def __init__(self, ctx, paths, stumped_txt): Gedit.Tab.__init__(self) self.ctx = ctx self._srm = ctx.srm self._paths = paths self._bg_color = None self._fg_color = None self._docs = DocumentPack(self, paths, 0) self._quick_tab_ext = ctypes.CDLL(LIBSRM_TRAINER_TAB_PATH) hbox = Gtk.HBox() header = Gtk.HBox() header.connect('draw', self.draw_bgnd) self._nav = ProblemNavigator([p.type_name for p in self._srm.problems]) self._nav.connect('problem-selected', self._set_location) header.pack_start(make_vbox(self._nav, True, True, 10), False, False, 10) stumped_widget = SrmTrainerImStumped(stumped_txt) stumped_widget_dropdown = SrmTrainerDropDownBtn('I\'m stumped!', stumped_widget) align = Gtk.Alignment() align.set(0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0) align.add(stumped_widget_dropdown) header.pack_end(align, False, False, 10) action_menu = Gtk.VBox() self._add_actions(action_menu) self._action_menu_dropdown = SrmTrainerDropDownBtn('Actions', action_menu) align = Gtk.Alignment() align.set(0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0) align.add(self._action_menu_dropdown) header.pack_end(align, False, False, 10) hbox.pack_start(header, True, True, 0) self.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0) self.reorder_child(hbox, 0) self.set_colors() hbox.show_all() self._set_location(None, 0)
class SrmTab(Gedit.Tab): __gtypename__ = 'SrmTab' __g_signals__ = { 'menu-item-clicked': (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, [object]) } def __init__(self, ctx, paths, stumped_txt): Gedit.Tab.__init__(self) self.ctx = ctx self._srm = ctx.srm self._paths = paths self._bg_color = None self._fg_color = None self._docs = DocumentPack(self, paths, 0) self._quick_tab_ext = ctypes.CDLL(LIBSRM_TRAINER_TAB_PATH) hbox = Gtk.HBox() header = Gtk.HBox() header.connect('draw', self.draw_bgnd) self._nav = ProblemNavigator([p.type_name for p in self._srm.problems]) self._nav.connect('problem-selected', self._set_location) header.pack_start(make_vbox(self._nav, True, True, 10), False, False, 10) stumped_widget = SrmTrainerImStumped(stumped_txt) stumped_widget_dropdown = SrmTrainerDropDownBtn('I\'m stumped!', stumped_widget) align = Gtk.Alignment() align.set(0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0) align.add(stumped_widget_dropdown) header.pack_end(align, False, False, 10) action_menu = Gtk.VBox() self._add_actions(action_menu) self._action_menu_dropdown = SrmTrainerDropDownBtn('Actions', action_menu) align = Gtk.Alignment() align.set(0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0) align.add(self._action_menu_dropdown) header.pack_end(align, False, False, 10) hbox.pack_start(header, True, True, 0) self.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0) self.reorder_child(hbox, 0) self.set_colors() hbox.show_all() self._set_location(None, 0) def _set_location(self, widget, problem_idx): self._docs.set_location(problem_idx) @property def problem_idx(self): return self._docs.get_location() def _add_actions(self, menu): class OnClick: def __init__(self, tab, item): self._tab = tab self._item = item def __call__(self, widget, data): self._tab._action_menu_dropdown.hide_popup() self._item['action'](self._tab) for item in self.ctx.menu_items: menu_item = SrmTrainerMenuItem(item['label']) menu_item.connect('clicked', OnClick(self, item)) menu.pack_start(menu_item, False, True, 0) def _menu_item_clicked(self, item): self.emit('menu-item-clicked', item) def set_colors(self): # TODO: right now this only works w/ Cobalt. Since each style scheme can name # individual styles whatever they want, there's no way to reliably get # the 'main' text style. I'll have to map the style name w/ the style # scheme in the config file. (e.g., 'cobalt' would map w/ 'text') txt_style = self.get_view() \ .get_buffer() \ .get_style_scheme() \ .get_style('text') if not txt_style: return bg_color_txt = txt_style.get_property('background') self._bg_color = Gdk.color_parse(bg_color_txt)[1] fg_color_txt = txt_style.get_property('foreground') self._fg_color = Gdk.color_parse(fg_color_txt)[1] self._nav.text_color = self._fg_color self._nav.bg_color = self._bg_color def draw_bgnd(self, widget, ctx): alloc = widget.get_allocation() self.set_colors() ctx.set_source_rgb( \ / COLOR_MAX, \ / COLOR_MAX, \ / COLOR_MAX) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) ctx.fill() def add_to_window(self, window, jump_to=True): self._quick_tab_ext.srm_trainer_tab_add_to_window(hash(self), hash(window), jump_to)