Пример #1
def skeletonize(path_input: str, path_output: str) -> None:
        It takes binary raster as input and mark its central line.
        This central line is represents singel line raster instead of thick line.

            path_input: Input path of binary raster to be processed
            path_output: Output path of raster to be saved
            None (Data is automatically save to given path_output location)
    filter = config.skeletonize_filter

    geotransform, geoprojection, size, arr = io.read_tif(path_input)
    """Array input must be binary
    Output array is also binary
    arr[arr > 0] = 1
    dilate_kernel = np.ones((filter, filter), np.uint8)
    arr = cv2.dilate(arr, dilate_kernel)
    skeleton = skt(arr)

    logging.info('Saving skeleton to %s' % (path_output))
    io.write_tif(path_output, skeleton * 255, geotransform, geoprojection,
    return path_output
Пример #2
def erosion(path_input: str, filter: int, path_output: str) -> None:
        Input :
            path_input: Input path of TIF to be processed
            filter: Size Erosion Filer to be used to clean image
            path_output: Ouput path of TIF to be saved

            None (Data is automatically save to given path_output location)

    erode_kernel = np.ones((filter, filter), np.uint8)
    geotransform, geoprojection, size, arr = io.read_tif(path_input)
    # Image erosion
    erode = cv2.erode(arr, erode_kernel)

    # Image dilation
    dilate_kernel = np.ones((filter, filter), np.uint8)
    dilate = cv2.dilate(erode, dilate_kernel)

    # removing smaller pixels
    cell_size = geotransform[1]
    min_area = 9  # 9 sq.metres
    num_pixel = int(min_area / cell_size * cell_size)
    dilate = np.asarray(dilate, dtype=int)
    dilate = np.absolute(dilate)
    cleaned = remove_small_objects(dilate, min_size=num_pixel, connectivity=2)

    logging.info('Saving erosion to %s' % (path_output))
    io.write_tif(path_output, cleaned, geotransform, geoprojection, size)
    return path_output
 def read_label(self, path_image):
     Reading image and resize it according to image size
     gt, gp, size, arr = io.read_tif(path_image)
     arr[arr == 255] = 1
     # print('Maximum Value Label: {}'.format(np.max(arr)))
     return cv2.resize(arr, (self.image_size, self.image_size))
 def read_image(self, path_image):
     Reading image and resize it according to image size
     gt, gp, size, arr = io.read_tif(path_image)
     # Taking RGB only and skipping alpha band
     arr = arr[:, :, :3]
     # print('Maximum Value Image: {}'.format(np.max(arr)))
     return cv2.resize(arr, (self.image_size, self.image_size))
Пример #5
def watershedSegmentation(path_input: str, filter: int,
                          path_output: str) -> None:
            path_input: Input path of TIF to be processed
            filter: Size Erosion Filer to be used to clean image
            path_output: Ouput path of TIF to be saved
            None (Output is automatically save to path_output location given)
    geotransform, geoprojection, size, array = io.read_tif(path_input)
    """ Minimum distance between two objects is 7.5m
        distance = 5/cell_size
    dim_array = array.shape
    if len(dim_array) > 2:
        depth = dim_array[2]
        depth = 1

    labels = np.zeros(array.shape)
    for i in range(depth):
            arr = array[:, :, i]
        except Exception as e:
            arr = array[:, :]
        distance = int(config.minimum_distance_watershed / geotransform[1])
        D = ndi.distance_transform_edt(arr)
        localMax = peak_local_max(D,

        # 4 Connected pixels, we can also use 8 connected pixels
        if int(filter) == 4:
            filter = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]
        elif int(filter) == 8:
            filter = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]

        filter = np.asarray(filter)

        # markers = ndimage.label(localMax, structure=filter)[0]
        markers = ndi.label(localMax, structure=filter)[0]
            labels[:, :, i] = watershed(-D, markers, mask=arr)
        except Exception as e:
            labels = watershed(-D, markers, mask=arr)
    logging.info('Saving watershed segmentation to %s' % (path_output))
    io.write_tif(path_output, labels, geotransform, geoprojection, size)
Пример #6
def skeletonize(path_image, path_output):
    filter = 5

    geotransform, geoprojection, size, arr = io.read_tif(path_image)
    """Array input must be binary
    Output array is also binary
    arr[arr > 0] = 1
    dilate_kernel = np.ones((filter, filter), np.uint8)
    arr = cv2.dilate(arr, dilate_kernel)
    skeleton = skt(arr)

    print('Saving skeleton to %s' % (path_output))
    io.write_tif(path_output, skeleton * 255, geotransform, geoprojection,
    return path_output
Пример #7
def waterseg(path_image, filter, path_output):

    geotransform, geoprojection, size, array = io.read_tif(path_image)
    """ Minimum distance between two objects is 5m. 
    distance = 5/cell_size
    dim_array = array.shape
    if len(dim_array) > 2:
        depth = dim_array[2]
        depth = 1

    labels = np.zeros(array.shape)
    for i in range(depth):
            arr = array[:, :, i]
            arr = array[:, :]
        distance = int(7.5 / geotransform[1])
        D = ndi.distance_transform_edt(arr)
        localMax = peak_local_max(D,

        # 4 Connected pixels, we can also use 8 connected pixels
        if int(filter) == 4:
            filter = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]
        elif int(filter) == 8:
            filter = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]

        filter = np.asarray(filter)

        # markers = ndimage.label(localMax, structure=filter)[0]
        markers = ndi.label(localMax, structure=filter)[0]
            labels[:, :, i] = watershed(-D, markers, mask=arr)
            labels = watershed(-D, markers, mask=arr)
    print('Saving watershed segmentation to %s' % (path_output))
    io.write_tif(path_output, labels, geotransform, geoprojection, size)
    return path_output
Пример #8
def erosion(path_image, filter, path_output):

    erode_kernel = np.ones((filter, filter), np.uint8)
    geotransform, geoprojection, size, arr = io.read_tif(path_image)
    # Image erosion
    erode = cv2.erode(arr, erode_kernel)

    # Image dilation
    dilate_kernel = np.ones((filter, filter), np.uint8)
    dilate = cv2.dilate(erode, dilate_kernel)

    # removing smaller pixels
    cell_size = geotransform[1]
    min_area = 9  # 9 sq.metres
    num_pixel = int(min_area / cell_size * cell_size)
    dilate = np.asarray(dilate, dtype=int)
    dilate = np.absolute(dilate)
    cleaned = remove_small_objects(dilate, min_size=num_pixel, connectivity=2)

    print('Saving erosion to %s' % (path_output))
    io.write_tif(path_output, cleaned, geotransform, geoprojection, size)
    return path_output