def select_to_merge(): sql = """ select * from crawler_online.download_media where merged_order not in (0,-1) and download_status=1 and merged_status is null and download_path!='/data/dev_ant/'; """ client = ConfigInit().get_conn() return client.getAll(sql)
def select_not_download_over_file(): sql = """ SELECT absolute_path FROM crawler_online.download_media where download_status!=1; """ client = ConfigInit().get_conn() all_tuple = client.getAll(sql) return [url_dict['absolute_path'] for url_dict in all_tuple] if all_tuple else []
def select_original_url_downloaded_merged_media(urls_list): sql = """ select original_url from crawler_online.download_media where media_type='merged' and file_type='mp4' and download_status=1 and original_url in (%s) ;""" % ', '.join(map(lambda x: "'%s'" % x, urls_list)) client = ConfigInit().get_conn() urls_tuple = client.getAll(sql) return [url_dict['original_url'] for url_dict in urls_tuple] if urls_tuple else []
def select_tmp(): sql = """ select id,original_url,absolute_path,download_url,media_type,language,file_type from crawler_online.download_media """ client = ConfigInit().get_conn() all_tuple = client.getAll(sql) return all_tuple
def select_original_url_downloaded_video_audio(urls_list): sql = """ select original_url from crawler_online.download_media where (media_type='video' or media_type='audio' ) and download_status=1 and original_url in (%s) group by original_url having count(original_url)>1;""" % ', '.join(map(lambda x: "'%s'" % x, urls_list)) client = ConfigInit().get_conn() urls_tuple = client.getAll(sql) return [url_dict['original_url'] for url_dict in urls_tuple] if urls_tuple else []
def select_to_merge(): sql = """ select * from download_media where merged_sign in (select merged_sign from crawler_online.download_media where merged_status!=1 and merged_sign!='' and media_type!="%s" group by merged_sign having count(merged_sign)>1) order by merged_sign ,merged_order; """ % consts.constant_manager.MERGED client = ConfigInit().get_conn() return client.getAll(sql)
def select_original_url_downloaded_subtitle(urls_list): sql = """ select distinct original_url from download_media where media_type='subtitle' and download_status=1 and original_url in (%s); """ % ', '.join(map(lambda x: "'%s'" % x, urls_list)) client = ConfigInit().get_conn() urls_tuple = client.getAll(sql) return [url_dict['original_url'] for url_dict in urls_tuple] if urls_tuple else []
def demo_del_file(): # 删除本地下载国产剧 urls = [url.replace('\n', '') for url in open('/data/my_ant/play_urls1')] sql = """ SELECT absolute_path FROM crawler_online.download_media where download_status=1 and download_path='/data/dev_ant/' and original_url in (%s); """ % ', '.join(map(lambda x: "'%s'" % x, urls)) client = ConfigInit().get_conn() all_tuple = client.getAll(sql) dalu_files_local = [url_dict['absolute_path'] for url_dict in all_tuple] if all_tuple else [] for file in dalu_files_local: try: if os.path.exists(file): del_file(file) except: traceback.print_exc() pass