def plot_bar_graph(series, series_colors, series_labels=None, series_color_emphasis=None, series_errs=None, series_err_colors=None, series_padding=0.0, series_use_labels=False, series_style=None, plot_xlabel=None, plot_ylabel=None, plot_yinvert=False, plot_title=None, category_labels=None, category_ticks=True, category_padding=0.25, barwidth=0.35, xpadding=0., stacked=False, fontsize=8, legend_fontsize=8, legend_location='best', savefile=None, savefile_size=(3.4, 1.5), horizontal=False, show_plot=True): """ Plot a bar graph @param series List of data for each series - each of these will be plotted in a different color Each series should have the same number of elements. @param series_labels List of labels for each series - same length as series @param series_colors List of colors for each series - same length as series @param series_color_emphasis List of booleans, one for each series, indicating whether the series color should be bold - if None no series is bold @param series_errs The error values for each series - if None no error bars are plotted @param series_err_colors The colors for the error bars for each series, if None black is used @param plot_xlabel The label for the x-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_ylabel The label for the y-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_title A title for the plot - if None no title is printed @param category_labels The labels for each particular category in the histogram @param category_ticks If true, also place a tick at each category @param category_padding Fraction of barwidth (0 - 1) - distance between categories @param barwidth The width of each bar @param xpadding The padding between the first bar and the left axis and the last bar and the right axis @param stacked If true, stack the data in each category @param fontsize The size of font for all labels @param legend_fontsize The size of font for the legend labels @param legend_location The location of the legend, if None no legend is included @param savefile The path to save the plot to, if None plot is not saved @param savefile_size The size of the saved plot @param horizontal Plot bars horizontally instead of vertically @param show_plot If True, display the plot on the screen via a call to @return fig, ax The figure and axis the plot was created in """ # Validate if series is None or len(series) == 0: raise ValueError('No data series') num_series = len(series) if len(series_colors) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a color for every series') if series_labels is None: series_labels = [None for l in range(num_series)] if len(series_labels) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a label for every series') if series_errs is None: series_errs = [None for _ in series] if len(series_errs) != num_series: raise ValueError( 'series_errs is not None. Must provide error value for every series.' ) if series_err_colors is None: series_err_colors = ['black' for _ in series] if len(series_err_colors) != num_series: raise ValueError('Must provide an error bar color for every series') if series_color_emphasis is None: series_color_emphasis = [False for _ in series] if len(series_color_emphasis) != num_series: raise ValueError( 'The emphasis list must be the same length as the series_colors list' ) if series_use_labels and len(series[0]) > 1: raise ValueError('Only series containing one category may be labeled.') if series_style is None: series_style = [dict() for _ in series] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_utils.configure_fonts(fontsize=fontsize, legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize) if plot_yinvert: ax.invert_yaxis() spacing = category_padding * barwidth num_categories = len(series[0]) category_width = spacing + num_series * barwidth if stacked: category_width = spacing + barwidth index = numpy.array(range(num_categories)) * category_width + xpadding for idx in range(num_series): offset = idx * (barwidth + series_padding) if stacked: offset = 0. style = dict( label=series_labels[idx], color=colors.get_plot_color(series_colors[idx], emphasis=series_color_emphasis[idx]), ecolor=colors.get_plot_color(series_err_colors[idx]), linewidth=0, ) style.update(series_style[idx]) if horizontal: r = ax.barh( bottom=index + offset, #left = index + offset, height=barwidth, #series[idx], width=series[idx], # barwidth, xerr=series_errs[idx], **style) else: r = + offset, height=series[idx], width=barwidth, yerr=series_errs[idx], **style) # Label the plot if plot_ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(plot_ylabel) if plot_xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(plot_xlabel) if plot_title is not None: ax.set_title(plot_title) # Add category tick marks if series_use_labels: indices = numpy.arange(num_series) ticks = xpadding + indices * (barwidth + series_padding) + 0.5 * barwidth if horizontal: ax.set_yticks(ticks) else: ax.set_xticks(ticks) if series_labels is not None: if horizontal: ax.set_yticklabels(series_labels) else: ax.set_xticklabels(series_labels) elif category_ticks: if not stacked: ticks = index + (num_series / 2.) * barwidth else: ticks = index + .5 * barwidth if horizontal: ax.set_yticks(ticks) else: ax.set_xticks(ticks) if category_labels is not None: if horizontal: ax.set_yticklabels(category_labels) else: ax.set_xticklabels(category_labels) else: if horizontal: ax.set_yticks([]) else: ax.set_xticks([]) # Set the x-axis limits lims = [ 0, 2 * xpadding + num_categories * (category_width + (num_series - 1) * series_padding) - spacing ] if horizontal: ax.set_ylim(lims) else: ax.set_xlim(lims) # Legend if legend_location is not None: ax.legend(loc=legend_location, frameon=False) # Make the axis pretty plot_utils.simplify_axis(ax) # Save the file if savefile is not None: plot_utils.output(fig, savefile, savefile_size, fontsize=fontsize, legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize) # Show if show_plot: return fig, ax
def plot_hexbin(series, series_labels = None, plot_xlabel = None, plot_xlim = None, plot_ylabel = None, plot_ylim = None, plot_title = None, fontsize=8, vmax = None, vmin = None, linewidths = None, savefile = None, savefile_size = (3.4, 1.5), show_plot = True, gridsize = 20, series_C = None, reduce_C_function = numpy.mean, color_map = cm.jet, x_scale = 'linear', y_scale = 'linear', mincnt = None, series_edgecolors = None, marginals = False): """ Plot yvals as a function of xvals @param series List of (xvals, yvals) for each series- each of these will be plotted in a different color @param plot_xlabel The label for the x-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_xlim The limits for the x-axis - if None these limits are selected automatically @param plot_ylabel The label for the y-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_ylim The limits for the y-axis - if None these limits are selected automatically @param plot_title A title for the plot - if None no title is printed @param fontsize The size of font for all labels @param linewidths The width of the lines in the plot @param savefile The path to save the plot to, if None plot is not saved @param savefile_size The size of the saved plot @param show_plot If True, display the plot on the screen via a call to @param x_scale set to log or linear for the x axis @param y_scale set to log or linear for the y axis @param cmap the color of hexbin @param series_C In hexbin, 'C' is optional--it maps values to x-y coordinates; if 'C' is None (default) then the result is a pure 2D histogram @param reduce_C_function Could be numpy.mean, .sum, .count_nonzero, .max Function of one argument that reduces all the values in a bin to a single number @param mincnt If not None, only display cells with more than mincnt number of points in the cell @param gridsize how many hexagons in one line @return fig, ax The figure and axis the plot was created in """ # Validate if series is None or len(series) == 0: raise ValueError('No data series') num_series = len(series) if series_labels is None: series_labels = [None for s in series] if len(series_labels) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a label for every series') fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_utils.configure_fonts(fontsize=fontsize) xvals = series[0] yvals = numpy.array(series[1]) if series_C == None: c = None else: c = series_C if series_edgecolors == None: edgecolors = None else: edgecolors = colors.get_plot_color(series_edgecolors) # # # if 'bins=None', then color of each hexagon corresponds directly to its count # 'C' is optional--it maps values to x-y coordinates; if 'C' is None (default) then # the result is a pure 2D histogram # hb = plt.hexbin(x, y, C=None, gridsize=gridsize, marginals=True, cmap=cm.jet, bins=None) # hb = plt.hexbin(x, y, C=None, marginals=True, cmap=plt.get_cmap('YlOrBr'), bins=None) # r = ax.hexbin(xvals, yvals, C=None, marginals=True, cmap=plt.get_cmap('YlOrBr'), bins=None) if plot_xlim is None or plot_ylim is None: plot_xlim = [min(xvals),max(xvals)] plot_ylim = [min(yvals),max(yvals)] if c == None: im = ax.hexbin(xvals, yvals, C=None, cmap=color_map, bins=None, gridsize = gridsize, xscale = 'linear', yscale = 'linear', norm=None, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=None, linewidths=linewidths, edgecolors=edgecolors, extent=[plot_xlim[0], plot_xlim[1], plot_ylim[0], plot_ylim[1]], mincnt=None, marginals=marginals) else: im = ax.hexbin(xvals, yvals, C=c, cmap=color_map, bins=None, gridsize = gridsize, xscale = 'linear', yscale = 'linear', norm=None, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=None, linewidths=linewidths, edgecolors=edgecolors, reduce_C_function = reduce_C_function, mincnt=None, marginals=marginals) cb = fig.colorbar(im,ax=ax) cb.set_label('count') # plt.axis([min(x)-1., max(x)+1., min(y)-0.1, max(y)+0.1]) plt.axis([plot_xlim[0], plot_xlim[1], plot_ylim[0], plot_ylim[1]]) if plot_ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(plot_ylabel) if plot_xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(plot_xlabel) if plot_title is not None: plt.title(plot_title) # Make the axis pretty plot_utils.simplify_axis(ax) # Save the file if savefile is not None: plot_utils.output(fig, savefile, savefile_size, fontsize=fontsize) # Show if show_plot: return im
def plot(series, series_colors, series_color_emphasis=None, series_labels=None, series_errs=None, series_err_colors=None, fill_error=True, plot_xlabel=None, plot_xlim=None, plot_ylabel=None, plot_ylim=None, plot_title=None, fontsize=8, legend_fontsize=8, linewidth=2, legend_location='best', savefile=None, savefile_size=(3.4, 1.5), show_plot=True, jitter_x=-1., jitter_y=-1., jitter_alpha=1., marker_size=5, x_scale='linear', y_scale='linear', plot_markers=None, line_styles=None, mark_every=1): """ Plot yvals as a function of xvals @param series List of (xvals, yvals) for each series- each of these will be plotted in a different color @param series_labels List of labels for each series - same length as series @param series_colors List of colors for each series - same length as series @param series_color_emphasis List of booleans, one for each series, indicating whether the series color should be bold - if None no series is bold @param series_errs The error values for each series - if None no error bars are plotted @param series_err_colors The colors for the error bars for each series, if None black is used - @param fill_error If true, shade the area to show error bars, if not, draw actual error bars @param plot_xlabel The label for the x-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_xlim The limits for the x-axis - if None these limits are selected automatically @param plot_ylabel The label for the y-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_ylim The limits for the y-axis - if None these limits are selected automatically @param plot_title A title for the plot - if None no title is printed @param fontsize The size of font for all labels @param legend_fontsize The size of font for the legend labels @param linewidth The width of the lines in the plot @param legend_location The location of the legend, if None no legend is included @param savefile The path to save the plot to, if None plot is not saved @param savefile_size The size of the saved plot @param show_plot If True, display the plot on the screen via a call to @param x_scale set to log or linear for the x axis @param y_scale set to log or linear for the y axis @param plot_markers if not None, a list of line marker symbols @param line_styles if not None, a list of line style symbols @param marker_size @param jitter_x the scale of the normal distribution for jitter along x direction, if -1., then no jitter along x @param jitter_y the scale of the normal distribution for jitter along y direction, if -1., then no jitter along y @param jitter_alpha the alpha value for jittered scatter points @return fig, ax The figure and axis the plot was created in """ # Validate if series is None or len(series) == 0: raise ValueError('No data series') num_series = len(series) if len(series_colors) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a color for every series') if series_labels is None: series_labels = [None for s in series] if len(series_labels) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a label for every series') if series_errs is None: series_errs = [None for s in series] if len(series_errs) != num_series: raise ValueError( 'series_errs is not None. Must provide error value for every series.' ) if series_err_colors is None: series_err_colors = ['black' for s in series] if len(series_err_colors) != num_series: raise ValueError('Must provide an error bar color for every series') if series_color_emphasis is None: series_color_emphasis = [False for s in series] if len(series_color_emphasis) != num_series: raise ValueError( 'The emphasis list must be the same length as the series_colors list' ) if plot_markers is None: plot_markers = ['None' for s in series] if len(plot_markers) != num_series: raise ValueError('The marker list must contain all series') if line_styles is None: line_styles = ['-' for s in series] if len(line_styles) != num_series: raise ValueError('The line style list must contain all series') fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_utils.configure_fonts(fontsize=fontsize, legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize) num_series = len(series) for idx in range(num_series): xvals = series[idx][0] yvals = numpy.array(series[idx][1]) # by Shen Li if jitter_x != -1. and jitter_y == -1.: # # Add some random "jitter" to the x-axis xvals = numpy.random.normal(xvals, jitter_x, size=len(yvals)) elif jitter_x == -1. and jitter_y != -1.: # # Add some random "jitter" to the x-axis yvals = numpy.random.normal(yvals, jitter_y, size=len(xvals)) elif jitter_x != -1. and jitter_y != -1.: xs = list(numpy.random.normal(xvals, jitter_x, size=len(yvals))) ys = list(numpy.random.normal(yvals, jitter_y, size=len(xvals))) xvals = xs yvals = ys r = ax.plot(xvals, yvals, label=series_labels[idx], color=colors.get_plot_color( series_colors[idx], emphasis=series_color_emphasis[idx]), marker=plot_markers[idx], linestyle=line_styles[idx], lw=linewidth, markersize=marker_size, markevery=mark_every, alpha=jitter_alpha) errs = series_errs[idx] if errs is not None: shade_color = colors.get_plot_color(color=series_err_colors[idx]) if fill_error: plot_utils.shaded_error(ax, xvals, yvals, numpy.array(errs), color=shade_color) else: ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals, yerr=errs, linestyle='None', ecolor=shade_color) # Label the plot if plot_ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(plot_ylabel) if plot_xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(plot_xlabel) if plot_title is not None: ax.set_title(plot_title) if plot_xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(plot_xlim) if plot_ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(plot_ylim) ax.set_yscale(y_scale) ax.set_xscale(x_scale) # Legend if legend_location is not None: ax.legend(loc=legend_location, frameon=False) # Make the axis pretty plot_utils.simplify_axis(ax) # Save the file if savefile is not None: plot_utils.output(fig, savefile, savefile_size, fontsize=fontsize, legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize) # Show if show_plot: return fig, ax
def plot_stacked_vertical_bar_graph(series, series_colors, series_labels=None, series_color_emphasis=None, series_errs=None, series_err_colors=None, series_padding=0.0, series_use_labels=False, series_style=None, plot_xlabel=None, plot_ylabel=None, plot_yinvert=False, plot_title=None, category_labels=None, category_ticks=True, category_padding=0.25, barwidth=0.35, xpadding=0., fontsize=8, legend_fontsize=8, legend_location='best', legend_title=None, legend_reverse_label=False, legend_bbox_to_anchor=None, legend_pos_rel_plot=None, legend_title_pos=None, legend_labelspacing=None, savefile=None, savefile_size=(3.4, 1.5), show_plot=True): """ Plot a bar graph @param series List of data for each series - each of these will be plotted in a different color Each series should have the same number of elements. @param series_labels List of labels for each series - same length as series @param series_colors List of colors for each series - same length as series @param series_color_emphasis List of booleans, one for each series, indicating whether the series color should be bold - if None no series is bold @param series_errs The error values for each series - if None no error bars are plotted @param series_err_colors The colors for the error bars for each series, if None black is used @param plot_xlabel The label for the x-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_ylabel The label for the y-axis - if None no label is printed @param plot_title A title for the plot - if None no title is printed @param category_labels The labels for each particular category in the histogram @param category_ticks If true, also place a tick at each category @param category_padding Fraction of barwidth (0 - 1) - distance between categories @param barwidth The width of each bar @param xpadding The padding between the first bar and the left axis and the last bar and the right axis @param fontsize The size of font for all labels @param legend_fontsize The size of font for the legend labels @param legend_location The location of the legend, if None no legend is included @param savefile The path to save the plot to, if None plot is not saved @param savefile_size The size of the saved plot @param show_plot If True, display the plot on the screen via a call to @return fig, ax The figure and axis the plot was created in """ # Validate if series is None or len(series) == 0: raise ValueError('No data series') num_series = len(series) if len(series_colors) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a color for every series') if series_labels is None: series_labels = [None for l in range(num_series)] if len(series_labels) != num_series: raise ValueError('You must define a label for every series') if series_errs is None: series_errs = [None for _ in series] if len(series_errs) != num_series: raise ValueError( 'series_errs is not None. Must provide error value for every series.' ) if series_err_colors is None: series_err_colors = ['black' for _ in series] if len(series_err_colors) != num_series: raise ValueError('Must provide an error bar color for every series') if series_color_emphasis is None: series_color_emphasis = [False for _ in series] if len(series_color_emphasis) != num_series: raise ValueError( 'The emphasis list must be the same length as the series_colors list' ) if series_use_labels and len(series[0]) > 1: raise ValueError('Only series containing one category may be labeled.') if series_style is None: series_style = [dict() for _ in series] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_utils.configure_fonts(fontsize=fontsize, legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize) if plot_yinvert: ax.invert_yaxis() spacing = category_padding * barwidth num_categories = len(series[0]) category_width = spacing + barwidth # position for each bar index = numpy.array(range(num_categories)) * category_width + xpadding # print index y_offset = numpy.array([0.0] * num_categories) for idx in range(num_series): # x_offset = idx * (barwidth + series_padding) x_offset = 0. style = dict( label=series_labels[idx], color=colors.get_plot_color(series_colors[idx], emphasis=series_color_emphasis[idx]), ecolor=colors.get_plot_color(series_err_colors[idx]), linewidth=0, ) style.update(series_style[idx]) r = + x_offset, height=series[idx], width=barwidth, bottom=y_offset, yerr=series_errs[idx], **style) y_offset = y_offset + series[idx] # Label the plot if plot_ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(plot_ylabel) if plot_xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(plot_xlabel) if plot_title is not None: ax.set_title(plot_title) # Add category tick marks if series_use_labels: indices = numpy.arange(num_series) ticks = xpadding + indices * (barwidth + series_padding) + 0.5 * barwidth ax.set_xticks(ticks) if series_labels is not None: ax.set_xticklabels(series_labels) elif category_ticks: ticks = index + .5 * barwidth ax.set_xticks(ticks) if category_labels is not None: ax.set_xticklabels(category_labels) else: ax.set_xticks([]) # Set the x-axis limits lims = [ 0, 2 * xpadding + num_categories * (category_width + (num_series - 1) * series_padding) - spacing ] ax.set_xlim(lims) # Legend if legend_location is not None: if legend_pos_rel_plot == 'right': # # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) legend_location = 'center left' legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1, 0.5) # # Put a legend to the right of the current axis # ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # l = ax.legend(title=legend_title, labelspacing=legend_labelspacing,\ frameon=False, loc=legend_location, bbox_to_anchor=legend_bbox_to_anchor) # if legend_reverse_label: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() l = ax.legend(handles[::-1], labels[::-1],\ title=legend_title, labelspacing=legend_labelspacing,\ frameon=False,loc=legend_location,\ bbox_to_anchor=legend_bbox_to_anchor) if legend_title_pos is not None: l.get_title().set_position(legend_title_pos) # Make the axis pretty plot_utils.simplify_axis(ax) # Save the file if savefile is not None: plot_utils.output(fig, savefile, savefile_size, fontsize=fontsize, legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize) # Show if show_plot: return fig, ax