Пример #1
def test_hit_one_negative():
    s = Sphere()
    i1 = Intersection(s, -1)
    i2 = Intersection(s, 2)
    x = Intersections(i1, i2)

    h = x.hit
    assert h == i2
Пример #2
def test_hit_all_negative():
    s = Sphere()
    i1 = Intersection(s, -1)
    i2 = Intersection(s, -2)
    x = Intersections(i1, i2)

    h = x.hit
    assert h is None
Пример #3
def test_hit_positive():
    s = Sphere()
    i1 = Intersection(s, 1)
    i2 = Intersection(s, 2)
    x = Intersections(i1, i2)

    h = x.hit
    assert h == i1
Пример #4
def test_intersection_aggregation():
    s = Sphere()
    i1 = Intersection(s, 1)
    i2 = Intersection(s, 2)
    x = Intersections(i1, i2)

    assert len(x) == 2
    assert x[0] == i1
    assert x[1] == i2
Пример #5
def test_hit_always_lowest_non_negative():
    s = Sphere()
    i1 = Intersection(s, -1)
    i2 = Intersection(s, 2)
    i3 = Intersection(s, 6)
    i4 = Intersection(s, 3)
    x = Intersections(i1, i2, i3, i4)

    h = x.hit
    assert h is i2
Пример #6
    def intersects(self, s):
        transformed_ray = self.transform(s.transform.inv)
        obj_to_ray = transformed_ray.origin - Point(0, 0, 0)
        a = transformed_ray.direction.dot(transformed_ray.direction)
        b = 2 * transformed_ray.direction.dot(obj_to_ray)
        c = obj_to_ray.dot(obj_to_ray) - 1

        discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c
        if discriminant < 0:
            return Intersections()
            t1 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
            t2 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
            i1 = Intersection(s, t1)
            i2 = Intersection(s, t2)
            if t1 > t2:
                return Intersections(i2, i1)
                return Intersections(i1, i2)
Пример #7
def test_intersection_init():
    s = Sphere()
    i = Intersection(s, 3.5)

    assert i.t == 3.5
    assert i.object == s
Пример #8
def run_avian(inter_name, sig_method, sc, start_time_stamp, tester):
    .. note:: The following assumptions are important to notice:
        - Trajectories must end at the stop bar, i.e. the distance to stop bar converges to zero, even if they are temporarily assigned.
        - The desired speed of vehicles shall not exceed the speed limit or they will be advised speeding
        - Use default values for pieces of information that are impossible to obtain, i.e. accel/decel rates and destination of conventional vehicles.

    :param inter_name: The intersection name (should match the name given to identify an intersection in ``config.py``)
    :type inter_name: str
    :param sig_method: signalization method ``pretimed, GA, ...``
    :type sig_method: str
    :param sc: scenario number (should match ``/data/<intersection name>/<intersection name>_<scenario number>.csv``)
    :type sc: int
    :param start_time_stamp: The local time stamp to name the output CSV files
    :param tester: The tester object
    :type tester: test.unit_tests.SimTest

        Mahmoud Pourmehrab <*****@*****.**>
        University of Florida
    intersection = Intersection(inter_name)
    lanes = Lanes(intersection)
    traffic = Traffic(intersection, sc, start_time_stamp)
    first_detection_time = traffic.get_first_detection_time()

    if sig_method == "MCF":
        signal = MCF_SPaT(first_detection_time, intersection, sc, start_time_stamp)
    elif sig_method == "GA":
        signal = GA_SPaT(first_detection_time, intersection, sc, start_time_stamp)

    trajectory_planner = TrajectoryPlanner(intersection)
    simulator = Simulator(first_detection_time)

    if intersection._general_params.get("log_csv"):
        t_start = perf_counter()  # to measure the total run time (IS NOT THE SIMULATION TIME)

    while True:  # stops when all rows of CSV are processed (a break statement controls this)
        simulation_time = simulator.clock  # gets current simulation clock
        intersection._general_params.get("print_commandline") and print(
            "\n################################# CLOCK: {:>5.1f} SEC #################################".format(

        # update the assigned trajectories
        traffic.serve_update_at_stop_bar(lanes, simulation_time, intersection)
        # tester is not None and intersection._general_params.get("do_traj_computation") and tester.check_order_in_lanes(lanes)
        # add/update the vehicles
        traffic.get_traffic_info(lanes, simulation_time, intersection)
        # update earliest departure schedule
        lanes.refresh_earliest_departure_times(lanes, intersection)
        # update the SPaT
        signal.update_SPaT(intersection, simulation_time, sc)

        # update the space mean speed
        volumes = traffic.get_volumes(lanes, intersection)
        critical_volume_ratio = 3_600 * volumes.max() / intersection._general_params.get(
            "min_CAV_headway")  # todo could depend on min_CNV_headway too

        # perform signal optimization
        signal.solve(lanes, intersection, critical_volume_ratio, trajectory_planner, tester)

        num_lanes = intersection._general_params.get("num_lanes")
        tester is not None and tester.test_departure_of_trj(lanes, intersection, [0] * num_lanes,

        # move it forward
        if traffic.last_veh_arrived() and lanes.all_served(num_lanes):
            if intersection._general_params.get("log_csv"):
                elapsed_time = perf_counter() - t_start  # THIS IS NOT SIMULATION TIME! IT'S JUST FOR TIMING THE ALGORITHM
                simulator.record_sim_stats(sc, inter_name, start_time_stamp, elapsed_time)
                traffic.save_veh_level_csv(inter_name, start_time_stamp)
                intersection._general_params.get("print_commandline") and print(
                    "\n### ELAPSED TIME: {:>5d} ms ###".format(int(1000 * elapsed_time)))
