Пример #1
    def update(self):
            Check if the actor location is within trigger region
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        if location is None:
            return new_status

        if self._terminate_on_failure and (self.test_status == "FAILURE"):
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE

        elif self.test_status == "RUNNING" or self.test_status == "INIT":
            # are we too far away from the route waypoints (i.e., off route)?
            off_route = True
            for waypoint in self._waypoints:
                distance = math.sqrt(((location.x - waypoint.x)**2) +
                                     ((location.y - waypoint.y)**2))
                if distance < self._radius:
                    off_route = False
            if off_route:
                self._counter_off_route += 1

            if self._counter_off_route > self._offroad_max:
                route_deviation_event = TrafficEvent(
                    "Agent deviated from the route at (x={}, y={}, z={})".
                    format(location.x, location.y, location.z))
                    'x': location.x,
                    'y': location.y,
                    'z': location.z

                self.test_status = "FAILURE"
                new_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" %
                          (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        return new_status
Пример #2
    def update(self):
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        current_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)

        if current_location is None:
            return new_status

        if current_location.distance(self._location) < self._distance + 20:

            actor_distance, _ = get_distance_along_route(self._route, current_location)

            if (self._location_distance < actor_distance + self._distance and
                actor_distance < self._location_distance) or \
                    self._location_distance < 1.0:
                new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        return new_status
Пример #3
    def update(self):

        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self.actor)
        waypoint = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(location)

        # Wait for the actor to enter a junction
        if not self.inside_junction and waypoint.is_junction:
            self.inside_junction = True

        # And to leave it
        if self.inside_junction and not waypoint.is_junction:
            if self.debug:
                print("--- Leaving the junction")
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        return new_status
Пример #4
    def update(self):
        Check if the actor is within trigger distance to the intersection
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        distance = calculate_distance(current_waypoint.transform.location,

        if distance < self._distance:
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" %
                          (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        return new_status
Пример #5
    def update(self):
        Check if the actor is within trigger distance to the target location
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)

        if location is None:
            return new_status

        if calculate_distance(
                location, self._target_location) < self._distance:
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        return new_status
    def run_step(self):
        Execute on tick of the controller's control loop

        If _waypoints are provided, the vehicle moves towards the next waypoint
        with the given _target_speed, until reaching the final waypoint. Upon reaching
        the final waypoint, _reached_goal is set to True.

        If _waypoints is empty, the vehicle moves in its current direction with
        the given _target_speed.
        self._reached_goal = False

        if not self._waypoints:
            # get next waypoint from map, to avoid leaving the road
            # then navigate to this waypoint
            self._reached_goal = False

            map_wp = None
            if not self._generated_waypoint_list:
                map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
                map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
            while len(self._generated_waypoint_list) < 50:
                map_wp = map_wp.next(2.0)[0]

            direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity(
            if direction_norm < 1.0:
                self._generated_waypoint_list = self._generated_waypoint_list[
            # calculate required heading to reach next waypoint
            self._reached_goal = False
            direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity(
            if direction_norm < 1.0:
                self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:]
                if not self._waypoints:
                    self._reached_goal = True
    def update(self):
        Check if actor is in trigger distance
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        # calculate transform with method in openscenario_parser.py
        osc_transform = srunner.tools.openscenario_parser.OpenScenarioParser.convert_position_to_transform(

        if osc_transform is not None:
            osc_location = osc_transform.location
            actor_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
            distance = calculate_distance(osc_location, actor_location)

            if self._comparison_operator(distance, self._distance):
                new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        return new_status
    def update(self):
        Check if the _actor location is within trigger region
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)

        if location is None:
            return new_status

        not_in_region = (location.x < self._min_x or location.x > self._max_x) or (
            location.y < self._min_y or location.y > self._max_y)
        if not not_in_region:
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        return new_status
Пример #9
    def update(self):
        Check if the actor location is within trigger region
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        if location is None:
            return new_status

        if self._terminate_on_failure and (self.test_status == "FAILURE"):
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE

        elif self.test_status == "RUNNING" or self.test_status == "INIT":
            # are we too far away from the route waypoints (i.e., off route)?
            off_route = True

            shortest_distance = float('inf')
            for index in range(max(0, self._current_index - self._wsize),
                               min(self._current_index + self._wsize + 1, self._route_length)):
                # look for the distance to the current waipoint + windows_size
                ref_waypoint = self._waypoints[index]
                distance = math.sqrt(((location.x - ref_waypoint.x) ** 2) + ((location.y - ref_waypoint.y) ** 2))
                if distance < self.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD \
                        and distance <= shortest_distance \
                        and index >= self._current_index:
                    shortest_distance = distance
                    self._current_index = index
                    off_route = False
            if off_route:
                route_deviation_event = TrafficEvent(event_type=TrafficEventType.ROUTE_DEVIATION)
                route_deviation_event.set_message("Agent deviated from the route at (x={}, y={}, z={})".format(
                    location.x, location.y, location.z))
                route_deviation_event.set_dict({'x': location.x, 'y': location.y, 'z': location.z})

                self.test_status = "FAILURE"
                new_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        return new_status
Пример #10
    def update(self):
        Check if the actor location is within trigger region
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        if location is None:
            return new_status

        if self._terminate_on_failure and (self.test_status == "FAILURE"):
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE

        elif self.test_status == "RUNNING" or self.test_status == "INIT":

            for index in range(self._current_index, min(self._current_index + self._wsize + 1, self._route_length)):
                # look for the distance to the current waipoint + windows_size
                ref_waypoint = self._waypoints[index]
                distance = math.sqrt(((location.x - ref_waypoint.x) ** 2) + ((location.y - ref_waypoint.y) ** 2))
                if distance < self.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD:
                    # good! segment completed!
                    self._current_index = index
                    self._percentage_route_completed = 100.0 * float(self._accum_meters[self._current_index]) \
                        / float(self._accum_meters[-1])
                    self._traffic_event.set_dict({'route_completed': self._percentage_route_completed})
                        "Agent has completed > {:.2f}% of the route".format(self._percentage_route_completed))

            if self._percentage_route_completed > 99.0 and location.distance(self.target) < self.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD:
                route_completion_event = TrafficEvent(event_type=TrafficEventType.ROUTE_COMPLETED)
                route_completion_event.set_message("Destination was successfully reached")
                self.test_status = "SUCCESS"

        elif self.test_status == "SUCCESS":
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        self.actual_value = self._percentage_route_completed

        return new_status
    def update(self):
        Check actor waypoints
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(location)
        if waypoint is None:
            return new_status
        right_waypoint = waypoint.get_right_lane()
        if right_waypoint is None:
            return new_status
        lane_type = right_waypoint.lane_type

        if lane_type != carla.LaneType.Driving:
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))
        return new_status
Пример #12
    def update(self):
        Check if actor can arrive within trigger time
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        # calculate transform with method in openscenario_parser.py
            osc_transform = sr_tools.openscenario_parser.OpenScenarioParser.convert_position_to_transform(
        except AttributeError:
            return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
        target_location = osc_transform.location
        actor_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)

        if target_location is None or actor_location is None:
            return new_status

        if self._along_route:
            # Global planner needs a location at a driving lane
            actor_location = self._map.get_waypoint(
            target_location = self._map.get_waypoint(

        distance = calculate_distance(actor_location, target_location,

        actor_velocity = CarlaDataProvider.get_velocity(self._actor)

        # time to arrival
        if actor_velocity > 0:
            time_to_arrival = distance / actor_velocity
        elif distance == 0:
            time_to_arrival = 0
            time_to_arrival = float('inf')

        if self._comparison_operator(time_to_arrival, self._time):
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
        return new_status
    def update(self):
        Check velocity
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        if self.actor is None:
            return new_status

        location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self.actor)

        if location is None:
            return new_status

        if self._last_location is None:
            self._last_location = location
            return new_status

        self._distance += location.distance(self._last_location)
        self._last_location = location

        elapsed_time = GameTime.get_time()
        if elapsed_time > 0.0:
            self.actual_value = self._distance / elapsed_time

        if self.actual_value > self.expected_value_success:
            self.test_status = "SUCCESS"
        elif (self.expected_value_acceptable is not None
              and self.actual_value > self.expected_value_acceptable):
            self.test_status = "ACCEPTABLE"
            self.test_status = "RUNNING"

        if self._terminate_on_failure and (self.test_status == "FAILURE"):
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" %
                          (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))

        return new_status
    def _set_new_velocity(self, next_location):
        Calculate and set the new actor veloctiy given the current actor
        location and the _next_location_

            next_location (carla.Location): Next target location of the actor

            direction (carla.Vector3D): Normalized direction vector of the actor

        # set new linear velocity
        velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
        direction = next_location - CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        direction_norm = math.sqrt(direction.x**2 + direction.y**2)
        velocity.x = direction.x / direction_norm * self._target_speed
        velocity.y = direction.y / direction_norm * self._target_speed

        # set new angular velocity
        current_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._actor).rotation.yaw
        new_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
        delta_yaw = new_yaw - current_yaw

        if math.fabs(delta_yaw) > 360:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw % 360

        if delta_yaw > 180:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw - 360
        elif delta_yaw < -180:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw + 360

        angular_velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
        angular_velocity.z = delta_yaw / (direction_norm / self._target_speed)

        return direction_norm
Пример #15
    def update(self):
        Check driven distance
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        new_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        self._distance += calculate_distance(self._location, new_location)
        self._location = new_location

        if self.tmp_travel_dist_file:
            with open(self.tmp_travel_dist_file, 'a') as f_out:
                              str(self._distance)]) + '\n')

        if self._distance > self._target_distance:
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s]" %
                          (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))
        return new_status
    def update(self):
        Compute next control step for the given waypoint plan, obtain and apply control to actor
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING

        check_term = operator.attrgetter("terminate_WF_actor_{}".format(self._actor.id))
        terminate_wf = check_term(py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard())

        check_run = operator.attrgetter("running_WF_actor_{}".format(self._actor.id))
        active_wf = check_run(py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard())

        # Termination of WF if the WFs unique_id is listed in terminate_wf
        # only one WF should be active, therefore all previous WF have to be terminated
        if self._unique_id in terminate_wf:
            if self._unique_id in active_wf:

                "terminate_WF_actor_{}".format(self._actor.id), terminate_wf, overwrite=True)
                "running_WF_actor_{}".format(self._actor.id), active_wf, overwrite=True)
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
            return new_status

        if self._blackboard_queue_name is not None:
            while not self._queue.empty():
                actor = self._queue.get()
                if actor is not None and actor not in self._actor_dict:

        success = True
        for actor in self._local_planner_dict:
            local_planner = self._local_planner_dict[actor] if actor else None
            if actor is not None and actor.is_alive and local_planner is not None:
                # Check if the actor is a vehicle/bike
                if not isinstance(actor, carla.Walker):
                    control = local_planner.run_step(debug=False)
                    if self._avoid_collision and detect_lane_obstacle(actor):
                        control.throttle = 0.0
                        control.brake = 1.0
                    # Check if the actor reached the end of the plan
                    # @TODO replace access to private _waypoints_queue with public getter
                    if local_planner._waypoints_queue:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                        success = False
                # If the actor is a pedestrian, we have to use the WalkerAIController
                # The walker is sent to the next waypoint in its plan
                    actor_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(actor)
                    success = False
                    if self._actor_dict[actor]:
                        location = self._actor_dict[actor][0]
                        direction = location - actor_location
                        direction_norm = math.sqrt(direction.x**2 + direction.y**2)
                        control = actor.get_control()
                        control.speed = self._target_speed
                        control.direction = direction / direction_norm
                        if direction_norm < 1.0:
                            self._actor_dict[actor] = self._actor_dict[actor][1:]
                            if self._actor_dict[actor] is None:
                                success = True
                        control = actor.get_control()
                        control.speed = self._target_speed
                        control.direction = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(actor).rotation.get_forward_vector()

        if success:
            new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS

        return new_status
Пример #17
    def gather_info(self):
        def norm_2d(loc_1, loc_2):
            return np.sqrt((loc_1.x - loc_2.x)**2 + (loc_1.y - loc_2.y)**2)

        def get_bbox(vehicle):
            current_tra = vehicle.get_transform()
            current_loc = current_tra.location

            heading_vec = current_tra.get_forward_vector()
            heading_vec.z = 0
            heading_vec = heading_vec / math.sqrt(
                math.pow(heading_vec.x, 2) + math.pow(heading_vec.y, 2))
            perpendicular_vec = carla.Vector3D(-heading_vec.y, heading_vec.x,

            extent = vehicle.bounding_box.extent
            x_boundary_vector = heading_vec * extent.x
            y_boundary_vector = perpendicular_vec * extent.y

            bbox = [
                current_loc +
                carla.Location(x_boundary_vector - y_boundary_vector),
                current_loc +
                carla.Location(x_boundary_vector + y_boundary_vector),
                current_loc +
                carla.Location(-1 * x_boundary_vector - y_boundary_vector),
                current_loc +
                carla.Location(-1 * x_boundary_vector + y_boundary_vector)

            return bbox

        ego_bbox = get_bbox(self._vehicle)
        ego_front_bbox = ego_bbox[:2]

        actors = self._world.get_actors()
        vehicle_list = actors.filter('*vehicle*')
        pedestrian_list = actors.filter('*walker*')

        min_d = 10000
        for i, vehicle in enumerate(vehicle_list):
            if vehicle.id == self._vehicle.id:
            other_bbox = get_bbox(vehicle)
            for other_b in other_bbox:
                for ego_b in ego_bbox:
                    d = norm_2d(other_b, ego_b)
                    # print('vehicle', i, 'd', d)
                    min_d = np.min([min_d, d])

        for i, pedestrian in enumerate(pedestrian_list):
            pedestrian_location = pedestrian.get_transform().location
            for ego_b in ego_front_bbox:
                d = norm_2d(pedestrian_location, ego_b)
                # print('pedestrian', i, 'd', d)
                min_d = np.min([min_d, d])

        if min_d < self.min_d:
            self.min_d = min_d
            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                f_out.write('min_d,' + str(self.min_d) + '\n')

        angle_th = 120

        current_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._vehicle)
        current_transform = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._vehicle)
        current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(current_location,

        lane_center_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
            current_location, lane_type=carla.LaneType.Any)
        lane_center_transform = lane_center_waypoint.transform
        lane_center_location = lane_center_transform.location

        dev_dist = current_location.distance(lane_center_location)

        if dev_dist > self.dev_dist:
            self.dev_dist = dev_dist
            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                f_out.write('dev_dist,' + str(self.dev_dist) + '\n')

        # print(current_location, current_waypoint.lane_type, current_waypoint.is_junction)
        # print(lane_center_location, lane_center_waypoint.lane_type, lane_center_waypoint.is_junction)

        if current_waypoint and not current_waypoint.is_junction:

            ego_forward = current_transform.get_forward_vector()
            lane_forward = lane_center_transform.get_forward_vector()

            dev_angle = 2 * get_angle(lane_forward.x, lane_forward.y,
                                      ego_forward.x, ego_forward.y) / np.pi
            # print(lane_forward, ego_forward, dev_angle)
            if dev_angle > 1:
                dev_angle = 2 - dev_angle
            elif dev_angle < -1:
                dev_angle = (-1) * (2 + dev_angle)

            # carla map has opposite y axis
            dev_angle *= -1

            def get_d(coeff, dev_angle):
                if coeff < 0:
                    dev_angle = 1 - dev_angle
                elif coeff > 0:
                    dev_angle = dev_angle + 1

                # print(dev_angle, coeff)

                n = 1
                rv = lane_center_waypoint.transform.get_right_vector()
                new_loc = carla.Location(
                    lane_center_location.x + n * coeff * rv.x,
                    lane_center_location.y + n * coeff * rv.y, 0)

                new_wp = self._map.get_waypoint(new_loc,

                while new_wp and new_wp.lane_type in [
                        carla.LaneType.Driving, carla.LaneType.Parking,
                ] and np.abs(new_wp.transform.rotation.yaw -
                             ) < angle_th:
                    prev_loc = new_loc
                    n += 1
                    new_loc = carla.Location(
                        lane_center_location.x + n * coeff * rv.x,
                        lane_center_location.y + n * coeff * rv.y, 0)
                    new_wp = self._map.get_waypoint(
                    # if new_wp:
                    #     print(n, new_wp.transform.rotation.yaw)

                d = new_loc.distance(current_location)
                d *= dev_angle
                # print(d, new_loc, current_location)

                with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                    if (not new_wp) or (new_wp.lane_type not in [
                            carla.LaneType.Driving, carla.LaneType.Parking,
                        if not new_wp:
                            s = 'None wp'
                            s = new_wp.lane_type
                        # print('offroad_d', d, s, coeff)
                        # if new_wp:
                        #     print('lanetype', new_wp.lane_type)
                        if d < self.offroad_d:
                            self.offroad_d = d
                            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                                f_out.write('offroad_d,' +
                                            str(self.offroad_d) + '\n')
                        with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                            # print('wronglane_d', d, coeff)
                            if d < self.wronglane_d:
                                self.wronglane_d = d
                                f_out.write('wronglane_d,' +
                                            str(self.wronglane_d) + '\n')

            get_d(-0.2, dev_angle)
            get_d(0.2, dev_angle)
Пример #18
 def initialise(self):
     self._location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
     super(DriveDistance, self).initialise()
    def _count_collisions(weak_self, event):  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        Callback to update collision count
        self = weak_self()
        if not self:

        actor_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self.actor)

        # Ignore the current one if it is the same id as before
        if self.last_id == event.other_actor.id:

        # Filter to only a specific actor
        if self.other_actor and self.other_actor.id != event.other_actor.id:

        # Filter to only a specific type
        if self.other_actor_type:
            if self.other_actor_type == "miscellaneous":
                if "traffic" not in event.other_actor.type_id \
                        and "static" not in event.other_actor.type_id:
                if self.other_actor_type not in event.other_actor.type_id:

        # Ignore it if its too close to a previous collision (avoid micro collisions)
        for collision_location in self.registered_collisions:

            distance_vector = actor_location - collision_location
            distance = math.sqrt(
                math.pow(distance_vector.x, 2) +
                math.pow(distance_vector.y, 2))

            if distance <= self.MIN_AREA_OF_COLLISION:

        if ('static' in event.other_actor.type_id or 'traffic' in event.other_actor.type_id) \
                and 'sidewalk' not in event.other_actor.type_id:
            actor_type = TrafficEventType.COLLISION_STATIC
        elif 'vehicle' in event.other_actor.type_id:
            actor_type = TrafficEventType.COLLISION_VEHICLE
        elif 'walker' in event.other_actor.type_id:
            actor_type = TrafficEventType.COLLISION_PEDESTRIAN

        collision_event = TrafficEvent(event_type=actor_type)
            'type': event.other_actor.type_id,
            'id': event.other_actor.id,
            'x': actor_location.x,
            'y': actor_location.y,
            'z': actor_location.z
            "Agent collided against object with type={} and id={} at (x={}, y={}, z={})"
            .format(event.other_actor.type_id, event.other_actor.id,
                    round(actor_location.x, 3), round(actor_location.y, 3),
                    round(actor_location.z, 3)))

        self.test_status = "FAILURE"
        self.actual_value += 1
        self.collision_time = GameTime.get_time()


        # Number 0: static objects -> ignore it
        if event.other_actor.id != 0:
            self.last_id = event.other_actor.id
    def initialise(self):

        # get initial actor position
        self._initial_actor_pos = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
Пример #21
    def run_step(self):
        Execute on tick of the controller's control loop

        If _waypoints are provided, the vehicle moves towards the next waypoint
        with the given _target_speed, until reaching the final waypoint. Upon reaching
        the final waypoint, _reached_goal is set to True.

        If _waypoints is empty, the vehicle moves in its current direction with
        the given _target_speed.

        If _consider_obstacles is true, the speed is adapted according to the closest
        obstacle in front of the actor, if it is within the _proximity_threshold distance.

        if self._cv_image is not None:
            cv2.imshow("", self._cv_image)

        if self._reached_goal:
            # Reached the goal, so stop
            velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)

        self._reached_goal = False

        if not self._waypoints:
            # No waypoints are provided, so we have to create a list of waypoints internally
            # get next waypoints from map, to avoid leaving the road
            self._reached_goal = False

            map_wp = None
            if not self._generated_waypoint_list:
                map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor))
                map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(self._generated_waypoint_list[-1].location)
            while len(self._generated_waypoint_list) < 50:
                map_wps = map_wp.next(3.0)
                if map_wps:
                    map_wp = map_wps[0]

            direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity(self._generated_waypoint_list[0].location)
            if direction_norm < 2.0:
                self._generated_waypoint_list = self._generated_waypoint_list[1:]
            # When changing from "free" driving without pre-defined waypoints to a defined route with waypoints
            # it may happen that the first few waypoints are too close to the ego vehicle for obtaining a
            # reasonable control command. Therefore, we drop these waypoints first.
            while self._waypoints and self._waypoints[0].location.distance(self._actor.get_location()) < 0.5:
                self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:]

            self._reached_goal = False
            direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity(self._waypoints[0].location)
            if direction_norm < 4.0:
                self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:]
                if not self._waypoints:
                    self._reached_goal = True
 def initialise(self):
     self._last_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self.actor)
     super(AverageVelocityTest, self).initialise()
 def initialise(self):
     self._last_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self.actor)
     super(DrivenDistanceTest, self).initialise()
Пример #24
    def gather_info(self, ego_control_and_speed_info=None):
        # if self.step % 1 == 0:
        #     self.record_other_actor_info_for_causal_analysis(ego_control_and_speed_info)

        ego_bbox = get_bbox(self._vehicle)
        ego_front_bbox = ego_bbox[:2]

        actors = self._world.get_actors()
        vehicle_list = actors.filter('*vehicle*')
        pedestrian_list = actors.filter('*walker*')

        min_d = 10000
        d_angle_norm = 1
        for i, vehicle in enumerate(vehicle_list):
            if vehicle.id == self._vehicle.id:

            d_angle_norm_i = angle_from_center_view_fov(vehicle,
            d_angle_norm = np.min([d_angle_norm, d_angle_norm_i])
            if d_angle_norm_i == 0:
                other_bbox = get_bbox(vehicle)
                for other_b in other_bbox:
                    for ego_b in ego_bbox:
                        d = norm_2d(other_b, ego_b)
                        # print('vehicle', i, 'd', d)
                        min_d = np.min([min_d, d])

        for i, pedestrian in enumerate(pedestrian_list):
            d_angle_norm_i = angle_from_center_view_fov(pedestrian,
            d_angle_norm = np.min([d_angle_norm, d_angle_norm_i])
            if d_angle_norm_i == 0:
                pedestrian_location = pedestrian.get_transform().location
                for ego_b in ego_front_bbox:
                    d = norm_2d(pedestrian_location, ego_b)
                    # print('pedestrian', i, 'd', d)
                    min_d = np.min([min_d, d])

        if min_d < self.min_d:
            self.min_d = min_d
            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                f_out.write('min_d,' + str(self.min_d) + '\n')

        if d_angle_norm < self.d_angle_norm:
            self.d_angle_norm = d_angle_norm
            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                f_out.write('d_angle_norm,' + str(self.d_angle_norm) + '\n')

        angle_th = 120

        current_location = CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._vehicle)
        current_transform = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._vehicle)
        current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(current_location,
        ego_forward = current_transform.get_forward_vector()
        ego_forward = np.array([ego_forward.x, ego_forward.y])
        ego_forward /= np.linalg.norm(ego_forward)
        ego_right = current_transform.get_right_vector()
        ego_right = np.array([ego_right.x, ego_right.y])
        ego_right /= np.linalg.norm(ego_right)

        lane_center_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
            current_location, lane_type=carla.LaneType.Any)
        lane_center_transform = lane_center_waypoint.transform
        lane_center_location = lane_center_transform.location
        lane_forward = lane_center_transform.get_forward_vector()
        lane_forward = np.array([lane_forward.x, lane_forward.y])
        lane_forward /= np.linalg.norm(lane_forward)
        lane_right = current_transform.get_right_vector()
        lane_right = np.array([lane_right.x, lane_right.y])
        lane_right /= np.linalg.norm(lane_right)

        dev_dist = current_location.distance(lane_center_location)
        # normalized to [0, 1]. 0 - same direction, 1 - opposite direction

        # print('ego_forward, lane_forward, np.dot(ego_forward, lane_forward)', ego_forward, lane_forward, np.dot(ego_forward, lane_forward))
        dev_angle = math.acos(np.clip(np.dot(ego_forward, lane_forward), -1,
                                      1)) / np.pi
        # smoothing and integrate
        dev_dist *= (dev_angle + 0.5)

        if dev_dist > self.dev_dist:
            self.dev_dist = dev_dist
            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                f_out.write('dev_dist,' + str(self.dev_dist) + '\n')

        # print(current_location, current_waypoint.lane_type, current_waypoint.is_junction)
        # print(lane_center_location, lane_center_waypoint.lane_type, lane_center_waypoint.is_junction)

        def get_d(coeff, dir, dir_label):

            n = 1
            while n * coeff < 7:
                new_loc = carla.Location(
                    current_location.x + n * coeff * dir[0],
                    current_location.y + n * coeff * dir[1], 0)
                # print(coeff, dir, dir_label)
                # print(dir_label, 'current_location, dir, new_loc', current_location, dir, new_loc)
                new_wp = self._map.get_waypoint(new_loc,

                if not (new_wp and new_wp.lane_type in [
                        carla.LaneType.Driving, carla.LaneType.Parking,
                ] and np.abs(new_wp.transform.rotation.yaw % 360 -
                             lane_center_waypoint.transform.rotation.yaw % 360)
                        < angle_th):
                    # if new_wp and new_wp.lane_type in [carla.LaneType.Driving, carla.LaneType.Parking, carla.LaneType.Bidirectional]:
                    #     print('new_wp.transform.rotation.yaw, lane_center_waypoint.transform.rotation.yaw', new_wp.transform.rotation.yaw, lane_center_waypoint.transform.rotation.yaw)
                    n += 1
                # if new_wp:
                #     print(n, new_wp.transform.rotation.yaw)

            d = new_loc.distance(current_location)
            # print(d, new_loc, current_location)

            with open(self.deviations_path, 'a') as f_out:
                if new_wp and new_wp.lane_type in [
                        carla.LaneType.Driving, carla.LaneType.Parking,
                    # print(dir_label, 'wronglane_d', d)
                    if d < self.wronglane_d:
                        self.wronglane_d = d
                        f_out.write('wronglane_d,' + str(self.wronglane_d) +
                        # print(dir_label, 'current_location, dir, new_loc', current_location, dir, new_loc, 'wronglane_d,'+str(self.wronglane_d)+'\n')
                    # if not new_wp:
                    #     s = 'None wp'
                    # else:
                    #     s = new_wp.lane_type
                    # print(dir_label, 'offroad_d', d, s, coeff)
                    # if new_wp:
                    # print(dir_label, 'lanetype', new_wp.lane_type)
                    if d < self.offroad_d:
                        self.offroad_d = d
                        f_out.write('offroad_d,' + str(self.offroad_d) + '\n')
                        # print(dir_label, 'current_location, dir, new_loc', current_location, dir, new_loc, 'offroad_d,'+str(self.offroad_d)+'\n')

        if current_waypoint and not current_waypoint.is_junction:
            get_d(-0.1, lane_right, 'left')
            get_d(0.1, lane_right, 'right')
        get_d(-0.1, ego_right, 'ego_left')
        get_d(0.1, ego_right, 'ego_right')
        get_d(0.1, ego_forward, 'ego_forward')
    def run_step(self):
        Execute on tick of the controller's control loop

        If _waypoints are provided, the vehicle moves towards the next waypoint
        with the given _target_speed, until reaching the final waypoint. Upon reaching
        the final waypoint, _reached_goal is set to True.

        If _waypoints is empty, the vehicle moves in its current direction with
        the given _target_speed.

        For further details see :func:`_set_new_velocity`

        if self._reached_goal:
            # Reached the goal, so stop
            velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)

        if self._visualizer:

        self._reached_goal = False

        if not self._waypoints:
            # No waypoints are provided, so we have to create a list of waypoints internally
            # get next waypoints from map, to avoid leaving the road
            self._reached_goal = False

            map_wp = None
            if not self._generated_waypoint_list:
                map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
                map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
            while len(self._generated_waypoint_list) < 50:
                map_wps = map_wp.next(2.0)
                if map_wps:
                    map_wp = map_wps[0]

            # Remove all waypoints that are too close to the vehicle
            while (self._generated_waypoint_list
                   and self._generated_waypoint_list[0].location.distance(
                       self._actor.get_location()) < 0.5):
                self._generated_waypoint_list = self._generated_waypoint_list[

            direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity(
            if direction_norm < 2.0:
                self._generated_waypoint_list = self._generated_waypoint_list[
            # When changing from "free" driving without pre-defined waypoints to a defined route with waypoints
            # it may happen that the first few waypoints are too close to the ego vehicle for obtaining a
            # reasonable control command. Therefore, we drop these waypoints first.
            while self._waypoints and self._waypoints[0].location.distance(
                    self._actor.get_location()) < 0.5:
                self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:]

            self._reached_goal = False
            if not self._waypoints:
                self._reached_goal = True
                direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity(
                if direction_norm < 4.0:
                    self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:]
                    if not self._waypoints:
                        self._reached_goal = True
    def _set_new_velocity(self, next_location):
        Calculate and set the new actor veloctiy given the current actor
        location and the _next_location_

        If _consider_obstacles is true, the speed is adapted according to the closest
        obstacle in front of the actor, if it is within the _proximity_threshold distance.
        If _consider_trafficlights is true, the vehicle will enforce a stop at a red
        traffic light.
        If _max_deceleration is set, the vehicle will reduce its speed according to the
        given deceleration value.
        If the vehicle reduces its speed, braking lights will be activated.

            next_location (carla.Location): Next target location of the actor

            direction (carla.Vector3D): Length of direction vector of the actor

        current_time = GameTime.get_time()
        target_speed = self._target_speed

        if not self._last_update:
            self._last_update = current_time

        current_speed = math.sqrt(self._actor.get_velocity().x**2 +

        if self._consider_obstacles:
            # If distance is less than the proximity threshold, adapt velocity
            if self._obstacle_distance < self._proximity_threshold:
                distance = max(self._obstacle_distance, 0)
                if distance > 0:
                    current_speed_other = math.sqrt(
                        self._obstacle_actor.get_velocity().x**2 +
                    if current_speed_other < current_speed:
                        acceleration = -0.5 * (
                            current_speed - current_speed_other)**2 / distance
                        target_speed = max(
                            acceleration * (current_time - self._last_update) +
                            current_speed, 0)
                    target_speed = 0

        if self._consider_traffic_lights:
            if (self._actor.is_at_traffic_light()
                    and self._actor.get_traffic_light_state()
                    == carla.TrafficLightState.Red):
                target_speed = 0

        if target_speed < current_speed:
            if self._max_deceleration is not None:
                target_speed = max(
                    current_speed - (current_time - self._last_update) *
            if self._max_acceleration is not None:
                target_speed = min(
                    current_speed + (current_time - self._last_update) *

        # set new linear velocity
        velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
        direction = next_location - CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        direction_norm = math.sqrt(direction.x**2 + direction.y**2)
        velocity.x = direction.x / direction_norm * target_speed
        velocity.y = direction.y / direction_norm * target_speed


        # set new angular velocity
        current_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._actor).rotation.yaw
        # When we have a waypoint list, use the direction between the waypoints to calculate the heading (change)
        # otherwise use the waypoint heading directly
        if self._waypoints:
            delta_yaw = math.degrees(math.atan2(direction.y,
                                                direction.x)) - current_yaw
            new_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
            delta_yaw = new_yaw - current_yaw

        if math.fabs(delta_yaw) > 360:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw % 360

        if delta_yaw > 180:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw - 360
        elif delta_yaw < -180:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw + 360

        angular_velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
        if target_speed == 0:
            angular_velocity.z = 0
            angular_velocity.z = delta_yaw / (direction_norm / target_speed)

        self._last_update = current_time

        return direction_norm
Пример #27
    def _set_new_velocity(self, next_location):
        Calculate and set the new actor veloctiy given the current actor
        location and the _next_location_

        If _consider_obstacles is true, the speed is adapted according to the closest
        obstacle in front of the actor, if it is within the _proximity_threshold distance.

            next_location (carla.Location): Next target location of the actor

            direction (carla.Vector3D): Length of direction vector of the actor

        current_time = GameTime.get_time()
        target_speed = self._target_speed

        if not self._last_update:
            self._last_update = current_time

        if self._consider_obstacles:
            # If distance is less than the proximity threshold, adapt velocity
            if self._obstacle_distance < self._proximity_threshold:
                distance = max(self._obstacle_distance, 0)
                if distance > 0:
                    current_speed = math.sqrt(self._actor.get_velocity().x**2 +
                    current_speed_other = math.sqrt(
                        self._obstacle_actor.get_velocity().x**2 +
                    if current_speed_other < current_speed:
                        acceleration = -0.5 * (
                            current_speed - current_speed_other)**2 / distance
                        target_speed = max(
                            acceleration * (current_time - self._last_update) +
                            current_speed, 0)
                    target_speed = 0

        # set new linear velocity
        velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
        direction = next_location - CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)
        direction_norm = math.sqrt(direction.x**2 + direction.y**2)
        velocity.x = direction.x / direction_norm * target_speed
        velocity.y = direction.y / direction_norm * target_speed


        # set new angular velocity
        current_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._actor).rotation.yaw
        new_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint(
        delta_yaw = new_yaw - current_yaw

        if math.fabs(delta_yaw) > 360:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw % 360

        if delta_yaw > 180:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw - 360
        elif delta_yaw < -180:
            delta_yaw = delta_yaw + 360

        angular_velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
        if target_speed == 0:
            angular_velocity.z = 0
            angular_velocity.z = delta_yaw / (direction_norm / target_speed)

        self._last_update = current_time

        return direction_norm