Пример #1
def openEB(numofFiles, filename, fileList, entries, histList1, histList2):
    for k in range(0, numofFiles):
        if filename in fileList[k]:
            rootFile = rt.TFile.Open(fileList[k])
            rTree = rootFile.Get("Tree_Optim")
            print "successfully cut branch from " + fileList[k]
            #fills the histogram with data
            if isinstance(histList1[0],list) == True: #Individual barrel crystals
                if histList2 !=0:
                    histList1,histList2 = snf.stackTime(rTree, entries, histList1, histList2, 1, 0)
                    histList = snf.stackTime(rTree, entries, histList, 0, 0, 0)
            else: #eta baby eta
                if histList2!=0:
                    histList1, histList2 = snf.stackTimeEta(rTree, entries, histList1,histList2)
                    histList1 = snf.stackTimeEta(rTree,entries,histList1,0)
Пример #2
def openEB(filename, fileList, runinfo, startfilepos, endfilepos, entries, histList1, histList2, transList1, transList2):
    rTree = rt.TChain("Tree_Optim")
    for k in range(startfilepos, endfilepos):
        if filename in fileList[k]:
            print "successfully cut branch from " + fileList[k]
            #Saving run info in tuple list
            runinfo = np.vstack((runinfo, [fileList[k]]))

    #fills the histogram with data
    if isinstance(histList1[0],list) == True: #Individual barrel crystals
        if histList2 !=0:
            histList1, histList2, transList1, transList2 = snf.stackTime(rTree, entries, histList1, histList2, 1, 0, transList1,transList2, 0, 0)
            histList1, transList1 = snf.stackTime(rTree, entries, histList1, 0, 0, 0, transList1, 0, 0, 0)
    else: #eta baby eta
        if histList2!=0:
            histList1, histList2, transList1, transList2 = snf.stackTimeEta(rTree, entries, histList1, histList2, transList1, transList2)
            histList1, transList1 = snf.stackTimeEta(rTree, entries, histList1, 0, transList1, 0)
    return runinfo
Пример #3
    print "Directory changed successfully %s" % retdir
    # Get list of root files in directory
    fileList = os.listdir(retdir)

    for k in range(0,len(fileList)):
        if "2015A_EcalNtp_" in fileList[k]:
            rootFile = rt.TFile.Open(fileList[k])
            rTree = rootFile.Get("Tree_Optim")
            print "successfully cut branch from " + fileList[k]
            #fills the histogram with data
            #histList = snf.stackTimeEta(rTree,histList,0)
            histList1, histList2 = snf.stackTimeEta(rTree,histList1,histList2)

    #fits the histograms and saves 1D in tree
#    htime = snf.fitTimeEta(histList,htime)
    htime1 = snf.fitTimeEta(histList1,htime1)
    htime2 = snf.fitTimeEta(histList2,htime2)

    # Same procedure, going back to original working directory.
    retdir = os.getcwd()
    print "Current working directory %s" % retdir
    os.chdir( startdir + "/result/")
    retdir = os.getcwd()
    print "Directory changed successfully %s" % retdir

    #Progress bar for the saves