Пример #1
def main(latency_control, auto_hosts):
    debug1('Starting server with Python version %s\n' %

    if helpers.verbose >= 1:
        helpers.logprefix = ' s: '
        helpers.logprefix = 'server: '
    debug1('latency control setting = %r\n' % latency_control)

    routes = list(list_routes())
    debug1('available routes:\n')
    for r in routes:
        debug1('  %d/%s/%d\n' % r)

    # synchronization header

    handlers = []
    mux = Mux(
        socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),
        socket.fromfd(sys.stdout.fileno(), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
    routepkt = ''
    for r in routes:
        routepkt += '%d,%s,%d\n' % r
    mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_ROUTES, b(routepkt))

    hw = Hostwatch()
    hw.leftover = b('')

    def hostwatch_ready(sock):
        assert (hw.pid)
        content = hw.sock.recv(4096)
        if content:
            lines = (hw.leftover + content).split(b('\n'))
            if lines[-1]:
                # no terminating newline: entry isn't complete yet!
                hw.leftover = lines.pop()
                hw.leftover = b('')
            mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_HOST_LIST, b('\n').join(lines))
            raise Fatal('hostwatch process died')

    def got_host_req(data):
        if not hw.pid:
            (hw.pid, hw.sock) = start_hostwatch(data.strip().split(),
            handlers.append(Handler(socks=[hw.sock], callback=hostwatch_ready))

    mux.got_host_req = got_host_req

    def new_channel(channel, data):
        (family, dstip, dstport) = data.decode("ASCII").split(',', 2)
        family = int(family)
        # AF_INET is the same constant on Linux and BSD but AF_INET6
        # is different. As the client and server can be running on
        # different platforms we can not just set the socket family
        # to what comes in the wire.
        if family != socket.AF_INET:
            family = socket.AF_INET6
        dstport = int(dstport)
        outwrap = ssnet.connect_dst(family, dstip, dstport)
        handlers.append(Proxy(MuxWrapper(mux, channel), outwrap))

    mux.new_channel = new_channel

    dnshandlers = {}

    def dns_req(channel, data):
        debug2('Incoming DNS request channel=%d.\n' % channel)
        h = DnsProxy(mux, channel, data)
        dnshandlers[channel] = h

    mux.got_dns_req = dns_req

    udphandlers = {}

    def udp_req(channel, cmd, data):
        debug2('Incoming UDP request channel=%d, cmd=%d\n' % (channel, cmd))
        if cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_DATA:
            (dstip, dstport, data) = data.split(b(','), 2)
            dstport = int(dstport)
            debug2('is incoming UDP data. %r %d.\n' % (dstip, dstport))
            h = udphandlers[channel]
            h.send((dstip, dstport), data)
        elif cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_CLOSE:
            debug2('is incoming UDP close\n')
            h = udphandlers[channel]
            h.ok = False
            del mux.channels[channel]

    def udp_open(channel, data):
        debug2('Incoming UDP open.\n')
        family = int(data)
        mux.channels[channel] = lambda cmd, data: udp_req(channel, cmd, data)
        if channel in udphandlers:
            raise Fatal('UDP connection channel %d already open' % channel)
            h = UdpProxy(mux, channel, family)
            udphandlers[channel] = h

    mux.got_udp_open = udp_open

    while mux.ok:
        if hw.pid:
            assert (hw.pid > 0)
            (rpid, rv) = os.waitpid(hw.pid, os.WNOHANG)
            if rpid:
                raise Fatal('hostwatch exited unexpectedly: code 0x%04x\n' %

        ssnet.runonce(handlers, mux)
        if latency_control:

        if dnshandlers:
            now = time.time()
            remove = []
            for channel, h in dnshandlers.items():
                if h.timeout < now or not h.ok:
                    debug3('expiring dnsreqs channel=%d\n' % channel)
                    h.ok = False
            for channel in remove:
                del dnshandlers[channel]
        if udphandlers:
            remove = []
            for channel, h in udphandlers.items():
                if not h.ok:
                    debug3('expiring UDP channel=%d\n' % channel)
                    h.ok = False
            for channel in remove:
                del udphandlers[channel]
Пример #2
def _main(tcp_listener, udp_listener, fw, ssh_cmd, remotename, python,
          latency_control, dns_listener, seed_hosts, auto_hosts, auto_nets,
          daemon, to_nameserver):

    debug1('Starting client with Python version %s\n' %

    method = fw.method

    handlers = []
    if helpers.verbose >= 1:
        helpers.logprefix = 'c : '
        helpers.logprefix = 'client: '
    debug1('connecting to server...\n')

        (serverproc, serversock) = ssh.connect(
            stderr=ssyslog._p and ssyslog._p.stdin,
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.args[0] == errno.EPIPE:
            raise Fatal("failed to establish ssh session (1)")
    mux = Mux(serversock, serversock)

    expected = b'SSHUTTLE0001'

        v = 'x'
        while v and v != b'\0':
            v = serversock.recv(1)
        v = 'x'
        while v and v != b'\0':
            v = serversock.recv(1)
        initstring = serversock.recv(len(expected))
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.args[0] == errno.ECONNRESET:
            raise Fatal("failed to establish ssh session (2)")

    rv = serverproc.poll()
    if rv:
        raise Fatal('server died with error code %d' % rv)

    if initstring != expected:
        raise Fatal('expected server init string %r; got %r' %
                    (expected, initstring))
    if daemon:
        log('daemonizing (%s).\n' % _pidname)

    def onroutes(routestr):
        if auto_nets:
            for line in routestr.strip().split(b'\n'):
                if not line: continue
                (family, ip, width) = line.split(b',', 2)
                family = int(family)
                width = int(width)
                ip = ip.decode("ASCII")
                if family == socket.AF_INET6 and tcp_listener.v6 is None:
                    debug2("Ignored auto net %d/%s/%d\n" % (family, ip, width))
                if family == socket.AF_INET and tcp_listener.v4 is None:
                    debug2("Ignored auto net %d/%s/%d\n" % (family, ip, width))
                    debug2("Adding auto net %d/%s/%d\n" % (family, ip, width))
                    fw.auto_nets.append((family, ip, width, 0, 0))

        # we definitely want to do this *after* starting ssh, or we might end
        # up intercepting the ssh connection!
        # Moreover, now that we have the --auto-nets option, we have to wait
        # for the server to send us that message anyway.  Even if we haven't
        # set --auto-nets, we might as well wait for the message first, then
        # ignore its contents.
        mux.got_routes = None

    mux.got_routes = onroutes

    def onhostlist(hostlist):
        debug2('got host list: %r\n' % hostlist)
        for line in hostlist.strip().split():
            if line:
                name, ip = line.split(b',', 1)
                fw.sethostip(name, ip)

    mux.got_host_list = onhostlist

    tcp_listener.add_handler(handlers, onaccept_tcp, method, mux)

    if udp_listener:
        udp_listener.add_handler(handlers, onaccept_udp, method, mux)

    if dns_listener:
        dns_listener.add_handler(handlers, ondns, method, mux)

    if seed_hosts is not None:
        debug1('seed_hosts: %r\n' % seed_hosts)
        mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_HOST_REQ, str.encode('\n'.join(seed_hosts)))

    while 1:
        rv = serverproc.poll()
        if rv:
            raise Fatal('server died with error code %d' % rv)

        ssnet.runonce(handlers, mux)
        if latency_control:
Пример #3
def main(latency_control):
    debug1('Starting server with Python version %s\n'
           % platform.python_version())

    if helpers.verbose >= 1:
        helpers.logprefix = ' s: '
        helpers.logprefix = 'server: '
    debug1('latency control setting = %r\n' % latency_control)

    routes = list(list_routes())
    debug1('available routes:\n')
    for r in routes:
        debug1('  %d/%s/%d\n' % r)

    # synchronization header

    handlers = []
    mux = Mux(socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(),
                            socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),
                            socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
    routepkt = ''
    for r in routes:
        routepkt += '%d,%s,%d\n' % r
    mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_ROUTES, b(routepkt))

    hw = Hostwatch()
    hw.leftover = b('')

    def hostwatch_ready(sock):
        content = hw.sock.recv(4096)
        if content:
            lines = (hw.leftover + content).split(b('\n'))
            if lines[-1]:
                # no terminating newline: entry isn't complete yet!
                hw.leftover = lines.pop()
                hw.leftover = b('')
            mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_HOST_LIST, b('\n').join(lines))
            raise Fatal('hostwatch process died')

    def got_host_req(data):
        if not hw.pid:
            (hw.pid, hw.sock) = start_hostwatch(data.strip().split())
    mux.got_host_req = got_host_req

    def new_channel(channel, data):
        (family, dstip, dstport) = data.decode("ASCII").split(',', 2)
        family = int(family)
        dstport = int(dstport)
        outwrap = ssnet.connect_dst(family, dstip, dstport)
        handlers.append(Proxy(MuxWrapper(mux, channel), outwrap))
    mux.new_channel = new_channel

    dnshandlers = {}

    def dns_req(channel, data):
        debug2('Incoming DNS request channel=%d.\n' % channel)
        h = DnsProxy(mux, channel, data)
        dnshandlers[channel] = h
    mux.got_dns_req = dns_req

    udphandlers = {}

    def udp_req(channel, cmd, data):
        debug2('Incoming UDP request channel=%d, cmd=%d\n' % (channel, cmd))
        if cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_DATA:
            (dstip, dstport, data) = data.split(",", 2)
            dstport = int(dstport)
            debug2('is incoming UDP data. %r %d.\n' % (dstip, dstport))
            h = udphandlers[channel]
            h.send((dstip, dstport), data)
        elif cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_CLOSE:
            debug2('is incoming UDP close\n')
            h = udphandlers[channel]
            h.ok = False
            del mux.channels[channel]

    def udp_open(channel, data):
        debug2('Incoming UDP open.\n')
        family = int(data)
        mux.channels[channel] = lambda cmd, data: udp_req(channel, cmd, data)
        if channel in udphandlers:
            raise Fatal('UDP connection channel %d already open' % channel)
            h = UdpProxy(mux, channel, family)
            udphandlers[channel] = h
    mux.got_udp_open = udp_open

    while mux.ok:
        if hw.pid:
            assert(hw.pid > 0)
            (rpid, rv) = os.waitpid(hw.pid, os.WNOHANG)
            if rpid:
                raise Fatal(
                    'hostwatch exited unexpectedly: code 0x%04x\n' % rv)

        ssnet.runonce(handlers, mux)
        if latency_control:

        if dnshandlers:
            now = time.time()
            remove = []
            for channel, h in dnshandlers.items():
                if h.timeout < now or not h.ok:
                    debug3('expiring dnsreqs channel=%d\n' % channel)
                    h.ok = False
            for channel in remove:
                del dnshandlers[channel]
        if udphandlers:
            remove = []
            for channel, h in udphandlers.items():
                if not h.ok:
                    debug3('expiring UDP channel=%d\n' % channel)
                    h.ok = False
            for channel in remove:
                del udphandlers[channel]
Пример #4
def _main(tcp_listener, udp_listener, fw, ssh_cmd, remotename, python,
          latency_control, latency_buffer_size, dns_listener, seed_hosts,
          auto_hosts, auto_nets, daemon, to_nameserver):

    helpers.logprefix = 'c : '
    debug1('Starting client with Python version %s' %

    method = fw.method

    handlers = []
    debug1('Connecting to server...')

        (serverproc, serversock) = ssh.connect(
            stderr=ssyslog._p and ssyslog._p.stdin,
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.args[0] == errno.EPIPE:
            raise Fatal("failed to establish ssh session (1)")
    mux = Mux(serversock.makefile("rb"), serversock.makefile("wb"))

    expected = b'SSHUTTLE0001'

        v = 'x'
        while v and v != b'\0':
            v = serversock.recv(1)
        v = 'x'
        while v and v != b'\0':
            v = serversock.recv(1)
        initstring = serversock.recv(len(expected))
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.args[0] == errno.ECONNRESET:
            raise Fatal("failed to establish ssh session (2)")

    # Returns None if process is still running (or returns exit code)
    rv = serverproc.poll()
    if rv is not None:
        errmsg = "server died with error code %d\n" % rv

        # Our fatal exceptions return exit code 99
        if rv == 99:
            errmsg += "This error code likely means that python started and " \
                "the sshuttle server started. However, the sshuttle server " \
                "may have raised a 'Fatal' exception after it started."
        elif rv == 98:
            errmsg += "This error code likely means that we were able to " \
                "run python on the server, but that the program continued " \
                "to the line after we call python's exec() to execute " \
                "sshuttle's server code. Try specifying the python " \
                "executable to user on the server by passing --python " \
                "to sshuttle."

        # This error should only be possible when --python is not specified.
        elif rv == 97 and not python:
            errmsg += "This error code likely means that either we " \
                "couldn't find python3 or python in the PATH on the " \
                "server or that we do not have permission to run 'exec' in " \
                "the /bin/sh shell on the server. Try specifying the " \
                "python executable to use on the server by passing " \
                "--python to sshuttle."

        # POSIX sh standards says error code 127 is used when you try
        # to execute a program that does not exist. See section 2.8.2
        # of
        # https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_08
        elif rv == 127:
            if python:
                errmsg += "This error code likely means that we were not " \
                    "able to execute the python executable that specified " \
                    "with --python. You specified '%s'.\n" % python
                if python.startswith("/"):
                    errmsg += "\nTip for users in a restricted shell on the " \
                        "server: The server may refuse to run programs " \
                        "specified with an absolute path. Try specifying " \
                        "just the name of the python executable. However, " \
                        "if python is not in your PATH and you cannot " \
                        "run programs specified with an absolute path, " \
                        "it is possible that sshuttle will not work."
                errmsg += "This error code likely means that we were unable " \
                    "to execute /bin/sh on the remote server. This can " \
                    "happen if /bin/sh does not exist on the server or if " \
                    "you are in a restricted shell that does not allow you " \
                    "to run programs specified with an absolute path. " \
                    "Try rerunning sshuttle with the --python parameter."

        # When the redirected subnet includes the remote ssh host, the
        # firewall rules can interrupt the ssh connection to the
        # remote machine. This issue impacts some Linux machines. The
        # user sees that the server dies with a broken pipe error and
        # code 255.
        # The solution to this problem is to exclude the remote
        # server.
        # There are many github issues from users encountering this
        # problem. Most of the discussion on the topic is here:
        # https://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle/issues/191
        elif rv == 255:
            errmsg += "It might be possible to resolve this error by " \
                "excluding the server that you are ssh'ing to. For example, " \
                "if you are running 'sshuttle -v -r example.com 0/0' to " \
                "redirect all traffic through example.com, then try " \
                "'sshuttle -v -r example.com -x example.com 0/0' to " \
                "exclude redirecting the connection to example.com itself " \
                "(i.e., sshuttle's firewall rules may be breaking the " \
                "ssh connection that it previously established). " \
                "Alternatively, you may be able to use 'sshuttle -v -r " \
                "example.com -x example.com:22 0/0' to redirect " \
                "everything except ssh connections between your machine " \
                "and example.com."

        raise Fatal(errmsg)

    if initstring != expected:
        raise Fatal('expected server init string %r; got %r' %
                    (expected, initstring))
    log('Connected to server.')

    if daemon:
        log('daemonizing (%s).' % _pidname)

    def onroutes(routestr):
        if auto_nets:
            for line in routestr.strip().split(b'\n'):
                if not line:
                (family, ip, width) = line.split(b',', 2)
                family = int(family)
                width = int(width)
                ip = ip.decode("ASCII")
                if family == socket.AF_INET6 and tcp_listener.v6 is None:
                    debug2("Ignored auto net %d/%s/%d" % (family, ip, width))
                if family == socket.AF_INET and tcp_listener.v4 is None:
                    debug2("Ignored auto net %d/%s/%d" % (family, ip, width))
                    debug2("Adding auto net %d/%s/%d" % (family, ip, width))
                    fw.auto_nets.append((family, ip, width, 0, 0))

        # we definitely want to do this *after* starting ssh, or we might end
        # up intercepting the ssh connection!
        # Moreover, now that we have the --auto-nets option, we have to wait
        # for the server to send us that message anyway.  Even if we haven't
        # set --auto-nets, we might as well wait for the message first, then
        # ignore its contents.
        mux.got_routes = None

    mux.got_routes = onroutes

    def serverready():
        sdnotify.send(sdnotify.ready(), sdnotify.status('Connected'))

    def onhostlist(hostlist):
        debug2('got host list: %r' % hostlist)
        for line in hostlist.strip().split():
            if line:
                name, ip = line.split(b',', 1)
                fw.sethostip(name, ip)

    mux.got_host_list = onhostlist

    tcp_listener.add_handler(handlers, onaccept_tcp, method, mux)

    if udp_listener:
        udp_listener.add_handler(handlers, onaccept_udp, method, mux)

    if dns_listener:
        dns_listener.add_handler(handlers, ondns, method, mux)

    if seed_hosts is not None:
        debug1('seed_hosts: %r' % seed_hosts)
        mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_HOST_REQ, str.encode('\n'.join(seed_hosts)))

    def check_ssh_alive():
        if daemon:
            # poll() won't tell us when process exited since the
            # process is no longer our child (it returns 0 all the
            # time).
                os.kill(serverproc.pid, 0)
            except OSError:
                raise Fatal('ssh connection to server (pid %d) exited.' %
            rv = serverproc.poll()
            # poll returns None if process hasn't exited.
            if rv is not None:
                raise Fatal('ssh connection to server (pid %d) exited '
                            'with returncode %d' % (serverproc.pid, rv))

    while 1:
        ssnet.runonce(handlers, mux)
        if latency_control:
Пример #5
def _main(tcp_listener, udp_listener, fw, ssh_cmd, remotename,
          python, latency_control,
          dns_listener, seed_hosts, auto_nets, daemon):

    debug1('Starting client with Python version %s\n'
           % platform.python_version())

    method = fw.method

    handlers = []
    if helpers.verbose >= 1:
        helpers.logprefix = 'c : '
        helpers.logprefix = 'client: '
    debug1('connecting to server...\n')

        (serverproc, serversock) = ssh.connect(
            ssh_cmd, remotename, python,
            stderr=ssyslog._p and ssyslog._p.stdin,
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.args[0] == errno.EPIPE:
            raise Fatal("failed to establish ssh session (1)")
    mux = Mux(serversock, serversock)

    expected = b'SSHUTTLE0001'

        v = 'x'
        while v and v != b'\0':
            v = serversock.recv(1)
        v = 'x'
        while v and v != b'\0':
            v = serversock.recv(1)
        initstring = serversock.recv(len(expected))
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.args[0] == errno.ECONNRESET:
            raise Fatal("failed to establish ssh session (2)")

    rv = serverproc.poll()
    if rv:
        raise Fatal('server died with error code %d' % rv)

    if initstring != expected:
        raise Fatal('expected server init string %r; got %r'
                    % (expected, initstring))
    if daemon:
        log('daemonizing (%s).\n' % _pidname)

    def onroutes(routestr):
        if auto_nets:
            for line in routestr.strip().split(b'\n'):
                (family, ip, width) = line.split(b',', 2)
                family = int(family)
                width = int(width)
                ip = ip.decode("ASCII")
                if family == socket.AF_INET6 and tcp_listener.v6 is None:
                    debug2("Ignored auto net %d/%s/%d\n" % (family, ip, width))
                if family == socket.AF_INET and tcp_listener.v4 is None:
                    debug2("Ignored auto net %d/%s/%d\n" % (family, ip, width))
                    debug2("Adding auto net %d/%s/%d\n" % (family, ip, width))
                    fw.auto_nets.append((family, ip, width))

        # we definitely want to do this *after* starting ssh, or we might end
        # up intercepting the ssh connection!
        # Moreover, now that we have the --auto-nets option, we have to wait
        # for the server to send us that message anyway.  Even if we haven't
        # set --auto-nets, we might as well wait for the message first, then
        # ignore its contents.
        mux.got_routes = None
    mux.got_routes = onroutes

    def onhostlist(hostlist):
        debug2('got host list: %r\n' % hostlist)
        for line in hostlist.strip().split():
            if line:
                name, ip = line.split(b',', 1)
                fw.sethostip(name, ip)
    mux.got_host_list = onhostlist

    tcp_listener.add_handler(handlers, onaccept_tcp, method, mux)

    if udp_listener:
        udp_listener.add_handler(handlers, onaccept_udp, method, mux)

    if dns_listener:
        dns_listener.add_handler(handlers, ondns, method, mux)

    if seed_hosts is not None:
        debug1('seed_hosts: %r\n' % seed_hosts)
        mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_HOST_REQ, str.encode('\n'.join(seed_hosts)))

    while 1:
        rv = serverproc.poll()
        if rv:
            raise Fatal('server died with error code %d' % rv)

        ssnet.runonce(handlers, mux)
        if latency_control: