Пример #1
    def gen_sim(self):
        #create sim stuff and intersections
        #self.conn, self.sumo_process = self.server_connect()

        port = self.args.port+self.idx
        sumoBinary = checkBinary(self.sumo_cmd)
        port = self.args.port+self.idx
        self.sumo_process = subprocess.Popen([sumoBinary, "-c",
                                         self.cfg_fp, "--step-length", str(STEP_LEN_SIMU), "--remote-port",
                                         str(port), "--no-warnings",
                                         "--no-step-log", "--random"],
                                         stdout=None, stderr=None)

        self.conn = traci.connect(port)

        self.t = 0
        self.v_start_times = {}
        self.v_travel_times = {}
        self.vehiclegen = None
        if self.args.sim == 'double' or self.args.sim == 'single':
            self.vehiclegen = VehicleGen(self.netdata, 
                                         self.args.mode, self.conn) 
Пример #2
class SumoSim:
    def __init__(self, cfg_fp, sim_len, tsc, nogui, netdata, args, idx):
        self.cfg_fp = cfg_fp
        self.sim_len = sim_len
        self.tsc = tsc
        self.sumo_cmd = 'sumo' if nogui else 'sumo-gui' 
        self.netdata = netdata
        self.args = args
        self.idx = idx
        self.n_screenshot = 0
        self.tt_mean_second = [] # mean travel time till now for each second
        self.tt_std_second = [] # std travel time till now for each second

    def gen_sim(self):
        #create sim stuff and intersections
        #self.conn, self.sumo_process = self.server_connect()

        port = self.args.port+self.idx
        sumoBinary = checkBinary(self.sumo_cmd)
        port = self.args.port+self.idx
        self.sumo_process = subprocess.Popen([sumoBinary, "-c",
                                         self.cfg_fp, "--step-length", str(STEP_LEN_SIMU), "--remote-port",
                                         str(port), "--no-warnings",
                                         "--no-step-log", "--random"],
                                         stdout=None, stderr=None)

        self.conn = traci.connect(port)

        self.t = 0
        self.v_start_times = {}
        self.v_travel_times = {}
        self.vehiclegen = None
        if self.args.sim == 'double' or self.args.sim == 'single':
            self.vehiclegen = VehicleGen(self.netdata, 
                                         self.args.mode, self.conn) 

    def get_traffic_lights(self):
        #find all the junctions with traffic lights
        trafficlights = self.conn.trafficlight.getIDList()
        junctions = self.conn.junction.getIDList()

        tl_juncs = set(trafficlights).intersection( set(junctions) )
        tls = []
        #only keep traffic lights with more than 1 green phase
        for tl in tl_juncs:
            #subscription to get traffic light phases
            self.conn.trafficlight.subscribe(tl, [traci.constants.TL_COMPLETE_DEFINITION_RYG])
            tldata = self.conn.trafficlight.getAllSubscriptionResults()
            logic = tldata[tl][traci.constants.TL_COMPLETE_DEFINITION_RYG][0]

            #for some reason this throws errors for me in SUMO 1.2
            #have to do subscription based above
            logic = self.conn.trafficlight.getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition(tl)[0] 
            #get only the green phases
            green_phases = [ p.state for p in logic.getPhases()
                             if 'y' not in p.state
                             and ('G' in p.state or 'g' in p.state) ]
            if len(green_phases) > 1:

        #for some reason these intersections cause problems with tensorflow
        #I have no idea why, it doesn't make any sense, if you don't believe me 
        #then comment this and try it, if you an fix it you are the real MVP
        if self.args.sim == 'lust':
            lust_remove = ['-12', '-78', '-2060']
            for r in lust_remove:
                if r in tls:
        return set(tls) 

    def create_tsc(self, rl_stats, exp_replays, eps, neural_networks = None):
        self.tl_junc = self.get_traffic_lights() 
        if not neural_networks:
            neural_networks = {tl:None for tl in self.tl_junc}
        #create traffic signal controllers for the junctions with lights
        self.tsc = { tl:tsc_factory(self.args.tsc, tl, self.args, self.netdata, rl_stats[tl], exp_replays[tl], neural_networks[tl], eps, self.conn)  
                     for tl in self.tl_junc }

    def update_netdata(self):
        tl_junc = self.get_traffic_lights()
        tsc = { tl:TrafficSignalController(self.conn, tl, self.args.mode, self.netdata, 2, 3)  
                     for tl in tl_junc }

        for t in tsc:
            self.netdata['inter'][t]['incoming_lanes'] = tsc[t].incoming_lanes
            self.netdata['inter'][t]['green_phases'] = tsc[t].green_phases

        all_intersections = set(self.netdata['inter'].keys())
        #only keep intersections that we want to control
        for i in all_intersections - tl_junc:
            del self.netdata['inter'][i]

        return self.netdata

    def sim_step(self):
        self.tt_mean_second += [np.mean(list(self.v_travel_times.values()))]
        self.tt_std_second += [np.std(list(self.v_travel_times.values()))]
        if self.t>1199:
            file = open("/home/yan/work_spaces/tsc-rl/video/tt_mean.data", 'wb')
            print(f'$$$$$$ tt_mean length is: {len(self.tt_mean_second)}')
            pickle.dump(self.tt_mean_second, file)
            file = open("/home/yan/work_spaces/tsc-rl/video/tt_std.data", 'wb')
            print(f'$$$$$$ tt_std length is: {len(self.tt_std_second)}')
            pickle.dump(self.tt_std_second, file)
        for _ in range(n_steps_second):
            self.conn.gui.screenshot("View #0", "/home/yan/work_spaces/tsc-rl/video/"+str(self.n_screenshot)+".jpg")
            #print(f'$$$$$$$$$$ has view: {self.conn.gui.hasView("View #0")}')
            self.n_screenshot += 1
        self.t += 1

    def run_offset(self, offset):
        while self.t < offset:
            #create vehicles if vehiclegen class exists
            if self.vehiclegen:

    def run(self):
        #execute simulation for desired length
        while self.t < self.sim_len:
            #create vehicles if vehiclegen class exists
            if self.vehiclegen:
            #run all traffic signal controllers in network
            for t in self.tsc:

    def update_travel_times(self):
        for v in self.conn.simulation.getDepartedIDList():
            self.v_start_times[v] = self.t

        for v in self.conn.simulation.getArrivedIDList():
            self.v_travel_times[v] = self.t - self.v_start_times[v]
            del self.v_start_times[v]

    def get_intersection_subscription(self):
        tl_data = {}
        lane_vehicles = { l:{} for l in self.lanes}
        for tl in self.tl_junc:
            tl_data[tl] = self.conn.junction.getContextSubscriptionResults(tl)
            if tl_data[tl] is not None:
                for v in tl_data[tl]:
                    lane_vehicles[ tl_data[tl][v][traci.constants.VAR_LANE_ID] ][v] = tl_data[tl][v]
        return lane_vehicles

    def sim_stats(self):
        tt = self.get_travel_times()
        if len(tt) > 0 :
            #print( '----------\ntravel time (mean, std) ('+str(np.mean(tt))+', '+str(np.std(tt))+')\n' )
            return [str(int(np.mean(tt))), str(int(np.std(tt)))]
            return [str(int(0.0)), str(int(0.0))]

    def get_travel_times(self):
        return [self.v_travel_times[v] for v in self.v_travel_times]

    def get_tsc_metrics(self):
        tsc_metrics = {}
        for tsc in self.tsc:
            tsc_metrics[tsc] = self.tsc[tsc].get_traffic_metrics_history()
        return tsc_metrics

    def close(self):