def __init__(self, main_trainer: "LLLTrainer", task_idx:int): self.task_idx = task_idx self.main_trainer = main_trainer self.device_name = main_trainer.device_name self.config = main_trainer.config self.init_models() self.init_writer() self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.optim = self.construct_optimizer() self.attrs = self.model.attrs if hasattr(self.model, 'attrs') else None self.task_ds_train, self.task_ds_test = main_trainer.data_splits[task_idx] self.output_mask = construct_output_mask(main_trainer.class_splits[task_idx], self.config.lll_setup.num_classes) self.classes = self.main_trainer.class_splits[self.task_idx] self.learned_classes = np.unique(flatten(self.main_trainer.class_splits[:self.task_idx])).tolist() self.learned_classes_mask = construct_output_mask(self.learned_classes, self.seen_classes = np.unique(flatten(self.main_trainer.class_splits[:self.task_idx + 1])).tolist() self.seen_classes_mask = construct_output_mask(self.seen_classes, self.init_dataloaders() self.init_episodic_memory() self.test_acc_batch_history = [] self.after_iter_done_callbacks = [] self.num_iters_done = 0 self.num_epochs_done = 0 self._after_init_hook()
def compute_generalized_forgetting_measure(logits_history: List[List[float]], targets: List[int], class_splits: List[List[int]], task_idx: int = -1) -> float: """ Computes Generalized Forgetting Measure for task {task_idx} GFM — is a forgetting measure where we do not use task identities :param logits_history: matrix of size [NUM_TASKS x NUM_TASKS] :param task_idx: for which task we should compute this measure :return: generalized forgetting measure """ if task_idx == 0: return 0. # We cannot forget anything if we have not learned anything elif task_idx == -1: task_idx = len(logits_history) logits_history = np.array(logits_history) targets = np.array(targets) seen_classes = set(flatten(class_splits[:task_idx])) test_seen_idx = [i for i, y in enumerate(targets) if y in seen_classes] # Removing unseen samples targets = targets[test_seen_idx] logits_history = [ls[test_seen_idx] for ls in logits_history] guessed_history = [(ls.argmax(axis=1) == targets) for ls in logits_history] return np.mean([g.mean() for g in guessed_history])
def compute_seen_classes_acc_history( logits_history: List[List[List[float]]], targets: List[int], class_splits: List[List[int]], restrict_space: bool = True) -> List[float]: """ Computes zero-shot history on all the remaining tasks before starting each task :param logits_history: history of model logits, evaluated AFTER each task, i.e. matrix of size [NUM_TASKS x DATASET_SIZE x NUM_CLASSES] :param targets: targets for the objects of size [DATASET_SIZE] :param class_splits: list of classes for each task of size [NUM_TASKS x NUM_CLASSES_PER_TASK] :param restrict_space: should we restrict prediction space to specified classes or not :return: zero-shot accuracies of size [NUM_TASKS] """ seen_classes = [ np.unique(flatten(class_splits[:i + 1])) for i in range(len(class_splits)) ] accs = [ compute_acc_for_classes(l, targets, cs, restrict_space) for l, cs in zip(logits_history, seen_classes) ] return accs
def compute_joined_ausuc_history(logits_history: List[List[List[float]]], targets: List[int], class_splits: List[List[int]]) -> List[float]: """ Computes AUSUC history on all the remaining tasks before starting each task :param logits_history: history of model logits, evaluated BEFORE each task, i.e. matrix of size [NUM_TASKS x DATASET_SIZE x NUM_CLASSES] :param targets: targets for the objects of size [DATASET_SIZE] :param class_splits: list of classes for each task of size [NUM_TASKS x NUM_CLASSES_PER_TASK] :return: AUSUC scores of size [NUM_TASKS] """ num_classes = len(logits_history[0][0]) seen_classes = [ np.unique(flatten(class_splits[:i])) for i in range(len(class_splits)) ] seen_classes_masks = [ construct_output_mask(cs, num_classes) for cs in seen_classes ] ausuc_scores = [ compute_ausuc(l, targets, m)[0] for l, m in zip(logits_history, seen_classes_masks) ] return ausuc_scores
def update_episodic_memory(self): """ Adds examples from own data to episodic memory :param: - task_idx — task index - num_samples_per_class — max number of samples of each class to add """ num_samples_per_class = self.config.hp.num_mem_samples_per_class unique_labels = set( [y for _, y in self.load_dataset(self.task_ds_train)]) groups = [[(x, y) for (x, y) in self.load_dataset(self.task_ds_train) if y == label] for label in unique_labels] # Slow but concise num_samples_to_add = [ min(len(g), num_samples_per_class) for g in groups ] task_memory = [ random.sample(g, n) for g, n in zip(groups, num_samples_to_add) ] task_memory = flatten(task_memory) task_mask = construct_output_mask( self.main_trainer.class_splits[self.task_idx], self.config.lll_setup.num_classes) task_mask = task_mask.reshape(1, -1).repeat(len(task_memory), axis=0) assert len(task_memory) <= num_samples_per_class * len(groups) assert len(task_mask) <= num_samples_per_class * len(groups) self.episodic_memory.extend(task_memory) self.episodic_memory_output_mask.extend([m for m in task_mask])
def reduce_episodic_memory(self, num_samples_per_class: int): class_memories = [[(x, y) for x, y in self.episodic_memory if y == c] for c in self.learned_classes] class_memories_reduced = [ mem[:num_samples_per_class] for mem in class_memories ] self.episodic_memory = flatten(class_memories_reduced)
def _after_init_hook(self): seen_classes = np.unique(flatten(self.main_trainer.class_splits[:self.task_idx + 1])) self.task_ds_train = [ds_train for ds_train, ds_test in self.main_trainer.data_splits[:self.task_idx+1]] self.task_ds_train = [(x, y) for ds in self.task_ds_train for (x, y) in ds] self.joint_output_mask = construct_output_mask(seen_classes, self.config.lll_setup.num_classes) self.original_train_dataloader = self.train_dataloader self.train_dataloader = DataLoader(self.task_ds_train, batch_size=self.config.hp.batch_size, collate_fn=lambda b: list(zip(*b)), shuffle=True)
def init_dataloaders(self): self.ds_train, self.ds_test, self.class_attributes = load_data(, self.config.hp.get('img_target_shape')) self.class_splits = split_classes_for_tasks(self.config.lll_setup, self.config.random_seed) classes_used = set(flatten(self.class_splits)) if len(classes_used) < self.ds_train = self.ds_train.filter_out_classes(classes_used) self.ds_test = self.ds_test.filter_out_classes(classes_used) self.data_splits = get_train_test_data_splits(self.class_splits, self.ds_train, self.ds_test) for task_idx, task_classes in enumerate(self.class_splits): print(f'[Task {task_idx}]:', task_classes)
def compute_ausuc_matrix(logits_history: np.ndarray, targets: List[int], class_splits: List[List[int]]) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes pairwise AUSUC scores between tasks given logits history :param logits_history: history of model logits, evaluated BEFORE each task, i.e. matrix of size [NUM_TASKS x DATASET_SIZE x NUM_CLASSES] :param targets: targets for the objects of size [DATASET_SIZE] :param class_splits: list of classes for each task of size [NUM_TASKS x NUM_CLASSES_PER_TASK] :return: AUCSUC value and a matrix of pairwise AUSUCS """ num_tasks = len(logits_history) ausuc_matrix = [] for task_from in range(num_tasks): ausucs = [] for task_to in range(num_tasks): classes = set( flatten([class_splits[task_to], class_splits[task_from]])) curr_logits = [ l for l, t in zip(logits_history[task_from], targets) if t in classes ] curr_targets = [t for t in targets if t in classes] classes = list(classes) curr_targets = remap_targets(curr_targets, classes) seen_classes_mask = np.array( [c in class_splits[task_from] for c in classes]).astype(bool) ausuc, _ = compute_ausuc( np.array(curr_logits)[:, classes], curr_targets, seen_classes_mask) ausucs.append(ausuc) ausuc_matrix.append(ausucs) return np.array(ausuc_matrix)