Пример #1
            def download_waiter(stop_wait):
                Function waits untill 'local_fasta' file is downloaded.
                It prints size of downloaded data to console during downloading.
                This function just waits -- it won't bring you the menu :).
                # Wait untill downloading starts
                while not os.path.exists(tmp_fasta):
                    if not stop_wait.is_set():
                    # end if
                # end while

                MB_size = 1024**2  # we will divide by it to get megabytes

                while stop_wait.is_set():
                    # Get size of downloaded data
                    fsize = round(os.path.getsize(tmp_fasta) / MB_size,
                                  1)  # get megabytes
                    printn("\r{} - {} MB downloaded ".format(getwt(), fsize))
                    sleep(1)  # instant updates are not necessary
                # end while

                # Print total size of downloaded file (it can be deleted by this time)
                    fsize = round(os.path.getsize(tmp_fasta) / MB_size, 1)
                except OSError:
                    # We can pass this ecxeption -- we do delete this file if downloading crushes
                    # And this function just waits :)
                # end try
                printlog_info("\r{} - {} MB downloaded ".format(
                    getwt(), fsize))
Пример #2
def run_status_bar(iteration_func, infpaths):
    # Function, which prints status bar for processing fastq file(s).
    # :param iteration_func: function which manipulates fastq data;
    # :param infpaths: collection of paths to input files;
    # :type infpaths: list<str>;

    # Configure initial parameters for status bar.
    nreads = src.fastq.count_reads(infpaths)
    bar_len = _get_bar_len()
    next_print_num = int(nreads * 0.01)
    inc_num = next_print_num
    i = 0
    sys.stdout.write('{} - [>{}] 0/{} (0%)'.format(getwt(), ' ' * bar_len,

    # Start processing
    for fastq_records in src.fastq.fastq_generator(infpaths):


        i += 1

        # Update status bar
        if i > next_print_num:
            # Get new length of terminal window
            bar_len = _get_bar_len()
            done_ratio = i / nreads
            sys.stdout.write('\r{} - [{}>{}] {}/{} ({}%)'\
                .format(getwt(), '='*int(bar_len*done_ratio),
                ' '*int(bar_len*(1-done_ratio)), i, nreads, int(done_ratio*100)))
            next_print_num += inc_num
        # end if
    # end for

    # Update status bar last time
    bar_len = _get_bar_len()
    done_ratio = i / nreads
    sys.stdout.write('\r{} - [{}{}] {}/{} ({}%)\n'\
        .format(getwt(), '='*int(bar_len*done_ratio),
        ' '*int(bar_len*(1-done_ratio)), i, nreads, int(done_ratio*100)))
    next_print_num += inc_num
Пример #3
def wait_for_align(rid, rtoe, pack_to_send, filename):
    # Function waits untill BLAST server accomplishes the request.
    # :param rid: Request ID to wait for;
    # :type rid: str;
    # :param rtoe: time in seconds estimated by BLAST server needed to accomplish the request;
    # :type rtoe: int;
    # :param pack_to_send: current packet (id) number to send;
    # :type pack_to_send: int;
    # :param filename: basename of current FASTA file;
    # :type filename: str
    # Returns XML response ('str').

    print("Requesting for current query status. Request ID: {}".format(rid))
    print(" `{}`; Submission #{}".format(filename, pack_to_send[0]))
    log_info("Requesting for current query status.")
    log_info("Request ID: {}; `{}`; Submission #{}".format(
    # RTOE can be zero at the very beginning of resumption
    if rtoe > 0:

            "BLAST server estimates that alignment will be accomplished in {} seconds"
            "Waiting for {}+3 (+3 extra) seconds...".format(rtoe))
        # Server migth be wrong -- we will give it 3 extra seconds
        sleep(rtoe + 3)
            "{} seconds have passed. Checking if alignment is accomplished...".
            format(rtoe + 3))
    # end if

    server = "blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
    wait_url = "/blast/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get&FORMAT_OBJECT=SearchInfo&RID=" + rid

    whtspc_len = 6 + len("(requesting)")

    while True:
        resp_content = lingering_https_get_request(server, wait_url,
                                                   "BLAST response")

        # if server asks to wait
        if "Status=WAITING" in resp_content:
            printn("\r{} - The request is being processed. Waiting{}{}".format(
                getwt(), ' ' * whtspc_len, "\033[%dD" % whtspc_len))
            # indicate each 20 seconds with a dot
            for i in range(1, 7):
                    "\r{} - The request is being processed. Waiting{}".format(
                        getwt(), '.' * i))
            # end for
        elif "Status=FAILED" in resp_content:
            # if job failed
            printlog_info_time("Job failed\a\n")
            printlog_info("Resending this packet.")
            return None, BlastError(2)
        elif "Status=UNKNOWN" in resp_content:
            # if job expired
            printlog_info_time("Job expired\a\n")
            printlog_info("Resending this packet.")
            return None, BlastError(1)
        # if results are ready
        elif "Status=READY" in resp_content:
            printlog_info("Result for query `{}` #{} is ready!".format(
                filename, pack_to_send[0]))
            # if there are hits
            if "ThereAreHits=yes" in resp_content:
                for i in range(15, 0, -5):
                    print('-' * i)
                # end for
                print("-\nRetrieving results...")

                # Retrieve human-readable text and put it into result directory
                retrieve_text_url = "/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get&FORMAT_TYPE=Text&DESCRIPTIONS=1&ALIGNMENTS=1&RID=" + rid
                txt_align_res = lingering_https_get_request(
                    server, retrieve_text_url,
                    "text version of BLAST response")

                # Count already existing plain text files in outdir:
                is_txt_response = lambda f: not re.search(
                    r"prober_blast_response_[0-9]+\.txt", f) is None
                outdir_path = os.path.dirname(logging.getLoggerClass(
                ).root.handlers[0].baseFilename)  # tricky trick
                response_num = len(
                    tuple(filter(is_txt_response, os.listdir(outdir_path))))

                # Curent txt response file will have number `response_num+1`
                txt_hpath = os.path.join(
                    "prober_blast_response_{}.txt".format(response_num + 1))
                # Write text result for a human to read
                with open(txt_hpath, 'w') as txt_file:
                # end with
            elif "ThereAreHits=no" in resp_content:
                # if there are no hits
                printlog_info_time("There are no hits. It happens.\n")
                # probably, job is failed if execution reaches here
                printlog_info_time("Job failed\a\n")
                printlog_info("Resending this packet.")
                return None, BlastError(2)
            # end if
        # end if
        # Execution should not reach here
            "Fatal error (-122). Please contact the developer.\a\n")
    # end while

    # Retrieve XML result
    retrieve_xml_url = "/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get&FORMAT_TYPE=XML&ALIGNMENTS=1&RID=" + rid
    xml_text = lingering_https_get_request(server, retrieve_xml_url,
                                           "XML BLAST response")

    if "Bad Gateway" in xml_text:
        printlog_info_time("Bad Gateway. Data from last packet has been lost.")
        printlog_info("Resending this packet.")
        return None, BlastError(1)

    elif "Status=FAILED" in xml_text:
        printlog_info_time("BLAST error: request failed")
        printlog_info("Resending this packet.")
        return None, BlastError(2)

    elif "to start it again" in xml_text:
        printlog_info_time("BLAST error")
        printlog_info("Resending this packet.")
        return None, BlastError(2)

    elif "[blastsrv4.REAL]" in xml_text:
        blastsrv4_match = re.search(r"(\[blastsrv4\.REAL\].*\))", xml_text)
        blastsrv4_str = "" if blastsrv4_match is None else ": {}".format(
        printlog_info_time("BLAST server error{}".format(blastsrv4_str))
        # Error code 2 indicated that we need to split packet and resubmit
        return None, BlastError(2)
    # end if

    return xml_text, BlastError(0)
Пример #4
def retrieve_fastas_by_acc(acc_dict, db_dir, local_fasta):
    # Function downloads set of records from Genbank according to accessions passed to it.
    # Downloaded FASTA file will be placed in 'db_dir' directory and named 'local_seq_set.fasta'

    # :param acc_dict: dictionary comntaining accession data of hits;
    # :type acc_dict: dict<str: tuple<str, str, int>>;
    # :param db_dir: path to directory in which downloaded FASTA file will be placed;
    # :type db_dir: str;
    # :param local_fasta: path to file with reference sequences to be included in database;
    # :type local_fasta: str;

    # Path to file with current chunk (see below "100 accession numbers...")
    tmp_fasta = os.path.join(db_dir, "tmp.fasta")

    accessions = tuple(set(acc_dict.keys()))
    if len(accessions) == 0:  # just in case
    # end if

    # 100 accession numbers in order not to make too long URL
    # Download genomes by chunks of 100 sequences.
    max_accnum = 100
    i = 0
    accnum = len(accessions)

    while i < accnum:

        curr_accessions = accessions[i:i + max_accnum]  # slice chunk

        accs_del_comma = ','.join(
            curr_accessions)  # accessions must be separated by comma in url
        # E-utilities provide a possibility to download records from Genbank by accessions.
        retrieve_url = "https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?\
        log_info("Retrieve URL: `{}`".format(retrieve_url))

        # GNU wget utility is safer, but there can be presence of absence of it :)
        wget_util = "wget"
        util_found = False
        for d in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            if os.path.isdir(d) and wget_util in os.listdir(d):
                util_found = True
            # end if
        # end for

        printlog_info("{} - Downloading {} reference sequences...".format(
            getwt(), len(curr_accessions)))

        if util_found:
            # If we have wget -- just use it

            wget_cmd = 'wget --no-check-certificate "{}" -O {}'.format(
                retrieve_url, tmp_fasta)
            pipe = sp_Popen(wget_cmd, shell=True)
            if pipe.returncode != 0:
                    "Error occured while downloading reference sequences")
            # end if

            # If there are no wget -- we will download sequences with Python disposal
            stop_wait = Event(
            )  # a flag variable that will signal waiter-function to stop executing

            def download_waiter(stop_wait):
                Function waits untill 'local_fasta' file is downloaded.
                It prints size of downloaded data to console during downloading.
                This function just waits -- it won't bring you the menu :).
                # Wait untill downloading starts
                while not os.path.exists(tmp_fasta):
                    if not stop_wait.is_set():
                    # end if
                # end while

                MB_size = 1024**2  # we will divide by it to get megabytes

                while stop_wait.is_set():
                    # Get size of downloaded data
                    fsize = round(os.path.getsize(tmp_fasta) / MB_size,
                                  1)  # get megabytes
                    printn("\r{} - {} MB downloaded ".format(getwt(), fsize))
                    sleep(1)  # instant updates are not necessary
                # end while

                # Print total size of downloaded file (it can be deleted by this time)
                    fsize = round(os.path.getsize(tmp_fasta) / MB_size, 1)
                except OSError:
                    # We can pass this ecxeption -- we do delete this file if downloading crushes
                    # And this function just waits :)
                # end try
                printlog_info("\r{} - {} MB downloaded ".format(
                    getwt(), fsize))

            # end def download_waiter

            error = True
            while error:
                    waiter = Thread(target=download_waiter,
                                    args=(stop_wait, ))  # create thread
                    stop_wait.set()  # raise the flag
                    waiter.start()  # start waiting
                        retrieve_url, tmp_fasta)  # retrieve FASTA file
                except OSError as err:
                        "Error occured while downloading fasta file.")
                        "`barapost-local.py` will try again in 30 seconds")
                    if os.path.exists(tmp_fasta):
                    # end if
                    error = False
                    stop_wait.clear()  # lower the flag
                    )  # main thread will wait until waiter function ends it's work
                # end try
            # end while
        # end if

        printlog_info_time("Downloading is completed")

        # Write chunk to result fasta file
        with open(tmp_fasta, 'r') as infile, open(local_fasta, 'a') as outfile:
        # end with

        # Remove temp chunk file
        i += max_accnum  # go to next chunk
Пример #5
def build_local_db(tax_annot_res_dir, acc_fpath, your_own_fasta_lst,
                   accs_to_download, use_index):
    # Function creates a database with utilities from 'blast+' toolkit
    #     according to acc_dict and your_own_fasta_lst.
    # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to current result directory
    #   (each processed file has it's own result directory);
    # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str;
    # :param acc_fpath: path to file "hits_to_download.tsv";
    # :type acc_fpath: str;
    # :param your_own_fasta_lst: list of user's fasta files to be included in database;
    # :type your_own_fasta_lst: list<str>;
    # :param accs_to_download: list of accessions from command line ('-s');
    # :type accs_to_download: list<str>;
    # :param use_index: whether to use index;
    # :type use_index: str;

    # Returns path to created database.

    # Path to directory in which database will be placed
    db_dir = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "local_database")
    # Path to DBM taxonomy file
    taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy", "taxonomy.tsv")

    except OSError:
        #If this directory exists

        while True:
            if len(os.listdir(db_dir)) == 0:
                # If db directory is empty -- break and build a database
                printlog_info("Database directory is not empty:")
                printlog_info("  `{}`".format(os.path.abspath(db_dir)))
                printlog_info("Here is it's content:")
                for i, fname in enumerate(os.listdir(os.path.abspath(db_dir))):
                    printlog_info(" {}. `{}`".format(i + 1, fname))
                # end for
                reply = input(
                    """\nPress ENTER to start classification using existing database.
Enter 'r' to remove all files in this directory and create the database from the beginning:>>"""

                if reply == "":
                    # Do not build a database, just return path to it.
                    printlog_info("You have chosen to use extant database.")

                    # Return path to DB located in this directory
                    dbpath = next(iter(os.listdir(db_dir)))
                    dbpath = dbpath.partition(".fasta")[0] + dbpath.partition(
                        ".fasta")[1]  # remove all after '.fasta'

                    return os.path.join(db_dir, dbpath)

                elif reply == 'r':

                    printlog_info("You have chosen to rebuild the database.")
                    # Rename old classification files and write actual data to new one:
                    old_classif_dirs = filter(
                        lambda d: os.path.exists(
                            os.path.join(d, "classification.tsv")),
                        glob(os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "*")))
                    old_classif_files = tuple(
                        map(lambda f: os.path.join(f, "classification.tsv"),

                    if len(old_classif_files) > 0:
                        printlog_info("Renaming old classification files:")
                        for classif_file in old_classif_files:
                        # end for
                    # end if

                    # Empty database directory
                    for file in glob("{}{}*".format(db_dir, os.sep)):
                    # end for

                    # Break from the loop in order to build a database
                    print("Invalid reply: `{}`\n".format(reply))
                # end if
            # end if
        # end while
    # end try

    # It is a dictionary of accessions and record names.
    # Accessions are keys, record names are values.
    acc_dict = configure_acc_dict(acc_fpath, your_own_fasta_lst,

    if len(accs_to_download) != 0:
        verify_cl_accessions(accs_to_download, acc_dict)
    # end if

    # Retrieve already existing taxonomy data from taxonomy file
    tax_exist_accs = taxonomy.get_tax_keys(taxonomy_path)

    # If accession file does not exist and execution has reached here -- everything is OK --
    #    we are building a database from user's files only.
    if len(acc_dict) != 0:

        print("""Following sequences (and all replicons related to them)
  will be downloaded from Genbank for further taxonomic classification
  on your local machine:\n""")
            "Following sequences (and all replicons related to them) \
will be downloaded from Genbank for further taxonomic classification \
on your local machine:")
        for i, acc in enumerate(acc_dict.keys()):
            printlog_info(" {}. {} - `{}`".format(i + 1, acc, acc_dict[acc]))
        # end for


        printlog_info_time("Completing taxonomy file...")
        for i, acc in enumerate(acc_dict.keys()):
            if not acc in tax_exist_accs:
                taxonomy.find_taxonomy(acc, acc_dict[acc][1], taxonomy_path)
            # end if
            # Accessions can be of different length
            printn("\r{} - {}: {}/{}".format(getwt(), acc, i +
                                             1, len(acc_dict)) + " " * 10 +
                   "\b" * 10)
        # end for
        printlog_info_time("Taxonomy file is consistent.")
    # end if

    local_fasta = os.path.join(
        db_dir, "local_seq_set.fasta")  # path to downloaded FASTA file

                     taxonomy_path)  # add lambda phage control sequence

        acc_dict, db_dir, local_fasta)  # download main fasta data from GenBank

    # Add 'your own' fasta files to database
    if not len(your_own_fasta_lst) == 0:

        # This variable counts sequences from local files.
        # It is necessary for not allowing duplicated accessions.
        own_seq_counter = 0

        # Check if these files are assembly made by SPAdes or a5
        spades_patt = r">NODE_[0-9]+"  # this pattern will match sequence IDs generated y SPAdes
        a5_patt = r">scaffold_[0-9]+"  # this pattern will match sequence IDs generated y a5
        assemblies = list(
        )  # this list will contain paths to assembly files (SPAdes or a5)

        for own_fasta_path in reversed(your_own_fasta_lst):

            how_to_open = OPEN_FUNCS[is_gzipped(own_fasta_path)]
            fmt_func = FORMATTING_FUNCS[is_gzipped(own_fasta_path)]

            with how_to_open(own_fasta_path) as fasta_file:
                first_seq_id = fmt_func(fasta_file.readline(
                ))  # get the first line in file (the first seq ID)
            # end with

            # if we've got SPAdes assembly
            if not re.search(spades_patt, first_seq_id) is None:
                # Remove these file from list -- they will be processed in a specific way
            # end if

            # if we've got a5 assembly
            if not re.search(a5_patt, first_seq_id) is None:
            # end if
        # end for

        # Include assemblies files in multi-fasta file

        # Find common prefix of all assembly paths and remove it from assembly names
        if len(assemblies) > 1:
            assemblies_formatted = tuple(
                map(lambda f: os.path.abspath(f).replace(os.sep, '-'),
            common_prefix = find_common_prefix(assemblies_formatted)
            assemblies_formatted = tuple(
                map(lambda f: f.replace(common_prefix, ''),
        elif len(assemblies) > 0:
            common_prefix = ''
            assemblies_formatted = tuple(map(os.path.basename, assemblies))
        # end if

        # Add assembled sequences to database
        with open(local_fasta, 'a') as fasta_db:
            for i, assm_path in enumerate(assemblies):
                printlog_info("Adding `{}` to database...".format(
                assm_name_fmt = assemblies_formatted[i]

                how_to_open = OPEN_FUNCS[is_gzipped(assm_path)]
                fmt_func = FORMATTING_FUNCS[is_gzipped(assm_path)]
                with how_to_open(assm_path) as fasta_file:
                    for line in fasta_file:
                        line = fmt_func(line)
                        # You can find comments to "OWN_SEQ..." below.
                        # Paths will be written to seq IDs in following way:
                        #   some-happy-path.fastq--
                        # in order to retrieve them securely with regex later.
                        if line.startswith('>'):
                            own_seq_counter += 1
                            own_acc = "OWN_SEQ_{}".format(own_seq_counter)
                            own_def = "{}--".format(
                                                      '')) + line[1:]
                            own_def = remove_bad_chars(own_def)
                                taxonomy_path, own_acc, own_def)
                            line = ">" + "{} {}".format(own_acc, own_def)
                        # end if
                        fasta_db.write(line + '\n')
                    # end for
                # end with
            # end for
        # end with

        with open(local_fasta, 'a') as fasta_db:
            for own_fasta_path in your_own_fasta_lst:
                printlog_info("Adding `{}` to database...".format(

                how_to_open = OPEN_FUNCS[is_gzipped(own_fasta_path)]
                fmt_func = FORMATTING_FUNCS[is_gzipped(own_fasta_path)]
                with how_to_open(own_fasta_path) as fasta_file:
                    for line in fasta_file:
                        line = fmt_func(line)
                        # 'makeblastdb' considers first word (sep. is space) as sequence ID
                        #   and throws an error if there are duplicated IDs.
                        # In order not to allow this duplication we'll create our own sequence IDs:
                        #   'OWN_SEQ_<NUMBER>' and write it in the beginning of FASTA record name.
                        if line.startswith('>'):
                            own_seq_counter += 1
                            own_acc = "OWN_SEQ_{}".format(own_seq_counter)
                                taxonomy_path, own_acc, line[1:])
                            line = ">" + own_acc + ' ' + remove_bad_chars(
                        # end if
                        fasta_db.write(line + '\n')
                    # end for
                # end with
            # end for
        # end with
    # end if

    # 'lcl|ACCESSION...' entries can be given with '.1'
    #   (or '.2', whatever) terminus by blastn.
    # There is no '.1' terminus in taxonomy file.
    # Therefore we will prune accessions in advance.
    printn("{} - Formatting accessions...".format(getwt()))
    log_info("Formatting accessions...")
    corrected_path = os.path.join(db_dir, "corrected_seqs.fasta")
    with open(local_fasta, 'r') as source_file, open(corrected_path,
                                                     'w') as dest_file:
        for line in source_file:
            if line.startswith('>'):
                line = line.strip()
                acc, seq_name = (line.partition(' ')[0],
                                 line.partition(' ')[2])
                acc = acc.partition('.')[0]
                seq_name = remove_bad_chars(seq_name)
                seq_name = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', '_',
                                  seq_name)  # remove non-ascii chars
                line = ' '.join((acc, seq_name)) + '\n'
            # end if
        # end for
    # end with
    os.rename(corrected_path, local_fasta)
    sys.stdout.write("\r{} - Formatting accessions... ok".format(getwt()))
    log_info("Formatting accessions done.")

    # Configure command line
    make_db_cmd = "makeblastdb -in {} -parse_seqids -dbtype nucl".format(
    exit_code = os.system(make_db_cmd)  # make a blast-format database
    if exit_code != 0:
        printlog_error_time("Error occured while making the database")
    # end if

    print("\033[1A{} - Database is successfully created: `{}`\n".format(
        getwt(), local_fasta))
    log_info("Database is successfully created: `{}`".format(local_fasta))

    if use_index == "true":
        printlog_info_time("Database index creating started")
        # Configure command line
        make_index_cmd = "makembindex -input {} -iformat blastdb -verbosity verbose".format(
        exit_code = os.system(
            make_index_cmd)  # create an index for the database
        if exit_code != 0:
            printlog_info_time("Error occured while creating database index")
        # end if

        printlog_info_time("Database index has been successfully created")
    # end if

    # Gzip downloaded FASTA file
    printlog_info_time("Gzipping FASTA file: `{}`".format(local_fasta))

    if gzip_util_found:
        os.system("{} -v {}".format(gzip_util, local_fasta))
        # form .fasta.gz file 'by hand'
        with open(local_fasta,
                  'rb') as fasta_file, open_as_gzip(local_fasta + ".gz",
                                                    "wb") as fagz_file:
            shutil_copyfileobj(fasta_file, fagz_file)
        # end with
        os.unlink(local_fasta)  # remove source FASTA file, not the database
    # end if

    return local_fasta