def test_make_plural_is_working_properly(): """testing if stalker.models.make_plural() function is working properly """ from stalker.models import make_plural test_words = [('asset', 'assets'), ('client', 'clients'), ('department', 'departments'), ('entity', 'entities'), ('template', 'templates'), ('group', 'groups'), ('format', 'formats'), ('link', 'links'), ('session', 'sessions'), ('note', 'notes'), ('permission', 'permissions'), ('project', 'projects'), ('repository', 'repositories'), ('review', 'reviews'), ('scene', 'scenes'), ('sequence', 'sequences'), ('shot', 'shots'), ('status', 'statuses'), ('list', 'lists'), ('structure', 'structures'), ('studio', 'studios'), ('tag', 'tags'), ('task', 'tasks'), ('dependency', 'dependencies'), ('type', 'types'), ('bench', 'benches'), ('thief', 'thieves')] for t, e in test_words: r = make_plural(t) assert r == e
def create_secondary_table( primary_cls_name, secondary_cls_name, primary_cls_table_name, secondary_cls_table_name, secondary_table_name=None): """creates any secondary table """ plural_secondary_cls_name = make_plural(secondary_cls_name) # use the given class_name and the class_table if not secondary_table_name: secondary_table_name = '%s_%s' % (primary_cls_name, plural_secondary_cls_name) # check if the table is already defined if secondary_table_name not in Base.metadata: secondary_table = Table( secondary_table_name, Base.metadata, Column( '%s_id' % primary_cls_name.lower(), Integer, ForeignKey('' % primary_cls_table_name), primary_key=True, ), Column( '%s_id' % secondary_cls_name.lower(), Integer, ForeignKey('' % secondary_cls_table_name), primary_key=True, ) ) else: secondary_table = Base.metadata.tables[secondary_table_name] return secondary_table
def test_make_plural_is_working_properly(self): """testing if stalker.models.make_plural() function is working properly """ from stalker.models import make_plural test_words = [ ('asset', 'assets'), ('client', 'clients'), ('department', 'departments'), ('entity', 'entities'), ('template', 'templates'), ('group', 'groups'), ('format', 'formats'), ('link', 'links'), ('session', 'sessions'), ('note', 'notes'), ('permission', 'permissions'), ('project', 'projects'), ('repository', 'repositories'), ('review', 'reviews'), ('scene', 'scenes'), ('sequence', 'sequences'), ('shot', 'shots'), ('status', 'statuses'), ('list', 'lists'), ('structure', 'structures'), ('studio', 'studios'), ('tag', 'tags'), ('task', 'tasks'), ('dependency', 'dependencies'), ('type', 'types'), ('bench', 'benches'), ('thief', 'thieves') ] for t, e in test_words: r = make_plural(t) self.assertEqual(r, e)
def plural_class_name(self): """the plural name of this class """ return make_plural(self.__class__.__name__)