def decompile(self, data, ttFont): # Get the version but don't advance the slice. # Most of the lookup for this table is done relative # to the begining so slice by the offsets provided # in the EBLC table. sstruct.unpack2(ebdtTableVersionFormat, data, self) # Keep a dict of glyphs that have been seen so they aren't remade. # This dict maps intervals of data to the BitmapGlyph. glyphDict = {} # Pull out the EBLC table and loop through glyphs. # A strike is a concept that spans both tables. # The actual bitmap data is stored in the EBDT. locator = ttFont[self.__class__.locatorName] self.strikeData = [] for curStrike in locator.strikes: bitmapGlyphDict = {} self.strikeData.append(bitmapGlyphDict) for indexSubTable in curStrike.indexSubTables: dataIter = itertools.izip(indexSubTable.names, indexSubTable.locations) for curName, curLoc in dataIter: # Don't create duplicate data entries for the same glyphs. # Instead just use the structures that already exist if they exist. if curLoc in glyphDict: curGlyph = glyphDict[curLoc] else: curGlyphData = data[slice(*curLoc)] imageFormatClass = self.getImageFormatClass(indexSubTable.imageFormat) curGlyph = imageFormatClass(curGlyphData, ttFont) glyphDict[curLoc] = curGlyph bitmapGlyphDict[curName] = curGlyph
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAHeaderFormat, data, self) self.glyphRecords = [] for i in range(self.nMetaRecs): glyphRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAGlyphRecordFormat, newData, GlyphRecord()) if self.metaFlags == 0: [glyphRecord.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:2]) newData = newData[2:] elif self.metaFlags == 1: [glyphRecord.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:4]) newData = newData[4:] else: assert 0, "The metaFlags field in the META table header has a value other than 0 or 1 :" + str(self.metaFlags) glyphRecord.stringRecs = [] newData = data[glyphRecord.offset:] for j in range(glyphRecord.nMetaEntry): stringRec, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAStringRecordFormat, newData, StringRecord()) if self.metaFlags == 0: [stringRec.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:2]) newData = newData[2:] else: [stringRec.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:4]) newData = newData[4:] stringRec.string = data[stringRec.offset:stringRec.offset + stringRec.stringLen] glyphRecord.stringRecs.append(stringRec) self.glyphRecords.append(glyphRecord)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAHeaderFormat, data, self) self.glyphRecords = [] for i in range(self.nMetaRecs): glyphRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAGlyphRecordFormat, newData, GlyphRecord()) if self.metaFlags == 0: [glyphRecord.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:2]) newData = newData[2:] elif self.metaFlags == 1: [glyphRecord.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:4]) newData = newData[4:] else: assert 0, "The metaFlags field in the META table header has a value other than 0 or 1 :" + str( self.metaFlags) glyphRecord.stringRecs = [] newData = data[glyphRecord.offset:] for j in range(glyphRecord.nMetaEntry): stringRec, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAStringRecordFormat, newData, StringRecord()) if self.metaFlags == 0: [stringRec.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:2]) newData = newData[2:] else: [stringRec.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:4]) newData = newData[4:] stringRec.string = data[stringRec.offset:stringRec.offset + stringRec.stringLen] glyphRecord.stringRecs.append(stringRec) self.glyphRecords.append(glyphRecord)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): # Get the version but don't advance the slice. # Most of the lookup for this table is done relative # to the begining so slice by the offsets provided # in the EBLC table. sstruct.unpack2(ebdtTableVersionFormat, data, self) # Keep a dict of glyphs that have been seen so they aren't remade. # This dict maps intervals of data to the BitmapGlyph. glyphDict = {} # Pull out the EBLC table and loop through glyphs. # A strike is a concept that spans both tables. # The actual bitmap data is stored in the EBDT. locator = ttFont[self.__class__.locatorName] self.strikeData = [] for curStrike in locator.strikes: bitmapGlyphDict = {} self.strikeData.append(bitmapGlyphDict) for indexSubTable in curStrike.indexSubTables: dataIter = itertools.izip(indexSubTable.names, indexSubTable.locations) for curName, curLoc in dataIter: # Don't create duplicate data entries for the same glyphs. # Instead just use the structures that already exist if they exist. if curLoc in glyphDict: curGlyph = glyphDict[curLoc] else: curGlyphData = data[slice(*curLoc)] imageFormatClass = self.getImageFormatClass( indexSubTable.imageFormat) curGlyph = imageFormatClass(curGlyphData, ttFont) glyphDict[curLoc] = curGlyph bitmapGlyphDict[curName] = curGlyph
def decompile(self): (self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,[4:], self.metrics) glyphIds = range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1) offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in xrange(len(glyphIds)+1)] self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:]) self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPFormat, data, self) self.psFontName = newData[:self.fontNameLength] assert (self.recordsOffset % 4) == 0, "GMAP error: recordsOffset is not 32 bit aligned." newData = data[self.recordsOffset:] self.gmapRecords = [] for i in range (self.recordsCount): gmapRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPRecordFormat1, newData, GMAPRecord()) ='\0') self.gmapRecords.append(gmapRecord)
def decompile(self): self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics) (numComponents,) = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2]) data = data[2:] self.componentArray = [] for i in xrange(numComponents): curComponent = EbdtComponent() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(ebdtComponentFormat, data, curComponent) = self.ttFont.getGlyphName(curComponent.glyphCode) self.componentArray.append(curComponent)
def decompile(self): (self.imageSize, ) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,[4:], self.metrics) glyphIds = range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex + 1) offsets = [ self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in xrange(len(glyphIds) + 1) ] self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:]) self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPFormat, data, self) self.psFontName = newData[:self.fontNameLength] assert (self.recordsOffset % 4) == 0, "GMAP error: recordsOffset is not 32 bit aligned." newData = data[self.recordsOffset:] self.gmapRecords = [] for i in range(self.recordsCount): gmapRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPRecordFormat1, newData, GMAPRecord()) ='\0') self.gmapRecords.append(gmapRecord)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self) if self.version == 1 and not data: # workaround for buggy Apple fonts self.version = 0 if self.version == 1: sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self) elif self.version in (2, 3, 4): sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self) elif self.version != 0: from fontTools import ttLib raise ttLib.TTLibError("unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version) self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self) if self.version == 1 and not data: # workaround for buggy Apple fonts self.version = 0 if self.version == 1: sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self) elif self.version in (2, 3, 4): sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self) elif self.version <> 0: from fontTools import ttLib raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
def decompile(self): self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics) (numComponents, ) = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2]) data = data[2:] self.componentArray = [] for i in xrange(numComponents): curComponent = EbdtComponent() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(ebdtComponentFormat, data, curComponent) = self.ttFont.getGlyphName( curComponent.glyphCode) self.componentArray.append(curComponent)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_HeaderFormat, data, self) assert self.ulVersion == 1, "DSIG ulVersion must be 1" assert self.usFlag & ~1 == 0, "DSIG usFlag must be 0x1 or 0x0" self.signatureRecords = sigrecs = [] for n in range(self.usNumSigs): sigrec, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_SignatureFormat, newData, SignatureRecord()) assert sigrec.ulFormat == 1, "DSIG signature record #%d ulFormat must be 1" % n sigrecs.append(sigrec) for sigrec in sigrecs: dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_SignatureBlockFormat, data[sigrec.ulOffset :], sigrec) assert sigrec.usReserved1 == 0, "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd1 must be 0" % n assert sigrec.usReserved2 == 0, "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd2 must be 0" % n sigrec.pkcs7 = newData[: sigrec.cbSignature]
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_HeaderFormat, data, self) assert self.ulVersion == 1, "DSIG ulVersion must be 1" assert self.usFlag & ~1 == 0, "DSIG usFlag must be 0x1 or 0x0" self.signatureRecords = sigrecs = [] for n in range(self.usNumSigs): sigrec, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_SignatureFormat, newData, SignatureRecord()) assert sigrec.ulFormat == 1, "DSIG signature record #%d ulFormat must be 1" % n sigrecs.append(sigrec) for sigrec in sigrecs: dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_SignatureBlockFormat, data[sigrec.ulOffset:], sigrec) assert sigrec.usReserved1 == 0, "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd1 must be 0" % n assert sigrec.usReserved2 == 0, "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd2 must be 0" % n sigrec.pkcs7 = newData[:sigrec.cbSignature]
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): # Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table. origData = data dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(eblcHeaderFormat, data, self) self.strikes = [] for curStrikeIndex in xrange(self.numSizes): curStrike = Strike() self.strikes.append(curStrike) curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data, curTable) for metric in ('hori', 'vert'): metricObj = SbitLineMetrics() vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(sbitLineMetricsFormat, data, metricObj) dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data, curTable) for curStrike in self.strikes: curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable for subtableIndex in xrange(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables): lowerBound = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize upperBound = lowerBound + indexSubTableArraySize data = origData[lowerBound:upperBound] tup = struct.unpack(indexSubTableArrayFormat, data) (firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex, additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup offsetToIndexSubTable = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable data = origData[offsetToIndexSubTable:] tup = struct.unpack(indexSubHeaderFormat, data[:indexSubHeaderSize]) (indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat) indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[indexSubHeaderSize:], ttFont) indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset curStrike.indexSubTables.append(indexSubTable)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, rest = sstruct.unpack2(headFormat, data, self) if rest: # this is quite illegal, but there seem to be fonts out there that do this assert rest == "\0\0" self.unitsPerEm = int(self.unitsPerEm) self.flags = int(self.flags) self.strings2dates()
def decompile_format_0(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(SVG_format_0, data, self) # read in SVG Documents Index pos = self.offsetToSVGDocIndex self.numEntries = numEntries = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0] self.decompileEntryList(data, pos + 2) # read in colorPalettes table. self.colorPalettes = colorPalettes = ColorPalettes() pos = self.offsetToColorPalettes if pos > 0: colorPalettes.numColorParams = numColorParams = struct.unpack( ">H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0] if numColorParams > 0: colorPalettes.colorParamUINameIDs = colorParamUINameIDs = [] pos = pos + 2 i = 0 while i < numColorParams: nameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0] colorParamUINameIDs.append(nameID) pos = pos + 2 i += 1 colorPalettes.numColorPalettes = numColorPalettes = struct.unpack( ">H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0] pos = pos + 2 if numColorPalettes > 0: colorPalettes.colorPaletteList = colorPaletteList = [] i = 0 while i < numColorPalettes: colorPalette = ColorPalette() colorPaletteList.append(colorPalette) colorPalette.uiNameID = struct.unpack( ">H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0] pos = pos + 2 colorPalette.paletteColors = paletteColors = [] j = 0 while j < numColorParams: colorRecord, colorPaletteData = sstruct.unpack2( colorRecord_format_0, data[pos:], ColorRecord()) paletteColors.append(colorRecord) j += 1 pos += 4 i += 1
def decompile(self): self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics) (dataLen, ) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] # For the image data cut it to the size specified by dataLen. assert dataLen <= len(data), "Data overun in format 18" self.imageData = data[:dataLen]
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self) # workarounds for buggy fonts (Apple, mona) if not data: self.version = 0 elif len(data) == sstruct.calcsize(OS2_format_1_addition): self.version = 1 elif len(data) == sstruct.calcsize(OS2_format_2_addition): if self.version not in (2, 3, 4): self.version = 1 else: from fontTools import ttLib raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table (incorrect length): version %s" % (self.version, len(data)) if self.version == 1: sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self) elif self.version in (2, 3, 4): sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self) elif self.version <> 0: from fontTools import ttLib raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, rest = sstruct.unpack2(SINGFormat, data, self) self.uniqueName = self.decompileUniqueName(self.uniqueName) self.nameLength = ord(self.nameLength) assert len(rest) == self.nameLength self.baseGlyphName = rest rawMETAMD5 = self.METAMD5 self.METAMD5 = "[" + hex(ord(self.METAMD5[0])) for char in rawMETAMD5[1:]: self.METAMD5 = self.METAMD5 + ", " + hex(ord(char)) self.METAMD5 = self.METAMD5 + "]"
def decompile(self): self.origDataLen = 0 (self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) data =[4:] self.metrics, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, data, BigGlyphMetrics()) (numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] glyphIds = [struct.unpack(">H", data[2*i:2*(i+1)])[0] for i in xrange(numGlyphs)] offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in xrange(len(glyphIds)+1)] self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:]) self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def decompile_format_0(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(SVG_format_0, data, self) # read in SVG Documents Index pos = self.offsetToSVGDocIndex self.numEntries = numEntries = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0] self.decompileEntryList(data, pos+2) # read in colorPalettes table. self.colorPalettes = colorPalettes = ColorPalettes() pos = self.offsetToColorPalettes if pos > 0: colorPalettes.numColorParams = numColorParams = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0] if numColorParams > 0: colorPalettes.colorParamUINameIDs = colorParamUINameIDs = [] pos = pos + 2 i = 0 while i < numColorParams: nameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0] colorParamUINameIDs.append(nameID) pos = pos + 2 i += 1 colorPalettes.numColorPalettes = numColorPalettes = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0] pos = pos + 2 if numColorPalettes > 0: colorPalettes.colorPaletteList = colorPaletteList = [] i = 0 while i < numColorPalettes: colorPalette = ColorPalette() colorPaletteList.append(colorPalette) colorPalette.uiNameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0] pos = pos + 2 colorPalette.paletteColors = paletteColors = [] j = 0 while j < numColorParams: colorRecord, colorPaletteData = sstruct.unpack2(colorRecord_format_0, data[pos:], ColorRecord()) paletteColors.append(colorRecord) j += 1 pos += 4 i += 1
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self) # workarounds for buggy fonts (Apple, mona) if not data: self.version = 0 elif len(data) == sstruct.calcsize(OS2_format_1_addition): self.version = 1 elif len(data) == sstruct.calcsize(OS2_format_2_addition): if self.version not in (2, 3, 4): self.version = 1 else: from fontTools import ttLib raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table (incorrect length): version %s" % ( self.version, len(data)) if self.version == 1: sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self) elif self.version in (2, 3, 4): sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self) elif self.version <> 0: from fontTools import ttLib raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
def expand(self, glyfTable): if not hasattr(self, "data"): # already unpacked return if not # empty char self.numberOfContours = 0 return dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(glyphHeaderFormat,, self) del if self.isComposite(): self.decompileComponents(data, glyfTable) else: self.decompileCoordinates(data)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs glyphOrder = ttFont.getGlyphOrder() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(hdmxHeaderFormat, data, self) self.hdmx = {} for i in range(self.numRecords): ppem = ord(data[0]) maxSize = ord(data[1]) widths = {} for glyphID in range(numGlyphs): widths[glyphOrder[glyphID]] = ord(data[glyphID+2]) self.hdmx[ppem] = widths data = data[self.recordSize:] assert len(data) == 0, "too much hdmx data"
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs glyphOrder = ttFont.getGlyphOrder() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(hdmxHeaderFormat, data, self) self.hdmx = {} for i in range(self.numRecords): ppem = ord(data[0]) maxSize = ord(data[1]) widths = {} for glyphID in range(numGlyphs): widths[glyphOrder[glyphID]] = ord(data[glyphID + 2]) self.hdmx[ppem] = widths data = data[self.recordSize:] assert len(data) == 0, "too much hdmx data"
def decompileEntryList(self, data, pos): # data starts with the first entry of the entry list. if self.numEntries > 0: data2 = data[pos:] self.docList = [] self.entries = entries = [] i = 0 while i < self.numEntries: docIndexEntry, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(doc_index_entry_format_0, data2, DocumentIndexEntry()) entries.append(docIndexEntry) i += 1 for entry in entries: start = entry.svgDocOffset end = start + entry.svgDocLength doc = data[start:end] self.docList.append( [doc, entry.startGlyphID, entry.endGlyphID] )
def decompileEntryList(self, data, pos): # data starts with the first entry of the entry list. if self.numEntries > 0: data2 = data[pos:] self.docList = [] self.entries = entries = [] i = 0 while i < self.numEntries: docIndexEntry, data2 = sstruct.unpack2( doc_index_entry_format_0, data2, DocumentIndexEntry()) entries.append(docIndexEntry) i += 1 for entry in entries: start = entry.svgDocOffset end = start + entry.svgDocLength doc = data[start:end] self.docList.append( [doc, entry.startGlyphID, entry.endGlyphID])
def decompile(self): self.origDataLen = 0 (self.imageSize, ) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) data =[4:] self.metrics, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, data, BigGlyphMetrics()) (numGlyphs, ) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] glyphIds = [ struct.unpack(">H", data[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)])[0] for i in xrange(numGlyphs) ] offsets = [ self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in xrange(len(glyphIds) + 1) ] self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:]) self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): format, n, stringOffset = struct.unpack(">HHH", data[:6]) expectedStringOffset = 6 + n * nameRecordSize if stringOffset != expectedStringOffset: # XXX we need a warn function print "Warning: 'name' table stringOffset incorrect.", print "Expected: %s; Actual: %s" % (expectedStringOffset, stringOffset) stringData = data[stringOffset:] data = data[6:] self.names = [] for i in range(n): if len(data) < 12: # compensate for buggy font break name, data = sstruct.unpack2(nameRecordFormat, data, NameRecord()) name.string = stringData[name.offset:name.offset+name.length] assert len(name.string) == name.length #if (name.platEncID, name.platformID) in ((0, 0), (1, 3)): # if len(name.string) % 2: # print "2-byte string doesn't have even length!" # print name.__dict__ del name.offset, name.length self.names.append(name)
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GPKGFormat, data, self) GMAPoffsets = array.array("L") endPos = (self.numGMAPs+1) * 4 GMAPoffsets.fromstring(newData[:endPos]) if sys.byteorder <> "big": GMAPoffsets.byteswap() self.GMAPs = [] for i in range(self.numGMAPs): start = GMAPoffsets[i] end = GMAPoffsets[i+1] self.GMAPs.append(data[start:end]) pos = endPos endPos = pos + (self.numGlyplets + 1)*4 glyphletOffsets = array.array("L") glyphletOffsets.fromstring(newData[pos:endPos]) if sys.byteorder <> "big": glyphletOffsets.byteswap() self.glyphlets = [] for i in range(self.numGlyplets): start = glyphletOffsets[i] end = glyphletOffsets[i+1] self.glyphlets.append(data[start:end])
def decompile(self): self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics) self.imageData = data
def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(maxpFormat_0_5, data, self) self.numGlyphs = int(self.numGlyphs) if self.tableVersion != 0x00005000: dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(maxpFormat_1_0_add, data, self) assert len(data) == 0