Пример #1
 def generic_test_negative(self, input_string, patt_string, preproc=False):
     'Generic test for negative matching'
     input_ast = ast.parse(input_string)
     pattern_ast = ast.parse(patt_string)
     if not preproc:
         pat = pattern_matcher.PatternMatcher(input_ast)
         self.assertFalse(pat.visit(input_ast, pattern_ast))
     self.assertFalse(pattern_matcher.match(input_string, patt_string))
Пример #2
 def test_with_nbits(self):
     'Test with nbits given by the user'
     tests = [("(x ^ 52) + 2*(x | 203)", 8),
              ("(x ^ 789) + 2*(64746 | x)", 16)]
     for input_string, nbits in tests:
         input_ast = ast.parse(input_string)
         pattern_ast = ast.parse("(A ^ ~B) + 2*(A | B)")
         pat = pattern_matcher.PatternMatcher(input_ast, nbits)
         self.assertTrue(pat.visit(input_ast, pattern_ast))
Пример #3
    def test_leveled(self):
        'Test positive matchings for leveled ast'
        pattern_string = "A + 2*B + 3*C"
        test_pos = ["x + 2*y + 3*z", "3*z + 2*y + x", "2*y + 3*z + x"]
        for input_string in test_pos:
            self.generic_test_positive(input_string, pattern_string, True)

        # actual pre-processing only level ADD nodes, but this test is
        # for code coverage
        test_neg = ast.parse("x ^ 2*y ^ 2*z")
        test_neg = pre_processing.all_preprocessings(ast.parse(test_neg))
        test_neg = asttools.LevelOperators().visit(test_neg)
        patt_ast = ast.parse(pattern_string)
        patt_ast = pre_processing.all_preprocessings(patt_ast)
        patt_ast = asttools.LevelOperators(ast.Add).visit(patt_ast)
        pat = pattern_matcher.PatternMatcher(test_neg)
        self.assertFalse(pat.visit(test_neg, patt_ast))
Пример #4
 def test_root(self):
     'Test with different types of roots'
     pattern_ast = ast.parse("A + B", mode='eval')
     input_ast = ast.parse("x + y", mode='eval')
     pat = pattern_matcher.PatternMatcher(input_ast)
     self.assertTrue(pat.visit(input_ast, pattern_ast))