Пример #1
 def add_body(self, name, **kwargs):
     obj_type = type_from_name(name)
     self.names_from_type.setdefault(obj_type, []).append(name)
     path = get_obj_path(obj_type)
     #self.path_from_name[name] = path
     print('Loading', path)
     body = load_pybullet(path, **kwargs)
     assert body is not None
     self.add(name, body)
Пример #2
def transition_belief_update(belief, plan):
    if plan is None:
        return False
    success = True
    for action, params in plan:
        if action in ['move_base', 'calibrate', 'detect']:
        elif action == 'press-on':
            s, k, o, bq, aq, gq, at = params
            for bowl, liquid in belief.liquid:
                if bowl == o:
        elif action == 'press-off':
            s, k, o, bq, aq, gq, at = params
        elif action == 'move_arm':
            bq, aq1, aq2, at = params
            belief.arm_conf = aq2
        elif action == 'move_gripper':
            gq1, gq2, gt = params
            belief.gripper_conf = gq2
        elif action == 'pull':
            j, a1, a2, o, wp1, wp2, bq, aq1, aq2, gq, at = params
            belief.door_confs[j] = a2
            belief.arm_conf = aq2
        elif action == 'pour':
            bowl, wp, cup, g, liquid, bq, aq, at = params
            belief.liquid.discard((cup, liquid))
            belief.liquid.add((bowl, liquid))
        elif action == 'pick':
            o, p, g, rp = params[:4]
            obj_type = type_from_name(o)
            if (obj_type not in TIN_OBJECTS) or not belief.is_gripper_closed():
                del belief.pose_dists[o]
                belief.grasped = g
                # TODO: open gripper afterwards to ensure not in hand
                delocalize_belief(belief, o, rp)
                print('Failed to grasp! Delocalizing belief')
                success = False
        elif action == 'place':
            o, p, g, rp = params[:4]
            belief.grasped = None
            if STOCHASTIC_PLACE and belief.world.is_real():
                delocalize_belief(belief, o, rp)
                belief.pose_dists[o] = PoseDist(belief.world, o, DeltaDist(rp))
        elif action == 'cook':
            raise NotImplementedError(action)
    # TODO: replan after every action
    return success
Пример #3
def pour_path_from_parameter(world, bowl_name, cup_name):
    bowl_body = world.get_body(bowl_name)
    bowl_center, (bowl_d, bowl_h) = approximate_as_cylinder(bowl_body)
    cup_body = world.get_body(cup_name)
    cup_center, (cup_d, _, cup_h) = approximate_as_prism(cup_body)


    obj_type = type_from_name(cup_name)
    if obj_type in [MUSTARD]:
        initial_pitch = final_pitch = -np.pi
        radius = 0
        initial_pitch = 0  # different if mustard
        final_pitch = -3 * np.pi / 4
        radius = bowl_d / 2

    #axis_in_cup_center_x = -0.05
    axis_in_cup_center_x = 0  # meters
    #axis_in_cup_center_z = -cup_h/2.
    axis_in_cup_center_z = 0.  # meters
    #axis_in_cup_center_z = +cup_h/2.

    # tl := top left | tr := top right
    cup_tl_in_center = np.array([-cup_d / 2, 0, cup_h / 2])
    cup_tl_in_axis = cup_tl_in_center - Point(z=axis_in_cup_center_z)
    cup_tl_angle = np.math.atan2(cup_tl_in_axis[2], cup_tl_in_axis[0])
    cup_tl_pour_pitch = final_pitch - cup_tl_angle

    cup_radius2d = np.linalg.norm([cup_tl_in_axis])
    pivot_in_bowl_tr = Point(
        x=-(cup_radius2d * np.math.cos(cup_tl_pour_pitch) + 0.01),
        z=(cup_radius2d * np.math.sin(cup_tl_pour_pitch) + Z_OFFSET))

    pivot_in_bowl_center = Point(x=radius, z=bowl_h / 2) + pivot_in_bowl_tr
    base_from_pivot = Pose(
        Point(x=axis_in_cup_center_x, z=axis_in_cup_center_z))


    assert -np.pi <= final_pitch <= initial_pitch
    pitches = [initial_pitch]
    if final_pitch != initial_pitch:
        pitches = list(np.arange(final_pitch, initial_pitch,
                                 np.pi / 16)) + pitches
    cup_path_in_bowl = []
    for pitch in pitches:
        rotate_pivot = Pose(
        )  # Can also interpolate directly between start and end quat
            multiply(Pose(point=bowl_center), Pose(pivot_in_bowl_center),
                     rotate_pivot, invert(base_from_pivot),
    return cup_path_in_bowl
Пример #4
 def is_gripper_closed(self):
     # TODO: base this on the object type
     if self.holding is not None:
         obj_type = type_from_name(self.holding)
         if obj_type not in TIN_OBJECTS:
             return False
     # each joint in [0.00, 0.04] (units coincide with meters on the physical gripper)
     current_gq = get_joint_positions(self.world.robot,
     gripper_width = sum(current_gq)
     return gripper_width <= MIN_GRASP_WIDTH
Пример #5
    def gen(bowl_name, wp, cup_name, grasp, bq):
        # https://github.mit.edu/Learning-and-Intelligent-Systems/ltamp_pr2/blob/d1e6024c5c13df7edeab3a271b745e656a794b02/plan_tools/samplers/pour.py
        if bowl_name == cup_name:
        #attachment = get_grasp_attachment(world, arm, grasp)
        bowl_body = world.get_body(bowl_name)
        #cup_body = world.get_body(cup_name)
        obstacles = (world.static_obstacles
                     | {bowl_body}) if collisions else set()
        cup_path_bowl = pour_path_from_parameter(world, bowl_name, cup_name)
        while True:
            for _ in range(max_attempts):
                bowl_pose = wp.get_world_from_body()
                rotate_bowl = Pose(euler=Euler(
                    yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)))
                rotate_cup = Pose(euler=Euler(
                    yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)))
                cup_path = [
                    multiply(bowl_pose, invert(rotate_bowl), cup_pose_bowl,
                             rotate_cup) for cup_pose_bowl in cup_path_bowl
                #visualize_cartesian_path(cup_body, cup_path)
                #if cartesian_path_collision(cup_body, cup_path, obstacles + [bowl_body]):
                #    continue
                tool_path = [
                    multiply(p, invert(grasp.grasp_pose)) for p in cup_path
                # TODO: extra collision test for visibility
                # TODO: orientation constraint while moving

                arm_path = plan_workspace(world,
                                          randomize=True)  # tilt to upright
                if arm_path is None:
                assert MOVE_ARM
                aq = FConf(world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path[-1])
                robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot)

                obj_type = type_from_name(cup_name)
                duration = 5.0 if obj_type in [MUSTARD] else 1.0
                objects = [bowl_name, cup_name]
                cmd = Sequence(State(world, savers=[robot_saver]),
                                   ApproachTrajectory(objects, world,
                                   Wait(world, duration=duration),
                                   ApproachTrajectory(objects, world,
                yield (
                yield None
Пример #6
def pdddlstream_from_problem(belief,
    world = belief.world  # One world per state
    task = world.task  # One task per world
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, '../pddl/domain.pddl'))
    # TODO: repackage stream outputs to avoid recomputation

    # Despite the base not moving, it could be re-estimated
    init_bq = belief.base_conf
    init_aq = belief.arm_conf
    init_gq = belief.gripper_conf

    carry_aq = world.carry_conf
    init_aq = carry_aq if are_confs_close(init_aq, carry_aq) else init_aq

    # TODO: the following doesn't work. Maybe because carry_conf is used elsewhere
    #carry_aq = init_aq if are_confs_close(init_aq, world.carry_conf) else world.carry_conf
    #calibrate_aq = init_aq if are_confs_close(init_aq, world.calibrate_conf) else world.calibrate_conf

    # Don't need this now that returning to old confs
    #open_gq = init_gq if are_confs_close(init_gq, world.open_gq) else world.open_gq
    #closed_gq = init_gq if are_confs_close(init_gq, world.closed_gq) else world.closed_gq
    open_gq = world.open_gq
    closed_gq = world.closed_gq

    constant_map = {
        '@world': 'world',
        '@gripper': 'gripper',
        '@stove': 'stove',
        '@none': None,
        '@rest_aq': carry_aq,
        #'@calibrate_aq': calibrate_aq,
        '@open_gq': open_gq,
        '@closed_gq': closed_gq,
        '@open': OPEN,
        '@closed': CLOSED,
        '@top': TOP_GRASP,
        '@side': SIDE_GRASP,
        '@bq0': init_bq,
    top_joint = JOINT_TEMPLATE.format(TOP_DRAWER)
    bottom_joint = JOINT_TEMPLATE.format(BOTTOM_DRAWER)

    init = [
        ('BConf', init_bq),
        ('AtBConf', init_bq),
        ('AConf', init_bq, carry_aq),
        #('RestAConf', carry_aq),
        #('AConf', init_bq, calibrate_aq),
            'Stationary', ),
        ('AConf', init_bq, init_aq),
        ('AtAConf', init_aq),
        ('GConf', open_gq),
        ('GConf', closed_gq),
        ('Grasp', None, None),
        ('AtGrasp', None, None),
        ('Above', top_joint, bottom_joint),
        ('Adjacent', top_joint, bottom_joint),
        ('Adjacent', bottom_joint, top_joint),
        ('Calibrated', ),
        ('CanMoveBase', ),
        ('CanMoveArm', ),
        ('CanMoveGripper', ),
    ] + list(task.init) + list(additional_init)
    for action_name, cost in ACTION_COSTS.items():
        function_name = '{}Cost'.format(title_from_snake(action_name))
        function = (function_name, )
        init.append(Equal(function, cost))  # TODO: stove state
    init += [('Stackable', name, surface) for name, surface in task.goal_on.items()] + \
            [('Stackable', name, stove) for name, stove in product(task.goal_cooked, STOVES)] + \
            [('Pressed', name) for name in belief.pressed] + \
            [('Cookable', name) for name in task.goal_cooked] + \
            [('Cooked', name) for name in belief.cooked] + \
            [('Status', status) for status in DOOR_STATUSES] + \
            [('Knob', knob) for knob in KNOBS] + \
            [('Joint', knob) for knob in KNOBS] + \
            [('Liquid', liquid) for _, liquid in task.init_liquid] + \
            [('HasLiquid', cup, liquid) for cup, liquid in belief.liquid] + \
            [('StoveKnob', STOVE_TEMPLATE.format(loc), KNOB_TEMPLATE.format(loc)) for loc in STOVE_LOCATIONS] + \
            [('GraspType', ty) for ty in task.grasp_types]  # TODO: grasp_type per object
    #[('Type', obj_name, 'stove') for obj_name in STOVES] + \
    #[('Camera', name) for name in world.cameras]
    if task.movable_base:
        init.append(('MovableBase', ))
    if fixed_base:
        init.append(('InitBConf', init_bq))
    if task.noisy_base:
        init.append(('NoisyBase', ))

    compute_pose_kin = get_compute_pose_kin(world)
    compute_angle_kin = get_compute_angle_kin(world)

    initial_poses = {}
    for joint_name, init_conf in belief.door_confs.items():
        if joint_name in DRAWER_JOINTS:
            init.append(('Drawer', joint_name))
        if joint_name in CABINET_JOINTS:
            init.append(('Cabinet', joint_name))
        joint = joint_from_name(world.kitchen, joint_name)
        surface_name = surface_from_joint(joint_name)
        init.append(('SurfaceJoint', surface_name, joint_name))
        # Relies on the fact that drawers have identical surface and link names
        link_name = get_link_name(world.kitchen, child_link_from_joint(joint))
        #link_name = str(link_name.decode('UTF-8'))
        #link_name = str(link_name.encode('ascii','ignore'))
        for conf in {
                init_conf, world.open_kitchen_confs[joint],
            # TODO: return to initial poses?
            world_pose, = compute_angle_kin(link_name, joint_name, conf)
                ('Joint', joint_name),
                ('Angle', joint_name, conf),
                ('Obstacle', link_name),
                ('AngleKin', link_name, world_pose, joint_name, conf),
                ('WorldPose', link_name, world_pose),
            if joint in world.kitchen_joints:
                    ('Sample', world_pose),
                    #('Value', world_pose), # comment out?
            if conf == init_conf:
                initial_poses[link_name] = world_pose
                    ('AtAngle', joint_name, conf),
                    ('AtWorldPose', link_name, world_pose),

    for surface_name in ALL_SURFACES:
        if surface_name in OPEN_SURFACES:
            init.append(('Counter', surface_name))  # Fixed surface
        if surface_name in DRAWERS:
            init.append(('Drawer', surface_name))
        surface = surface_from_name(surface_name)
        surface_link = link_from_name(world.kitchen, surface.link)
        parent_joint = parent_joint_from_link(surface_link)
        if parent_joint not in world.kitchen_joints:
            # TODO: attach to world frame?
            world_pose = RelPose(world.kitchen, surface_link, init=True)
            initial_poses[surface_name] = world_pose
            init += [
                #('RelPose', surface_name, world_pose, 'world'),
                ('WorldPose', surface_name, world_pose),
                #('AtRelPose', surface_name, world_pose, 'world'),
                ('AtWorldPose', surface_name, world_pose),
                ('Sample', world_pose),
                #('Value', world_pose),
            ('CheckNearby', surface_name),
            #('InitPose', world_pose),
            ('Localized', surface_name),
        for grasp_type in task.grasp_types:
            if (surface_name in OPEN_SURFACES) or has_place_database(
                    world.robot_name, surface_name, grasp_type):
                init.append(('AdmitsGraspType', surface_name, grasp_type))

    if belief.grasped is None:
            ('HandEmpty', ),
            ('GConf', init_gq),
            ('AtGConf', init_gq),
        obj_name = belief.grasped.body_name
        assert obj_name not in belief.pose_dists
        grasp = belief.grasped
        init += [
            # Static
            #('Graspable', obj_name),
            ('Grasp', obj_name, grasp),
            ('IsGraspType', obj_name, grasp, grasp.grasp_type),
            # Fluent
            ('AtGrasp', obj_name, grasp),
            ('Holding', obj_name),
            ('Localized', obj_name),
        init.extend(('ValidGraspType', obj_name, grasp_type)
                    for grasp_type in task.grasp_types
                    if implies(world.is_real(),
                               is_valid_grasp_type(obj_name, grasp_type)))

    for obj_name in world.movable:
        obj_type = type_from_name(obj_name)
        if obj_type in BOWLS:
            init.append(('Bowl', obj_name))
                ('Obstacle', obj_name))  # TODO: hack to place within bowls
        if obj_type in COOKABLE:
            init.append(('Cookable', obj_name))
        if obj_type in POURABLE:
            init.append(('Pourable', obj_name))
        init += [
            ('Entity', obj_name),
            ('CheckNearby', obj_name),
        ] + [('Stackable', obj_name, counter)
             for counter in set(ALL_SURFACES) & set(COUNTERS)]

    # TODO: track poses over time to produce estimates
    for obj_name, pose_dist in belief.pose_dists.items():
        dist_support = pose_dist.dist.support()
        localized = pose_dist.is_localized()
        graspable = True
        if localized:
            init.append(('Localized', obj_name))
            [rel_pose] = dist_support
            roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quat(
            if (MAX_ERROR < abs(roll)) or (MAX_ERROR < abs(pitch)):
                graspable = False
                    '{} has an invalid orientation: roll={:.3f}, pitch={:.3f}'.
                    format(obj_name, roll, pitch))
        if graspable:
            #init.append(('Graspable', obj_name))
            init.extend(('ValidGraspType', obj_name, grasp_type)
                        for grasp_type in task.grasp_types
                        if implies(world.is_real(),
                                   is_valid_grasp_type(obj_name, grasp_type)))

        # Could also fully decompose into points (but many samples)
        # Could immediately add likely points for collision checking
        for rel_pose in (dist_support if localized else pose_dist.decompose()):
            surface_name = rel_pose.support
            if surface_name is None:
                # Treats as obstacle
                # TODO: could temporarily add to fixed
                world_pose = rel_pose
                init += [
                    ('WorldPose', obj_name, world_pose),
                    ('AtWorldPose', obj_name, world_pose),
                poses = [world_pose]
                #raise RuntimeError(obj_name, supporting)
                surface_pose = initial_poses[surface_name]
                world_pose, = compute_pose_kin(obj_name, rel_pose,
                                               surface_name, surface_pose)
                init += [
                    # Static
                    ('RelPose', obj_name, rel_pose, surface_name),
                    ('WorldPose', obj_name, world_pose),
                    ('PoseKin', obj_name, world_pose, rel_pose, surface_name,
                    # Fluent
                    ('AtRelPose', obj_name, rel_pose, surface_name),
                    ('AtWorldPose', obj_name, world_pose),
                if localized:
                    init.append(('On', obj_name, surface_name))
                poses = [rel_pose, world_pose]
            for pose in poses:
                if isinstance(pose, PoseDist):
                    init.append(('Dist', pose))
                    init.extend([('Sample', pose)])  #, ('Value', pose)])

    #for body, ty in problem.body_types:
    #    init += [('Type', body, ty)]
    #bodies_from_type = get_bodies_from_type(problem)
    #bodies = bodies_from_type[get_parameter_name(ty)] if is_parameter(ty) else [ty]

    goal_formula = get_goal(belief, init)
    stream_pddl, stream_map = get_streams(world,

    print('Constants:', constant_map)
    print('Init:', sorted(init, key=lambda f: f[0]))
    print('Goal:', goal_formula)
    #print('Streams:', stream_map.keys()) # DEBUG

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal_formula)