Пример #1
    def func(self):
        "Implement the command"

        caller = self.caller

        if self.args and self.args.isdigit():
            nlim = int(self.args)
            nlim = 10

        nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count()
        base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS
        nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count()
        nrooms = (
        nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count()
        nother = nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits

        nobjs = nobjs or 1  # fix zero-div error with empty database

        # total object sum table
        totaltable = EvTable("{wtype{n", "{wcomment{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l")
        totaltable.align = "l"
        totaltable.add_row("Characters", "(BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)", nchars, "%.2f" % ((float(nchars) / nobjs) * 100))
        totaltable.add_row("Rooms", "(location=None)", nrooms, "%.2f" % ((float(nrooms) / nobjs) * 100))
        totaltable.add_row("Exits", "(destination!=None)", nexits, "%.2f" % ((float(nexits) / nobjs) * 100))
        totaltable.add_row("Other", "", nother, "%.2f" % ((float(nother) / nobjs) * 100))

        # typeclass table
        typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l")
        typetable.align = "l"
        dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals()
        for path, count in dbtotals.items():
            typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nobjs) * 100))

        # last N table
        objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim) :]
        latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", align="l", border="table")
        latesttable.align = "l"
        for obj in objs:
            latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(obj.date_created), obj.dbref, obj.key, obj.typeclass.path)

        string = "\n{wObject subtype totals (out of %i Objects):{n\n%s" % (nobjs, totaltable)
        string += "\n{wObject typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable
        string += "\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n\n%s" % (min(nobjs, nlim), latesttable)
Пример #2
    def func(self):
        "Implement the command"

        caller = self.caller

        if self.args and self.args.isdigit():
            nlim = int(self.args)
            nlim = 10

        nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count()
        base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS
        nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count()
        nrooms = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=True).exclude(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count()
        nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count()
        nother = nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits

        nobjs = nobjs or 1 # fix zero-div error with empty database

        # total object sum table
        totaltable = EvTable("{wtype{n", "{wcomment{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l")
        totaltable.align = 'l'
        totaltable.add_row("Characters", "(BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)", nchars, "%.2f" % ((float(nchars) / nobjs) * 100))
        totaltable.add_row("Rooms", "(location=None)", nrooms, "%.2f" % ((float(nrooms) / nobjs) * 100))
        totaltable.add_row("Exits", "(destination!=None)", nexits, "%.2f" % ((float(nexits) / nobjs) * 100))
        totaltable.add_row("Other", "", nother, "%.2f" % ((float(nother) / nobjs) * 100))

        # typeclass table
        typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l")
        typetable.align = 'l'
        dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals()
        for path, count in dbtotals.items():
            typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nobjs) * 100))

        # last N table
        objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim):]
        latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", align="l", border="table")
        latesttable.align = 'l'
        for obj in objs:
                                obj.dbref, obj.key, obj.typeclass.path)

        string = "\n{wObject subtype totals (out of %i Objects):{n\n%s" % (nobjs, totaltable)
        string += "\n{wObject typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable
        string += "\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n\n%s" % (min(nobjs, nlim), latesttable)