class MyQueue(object): def __init__(self, capacity): self.output_stack = MyStack(capacity) self.help_stack = MyStack(capacity) self.capacity = capacity self.current_capacity = capacity def __str__(self): output = "Queue: " + str(self.output_stack) + "\n" output += "Helper: " + str(self.help_stack) return output def add(self, value): if self.current_capacity > 0: if self.output_stack.is_empty() == True: self.output_stack.push(value) else: while self.output_stack.is_empty() == False: self.help_stack.push(self.output_stack.pop()) self.output_stack.push(value) self.current_capacity -= 1 while self.help_stack.is_empty() == False: self.output_stack.push(self.help_stack.pop()) else: raise QueueOverFlow def remove(self): try: return self.output_stack.pop() except: raise EmptyQueueExeption
def infix_to_prefix(infix): """Converts given infix expression to postfix expression using Shunting Yard Algorithm and converts that postfix to prefix""" if infix == "": return "" #stack to temporarily store operators and paranthesis stack = MyStack(size=len(infix) + 1) postfix = [] # a list to store postifix expression for char in infix: if is_operand(char): postfix.append(char) elif char not in ['(', ')']: while not stack.is_empty() and precedence(char) <= precedence( #Add elements from stack until stack is not empty and precedence of \n #char is less than the top most stack element postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.push(char) elif char == "(": stack.push(char) elif char == ")": while not stack.is_empty() and != "(": postfix.append(stack.pop()) if != "(": raise ValueError("Parathesis Mismatch!") stack.pop() while not stack.is_empty(): # pop out and add all existing elements from stack and add in onto postfix postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.clear_stack() # returns prefix string after converting the postfix passed to convert_to_prefix return convert_to_prefix(postfix)
def dequeue(self): # Write your code here temp_stack = MyStack() while not self.main_stack.size() == 1: temp_stack.push(self.main_stack.pop()) popped_item = self.main_stack.pop() while not temp_stack.is_empty(): self.main_stack.push(temp_stack.pop()) return popped_item
def infix_to_postfix(infix): """Converts given infix expression to postfix expression using Shunting Yard Algorithm""" #stack to temporarily store operators and paranthesis stack = MyStack(size= len(infix)+1) postfix = [] # a list to store postifix expression # Returns True if char is an operand is_operand = lambda char: char.isalpha() or char.isnumeric() # Returns the precedence of char from PRIORITY dict""" PRIORITY = {"+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "%": 2, "^": 3} precedence = lambda char: PRIORITY[char] if char in PRIORITY else -1 for char in infix: if is_operand(char): postfix.append(char) elif char not in ['(',')']: while not stack.is_empty() and precedence(char) <= precedence( #Add elements from stack until stack is not empty and precedence of \n #char is less than the top most stack element postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.push(char) elif char == "(": stack.push(char) elif char == ")": while not stack.is_empty() and != "(": postfix.append(stack.pop()) if != "(": raise ValueError("Parathesis Mismatch!") stack.pop() while not stack.is_empty(): # pop out and add all existing elements from stack and add in onto postfix postfix.append(stack.pop()) return " ".join(postfix)