]['number'])), symbol = symbol) db.execute("INSERT INTO :tablename ('symbol','number', 'price', 'nature') VALUES (:symbol, :number, :price, 'b')", tablename=(userInfo['username'] + "History"), symbol=symbol, number=number, price=quote['price']) else: return apology(symbol + " is an invalid symbol") return redirect("/")
def index(): userInfo = UserInfo()[0] # Get Relevant Information stocks = db.execute("SELECT * FROM :username", username=userInfo['username']) price = {} wealth = userInfo['cash'] for stock in stocks: price[stock["symbol"]] = lookup(stock["symbol"])['price'] wealth += price[stock["symbol"]] * stock["number"] db.execute("UPDATE users SET wealth = :wealth WHERE id = :id", wealth=wealth, id=session["user_id"]) cash = "{:.2f}".format(userInfo['cash']) wealth = "{:.2f}".format(wealth) # GET Request Handling if request.method == "GET": if not stocks: return render_template("index.html", method="GET", cash=cash, wealth=wealth) else: return render_template("index.html", method="GET", stocks=stocks, price=price, cash=cash, wealth=wealth) # POST Reuqest Handling else: symbol = request.form.get("symbol") if not symbol: return apology("You must provide a symbol") quote = lookup(symbol) if quote != None: if not stocks: return render_template("index.html", method="POST", cash=cash, wealth=wealth, quote=quote) else: return render_template("index.html", method="POST", stocks=stocks, price=price, cash=cash, wealth=wealth, quote=quote) else: return apology(symbol + " is an invalid symbol")
def login(): session.clear() # POST Request Handling if request.method == "POST": if not request.form.get("username"): return apology("You must provide username", 403) elif not request.form.get("password"): return apology("You must provide password", 403) accountExists = db.execute( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username", username=request.form.get("username")) if len(accountExists) != 1 or not check_password_hash( accountExists[0]["hash"], request.form.get("password")): return apology("Invalid username and/or password", 403) session["user_id"] = accountExists[0]["id"] return redirect("/") # GET Request Handling else: return render_template("auth/login.html")
def landing(): db = SQL("sqlite:///src/finance.db") if request.method == "GET": return render_template("auth/register.html") elif request.method == "POST": username = request.form.get("username") password = request.form.get("password") confirm = request.form.get("confirm") # Ensure username was submitted if not username: return apology("You must provide a username") # Ensure password was submitted elif not password: return apology("You must provide a password") # Ensure the passwords match elif password != confirm: return apology("Your passwords do not match") # Insert the username and hash onto the SQL database try: tablename = username + "History" table_existence = db.execute( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=:tablename;", tablename=tablename) if not table_existence: db.execute( "INSERT INTO users (username, hash) VALUES (:username, :hash)", username=username, hash=generate_password_hash(password)) db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS :username ('symbol' TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 'number' NUMERIC NOT NULL)", username=username) db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS :tablename ('transaction' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,'symbol' TEXT NOT NULL,'number' NUMERIC NOT NULL, 'price' NUMERIC NOT NULL, 'timestamp' DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'nature' TEXT DEFAULT 'na')", tablename=tablename) return redirect("/") else: return apology("Username already taken") # Check for error except Exception as inst: return apology(str(inst))
def target_profile(target_uname): userInfo = UserInfo()[0] if target_uname == userInfo['username']: return redirect("/profile/") match=db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=:target_uname", target_uname=target_uname) if not match: return apology("User not found!", 404) dp = "static/dp/" + match[0]['username'] + "." + match[0]['dp'] if not os.path.exists(dp): dp = "../../static/dp/"+"default.png" else: dp = "../../static/dp/" + match[0]['username'] + "." + match[0]['dp'] return render_template("profiles/target_profile.html", dp=dp, user=match[0])
def landing(stock_symbol=None): # GET Request Handling if request.method == "GET": if stock_symbol != None: informationInsights = Information(stock_symbol) if informationInsights != None: open_df = informationInsights[1]["Open"].tolist() close_df = informationInsights[1]["Close"].tolist() high_df = informationInsights[1]["High"].tolist() low_df = informationInsights[1]["Low"].tolist() return render_template("insights/insights.html", method="POST", display="company", info=informationInsights, open=open_df, close=close_df, high=high_df, low=low_df) else: return apology("Not found", 404) else: return render_template("insights/insights.html", method="GET") # POST Request Handling else: search_phrase = request.form.get("phrase") stock_symbol = request.form.get("symbol") if stock_symbol: return redirect("/insights/" + stock_symbol) elif search_phrase: #TODO Better analysis methods try: # Connect to Twitter twitterAPI = twitter.init(keys) yfinanceInsights = PreInfo(search_phrase) if yfinanceInsights != None: search_phrase = yfinanceInsights[0]["shortName"] tweetInsights = twitter.sentiment(twitterAPI, 7, search_phrase) newsInsights = newsapi(search_phrase) if len(tweetInsights) == 0 and len(newsInsights) == 0: return render_template("insights/insights.html", method="POST", display="nlp", search_phrase=search_phrase, company=yfinanceInsights) elif len(tweetInsights) == 0: return render_template("insights/insights.html", method="POST", display="nlp", news=newsInsights, search_phrase=search_phrase, company=yfinanceInsights) elif len(newsInsights) == 0: return render_template("insights/insights.html", method="POST", display="nlp", tweets=tweetInsights, search_phrase=search_phrase, company=yfinanceInsights) else: return render_template("insights/insights.html", method="POST", display="nlp", tweets=tweetInsights, news=newsInsights, company=yfinanceInsights) except Exception as inst: return apology(str(inst)) else: return apology("Unknown error")
def errorhandler(e): if not isinstance(e, HTTPException): e = InternalServerError() return apology(, e.code)