Пример #1
 def __init__(self,
     self.p = None
     self.q = None
     self.g = None
     self.y = None
     self.x = None
     if file_obj is not None:
         self._from_private_key(file_obj, password)
     if filename is not None:
         self._from_private_key_file(filename, password)
     if (msg is None) and (data is not None):
         msg = Message(data)
     if vals is not None:
         self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y = vals
         if msg is None:
             raise SSHException('Key object may not be empty')
         if msg.get_string() != 'ssh-dss':
             raise SSHException('Invalid key')
         self.p = msg.get_mpint()
         self.q = msg.get_mpint()
         self.g = msg.get_mpint()
         self.y = msg.get_mpint()
     self.size = util.bit_length(self.p)
Пример #2
    def _parse_modulus(self, line):
        timestamp, mod_type, tests, tries, size, generator, modulus = line.split(
        mod_type = int(mod_type)
        tests = int(tests)
        tries = int(tries)
        size = int(size)
        generator = int(generator)
        modulus = long(modulus, 16)

        # weed out primes that aren't at least:
        # type 2 (meets basic structural requirements)
        # test 4 (more than just a small-prime sieve)
        # tries < 100 if test & 4 (at least 100 tries of miller-rabin)
        if (mod_type < 2) or (tests < 4) or ((tests & 4) and (tests < 8) and
                                             (tries < 100)):
                (modulus, 'does not meet basic requirements'))
        if generator == 0:
            generator = 2

        # there's a bug in the ssh "moduli" file (yeah, i know: shock! dismay!
        # call cnn!) where it understates the bit lengths of these primes by 1.
        # this is okay.
        bl = util.bit_length(modulus)
        if (bl != size) and (bl != size + 1):
                (modulus, 'incorrectly reported bit length %d' % size))
        if bl not in self.pack:
            self.pack[bl] = []
        self.pack[bl].append((generator, modulus))
Пример #3
    def _parse_modulus(self, line):
        timestamp, mod_type, tests, tries, size, generator, modulus = line.split()
        mod_type = int(mod_type)
        tests = int(tests)
        tries = int(tries)
        size = int(size)
        generator = int(generator)
        modulus = long(modulus, 16)

        # weed out primes that aren't at least:
        # type 2 (meets basic structural requirements)
        # test 4 (more than just a small-prime sieve)
        # tries < 100 if test & 4 (at least 100 tries of miller-rabin)
        if (mod_type < 2) or (tests < 4) or ((tests & 4) and (tests < 8) and (tries < 100)):
            self.discarded.append((modulus, 'does not meet basic requirements'))
        if generator == 0:
            generator = 2

        # there's a bug in the ssh "moduli" file (yeah, i know: shock! dismay!
        # call cnn!) where it understates the bit lengths of these primes by 1.
        # this is okay.
        bl = util.bit_length(modulus)
        if (bl != size) and (bl != size + 1):
            self.discarded.append((modulus, 'incorrectly reported bit length %d' % size))
        if bl not in self.pack:
            self.pack[bl] = []
        self.pack[bl].append((generator, modulus))
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, msg=None, data=None, filename=None, password=None, vals=None, file_obj=None):
     self.p = None
     self.q = None
     self.g = None
     self.y = None
     self.x = None
     if file_obj is not None:
         self._from_private_key(file_obj, password)
     if filename is not None:
         self._from_private_key_file(filename, password)
     if (msg is None) and (data is not None):
         msg = Message(data)
     if vals is not None:
         self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y = vals
         if msg is None:
             raise SSHException('Key object may not be empty')
         if msg.get_string() != b'ssh-dss':
             raise SSHException('Invalid key')
         self.p = msg.get_mpint()
         self.q = msg.get_mpint()
         self.g = msg.get_mpint()
         self.y = msg.get_mpint()
     self.size = util.bit_length(self.p)
Пример #5
 def _decode_key(self, data):
     # private key file contains:
     # DSAPrivateKey = { version = 0, p, q, g, y, x }
         keylist = BER(data).decode()
     except BERException as x:
         raise SSHException('Unable to parse key file: ' + str(x))
     if (type(keylist) is not list) or (len(keylist) < 6) or (keylist[0] != 0):
         raise SSHException('not a valid DSA private key file (bad ber encoding)')
     self.p = keylist[1]
     self.q = keylist[2]
     self.g = keylist[3]
     self.y = keylist[4]
     self.x = keylist[5]
     self.size = util.bit_length(self.p)
Пример #6
 def _parse_kexdh_gex_group(self, m):
     self.p = m.get_mpint()
     self.g = m.get_mpint()
     # reject if p's bit length < 1024 or > 8192
     bitlen = util.bit_length(self.p)
     if (bitlen < 1024) or (bitlen > 8192):
         raise SSHException('Server-generated gex p (don\'t ask) is out of range (%d bits)' % bitlen)
     self.transport._log(DEBUG, 'Got server p (%d bits)' % bitlen)
     # now compute e = g^x mod p
     self.e = pow(self.g, self.x, self.p)
     m = Message()
Пример #7
def _generate_prime(bits, rng):
    "primtive attempt at prime generation"
    hbyte_mask = pow(2, bits % 8) - 1
    while True:
        # loop catches the case where we increment n into a higher bit-range
        x = rng.read((bits + 7) // 8)
        if hbyte_mask > 0:
            x = chr(ord(x[0]) & hbyte_mask) + x[1:]
        n = util.inflate_long(x, 1)
        n |= 1
        n |= (1 << (bits - 1))
        while not number.isPrime(n):
            n += 2
        if util.bit_length(n) == bits:
    return n
Пример #8
 def _decode_key(self, data):
     # private key file contains:
     # RSAPrivateKey = { version = 0, n, e, d, p, q, d mod p-1, d mod q-1, q**-1 mod p }
         keylist = BER(data).decode()
     except BERException:
         raise SSHException('Unable to parse key file')
     if (type(keylist) is not list) or (len(keylist) < 4) or (keylist[0] != 0):
         raise SSHException('Not a valid RSA private key file (bad ber encoding)')
     self.n = keylist[1]
     self.e = keylist[2]
     self.d = keylist[3]
     # not really needed
     self.p = keylist[4]
     self.q = keylist[5]
     self.size = util.bit_length(self.n)
Пример #9
def _generate_prime(bits, rng):
    "primtive attempt at prime generation"
    hbyte_mask = pow(2, bits % 8) - 1
    while True:
        # loop catches the case where we increment n into a higher bit-range
        x = rng.read((bits+7) // 8)
        if hbyte_mask > 0:
            x = chr(ord(x[0]) & hbyte_mask) + x[1:]
        n = util.inflate_long(x, 1)
        n |= 1
        n |= (1 << (bits - 1))
        while not number.isPrime(n):
            n += 2
        if util.bit_length(n) == bits:
    return n
Пример #10
 def _decode_key(self, data):
     # private key file contains:
     # RSAPrivateKey = { version = 0, n, e, d, p, q, d mod p-1, d mod q-1, q**-1 mod p }
         keylist = BER(data).decode()
     except BERException:
         raise SSHException('Unable to parse key file')
     if (type(keylist) is not list) or (len(keylist) < 4) or (keylist[0] != 0):
         raise SSHException('Not a valid RSA private key file (bad ber encoding)')
     self.n = keylist[1]
     self.e = keylist[2]
     self.d = keylist[3]
     # not really needed
     self.p = keylist[4]
     self.q = keylist[5]
     self.size = util.bit_length(self.n)
Пример #11
 def _parse_kexdh_gex_group(self, m):
     self.p = m.get_mpint()
     self.g = m.get_mpint()
     # reject if p's bit length < 1024 or > 8192
     bitlen = util.bit_length(self.p)
     if (bitlen < 1024) or (bitlen > 8192):
         raise SSHException(
             'Server-generated gex p (don\'t ask) is out of range (%d bits)'
             % bitlen)
     self.transport._log(DEBUG, 'Got server p (%d bits)' % bitlen)
     # now compute e = g^x mod p
     self.e = pow(self.g, self.x, self.p)
     m = Message()
Пример #12
def _roll_random(rng, n):
    "returns a random # from 0 to N-1"
    bits = util.bit_length(n - 1)
    bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
    hbyte_mask = pow(2, bits % 8) - 1

    # so here's the plan:
    # we fetch as many random bits as we'd need to fit N-1, and if the
    # generated number is >= N, we try again.  in the worst case (N-1 is a
    # power of 2), we have slightly better than 50% odds of getting one that
    # fits, so i can't guarantee that this loop will ever finish, but the odds
    # of it looping forever should be infinitesimal.
    while True:
        x = rng.read(bytes)
        if hbyte_mask > 0:
            x = chr(ord(x[0]) & hbyte_mask) + x[1:]
        num = util.inflate_long(x, 1)
        if num < n:
    return num
Пример #13
def _roll_random(rng, n):
    "returns a random # from 0 to N-1"
    bits = util.bit_length(n-1)
    bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
    hbyte_mask = pow(2, bits % 8) - 1

    # so here's the plan:
    # we fetch as many random bits as we'd need to fit N-1, and if the
    # generated number is >= N, we try again.  in the worst case (N-1 is a
    # power of 2), we have slightly better than 50% odds of getting one that
    # fits, so i can't guarantee that this loop will ever finish, but the odds
    # of it looping forever should be infinitesimal.
    while True:
        x = rng.read(bytes)
        if hbyte_mask > 0:
            x = chr(ord(x[0]) & hbyte_mask) + x[1:]
        num = util.inflate_long(x, 1)
        if num < n:
    return num
Пример #14
class DSSKey(PKey):
    Representation of a DSS key which can be used to sign an verify SSH2
    def __init__(self,
        self.p = None
        self.q = None
        self.g = None
        self.y = None
        self.x = None
        if file_obj is not None:
            self._from_private_key(file_obj, password)
        if filename is not None:
            self._from_private_key_file(filename, password)
        if (msg is None) and (data is not None):
            msg = Message(data)
        if vals is not None:
            self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y = vals
            if msg is None:
                raise SSHException('Key object may not be empty')
            if msg.get_string() != 'ssh-dss':
                raise SSHException('Invalid key')
            self.p = msg.get_mpint()
            self.q = msg.get_mpint()
            self.g = msg.get_mpint()
            self.y = msg.get_mpint()
        self.size = util.bit_length(self.p)

    def __str__(self):
        m = Message()
        return str(m)

    def __hash__(self):
        h = hash(self.get_name())
        h = h * 37 + hash(self.p)
        h = h * 37 + hash(self.q)
        h = h * 37 + hash(self.g)
        h = h * 37 + hash(self.y)
        # h might be a long by now...
        return hash(h)

    def get_name(self):
        return 'ssh-dss'

    def get_bits(self):
        return self.size

    def can_sign(self):
        return self.x is not None

    def sign_ssh_data(self, rng, data):
        digest = SHA.new(data).digest()
        dss = DSA.construct((long(self.y), long(self.g), long(self.p),
                             long(self.q), long(self.x)))
        # generate a suitable k
        qsize = len(util.deflate_long(self.q, 0))
        while True:
            k = util.inflate_long(rng.read(qsize), 1)
            if (k > 2) and (k < self.q):
        r, s = dss.sign(util.inflate_long(digest, 1), k)
        m = Message()
        # apparently, in rare cases, r or s may be shorter than 20 bytes!
        rstr = util.deflate_long(r, 0)
        sstr = util.deflate_long(s, 0)
        if len(rstr) < 20:
            rstr = '\x00' * (20 - len(rstr)) + rstr
        if len(sstr) < 20:
            sstr = '\x00' * (20 - len(sstr)) + sstr
        m.add_string(rstr + sstr)
        return m

    def verify_ssh_sig(self, data, msg):
        if len(str(msg)) == 40:
            # spies.com bug: signature has no header
            sig = str(msg)
            kind = msg.get_string()
            if kind != 'ssh-dss':
                return 0
            sig = msg.get_string()

        # pull out (r, s) which are NOT encoded as mpints
        sigR = util.inflate_long(sig[:20], 1)
        sigS = util.inflate_long(sig[20:], 1)
        sigM = util.inflate_long(SHA.new(data).digest(), 1)

        dss = DSA.construct(
            (long(self.y), long(self.g), long(self.p), long(self.q)))
        return dss.verify(sigM, (sigR, sigS))

    def _encode_key(self):
        if self.x is None:
            raise SSHException('Not enough key information')
        keylist = [0, self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y, self.x]
            b = BER()
        except BERException:
            raise SSHException('Unable to create ber encoding of key')
        return str(b)

    def write_private_key_file(self, filename, password=None):
        self._write_private_key_file('DSA', filename, self._encode_key(),

    def write_private_key(self, file_obj, password=None):
        self._write_private_key('DSA', file_obj, self._encode_key(), password)

    def generate(bits=1024, progress_func=None):
        Generate a new private DSS key.  This factory function can be used to
        generate a new host key or authentication key.

        @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be.
        @type bits: int
        @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in
            key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}).
        @type progress_func: function
        @return: new private key
        @rtype: L{DSSKey}
        dsa = DSA.generate(bits, rng.read, progress_func)
        key = DSSKey(vals=(dsa.p, dsa.q, dsa.g, dsa.y))
        key.x = dsa.x
        return key

    generate = staticmethod(generate)

    ###  internals...

    def _from_private_key_file(self, filename, password):
        data = self._read_private_key_file('DSA', filename, password)

    def _from_private_key(self, file_obj, password):
        data = self._read_private_key('DSA', file_obj, password)

    def _decode_key(self, data):
        # private key file contains:
        # DSAPrivateKey = { version = 0, p, q, g, y, x }
            keylist = BER(data).decode()
        except BERException, x:
            raise SSHException('Unable to parse key file: ' + str(x))
        if (type(keylist)
                is not list) or (len(keylist) < 6) or (keylist[0] != 0):
            raise SSHException(
                'not a valid DSA private key file (bad ber encoding)')
        self.p = keylist[1]
        self.q = keylist[2]
        self.g = keylist[3]
        self.y = keylist[4]
        self.x = keylist[5]
        self.size = util.bit_length(self.p)