def test_parse_filter_min_low(self, virtual_mock): """ Testing low notation with 20G: """ virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', '50G:') assert isinstance(matcher.exact, tuple) assert matcher.low[0] == '50' assert matcher.low[1] == 'GB'
def test_compare_raise(self, virtual_mock): virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', 'None') disk_dict = dict(path='/dev/vdb', size='20.00 GB') with pytest.raises(Exception):"Couldn't parse size")
def test_parse_filter_max_high(self, virtual_mock): """ Testing high notation with :50G """ virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', ':50G') assert isinstance(matcher.exact, tuple) assert matcher.high[0] == '50' assert matcher.high[1] == 'GB'
def test_parse_filter_exact_GB_G(self, virtual_mock): """ Testing exact notation with 20G """ virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', '20GB') assert isinstance(matcher.exact, tuple) assert matcher.exact[0] == '20' assert matcher.exact[1] == 'GB'
def test_normalize_suffix_raises(self, virtual_mock): virtual_mock.return_value = False with pytest.raises(dg.UnitNotSupported): dg.SizeMatcher('10P', 'size')._normalize_suffix("P")"Unit 'P' not supported")
def test_normalize_suffix(self, virtual_mock, test_input, expected): virtual_mock.return_value = False assert dg.SizeMatcher('10G', 'size')._normalize_suffix(test_input) == expected
def test_parse_suffix(self, virtual_mock, test_input, expected): virtual_mock.return_value = False assert dg.SizeMatcher('size', '10G').parse_suffix(test_input) == expected
def test_get_k_v(self, virtual_mock, test_input, expected): virtual_mock.return_value = False assert dg.SizeMatcher('size', '10G')._get_k_v(test_input) == expected
def test_compare_at_least_1TB(self, virtual_mock, test_input, expected): virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', '1TB:') disk_dict = dict(path='/dev/sdz', size=test_input) ret = assert ret is expected
def test_compare_high(self, virtual_mock, test_input, expected): virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', ':50GB') disk_dict = dict(path='/dev/vdb', size=test_input) ret = assert ret is expected
def test_compare_exact(self, virtual_mock): virtual_mock.return_value = False matcher = dg.SizeMatcher('size', '20GB') disk_dict = dict(path='/dev/vdb', size='20.00 GB') ret = assert ret is True
def test_to_byte_PB(self, virtual_mock): """ Expect to raise """ virtual_mock.return_value = False with pytest.raises(dg.UnitNotSupported): dg.SizeMatcher('size', '10P').to_byte(('10', 'PB')) assert 'Unit \'P\' is not supported'
def test_to_byte_TB(self, virtual_mock): """ Pretty nonesense test..""" virtual_mock.return_value = False ret = dg.SizeMatcher('size', '10T').to_byte(('10', 'TB')) assert ret == 10 * 1e+12