def run(self): # I have a problem where I have multiple identity files in my ~/.ssh, and I want to use only identities loaded into the agent # since openssh does not seem to have an option to use only an agent we have a workaround, # by passing the -o IdentityFile option a path that does not exist, openssh can't use any other identities, and can only use the agent. # This is a little "racy" in that a tempfile with the same path could concievably be created between the unlink and openssh attempting to use it # but since the pub key is extracted from the agent not the identity file I can't see anyway an attacker could use this to trick a user into uploading the attackers key. logger_debug("testAuthThread started") import tempfile, os (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) os.unlink(path) ssh_cmd = '{sshbinary} -o IdentityFile={nonexistantpath} -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o PubkeyAuthentication=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -l {login} {host} echo "success_testauth"'.format( sshbinary=self.keydistObject.sshpaths.sshBinary, login=self.keydistObject.username,, nonexistantpath=path) logger_debug('testAuthThread: attempting: ' + ssh_cmd) ssh = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = ssh.communicate() ssh.wait() logger_debug('testAuthThread: stdout of ssh command: ' + str(stdout)) logger_debug('testAuthThread: stderr of ssh command: ' + str(stderr)) if 'success_testauth' in stdout: logger_debug( 'testAuthThread: got success_testauth in stdout :)') self.keydistObject.authentication_success = True newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent( KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHSUCCESS, self.keydistObject) else: logger_debug( 'testAuthThread: did not see success_testauth in stdout, posting EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHFAIL event' ) newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent( KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHFAIL, self.keydistObject) if (not self.stopped()): logger_debug( 'testAuthThread: self.stopped() == False, so posting event: ' + str(newevent)) wx.PostEvent(self.keydistObject.notifywindow.GetEventHandler(), newevent)
def run(self): # I have a problem where I have multiple identity files in my ~/.ssh, and I want to use only identities loaded into the agent # since openssh does not seem to have an option to use only an agent we have a workaround, # by passing the -o IdentityFile option a path that does not exist, openssh can't use any other identities, and can only use the agent. # This is a little "racy" in that a tempfile with the same path could conceivably be created between the unlink and openssh attempting to use it # but since the pub key is extracted from the agent not the identity file I can't see anyway an attacker could use this to trick a user into uploading the attackers key. threadid = threading.currentThread().ident logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: started"%threadid) import tempfile fd=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) fd.close() ssh_cmd = '{sshbinary} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o IdentityFile={nonexistantpath} -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PubkeyAuthentication=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l {login} {host} echo "success_testauth"'.format(sshbinary=self.keydistObject.keyModel.sshpaths.sshBinary, login=self.keydistObject.username,, nonexistantpath=path) logger.debug('testAuthThread: attempting: ' + ssh_cmd) ssh = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True,universal_newlines=True, startupinfo=self.keydistObject.startupinfo, creationflags=self.keydistObject.creationflags) stdout, stderr = ssh.communicate() ssh.wait() logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: stdout of ssh command: "%threadid + str(stdout)) logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: stderr of ssh command: "%threadid + str(stderr)) if 'Could not resolve hostname' in stdout: logger.debug('Network error.') newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent(KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_NETWORK_ERROR,self.keydistObject) elif 'success_testauth' in stdout: logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: got success_testauth in stdout :)"%threadid) self.keydistObject.authentication_success = True newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent(KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHSUCCESS,self.keydistObject) elif 'Agent admitted' in stdout: logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: the ssh agent has an error. Try rebooting the computer") self.keydistObject.cancel("Sorry, there is a problem with the SSH agent.\nThis sort of thing usually occurs if you delete your key and create a new one.\nThe easiest solution is to reboot your computer and try again.") return else: logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: did not see success_testauth in stdout, posting EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHFAIL event"%threadid) newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent(KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHFAIL,self.keydistObject) if (not self.stopped()): logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: self.stopped() == False, so posting event: "%threadid + str(newevent)) wx.PostEvent(self.keydistObject.notifywindow.GetEventHandler(),newevent) logger.debug("testAuthThread %i: stopped"%threadid)
def run(self): # I have a problem where I have multiple identity files in my ~/.ssh, and I want to use only identities loaded into the agent # since openssh does not seem to have an option to use only an agent we have a workaround, # by passing the -o IdentityFile option a path that does not exist, openssh can't use any other identities, and can only use the agent. # This is a little "racy" in that a tempfile with the same path could concievably be created between the unlink and openssh attempting to use it # but since the pub key is extracted from the agent not the identity file I can't see anyway an attacker could use this to trick a user into uploading the attackers key. logger_debug("testAuthThread started") import tempfile, os (fd,path)=tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) os.unlink(path) ssh_cmd = '{sshbinary} -o IdentityFile={nonexistantpath} -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o PubkeyAuthentication=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -l {login} {host} echo "success_testauth"'.format(sshbinary=self.keydistObject.sshpaths.sshBinary, login=self.keydistObject.username,, nonexistantpath=path) logger_debug('testAuthThread: attempting: ' + ssh_cmd) ssh = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True,universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = ssh.communicate() ssh.wait() logger_debug('testAuthThread: stdout of ssh command: ' + str(stdout)) logger_debug('testAuthThread: stderr of ssh command: ' + str(stderr)) if 'success_testauth' in stdout: logger_debug('testAuthThread: got success_testauth in stdout :)') self.keydistObject.authentication_success = True newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent(KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHSUCCESS,self.keydistObject) else: logger_debug('testAuthThread: did not see success_testauth in stdout, posting EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHFAIL event') newevent = KeyDist.sshKeyDistEvent(KeyDist.EVT_KEYDIST_AUTHFAIL,self.keydistObject) if (not self.stopped()): logger_debug('testAuthThread: self.stopped() == False, so posting event: ' + str(newevent)) wx.PostEvent(self.keydistObject.notifywindow.GetEventHandler(),newevent)