Пример #1
def get_selected_antennas(list_of_selected_antennas):
    """Given a list of antenna codenames, it returns a Stations object containing
    all given antennas.
    selected_antennas = stations.Stations('Observation', [])
    for ant in list_of_selected_antennas:

    return selected_antennas
Пример #2
def get_networks_from_file(filename='data/station_location.txt'):
    """Retrieves all the stations given in the filename and
    creates different arrays. Returns a dict with all arrays.
    The file must contain the information for each antenna on each
    row, with the following header (written at the beginning of the file):
        - station : full name of the station
        - code : code name of the station
        - network : name of the network the station belongs to.
        - x : x coordinates of the station, in meters.
        - y : y coordinates of the station, in meters.
        - z : z coordinates of the station, in meters.
        - SEFD-XX : SEFD of the station at XX cm (-1 if this band cannot be observed)
    datafile = ascii.read(filename)
    # Creates a `Stations` object for each network, for now with no stations
    network_labels = set(datafile['network'])
    networks = {}
    for network in network_labels:
        networks[network] = stations.Stations(network, [])

    sefd_names = datafile.colnames[6:]
    for a_line in datafile:
        # Create each station and add it to the correct noetwork
        sefds = {}
        for sefd_name in sefd_names:
            if a_line[sefd_name] > 0.0:
                sefds[f"{sefd_name.replace('SEFD-','').strip()}cm"] = a_line[sefd_name]

        a_loc = coord.EarthLocation(a_line['x']*u.m, a_line['y']*u.m, a_line['z']*u.m)
        # For now this is hard-coded
        if a_line['station'] is 'Arecibo':
            min_elev = 80*u.deg
            min_elev = 10*u.deg

        new_station = stations.SelectedStation(a_line['station'], a_line['code'],
             location=a_loc, freqs_sefds=sefds, min_elevation=min_elev, selected=False)


    return networks
Пример #3
def get_stations_from_configfile(filename='data/stations_catalog.inp'):
    """Retrieves the information concerning all stations available in the 'filename'
    file. Creates a Stations object containing the stations and the information on it.
    The file must have a format readable by the Python ConfigParser.
    Each section will be named with the name of the station, and then it must have
    the following keys:
    station - full name of the station.
    code - codename for the station (typically two letters).
    network - main network to which it belongs to.
    possible_networks - all networks the station can participate in (including 'network')
    country - country where the station is located.
    diameter - string with the diameter of the station.
    position = x, y, z (in meters). Geoposition of the station.
    min_elevation (in degrees) - minimum elevation the station can observe.
    SEFD_**  - SEFD of the station at the **cm band. If a given band is not present,
                it is assumed that the station cannot observe it.
    img - a path to an image of the station.
    link - a url linking to the station page/related information.
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    networks = stations.Stations('network', [])
    for stationname in config.sections():
        temp = [float(i.strip()) for i in config[stationname]['position'].split(',')]
        a_loc = coord.EarthLocation(temp[0]*u.m, temp[1]*u.m, temp[2]*u.m)
        # Getting the SEFD values for the bands
        min_elev = float(config[stationname]['min_elevation'])*u.deg
        sefds = {}
        for akey in config[stationname].keys():
            if 'SEFD_' in akey.upper():
                sefds[f"{akey.upper().replace('SEFD_', '').strip()}cm"] = \
        new_station = stations.SelectedStation(stationname, config[stationname]['code'],
                config[stationname]['network'], a_loc, sefds, min_elev,
                config[stationname]['station'], config[stationname]['possible_networks'],
                config[stationname]['country'], config[stationname]['diameter'])

    return networks
Пример #4
def stations_with_band(networks, band, output_network_name=None):
    """For a given collection of networks or Stations, returns a Stations object
    including all stations that can observe at the given band.

        - networks : dict [name_network]: Stations or Stations
        - band : str
    if output_network_name is None:
        output_network_name = f"Stations@{band}"

    antennas = stations.Stations(output_network_name, [])
    if isinstance(networks, dict):
        for network in networks:
            for station in networks[network]:
                if band in station.bands:
    elif isinstance(networks, stations.Stations):
        for station in networks:
            if band in station.bands:
        raise ValueError(f"{networks} expected to be either dict of Stations type.")
    return antennas
Пример #5
def compute_observation(n_clicks, band, starttime, starthour, endtime, endhour, source,
                        onsourcetime, datarate, subbands, channels, pols, inttime, *ants):
    """Computes all products to be shown concerning the set observation.
    if n_clicks is None:
        return '', dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, \
               dash.no_update, dash.no_update
        target_source = observation.Source(convert_colon_coord(source), 'Source')
    except ValueError as e:
        return alert_message(["Incorrect format for source coordinates.", html.Br(),
                f"{'Empty value' if source=='' else source} found but 'hh:mm:ss dd:mm:ss' expected."]),\
               "First, set correctly an observation in the previous tab.", \
               dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update
        time0 = Time(dt.strptime(f"{starttime} {starthour}", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                     format='datetime', scale='utc')
    except ValueError as e:
        return alert_message("Incorrect format for starttime."), \
               "First, set correctly an observation in the previous tab.", \
               dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

        time1 = Time(dt.strptime(f"{endtime} {endhour}", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                     format='datetime', scale='utc')
    except ValueError as e:
        return alert_message("Incorrect format for endtime."), \
               "First, set correctly an observation in the previous tab.", \
               dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

    if time0 >= time1:
        return alert_message("The start time must be earlier than the end time"), \
               "First, set correctly an observation in the previous tab.", \
               dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

    if (time1 - time0) > 5*u.d:
        return alert_message("Please, set an observation that last for less than 5 days."), \
               "First, set correctly an observation in the previous tab.", \
               dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

    # try:
    # TODO: this should not be hardcoded...
    obs_times = time0 + np.linspace(0, (time1-time0).to(u.min).value, 50)*u.min
    # all_selected_antennas = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(ants))
        obs = observation.Observation(target=target_source, times=obs_times, band=band,
                      datarate=datarate, subbands=subbands, channels=channels,
                      polarizations=pols, inttime=inttime, ontarget=onsourcetime/100.0,
                                                 itertools.compress(all_antennas, ants)))
                      # stations=get_selected_antennas(all_selected_antennas))
        sensitivity_results = update_sensitivity(obs)
    except observation.SourceNotVisible:
        return alert_message([
                    html.P(["Your source cannot be observed within the arranged observation.",
                    "There are no antennas that can simultaneously observe your source "
                    "during the given observing time."]),
                    html.P("Modify the observing time or change the selected antennas"
                           " to observe this source.")], title="Warning!"), \
                dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

    # return update_sensitivity(obs), dash.no_update, dash.no_update
    # TODO: parallelize all these functions
    return [html.Br(),
            dbc.Alert("You can check now the results in the different tabs", color='info', \
                      dismissable=True)], sensitivity_results, \
           get_fig_ant_elev(obs), get_fig_ant_up(obs), get_fig_uvplane(obs), dash.no_update