Пример #1
 def test_case_sensitive(self):
     tasks = """This is some code
     # Todo: don't pick me up
     -- TODO: I need to be done"""
     answer = [srctasks.Todo(author='', task='I need to be done')]
     todos = srctasks.todo_finder(tasks, ignorecase=False)
     self.assertEqual(todos, answer)
Пример #2
    def test_TODO_token(self):
        basic_test = """This is not a comment
        # TODO:content

        also not a comment"""
        answer = [srctasks.Todo(author='', task='content')]
        todos = srctasks.todo_finder(basic_test)
        self.assertEqual(todos, answer)
Пример #3
 def test_many_tokens(self):
     many_tokens = """# todo ( person ): task
     # FIXME (fixer): fix
     -- CHANGED: a change
     // XXX: oops, a mistake
     # HACK: please don't do this one
     -- NOTE (good programmer) : I can leave notes.
     answer = [
         srctasks.Todo(author='person', task='task'),
         srctasks.Todo(author='fixer', task='fix'),
         srctasks.Todo(author='', task='a change'),
         srctasks.Todo(author='', task='oops, a mistake'),
         srctasks.Todo(author='', task='please don\'t do this one'),
         srctasks.Todo(author='good programmer', task='I can leave notes.')
     todos = srctasks.todo_finder(many_tokens, tokens='todo fixme changed xxx hack note')
     self.assertEqual(todos, answer)
Пример #4
    def test_multiple_todos_no_author(self):
        many_todos = """lorem
        # todo (me): task1
        def a python function:

        // TODO: add another task

        todo_finder_function use case

        -- todo: a third task
        answer = [
            srctasks.Todo(author='me', task='task1'),
            srctasks.Todo(author='', task='add another task'),
            srctasks.Todo(author='', task='a third task')
        todos = srctasks.todo_finder(many_todos)
        self.assertEqual(todos, answer)
Пример #5
 def test_strip_leading_space_with_author(self):
     bad_whitespace = '# TODO (  programmer ):             \t content?'
     answer = [srctasks.Todo(author='programmer', task='content?')]
     todos = srctasks.todo_finder(bad_whitespace)
     self.assertEqual(todos, answer)
Пример #6
 def test_TODO_author(self):
     basic_test = '#TODO(it\'sa Mario!): some noise'
     answer = [srctasks.Todo(author='it\'sa Mario!', task='some noise')]
     todos = srctasks.todo_finder(basic_test)
     self.assertEqual(todos, answer)