Пример #1
def calculate_corrected_Jaccard_heuristic(bin_pred1, bin_pred2):
    Calculates the Jaccard index with heuristic correction between predictions of two models.
    Positive Jaccard index with heuristic correction compares **binary** predictions.
    The positive Jaccard with heuristic correction is computed for each image.
    FORMULA: Heuristic_correction = max(n01 +n11 + n10 + n11 - N, 0)
                                        n11 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as positive by
                                                                                                        both models
                                        n01 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                                negative by the first model and as positive by the second model
                                        n10 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                                positive by the first model and as negative by the second model
                                        n00 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as negative by
                                                                                                        both models
                                        N = n01 + n11 + n10 + n00 is the sum of all patches on an image
     positive Jaccard with heuristic correction = (n11 - heuristic_correction)/ (n01 + n10 + n11 -heuristic_correction)

    :param bin_pred1: binary predictions of a model
    :param bin_pred2: binary predictions of another model on the same samples
    :return: A list of positive Jaccard index with heuristic correction, where each element is the index corresponding
    for a separate sample/image.
    n00, n10, n01, n11 = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1, bin_pred2)

    N = n00 + n11 + n10 + n01
    pigeonhole_positive_correction = (2*n11 + n01 + n10) - N
    max_overlap = np.maximum(pigeonhole_positive_correction, 0)

    corrected_score = ((n11 - max_overlap) /
                       (n10 + n11 + n01 - max_overlap))
    return np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score))
Пример #2
def compute_additional_scores_kappa(bin_pred1, bin_pred2):
    n00, n10, n01, n11 = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1,bin_pred2)
    observer1_positive = n11 + n10
    observer2_positive = n11 + n01
    p_pos = compute_positive_agreement_ratio(n11, observer1_positive, observer2_positive)
    p_neg = compute_negative_agreement_ratio(n00, observer1_negative=n00+n01, observer2_negative=n00+n10)
    po= compute_total_agreement_ratio(n00, n11, n11+n00+n10+n01)
    f1_f2 = compute_f1_f2(n11+n10, n00+n01)
    g1_g2 = compute_g1_g2(n11 + n01, n00 + n10)
    return po, p_pos, p_neg, p_pos-p_neg, f1_f2, g1_g2
Пример #3
def calculate_corrected_IOU(bin_pred1, bin_pred2):
    Calculates the corrected IOU index between predictions of two models.
    The index computes the intersection over union (IOU) index and corrects for overlap per chance of positive and
    negative patches.
    The index compares **binary** predictions and it is computed for each image.
    FORMULA: Positive Correction = (n10 + n11)*(n01+n11)/N, where
                                n11 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as positive by both models
                                n01 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                        negative by the first model and as positive by the second model
                                n10 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                        positive by the first model and as negative by the second model
                                n00 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as negative by
                                                                                                both models
                                N = n01 + n11 + n10 + n00 is the sum of all patches on an image
            Negative Correction = (n00 + n01)(n10 + n00)/N
    Corected IOU = (n11 + n00 - Positive Correction - Negative Correction)/(N - Positive Correction-Negative Correction)
    :param bin_pred1: binary predictions of a model
    :param bin_pred2:  binary predictions of another model on the same samples
    :param P: patch sizes of an image
    :return: A list of positive Jaccard index, where each element is the index of a sample/image.

    n00, n10, n01, n11 = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1, bin_pred2)

    N = n00 + n11 + n10 + n01
    expected_positive_overlap = (((n11 + n01)/N) * ((n11 + n10)/N))* N
    expected_negative_overlap = (((n00 + n01)/N) * ((n00 + n10)/N)) * N

    corrected_score = ((n11 + n00 - expected_positive_overlap - expected_negative_overlap) /
                       (n10 + n11 + n01 + n00 - expected_positive_overlap - expected_negative_overlap))

    # # Test if the index is correct
    corrected_score2 = (2*n00 * n11 - 2*n10 * n01) / (2*(n00 * n11) - 2*(n01 * n10) + ((n10 + n01) * N))
    simplf_div = (n11*n10 + n11*n01 + 2*n11*n00 + n10*n10 + n10*n00 + n01*n01 + n01*n00)
    corrected_score3 = (2*n00 * n11 - 2*n10 * n01) /(simplf_div)
    assert ((np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score)) ==
                                np.isnan(corrected_score2)))).all(), \
        "Error in computing some of the index! Or the stability scores for all images are NaNs - this is possible if " \
        "all" \
        "predictions of both models belong to the same class (all predictions are positive or negative according to" \
        " both models)!  Please, check the code"
    assert ((np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score)) ==
        "Error in computing some of the index! Or the stability scores for all images are NaNs - this is possible if " \
        "all" \
        "predictions of both models belong to the same class (all predictions are positive or negative according to" \
        " both models)!  Please, check the code"
    return corrected_score
Пример #4
def calculate_positive_overlap(bin_pred1, bin_pred2, P):
    Calculates the overlap index on positive patches between predictions of two models.
    Ovarlap index compares **binary** predictions and it is computed for each image.
        FORMULA: Positive overlap = n11/( min(n01, n10) + n11)
    :param bin_pred1:binary predictions of a model
    :param bin_pred2: binary predictions of another model on the same samples
    :param P: the number of patches an image is divided into
    :return: A list of positive overlap index, where each element is the index corresponding for a separate sample/image

    n00, n10, n01, n11 = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1, bin_pred2, P)
    min_n01_n10 = np.minimum(n10, n01)
    return n11/(min_n01_n10 + n11)
Пример #5
def calculate_corrected_positive_overlap(bin_pred1, bin_pred2):
    Calculates the corrected positive overlap index between predictions of two models.
    The index computes the overlap index but only on patches predicted by both models as positive.
     Additionally, the index corrects for overlap of postive patches per chance.
    Corrected positive overlap index compares **binary** predictions.
    The index is computed for each image.
        Correction = ((n10+n11) * (n01+n11))/N
                                        n11 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as positive by
                                                                                                        both models
                                        n01 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                                negative by the first model and as positive by the second model
                                        n10 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                                positive by the first model and as negative by the second model
                                        n00 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as negative by
                                                                                                        both models
                                        N = n01 + n11 + n10 + n00 is the sum of all patches on an image
        FORMULA: Corrected positive overlap = n11 - Correction /( min(n01, n10) + n11 - Correction)
    :param bin_pred1::binary predictions of a model
    :param bin_pred2: binary predictions of another model on the same samples
    :return: A list of corrected positive overlap indices, where each element is the index corresponding for a separate
    n00, n10, n01, n11 = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1, bin_pred2)

    min_n01_n10 = np.minimum(n10, n01)
    # assert (n11+n01) == np.sum(np.ma.masked_equal(bin_pred2, 0).reshape(-1, 16*16*1), axis=1),\
    #     "Error with computing the positive instances "
    # assert (n11+n10) == np.sum(np.ma.masked_equal(bin_pred1, 0).reshape(-1, 16*16*1), axis=1),\
    #     "Error with computing the positive instances "
    N = n00 + n11 + n10 + n01
    expected_overlap = (n11+n01)*(n11+n10)/N
    # 0/0 -> nan so convert nan to 0
    # corrected_score = np.nan_to_num((n11 - expected_overlap)/(np.minimum((n11+n01), (n11+n10)) - expected_overlap))
    corrected_score = ((n11 - expected_overlap)/(np.minimum((n11+n01), (n11+n10)) - expected_overlap))

    # # Test if the index is correct
    # corrected_score2 = np.nan_to_num((n00*n11 - n10*n01)/((min_n01_n10+n11)*(min_n01_n10 + n00)))
    corrected_score2 = ((n00*n11 - n10*n01)/((min_n01_n10+n11)*(min_n01_n10 + n00)))
    #todo: uncomment
    assert ((np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score)) ==
             np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score2, np.isnan(corrected_score2)))).all(), \
        "Error in computing some of the index! Or the stability scores for all images are NaNs - this is possible if all" \
        "predictions of both models belong to the same class (all predictions are positive or negative accroding to" \
        " both models)!  Please, check the code"
    return np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score))
Пример #6
def calculate_positive_Jaccard(bin_pred1, bin_pred2, P):
    Calculates the positive Jaccard index between predictions of two models.
    Positive Jaccard index compares **binary** predictions.
    The positive Jaccard is computed for each image.
    FORMULA: Positive Jaccard = n11/ (n01 + n10 + n11), where
                                n11 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as positive by both models
                                n01 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                        negative by the first model and as positive by the second model
                                n10 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                        positive by the first model and as negative by the second model
    :param bin_pred1: binary predictions of a model
    :param bin_pred2:  binary predictions of another model on the same samples
    :param P: patch sizes of an image
    :return: A list of positive Jaccard index, where each element is the index of a sample/image.
    sum_preds = bin_pred1 + bin_pred2
    n11_mask = np.array(sum_preds > 1, dtype=int)
    n10_n01_mask = np.array(sum_preds ==1, dtype=int)

    n11 = np.sum(n11_mask.reshape((n11_mask.shape[0], P*P)), axis=1)
    n10_n01 = np.sum(n10_n01_mask.reshape((n10_n01_mask.shape[0], P*P)), axis=1)
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    pos_jaccard_dist = n11/(n11+n10_n01)

    # Test if the correlation is correct

    # n00, n10, n01, n11
    d, c, b, a  = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1, bin_pred2)
    # N = a + d  + b + c
    # expected_positive_overlap = (n11 + n01) * (n11 + n10) / N
    corrected_score2 = a / (a + b + c)
    assert ((np.ma.masked_array(pos_jaccard_dist, np.isnan(pos_jaccard_dist)) ==
                                np.isnan(corrected_score2)))).all(), \
        "Error in computing some of the index! Or the stability scores for all images are NaNs - this is possible if all" \
        "predictions of both models belong to the same class (all predictions are positive or negative according to" \
        " both models)!  Please, check the code"
    return pos_jaccard_dist
Пример #7
def calculate_corrected_positive_Jaccard(bin_pred1, bin_pred2):
    Calculates the positive Jaccard index with correction for chance. The score is between predictions of two models.
    Corrected positive Jaccard index compares **binary** predictions.
    The Corrected positive Jaccard is computed for each image.
    FORMULA: Correction = ((n10+n11) * (n01+n11))/N
                                        n11 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as positive by
                                                                                                        both models
                                        n01 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                                negative by the first model and as positive by the second model
                                        n10 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as
                                                positive by the first model and as negative by the second model
                                        n00 are the number of patches on an image that are predicted as negative by
                                                                                                        both models
                                        N = n01 + n11 + n10 + n00 is the sum of all patches on an image
      corrected positive Jaccard = (n11 - correction)/ (n01 + n10 + n11 - correction)

    :param bin_pred1: binary predictions of a model
    :param bin_pred2: binary predictions of another model on the same samples
    :return: A list of corrected positive Jaccard index, where each element is the index corresponding for a separate
    n00, n10, n01, n11 = calculate_subsets_between_two_classifiers(bin_pred1,bin_pred2)

    N = n00 + n11 + n10 + n01
    expected_positive_overlap = (n11+n01)*(n11+n10)/N

    corrected_score = ((n11 - expected_positive_overlap)/(n10 + n11 +n01 - expected_positive_overlap))
    # Test if the score is correct
    corrected_score2 = (n00*n11 - n10*n01)/((n00*n11) - (n01*n10) + ((n10+n01)*N))
    assert ((np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score)) ==
             np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score2, np.isnan(corrected_score2)))).all(), \
        "Error in computing some of the index! Or the stability scores for all images are NaNs - this is possible if all" \
        "predictions of both models belong to the same class (all predictions are positive or negative accroding to" \
        " both models)!  Please, check the code"
    return np.ma.masked_array(corrected_score, np.isnan(corrected_score))