Пример #1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        img_path = self.img_files[index]
        #         label_path = self.label_files[index]
        model_stride = 2**4
        labfile = splitext(img_path)[0] + '.txt'
        L = readShapes(labfile)
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)  # BGR
        assert img is not None, 'File Not Found ' + img_path
        data = [img, L[0]]
        img, labels = process_data_item(data, self.img_size, model_stride)

        #        labels = []
        #        if os.path.isfile(label_path):
        #            with open(label_path, 'r') as file:
        #                for line in file:
        #                    data = line.strip().split(',')
        #            labels = data[1:9]
        #            text = data[9]
        # Normalize
        img = img[:, :, ::-1] - np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.float32)
        img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        # BGR to RGB, to 3x416x416
        #        img = np.ascontiguousarray(img, dtype=np.float32)  # uint8 to float32
        #        img /= 255.0  # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0
        #        labels = np.array(labels).reshape(2,4)
        labels = np.ascontiguousarray(labels, dtype=np.float32)
        labels = torch.from_numpy(labels)
        #        labels = labels.requires_grad_()
        img = torch.from_numpy(img)
        #        img = img.requires_grad_()
        return img, labels  #, (h, w)
Пример #2
def genOutput(img_path, output_dir, bname):
    I = cv2.imread(img_path)
    detected_cars_labels = '%s/%s_cars.txt' % (output_dir, bname)

    Lcar = lread(detected_cars_labels)

    sys.stdout.write('%s' % bname)

    if Lcar:
        for i, lcar in enumerate(Lcar):
            draw_label(I, lcar, color=YELLOW, thickness=3)

            lp_label = '%s/%s_%dcar_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname, i)
            lp_label_str = '%s/%s_%dcar_lp_str.txt' % (output_dir, bname, i)

            if isfile(lp_label):
                Llp_shapes = readShapes(lp_label)
                pts = Llp_shapes[0].pts * lcar.wh().reshape(
                    2, 1) + lcar.tl().reshape(2, 1)
                ptspx = pts * np.array(I.shape[1::-1], dtype=float).reshape(
                    2, 1)
                draw_losangle(I, ptspx, RED, 3)

                if isfile(lp_label_str):
                    with open(lp_label_str, 'r') as f:
                        lp_str = f.read().strip()
                    llp = Label(0, tl=pts.min(1), br=pts.max(1))
                    write2img(I, llp, lp_str)

                    sys.stdout.write(',%s' % lp_str)
    cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_output.png' % (output_dir, bname), I,
                [int(cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 9])
def sample_validate(image_abs_path, gt_file):
    L = readShapes(gt_file)[0]
    pts_transformed = L.pts
    model_stride = 16.0
    image_ndarray = cv2.imread(image_abs_path)
    tl, br = pts_transformed.min(1), pts_transformed.max(1)
    llp = Label(0, tl, br)
    YY, is_there_plate = labels2output_map(llp, pts_transformed, 304, 304,
                                           model_stride, L.cls, image_abs_path)
    print('There is place: %s | Class %s ' % (str(is_there_plate), L.cls))
    print('Car ')
    print(np.matrix(YY[..., 0]))
    print(np.matrix(YY[..., 10]))
    print(np.matrix(YY[..., 9]))
Пример #4
def generate_outputs(input_dir, output_dir):
    img_files = image_files_from_folder(input_dir)

    for img_file in img_files:

        bname = splitext(basename(img_file))[0]

        I = cv2.imread(img_file)

        detected_cars_labels = '%s/%s_cars.txt' % (output_dir, bname)

        Lcar = lread(detected_cars_labels)

        sys.stdout.write('%s' % bname)

        if Lcar:

            for i, lcar in enumerate(Lcar):

                draw_label(I, lcar, color=YELLOW, thickness=3)

                lp_label = '%s/%s_%dcar_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname, i)
                lp_label_str = '%s/%s_%dcar_lp_str.txt' % (output_dir, bname, i)

                if isfile(lp_label):

                    Llp_shapes = readShapes(lp_label)
                    pts = Llp_shapes[0].pts * lcar.wh().reshape(2, 1) + lcar.tl().reshape(2, 1)
                    ptspx = pts * np.array(I.shape[1::-1], dtype=float).reshape(2, 1)
                    draw_losangle(I, ptspx, RED, 3)

                    if isfile(lp_label_str):
                        with open(lp_label_str, 'r') as f:
                            lp_str = f.read().strip()
                        llp = Label(0, tl=pts.min(1), br=pts.max(1))
                        write2img(I, llp, lp_str)

                        sys.stdout.write(',%s' % lp_str)

        cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_output.png' % (output_dir, bname), I)
Пример #5
def labelImgShow():

	YELLOW = (  0,255,255)
	RED    = (  0,  0,255)

	img_file = '/home/yaokun/code/alpr-unconstrained/samples/train-detector/00011.jpg'
	lp_label = '/home/yaokun/code/alpr-unconstrained/samples/train-detector/00011.txt'

	I = cv2.imread(img_file)

	if isfile(lp_label):
		#pt1 = tuple(pts[:,i].astype(int).tolist())
		#pt2 = tuple(pts[:,(i+1)%4].astype(int).tolist())
		Llp_shapes = readShapes(lp_label)
		pts = Llp_shapes[0].pts*np.array(I.shape[1::-1],dtype=float).reshape(2,1)
		#ptspx = pts*np.array(I.shape[1::-1],dtype=float).reshape(2,1)
    key_roll_decrease = LESS_THAN

    key_perspective_reset = HOME
    zoom_factor = 1.

    action_keys = [key_exit, key_previous] + key_next

    curr_image = 0
    while curr_image < len(img_files):

        img_file = img_files[curr_image]

        lab_file = splitext(img_file)[0] + '.txt'

        if isfile(lab_file):
            shapes = readShapes(lab_file, obj_type=ShapeDisplay)
            selected = len(shapes) - 1
            shapes, selected = [ShapeDisplay()], 0

        zoom_factor = 1.

        disp = Display(cv2.imread(img_file), maxW, maxH)
        key = disp.waitKey()
        typing_mode = False

        while not key in action_keys:
            displayAllShapes(disp, shapes, selected, typing_mode)
Пример #7
    if not isdir(outdir):

    model, model_stride, xshape, yshape = load_network(args.model, dim)

    opt = getattr(keras.optimizers, args.optimizer)(lr=args.learning_rate)
    model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=opt)

    print('Checking input directory...')
    Files = image_files_from_folder(train_dir)

    Data = []
    for file in Files:
        labfile = splitext(file)[0] + '.txt'
        if isfile(labfile):
            L = readShapes(labfile)
            I = cv2.imread(file)
            Data.append([I, L[0]])

    print('%d images with labels found' % len(Data))

    dg = DataGenerator( data=Data, \
         process_data_item_func=lambda x: process_data_item(x,dim,model_stride),\
         xshape=xshape, \
         yshape=(yshape[0],yshape[1],yshape[2]+1), \
         nthreads=2, \
         pool_size=1000, \
         min_nsamples=100 )

    Xtrain = np.empty((batch_size, dim, dim, 3), dtype='single')
Пример #8
    Lcar = lread(detected_cars_labels)

    sys.stdout.write('%s' % bname)

    if Lcar:

        for i, lcar in enumerate(Lcar):

            draw_label(I, lcar, color=YELLOW, thickness=3)

            lp_label = '%s/%s_%dcar_lp.txt' % (output_dir, bname, i)
            lp_label_str = '%s/%s_%dcar_lp_str.txt' % (output_dir, bname, i)

            if isfile(lp_label):

                Llp_shapes = readShapes(lp_label)
                pts = Llp_shapes[0].pts * lcar.wh().reshape(
                    2, 1) + lcar.tl().reshape(2, 1)
                ptspx = pts * np.array(I.shape[1::-1], dtype=float).reshape(
                    2, 1)
                draw_losangle(I, ptspx, RED, 3)

                if isfile(lp_label_str):
                    with open(lp_label_str, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                        lp_str = f.read().strip()
                    llp = Label(0, tl=pts.min(1), br=pts.max(1))
                    I = write2img(I, llp, lp_str)

                    sys.stdout.write(',%s' % lp_str)

    cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_output.png' % (output_dir, bname), I)
Пример #9
    salvar_imagem(img_ndarray, caminho_completo_saida)
    # if not possui_bbox:
    # 	nome_arquivo = 'BAD_SAMPLE_'+nome_arquivo
    # 	caminho_completo_saida_bbox = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(diretorio_saida, nome_arquivo))

def salvar_imagem(imagem_array, caminho_completo_arquivo):
    cv2.imwrite(caminho_completo_arquivo, imagem_array)

if __name__ == '__teste3__':
    data_item = []
    # L = readShapes('/media/jones/dataset/alpr/lotes_rotulacao/preprocessados/train/lote1_1703_2000000544.txt')
    # file = '/media/jones/dataset/alpr/lotes_rotulacao/preprocessados/train/lote1_1703_2000000544.jpg'
    L = readShapes('samples/034_1304_1354_1705_0000_0130m000000041.txt')
    file = 'samples/034_1304_1354_1705_0000_0130m000000041.jpg'
    # I = cv2.imread(file)
    dim_w = 304
    dim_h = 304
    # data_item.append([file, L[0]])
    model_stride = 16.0
    nome_arquivo = '034_1304_1354_1705_0000_0130m000000041'
    nome_arquivo_imagem = 'samples/' + nome_arquivo + '_transf.jpg'
    nome_arquivo_gt = 'samples/' + nome_arquivo + '_transf.txt'
    XX, YY_output_map, pts_transformed = process_data_item(
        data_item, dim_w, dim_h, model_stride)
    sample_height, sample_width = XX.shape[:2]
    # x_points = (pts_transformed[0:]*sample_width).tolist()
Пример #10
	batch_size 	= args.batch_size
	dim = 304
	model,model_stride,xshape,yshape = load_network(args.model,dim)
	opt = getattr(keras.optimizers,args.optimizer)(lr=args.learning_rate)
	model.compile(loss=loss_mc, optimizer=opt)
	# model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=opt)
	print('yshape: %s ' % str(yshape))
	for layer in model.layers:
	print('Checking input directory...')
	Files = image_files_from_folder(train_dir)
	dataset_samples = []
	for file in Files:
		# file = Files[0]
		labfile = splitext(file)[0] + '.txt'
		gt_list = readShapes(labfile)
		for gt_sample in gt_list:
			dataset_samples.append([file, gt_sample])
	XX, YY, pts_transformed = process_data_item(dataset_samples[0], dim, dim, model_stride)
	Xtrain = np.empty((batch_size, dim, dim, 3), dtype='single')
	Ytrain = np.empty((batch_size, int(dim / model_stride), int(dim / model_stride), 2 * 4 + 3))
	Xtrain[0] = XX
	Ytrain[0] = YY
	XX, YY, pts_transformed = process_data_item(dataset_samples[1], dim, dim, model_stride)
	Xtrain[1] = XX
	Ytrain[1] = YY
	print('starting train')
	train_loss  = model.train_on_batch(Xtrain, Ytrain)
	print('loss %f ' % train_loss)
	# print(flags)