Пример #1
def build(self, repo, 

    '''trigger a build on Google Cloud (storage then compute) given a name
       recipe, and Github URI where the recipe can be found.
       name: should be the complete uri that the user has requested to push.
       commit: a commit to use, not required, and can be parsed from URI
       repo: should correspond to a Github URL or (if undefined) used local repo.
       tag: a user specified tag, to take preference over tag in name
       config: The local config file to use. If the file doesn't exist, then
               we attempt looking up the config based on the name.
       recipe: If defined, limit builder to build a single recipe


    bot.debug("BUILD %s" % repo)

    # Ensure that repo exists (200 response)
    if not self._healthy(repo):

    config = self._load_build_config(config)

    # If name not provided, parse name based on repository
    if name is None:
        name = '/'.join(repo.split('/')[-2:])

    # This returns a data structure with collection, container, based on uri
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name))

    # First priority - user has provided a tag
    names['tag'] = tag or names['tag']

    # If we still don't have custom tag, check the recipe
    if names['tag'] == "latest" and recipe != "Singularity":
        tag = get_recipe_tag(recipe)
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag)

    # The commit is the version (after the @)
    commit = commit or names['version']

    # Setup the build
    config = self._setup_build(name=names['url'], recipe=recipe,
                               repo=repo, config=config,
                               tag=tag, commit=commit)

    # The user only wants to preview the configuration
    if preview is True:
        return config

    # Otherwise, run the build!
    return self._run_build(config)
Пример #2
def push(self, path, name, tag=None):
    """push an image to Google Cloud Storage, meaning uploading it
       path: should correspond to an absolte image path (or derive it)
       name: should be the complete uri that the user has requested to push.
       tag: should correspond with an image tag. This is provided to mirror Docker
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    bot.debug("PUSH %s" % path)

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        bot.exit("%s does not exist." % path)

    # This returns a data structure with collection, container, based on uri
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag)

    if names["version"] is None:
        version = get_file_hash(path, "sha256")
        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag, version=version)

    # Update metadata with names
    metadata = self.get_metadata(path, names=names)

    manifest = self._upload(source=path,

Пример #3
def push(self, path, name, tag=None):
    '''push an image to Google Cloud Storage, meaning uploading it
    path: should correspond to an absolte image path (or derive it)
    name: should be the complete uri that the user has requested to push.
    tag: should correspond with an image tag. This is provided to mirror Docker
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    bot.debug("PUSH %s" % path)

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        bot.error('%s does not exist.' % path)

    # This returns a data structure with collection, container, based on uri
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag)

    if names['version'] is None:
        version = get_image_hash(path)
        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag, version=version)

    # Update metadata with names
    metadata = self.get_metadata(path, names=names)
    metadata = metadata['data']

    manifest = self._upload(source=path,

Пример #4
def delete(self, image, force=False):
    """delete an image to Singularity Registry"""

    q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

    # If the registry is provided in the uri, use it
    if q["registry"] is None:
        q["registry"] = self.base

    # If the base doesn't start with http or https, add it
    q = self._add_https(q)

    url = "%s/container/%s/%s:%s" % (

    SREGISTRY_EVENT = self.authorize(request_type="delete", names=q)
    headers = {"Authorization": SREGISTRY_EVENT}

    if confirm_delete(q["uri"], force) is True:
        response = self._delete(url)
        message = self._read_response(response)
        bot.info("Response %s, %s" % (response.status_code, message))
        # add some error handling here??
        bot.info("Delete cancelled.")

    return image
Пример #5
def remove(self, image, force=False):
    '''delete an image to Singularity Registry'''

    q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))
    url = '%s/container/%s/%s:%s' % (self.base, q["collection"], q["image"], q["tag"])

    SREGISTRY_EVENT = self.authorize(request_type="delete", names=q)
    headers = {'Authorization': SREGISTRY_EVENT }

    continue_delete = True
    if force is False:
        response = input("Are you sure you want to delete %s?" % q['uri'])
        while len(response) < 1 or response[0].lower().strip() not in "ynyesno":
            response = input("Please answer yes or no: ")
        if response[0].lower().strip() in "no":
            continue_delete = False

    if continue_delete is True:
        response = self._delete(url)
        message = self._read_response(response)
        bot.info("Response %s, %s" %(response.status_code, message))

        bot.info("Delete cancelled.")
Пример #6
    def get(self, request, name):
        names = parse_image_name(name)
        container = get_container(names)

        # TODO: need to check permissions here
        # TODO: what to return when can't find container?
        if container is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        # Get other tags
        tags = [c.tag for c in container.collection.containers.all()]

        # Downloads
        path = "images/%s/%s:%s" % (names['collection'], names['image'],
        downloads = APIRequestCount.objects.filter(
            method="get", path__contains=path).count()

        data = {
            "deleted": False,  # 2019-03-15T19:02:24.015Z
            "createdAt": container.add_date.strftime(
                '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%jZ'),  # No idea what their format is...
            "hash": container.version,
            "size": container.metadata.get('size_mb'),
            "entityName": container.name,
            "collectionName": container.collection.name.split('/')[0],
            "containerName": container.name.split('/')[0],
            "tags": tags,
            "containerStars": container.collection.star_set.count(),
            "containerDownloads": downloads

        return Response(data={"data": data}, status=200)
Пример #7
def get_request_collection(instance):
    """obtain the collection from a request

    instance: should be an APIRequestLog object, with a response
              and path to parse
    import pickle

    pickle.dump(instance, open("instance.pkl", "wb"))
    from sregistry.utils import parse_image_name
    from shub.apps.main.models import Collection

        response = json.loads(instance.response)
        name = response["collection"]

        # Case 1: library endpoint
        if "/v1/images" in instance.path:
            collection_name = instance.path.replace("/v1/images/", "")

        # Case 2: shub endpoint
            collection_name = instance.path.replace("/api/container/", "")
        name = parse_image_name(collection_name)["collection"]

        collection = Collection.objects.get(name=name)
    except Collection.DoesNotExist:
        collection = None

    return collection
Пример #8
def container_query(q, across_collections=1):
    '''query for a container depending on the provided query string'''
    across_collections = bool(int(across_collections))

    # Return complete lookup with image, collection, tag
    q = parse_image_name(q, defaults=False)

    if across_collections is True:
        if q['tag'] is not None:

            # Query across collections for image name and tag
            return Container.objects.filter(
                | Q(tag__contains=q['tag'])).distinct()

        # Query across collections for image name
        return Container.objects.filter(

    # Query a particular collection for image name and tag
    if q['tag'] is not None:
        return Collection.objects.filter(
            | Q(collection__name__contains=q['collection'])
            | Q(containers_tags__contains=q['tag'])).distinct()

    # Query a particular collection for image name
    return Collection.objects.filter(
        | Q(collection__name__contains=q['collection'])).distinct()
Пример #9
    def get(self, request, name):
        print("GET DownloadImageView")
        names = parse_image_name(name)
        container = get_container(names)

        # If no container, regardles of permissions, 404
        if container is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        # Private containers we check the token
        if container.collection.private:
            token = get_token(request)

            # The user is not authenticated
            if not token:
                return Response(status=404)

            # Only owners and contributors can pull
            collection = container.collection
            if (token.user not in collection.owners.all()
                    and token.user not in collection.contributors.all()):
                return Response(status=404)

        # Retrieve the url for minio
        storage = container.get_storage()
        url = minioExternalClient.presigned_get_object(
        return redirect(url)
Пример #10
def push(self, path, name, tag=None):
    '''push an image to an S3 endpoint'''

    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    bot.debug("PUSH %s" % path)

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        bot.exit('%s does not exist.' % path)

    # Extract the metadata
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag)
    image_size = os.path.getsize(path) >> 20

    # Create extra metadata, this is how we identify the image later
    # *important* bug in boto3 will return these capitalized
    # see https://github.com/boto/boto3/issues/1709
    metadata = {
        'sizemb': "%s" % image_size,
        'client': 'sregistry',
        'type': 'container'

    ExtraArgs = {"Metadata": metadata}

    acl = self._get_and_update_setting('SREGISTRY_S3_OBJECT_ACL')

    if acl is not None:
        ExtraArgs['ACL'] = acl

        self.bucket.upload_file(path, names['storage'], ExtraArgs)
    except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            "Could not upload {} to bucket. Ensure you have sufficient permissions to put objects in the bucket (s3:PutObject), as well as modify the object ACL if SREGISTRY_S3_OBJECT_ACL is set (s3:PutObjectAcl): {}"
            .format(path, str(e)))
Пример #11
def push(self, path, name, tag=None):
    '''push an image to Singularity Registry
    path: should correspond to an absolte image path (or derive it)
    name: should be the complete uri that the user has requested to push.
    tag: should correspond with an image tag. This is provided to mirror Docker
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    bot.debug("PUSH %s" % path)

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        bot.error('%s does not exist.' %path)

    # This returns a data structure with collection, container, based on uri
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name),tag=tag)

    # use Singularity client, if exists, to inspect to extract metadata
    metadata = self.get_metadata(path, names=names)

    # If you want a spinner
    # do your push request here. Generally you want to except a KeyboardInterrupt
    # and give the user a status from the response
Пример #12
def get(self, name, quiet=False):
    '''Do a get for a container, and then a collection, and then return None
       if no result is found.
    name: should coincide with either the collection name, or the container
          name with the collection. A query is done first for the collection,
          and then the container, and the path to the image file returned.
    from sregistry.database.models import Collection, Container
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name))

    # First look for a collection (required)
    collection = self.get_collection(name=names['collection'])
    container = None

    if collection is not None:
        container = self.get_container(collection_id=collection.id,

        if container is not None and quiet is False:

            # The container image file exists [local]
            if container.image is not None:

            # The container has a url (but not local file)
            elif container.url is not None:
                bot.info('No storage file found for %s' % name)

    return container
Пример #13
def get_metadata(self, image_file, names=None):
    '''extract metadata using Singularity inspect, if the executable is found.
       If not, return a reasonable default (the parsed image name)

       image_file: the full path to a Singularity image
       names: optional, an extracted or otherwise created dictionary of
              variables for the image, likely from utils.parse_image_name

    if names is None:
        names = {}

    metadata = {}

    # We can't return anything without image_file or names
    if image_file:
        if not os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.error('Cannot find %s.' % image_file)
            return names or metadata

    # The user provided a file, but no names
    if not names:
        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image_file))

    # Look for the Singularity Executable
    singularity = which('singularity')['message']

    # Inspect the image, or return names only
    if os.path.exists(singularity) and image_file:
        from spython.main import Client as Singularity

        # Store the original quiet setting
        is_quiet = Singularity.quiet

        # We try and inspect, but not required (wont work within Docker)
            Singularity.quiet = True
            updates = Singularity.inspect(image=image_file)
                'Inspect command not supported, metadata not included.')
            updates = None

        # Restore the original quiet setting
        Singularity.quiet = is_quiet

        # Try loading the metadata
        if updates is not None:
                updates = json.loads(updates)

    return metadata
Пример #14
def pull(self,
    """pull an image from a docker hub. This is a (less than ideal) workaround
       that actually does the following:

       - creates a sandbox folder
       - adds docker layers, metadata folder, and custom metadata to it
       - converts to a squashfs image with build

    the docker manifests are stored with registry metadata.
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve a container based on parsing this uri.
    file_name: the user's requested name for the file. It can 
               optionally be None if the user wants a default.
    save: if True, you should save the container to the database
          using self.add()
    base: the registry base, in case the client doesn't want to set in env.
    finished: a single container path, or list of paths


    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug("Execution of PULL for %s images" % len(images))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    finished = []
    for image in images:

        # 0. Update the base in case we aren't working with default
        base = self._update_base(image)
        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image), base=base)

        image_file = self._pull(file_name=file_name,


    if len(finished) == 1:
        finished = finished[0]
    return finished
Пример #15
    def get(self, request, name):
        names = parse_image_name(name)
        container = get_container(names)

        # TODO: need to check permissions here
        # TODO: what to return when can't find container?
        if container is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        return redirect(self.get_download_url(container))
Пример #16
def container_search(self, query, across_collections=False):
    """search for a specific container. If across collections is False,
    the query is parsed as a full container name and a specific container
    is returned. If across_collections is True, the container is searched
    for across collections. If across collections is True, details are
    not shown"""

    query = query.lower().strip("/")

    q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(query), defaults=False)

    if q["tag"] is not None:
        if across_collections is True:
            url = "%s/container/search/name/%s/tag/%s" % (
            url = "%s/container/search/collection/%s/name/%s/tag/%s" % (

    elif q["tag"] is None:
        if across_collections is True:
            url = "%s/container/search/name/%s" % (self.base, q["image"])
            url = "%s/container/search/collection/%s/name/%s" % (

    result = self._get(url)
    if "containers" in result:
        result = result["containers"]

    if len(result) == 0:
        bot.info("No containers found.")

    bot.info("Containers %s" % query)

    rows = []
    for c in result:

        rows.append(["%s/%s" % (c["collection"], c["name"]), c["tag"]])

    return rows
Пример #17
def record(self, images, action='add'):
    '''record an image from an endpoint. This function is akin to a pull,
       but without retrieving the image. We only care about the list of images
       (uris) to look up, and then the action that the user wants to take
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve metadata for a container based on this url.
    action: the action to take with the record. By default we add it, meaning
            adding a record (metadata and file url) to the database. It is
            recommended to place the URL for the image download under the 
            container.url field, and the metadata (the image manifest) should
            have a selfLink to indicate where it came from.

    # Take a look at pull for an example of this logic.
    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of RECORD[%s] for %s images' % (action, len(images)))

    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Verify image existence, and obtain id
        url = "..."  # This should be some url for your endpoint to get metadata
        bot.debug('Retrieving manifest at %s' % url)

        # Get the manifest, add a selfLink to it (good practice)
        manifest = self._get(url)
        manifest['selfLink'] = url

        # versions are very important! Since we aren't downloading the file,
        # If you don't have a version in your manifest, don't add it to the uri.
        # you will likely need to customize this string formation to make the
        # expected uri as in <collection>/<namespace>:<tag>@<version>
        if manifest['version'] is not None:
            image_uri = "%s/%s:%s@%s" % (manifest['collection'],
                                         manifest['name'], manifest['tag'],
            image_uri = "%s/%s:%s" % (manifest['collection'], manifest['name'],

        # We again use the "add" function, but we don't give an image path
        # so it's just added as a record
        container = self.add(image_name=image_uri,
Пример #18
def test_parse_image_name():
    print("Testing utils.parse_image_name")
    from sregistry.utils import parse_image_name
    names = parse_image_name('ubuntu')
    ubuntu_check(names, 'ubuntu')
    names = parse_image_name('ubuntu:latest')
    ubuntu_check(names, 'ubuntu:latest')
    names = parse_image_name('library/ubuntu:latest')
    ubuntu_check(names, 'library/ubuntu:latest')

    # Version should include same with version
    names = parse_image_name('library/ubuntu:latest@version')
    assert names['version'] == 'version'
    assert names['uri'] == "library/ubuntu:latest@version"
    assert names['image'] == 'ubuntu'
    assert names['collection'] == 'library'
    assert names['registry'] is None
    assert names['tag'] == 'latest'
    assert names['url'] == "library/ubuntu"
    assert names['uri'] == 'library/ubuntu:latest@version'
    assert names['original'] == 'library/ubuntu:latest@version'
    assert names['storage'] == 'library/ubuntu:[email protected]'
Пример #19
def push(self, path, name, tag=None):
    '''push an image to your Storage. If the collection doesn't exist,
       it is created.
       path: should correspond to an absolute image path (or derive it)
       name: should be the complete uri that the user has requested to push.
       tag: should correspond with an image tag. This is provided to mirror Docker

    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    bot.debug("PUSH %s" % path)

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        bot.error('%s does not exist.' % path)

    # Parse image names
    names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(name), tag=tag)

    # Get the size of the file
    file_size = os.path.getsize(path)
    chunk_size = 4 * 1024 * 1024
    storage_path = "/%s" % names['storage']

    # Create / get the collection
    collection = self._get_or_create_collection(names['collection'])

    # The image name is the name followed by tag
    image_name = os.path.basename(names['storage'])

    # prepare the progress bar
    progress = 0
    bot.show_progress(progress, file_size, length=35)

    # Put the (actual) container into the collection
    with open(path, 'rb') as F:

    # Finish up

    # Newline to finish download
Пример #20
    def get(self, request, name):
        names = parse_image_name(name)
        container = get_container(names)

        # TODO: need to check permissions here
        # TODO: what to return when can't find container?
        if container is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        # Private containers are simply not accessible - no way to authenticate
        if container.collection.private:
            return Response(status=404)

        return redirect(self.get_download_url(container))
Пример #21
def test_parse_image_name():
    print("Testing utils.parse_image_name")
    from sregistry.utils import parse_image_name

    names = parse_image_name("ubuntu")
    ubuntu_check(names, "ubuntu")
    names = parse_image_name("ubuntu:latest")
    ubuntu_check(names, "ubuntu:latest")
    names = parse_image_name("library/ubuntu:latest")
    ubuntu_check(names, "library/ubuntu:latest")

    # Version should include same with version
    names = parse_image_name("library/ubuntu:latest@version")
    assert names["version"] == "version"
    assert names["uri"] == "library/ubuntu:latest@version"
    assert names["image"] == "ubuntu"
    assert names["collection"] == "library"
    assert names["registry"] is None
    assert names["tag"] == "latest"
    assert names["url"] == "library/ubuntu"
    assert names["uri"] == "library/ubuntu:latest@version"
    assert names["original"] == "library/ubuntu:latest@version"
    assert names["storage"] == "library/ubuntu:[email protected]"
Пример #22
def record(self, images, action='add'):
    '''record an image from an endpoint. This function is akin to a pull,
       but without retrieving the image. We only care about the list of images
       (uris) to look up, and then the action that the user wants to take
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve metadata for a container based on this url.
    action: the action to take with the record. By default we add it, meaning
            adding a record (metadata and file url) to the database. It is
            recommended to place the URL for the image download under the 
            container.url field, and the metadata (the image manifest) should
            have a selfLink to indicate where it came from.

    # Take a look at pull for an example of this logic.
    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of RECORD[%s] for %s images' % (action, len(images)))

    for image in images:

        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Use container search to find the container based on uri
        bot.info('Searching for %s in gs://%s' % (q['uri'], self._bucket_name))
        matches = self._container_query(q['uri'], quiet=True)

        if len(matches) == 0:
            bot.info('No matching containers found.')

        # We give the first match, the uri should be unique and known
        image = matches[0]
        image_uri = q['uri']
        if "uri" in image.metadata:
            image_uri = image.metadata['uri']

        # Update metadata with selfLink
        metadata = image.metadata
        metadata['selfLink'] = image.self_link

        # Use add without image path so added as a record
        container = self.add(image_uri=image_uri,
Пример #23
    def get(self, request, name):

        # The request specifies ?arch=amd64 but that's all we got
        print("GET GetImageView")
        names = parse_image_name(name)

        # If an arch is not specified, redirect to push view
        arch = request.query_params.get("arch", "amd64")

        container = get_container(names)

        # If an arch is defined, ensure it matches the request
        arch = "amd64"
        if arch and container is not None:
            if container.metadata.get("arch", "amd64") != "amd64":
                return Response(status=404)

        # If no container, regardles of permissions, 404
        if container is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        # Private containers we check the token
        if container.collection.private:
            token = get_token(request)

            # Only owners and contributors can pull
            collection = container.collection
            if (token.user not in collection.owners.all()
                    and token.user not in collection.contributors.all()):
                return Response(status=404)

        # Generate log for downloads (async with worker)
            ipaddr=request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", None),
            remote_addr=request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR", ""),

        data = generate_container_metadata(container)
        return Response(data={"data": data}, status=200)
Пример #24
def check_tasks(client, endpoint_id):
    ''' check on task list and compare against local, update with any containers
        that have finished status
    from sregistry.utils import parse_image_name
    events = []

    for task in client.transfer_client.task_list():    

        tid = task.data['task_id']

        # Tasks still processing won't have events available
        if task.data['status'] in ["SUCCEEDED", "FAILED"]:

            for event in client.transfer_client.task_successful_transfers(tid):

                # Link to task history 
                link = "https://globus.org/app/activity/%s" %tid
                dest = event['destination_path']
                source = event['source_path']

                # Case 1: Add images transferred here to sregistry
                if task.data['destination_endpoint_id'] == endpoint_id:

                    # Do we have the container?
                    if os.path.exists(dest):

                        # Parse name from source_path
                        metadata = {'globus_event': event, 
                                    'globus_task_id': tid,
                                    'selfLink': link }
                        names = parse_image_name(os.path.basename(source))
                        result = client.add(image_uri=names['uri'], 

                # Case 2: remove temporary files for finished remote transfers
                    if os.path.exists(event['source_path']):
    return events
Пример #25
def get_metadata(self, image_file, names={}):
    '''extract metadata using Singularity inspect, if the executable is found.
       If not, return a reasonable default (the parsed image name)

       image_file: the full path to a Singularity image
       names: optional, an extracted or otherwise created dictionary of
              variables for the image, likely from utils.parse_image_name


    metadata = dict()

    # We can't return anything without image_file or names
    if image_file is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(image_file):
            bot.error('Cannot find %s.' % image_file)
            return names

    # The user provided a file, but no names
    if not names:
        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image_file))

    # Look for the Singularity Executable
    singularity = which('singularity')['message']

    # Inspect the image, or return names only
    if os.path.exists(singularity) and image_file is not None:
        from sregistry.client import Singularity
        cli = Singularity()
        updates = cli.inspect(image_path=image_file, quiet=True)

        # Try loading the metadata
        if updates is not None:
                updates = json.loads(updates)

    return metadata
Пример #26
def rename(self, image_name, path):
    '''rename performs a move, but ensures the path is maintained in storage

       image_name: the image name (uri) to rename to.
       path: the name to rename (basename is taken)

    container = self.get(image_name, quiet=True)

    if container is not None:
        if container.image is not None:

            # The original directory for the container stays the same
            dirname = os.path.dirname(container.image)

            # But we derive a new filename and uri

            names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(path))
            storage = os.path.join(self.storage,

            # This is the collection folder

            if not os.path.exists(storage):

            # Here we get the new full path, rename the container file

            fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, names['storage']))
            container = self.cp(move_to=fullpath,

            # On successful rename of file, update the uri

            if container is not None:
                container.uri = names['uri']
                return container

    bot.warning('%s not found' % (image_name))
Пример #27
    def get(self, request, name):
        print("GET DownloadImageView")
        names = parse_image_name(name)
        container = get_container(names)

        # If no container, regardles of permissions, 404
        if container is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        # Private containers we check the token
        if container.collection.private:
            token = get_token(request)

            # Only owners and contributors can pull
            collection = container.collection
            if (token.user not in collection.owners.all()
                    and token.user not in collection.contributors.all()):
                return Response(status=404)

        return redirect(self.get_download_url(container))
Пример #28
def record(self, images, action='add'):
    '''record an image from an endpoint. This function is akin to a pull,
       but without retrieving the image. We only care about the list of images
       (uris) to look up, and then the action that the user wants to take
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve metadata for a container based on this url.
    action: the action to take with the record. By default we add it, meaning
            adding a record (metadata and file url) to the database. It is
            recommended to place the URL for the image download under the 
            container.url field, and the metadata (the image manifest) should
            have a selfLink to indicate where it came from.

    # Take a look at pull for an example of this logic.
    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of RECORD[%s] for %s images' % (action, len(images)))

    for image in images:

        names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image))

        # Dropbox path is the path in storage with a slash
        dropbox_path = '/%s' % names['storage']

        # First ensure that exists
        if self.exists(dropbox_path) is True:

            # Get metadata from dropbox, and then update with sregistry
            metadata = self.dbx.files_get_metadata(dropbox_path)
            metadata = self._get_metadata(dbx_metadata=metadata)

            # Add image as a record
            container = self.add(image_uri=dropbox_path.strip('/'),
Пример #29
def rename(self, image_name, path):
    '''rename performs a move, but ensures the path is maintained in storage

       image_name: the image name (uri) to rename to.
       path: the name to rename (basename is taken)
    container = self.get(image_name, quiet=True)

    if container:
        if container.image:

            # Derive a new filename and url in storage
            names = parse_image_name(remove_uri(path),
            storage = self._get_storage_name(names)
            dirname = os.path.dirname(storage)

            # This is the collection folder
            if not os.path.exists(dirname):

            container = self.cp(move_to=storage,

            # On successful rename of file, update the uri
            if container is not None:

                # Create the collection if doesn't exist
                collection = self.get_or_create_collection(names['collection'])

                # Then update the container
                container = update_container_metadata(container, collection,
                return container

    bot.warning('%s not found' % image_name)
Пример #30
def record(self, images, action='add'):
    '''record an image from an endpoint. This function is akin to a pull,
       but without retrieving the image. We only care about the list of images
       (uris) to look up, and then the action that the user wants to take
    images: refers to the uri given by the user to pull in the format
    <collection>/<namespace>. You should have an API that is able to 
    retrieve metadata for a container based on this url.
    action: the action to take with the record. By default we add it, meaning
            adding a record (metadata and file url) to the database. It is
            recommended to place the URL for the image download under the 
            container.url field, and the metadata (the image manifest) should
            have a selfLink to indicate where it came from.

    # Take a look at pull for an example of this logic.
    if not isinstance(images, list):
        images = [images]

    bot.debug('Execution of RECORD[%s] for %s images' % (action, len(images)))

    # If used internally we want to return a list to the user.
    for image in images:

        # 0. Update the base in case we aren't working with default
        base = self._update_base(image)
        q = parse_image_name(remove_uri(image), base=base)

        digest = q['version'] or q['tag']

        # This is the Docker Hub namespace and repository
        manifests = self._get_manifests(q['url'], digest)

        # This is the url where the manifests were obtained
        url = self._get_manifest_selfLink(q['url'], digest)

        # We again use the "add" function, but we don't give an image path
        # so it's just added as a record
        container = self.add(image_uri=q['uri'], metadata=manifests, url=url)