Пример #1
class TestUnit(TestCase):
    def test_index_values_len(self, values):
        def property_values(cls, values):
            #Property: that the length of the index is the length of the (unique) values.
            index = cls(values)
            self.assertEqual(len(index), len(values))
            self.assertEqual(len(index.values), len(values))

        property_values(Index, values)
        property_values(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_values_list(self, values):
        def property_values(cls, values):
            index = cls(values)
            # must cast both sides to the dtype, as some int to float conversions result in different floats
                index.values, np.array(values, dtype=index.values.dtype))

        property_values(Index, values)
        property_values(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_loc_to_iloc_element(self, values):
        def property_loc_to_iloc_element(cls, values):
            index = cls(values)
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                self.assertEqual(index.loc_to_iloc(v), i)

        property_loc_to_iloc_element(Index, values)
        property_loc_to_iloc_element(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_loc_to_iloc_slice(self, values):
        def property_loc_to_iloc_slice(cls, values):
            # Property: that the key translates to the appropriate slice.
            index = cls(values)
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                # insure that we get teh same slice going through loc that we would get by direct iloc
                if v is None:
                    self.assertEqual(index.loc_to_iloc(slice(v, None)),
                    self.assertEqual(index.loc_to_iloc(slice(v, None)),
                                     slice(i, None))

        property_loc_to_iloc_slice(Index, values)
        property_loc_to_iloc_slice(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_go_append(self, values):

        index = IndexGO(values[:-1])
        length_start = len(index)
        length_end = len(index)
        self.assertEqual(length_start + 1, length_end)
Пример #2
class TestUnit(TestCase):

    def test_mloc(self, array):

        x = util.mloc(array)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, int))

    def test_resolve_dtype(self, dtype_pair):

        x = util.resolve_dtype(*dtype_pair)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, np.dtype))

    def test_resolve_dtype_iter(self, dtypes):

        x = util.resolve_dtype_iter(dtypes)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, np.dtype))

    def test_resolve_type_object_iter(self, objects):

        x = util.resolve_type_object_iter(objects)
        self.assertTrue(x in (None, str, object))

    def test_concat_resolved_axis_0(self, arrays):
        array = util.concat_resolved(arrays, axis=0)
        self.assertEqual(array.ndim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(array.dtype, util.resolve_dtype_iter((x.dtype for x in arrays)))

    def test_concat_resolved_axis_1(self, arrays):
        array = util.concat_resolved(arrays, axis=1)
        self.assertEqual(array.ndim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(array.dtype, util.resolve_dtype_iter((x.dtype for x in arrays)))

    @given(get_dtype(), get_shape_1d2d(), get_value())
    def test_full_or_fill(self, dtype, shape, value):
        array = util.full_for_fill(dtype, shape, fill_value=value)
        self.assertTrue(array.shape == shape)
        if isinstance(value, (float, complex)) and np.isnan(value):
            self.assertTrue(value in array)
Пример #3
class TestUnit(TestCase):

    @given(sfst.get_labels())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_labels(self, values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        for value in values:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(hash(value), int))

    @given(sfst.get_dtypes())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_dtypes(self, dtypes: tp.Iterable[np.dtype]) -> None:
        for dt in dtypes:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(dt, np.dtype))

    @given(sfst.get_spacing(10))  # type: ignore
    def test_get_spacing_10(self, spacing: tp.Iterable[int]) -> None:
        self.assertEqual(sum(spacing), 10)

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_shape_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_shape_1d2d(self, shape: tp.Tuple[int, ...]) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(shape, tuple))
        self.assertTrue(len(shape) in (1, 2))

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_array_1d2d(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(array, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(array.ndim in (1, 2))

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_arrays_2d_aligned_columns(min_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_get_arrays_2s_aligned_columns(self, arrays: tp.Iterable[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        array_iter = iter(arrays)
        a1 = next(array_iter)
        match = a1.shape[1]
        for array in array_iter:
            self.assertEqual(array.shape[1], match)

    @given(sfst.get_arrays_2d_aligned_rows(min_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_get_arrays_2s_aligned_rows(self, arrays: tp.Iterable[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        array_iter = iter(arrays)
        a1 = next(array_iter)
        match = a1.shape[0]
        for array in array_iter:
            self.assertEqual(array.shape[0], match)

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_blocks())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_blocks(self, blocks: tp.Tuple[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(blocks, tuple))
        for b in blocks:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, np.ndarray))
            self.assertTrue(b.ndim in (1, 2))

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_type_blocks())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_type_blocks(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(tb, TypeBlocks))
        rows, cols = tb.shape
        col_count = 0
        for b in tb._blocks:
            if b.ndim == 1:
                self.assertEqual(len(b), rows)
                col_count += 1
                self.assertEqual(b.ndim, 2)
                self.assertEqual(b.shape[0], rows)
                col_count += b.shape[1]

        self.assertEqual(col_count, cols)

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10) # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_index()) # type: ignore
    def test_get_index(self, idx: Index) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(idx, Index))
        self.assertEqual(len(idx), len(idx.values))

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_index_hierarchy()) # type: ignore
    def test_get_index_hierarchy(self, idx: IndexHierarchy) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(idx, IndexHierarchy))
        self.assertTrue(idx.depth > 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(idx), len(idx.values))

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_series())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_series(self, series: Series) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(series, Series))
        self.assertEqual(len(series), len(series.values))

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_frame())  # type: ignore
    def test_get_frame(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(frame, Frame))
        self.assertEqual(frame.shape, frame.values.shape)

    @hypo_settings(max_examples=10)  # type: ignore
    @given(sfst.get_frame(index_cls=IndexHierarchy, columns_cls=IndexHierarchy))  # type: ignore
    def test_get_frame_hierarchy(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(frame, Frame))
        self.assertTrue(frame.index.depth > 1)
        self.assertTrue(frame.columns.depth > 1)
        self.assertEqual(frame.shape, frame.values.shape)
Пример #4
class TestUnit(TestCase):
    @given(st.lists(sfst.get_shape_2d(), min_size=1),
    def test_from_element_items(self, shapes: tp.List[tp.Tuple[int, int]],
                                labels: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:

        # use shapes to get coordinates, where the max shape + 1 is the final shape
        shape = tuple(np.array(shapes).max(axis=0) + 1)

        def values() -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[int, int], tp.Hashable]]:
            for idx, coord in enumerate(shapes):
                yield coord, labels[idx % len(labels)]

        post = TypeBlocks.from_element_items(values(),
        self.assertEqual(post.shape, shape)

    def test_from_zero_size_shape(self, value: int) -> None:

        for shape in ((0, value), (value, 0)):
            post = TypeBlocks.from_zero_size_shape(shape=shape)
            self.assertEqual(post.shape, shape)

    def test_basic_attributes(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        self.assertEqual(len(tb.dtypes), tb.shape[1])
        self.assertEqual(len(tb.shapes), len(tb.mloc))
        self.assertEqual(tb.copy().shape, tb.shape)
        self.assertEqual(tb.ndim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tb.unified, len(tb.mloc) <= 1)

        if tb.shape[0] > 0 and tb.shape[1] > 0:
            self.assertTrue(tb.size > 0)
            self.assertTrue(tb.nbytes > 0)
            self.assertTrue(tb.size == 0)
            self.assertTrue(tb.nbytes == 0)

    def test_values(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        values = tb.values
        self.assertEqual(values.shape, tb.shape)
        self.assertEqual(values.dtype, tb._row_dtype)

    def test_axis_values(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        # this test found a flaw in axis_values when dealing with axis 1 and unified,  1D type blocks
        for axis in (0, 1):
            for reverse in (True, False):
                post = tuple(tb.axis_values(axis=axis, reverse=reverse))
                for idx, array in enumerate(post):
                    self.assertTrue(len(array) == tb.shape[axis])
                    if axis == 0 and not reverse:  # colums
                        self.assertTrue(array.dtype == tb.dtypes[idx])
                    elif axis == 0 and reverse:  # colums
                        self.assertTrue(array.dtype == tb.dtypes[tb.shape[1] -
                                                                 1 - idx])
                        # NOTE: only checking kinde because found cases where byte-order deviates
                        self.assertTrue(array.dtype.kind == tb._row_dtype.kind)

    def test_element_items(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        # NOTE: this found a flaw in _extract_iloc where we tried to optimize selection with a unified array
        count = 0
        for k, v in tb.element_items():
            count += 1
            v_extract = tb.iloc[k]
            self.assertEqualWithNaN(v, v_extract)
        self.assertEqual(count, tb.size)

    def test_reblock_signature(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        post = tuple(tb._reblock_signature())
        unique_dtypes = np.unique(tb.dtypes)
        # the reblock signature must be have at least as many entries as types
        self.assertTrue(len(post) >= len(unique_dtypes))
        # sum of column widths is qual to columns in shape
        self.assertTrue(sum(p[1] for p in post), tb.shape[1])

    @given(sfst.get_type_blocks(), sfst.get_type_blocks())
    def test_block_compatible(self, tb1: TypeBlocks, tb2: TypeBlocks) -> None:

        for axis in (None, 0, 1):
            post1 = tb1.block_compatible(tb2, axis)
            post2 = tb2.block_compatible(tb1, axis)
            # either direction gets the same result
            self.assertTrue(post1 == post2)
            # if the shapes are different, they cannot be block compatible
            if axis is None and tb1.shape != tb2.shape:

    @given(sfst.get_type_blocks(), sfst.get_type_blocks())
    def test_reblock_compatible(self, tb1: TypeBlocks,
                                tb2: TypeBlocks) -> None:

        post1 = tb1.reblock_compatible(tb2)
        post2 = tb2.reblock_compatible(tb1)
        # either direction gets the same result
        self.assertTrue(post1 == post2)
        # if the shapes are different, they cannot be block compatible
        if tb1.shape[1] != tb2.shape[1]:

    def test_concatenate_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_consolidate_blocks(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:

        tb_post = TypeBlocks.from_blocks(tb.consolidate_blocks(tb._blocks))
        self.assertEqual(tb_post.shape, tb.shape)
        self.assertTrue((tb_post.dtypes == tb.dtypes).all())

    def test_reblock(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        tb_post = TypeBlocks.from_blocks(tb._reblock())
        self.assertEqual(tb_post.shape, tb.shape)
        self.assertTrue((tb_post.dtypes == tb.dtypes).all())

    def test_consolidate(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        tb_post = tb.consolidate()
        self.assertEqual(tb_post.shape, tb.shape)
        self.assertTrue((tb_post.dtypes == tb.dtypes).all())

    def test_resize_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_group(self) -> None:

    def test_ufunc_axis_skipna(self) -> None:

    def test_display(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:
        post = tb.display()
        self.assertTrue(len(post) > 0)

    def test_cols_to_slice(self) -> None:

    def test_indices_to_contiguous_pairs(self) -> None:

    def test_key_to_block_slices(self) -> None:

    def test_mask_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_astype_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_shift_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_assign_blocks_from_keys(self, tb1: TypeBlocks) -> None:

        # assigning a single value from a list of column keys
        for i in range(tb1.shape[1]):
            tb2 = TypeBlocks.from_blocks(
                tb1._assign_from_iloc_by_unit(column_key=[i], value=300))
            self.assertTrue(tb1.shape == tb2.shape)
            # no more than one type should be changed
            self.assertTrue((tb1.dtypes != tb2.dtypes).sum() <= 1)

        # assigning a single value from a list of row keys
        for i in range(tb1.shape[0]):
            tb3 = TypeBlocks.from_blocks(
                tb1._assign_from_iloc_by_unit(row_key=[i], value=300))
            self.assertTrue(tb1.shape == tb3.shape)
            self.assertTrue(tb3.iloc[i, 0] == 300)

        # column slices to the end
        for i in range(tb1.shape[1]):
            tb4 = TypeBlocks.from_blocks(
                tb1._assign_from_iloc_by_unit(column_key=slice(i, None),
            self.assertTrue(tb1.shape == tb4.shape)
            # we have as many or more blocks
            self.assertTrue(len(tb4.shapes) >= len(tb1.shapes))

    def test_assign_blocks_from_boolean_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_slice_blocks(self) -> None:

    def test_extract_array(self) -> None:

    def test_extract(self) -> None:

    def test_extract_iloc(self) -> None:

    def test_extract_iloc_mask(self) -> None:

    def test_extract_iloc_assign(self) -> None:

    @given(sfst.get_type_blocks(min_rows=1, min_columns=1))
    def test_drop(self, tb: TypeBlocks) -> None:

        for row in range(tb.shape[0]):
            tb_post1 = tb.drop(row)
            self.assertTrue(tb_post1.shape[0] == tb.shape[0] - 1)

        if tb.shape[0] > 2:
            for start in range(1, tb.shape[0]):
                tb_post2 = tb.drop(slice(start, None))
                self.assertTrue(tb_post2.shape[0] == start)

        for col in range(tb.shape[1]):
            tb_post3 = tb.drop((None, col))
            self.assertTrue(tb_post3.shape[1] == tb.shape[1] - 1)

        if tb.shape[1] > 2:
            for start in range(1, tb.shape[1]):
                tb_post4 = tb.drop((None, slice(start, None)))
                self.assertTrue(tb_post4.shape[1] == start)

    def test_getitem(self) -> None:

    def test_ufunc_unary_operator(self) -> None:

    def test_block_shape_slices(self) -> None:

    def test_ufunc_binary_operator(self) -> None:

    def test_transpose(self) -> None:

    def test_isna(self) -> None:

    def test_notna(self) -> None:

    def test_fillna_leading(self) -> None:

    def test_fillna_trailing(self) -> None:

    def test_fillna_forward(self) -> None:

    def test_fillna_backward(self) -> None:

    def test_dropna_to_keep_locations(self) -> None:

    def test_fillna(self) -> None:

    def test_append(
            self, tb_aligned_array: tp.Tuple[TypeBlocks, np.ndarray]) -> None:
        tb, aa = tb_aligned_array
        shape_original = tb.shape
        if aa.ndim == 1:
            self.assertEqual(tb.shape[1], shape_original[1] + 1)
            self.assertEqual(tb.shape[1], shape_original[1] + aa.shape[1])

    @given(sfst.get_type_blocks_aligned_type_blocks(min_size=2, max_size=2))
    def test_extend(self, tbs: tp.Sequence[TypeBlocks]) -> None:
        front = tbs[0]
        back = tbs[1]
        shape_original = front.shape
        # extend with type blocks
            (shape_original[0], shape_original[1] + back.shape[1]))

        # extend with iterable of arrays
            (shape_original[0], shape_original[1] + back.shape[1] * 2))
Пример #5
class TestUnit(TestCase):
    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_mloc(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        x = util.mloc(array)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, int))

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_shape_filter(self, shape: np.ndarray) -> None:
        self.assertTrue(len(util.shape_filter(shape)), 2)

    @given(get_dtype_pairs())  # type: ignore
    def test_resolve_dtype(self, dtype_pair: tp.Tuple[np.dtype,
                                                      np.dtype]) -> None:

        x = util.resolve_dtype(*dtype_pair)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, np.dtype))

    @given(get_dtypes(min_size=1))  # type: ignore
    def test_resolve_dtype_iter(self, dtypes: tp.Iterable[np.dtype]) -> None:

        x = util.resolve_dtype_iter(dtypes)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, np.dtype))

    @given(get_labels(min_size=1))  # type: ignore
    def test_resolve_type_iter(self, objects: tp.Iterable[object]) -> None:

        known_types = set(
            (None, type(None), bool, str, object, int, float, complex,
             datetime.date, datetime.datetime, fractions.Fraction))
        resolved, has_tuple, values_post = util.resolve_type_iter(objects)
        self.assertTrue(resolved in known_types)

    @given(get_arrays_2d_aligned_columns())  # type: ignore
    def test_concat_resolved_axis_0(self, arrays: tp.List[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        array = util.concat_resolved(arrays, axis=0)
        self.assertEqual(array.ndim, 2)
                         util.resolve_dtype_iter((x.dtype for x in arrays)))

    @given(get_arrays_2d_aligned_rows())  # type: ignore
    def test_concat_resolved_axis_1(self, arrays: tp.List[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        array = util.concat_resolved(arrays, axis=1)
        self.assertEqual(array.ndim, 2)
                         util.resolve_dtype_iter((x.dtype for x in arrays)))

    @given(get_dtype(), get_shape_1d2d(), get_value())  # type: ignore
    def test_full_or_fill(self, dtype: np.dtype,
                          shape: tp.Union[tp.Tuple[int], tp.Tuple[int, int]],
                          value: object) -> None:
        array = util.full_for_fill(dtype, shape, fill_value=value)
        self.assertTrue(array.shape == shape)
        if isinstance(value, (float, complex)) and np.isnan(value):
            self.assertTrue(value in array)

    @given(get_dtype())  # type: ignore
    def test_dtype_to_na(self, dtype: util.DtypeSpecifier) -> None:
        post = util.dtype_to_na(dtype)
        self.assertTrue(post in {0, False, None, '', np.nan, util.NAT})

    @given(get_array_1d2d(dtype_group=DTGroup.NUMERIC))  # type: ignore
    def test_ufunc_axis_skipna(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        has_na = util.isna_array(array).any()

        for nt in UFUNC_AXIS_SKIPNA.values():
            ufunc = nt.ufunc
            ufunc_skipna = nt.ufunc_skipna
            # dtypes = nt.dtypes
            # composable = nt.composable
            # doc = nt.doc_header
            # size_one_unity = nt.size_one_unity

            with np.errstate(over='ignore', under='ignore', divide='ignore'):

                post = util.ufunc_axis_skipna(array=array,
                if array.ndim == 2:
                    self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 1)

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_ufunc_unique(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        post = util.ufunc_unique(array, axis=0)
        self.assertTrue(len(post) <= array.shape[0])

    @given(get_array_1d(min_size=1), st.integers())  # type: ignore
    def test_roll_1d(self, array: np.ndarray, shift: int) -> None:
        post = util.roll_1d(array, shift)
        self.assertEqual(len(post), len(array))
        self.assertEqualWithNaN(array[-(shift % len(array))], post[0])

    @given(get_array_2d(min_rows=1, min_columns=1),
           st.integers())  # type: ignore
    def test_roll_2d(self, array: np.ndarray, shift: int) -> None:
        for axis in (0, 1):
            post = util.roll_2d(array, shift=shift, axis=axis)
            self.assertEqual(post.shape, array.shape)

            start = -(shift % array.shape[axis])

            if axis == 0:
                a = array[start]
                b = post[0]
                a = array[:, start]
                b = post[:, 0]

            self.assertAlmostEqualValues(a, b)

    @given(get_array_1d(dtype_group=DTGroup.OBJECT))  # type: ignore
    def test_iterable_to_array_a(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        values = array.tolist()
        post, _ = util.iterable_to_array(values)
        self.assertAlmostEqualValues(post, values)

        # explicitly giving object dtype
        post, _ = util.iterable_to_array(values, dtype=util.DTYPE_OBJECT)
        self.assertAlmostEqualValues(post, values)

    @given(get_labels())  # type: ignore
    def test_iterable_to_array_b(self, labels: tp.Iterable[tp.Any]) -> None:
        post, _ = util.iterable_to_array(labels)
        self.assertAlmostEqualValues(post, labels)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(post, np.ndarray))

    @given(st.slices(10))  # type: ignore #pylint: disable=E1120
    def test_slice_to_ascending_slice(self, key: slice) -> None:

        post_key = util.slice_to_ascending_slice(key, size=10)

# to_datetime64
# to_timedelta64
# key_to_datetime_key

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_array_to_groups_and_locations(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        groups, locations = util.array_to_groups_and_locations(array, 0)

        if len(array) > 0:
            self.assertTrue(len(groups) >= 1)

        # always 1dm locations
        self.assertTrue(locations.ndim == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(np.unique(locations)) == len(groups))

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_isna_array(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        post = util.isna_array(array)
        self.assertTrue(post.dtype == bool)

        values = np.ravel(array)
        count_na = sum(util.isna_element(x) for x in values)

        self.assertTrue(np.ravel(post).sum() == count_na)

    @given(get_array_1d(dtype_group=DTGroup.BOOL))  # type: ignore
    def test_binary_transition(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        post = util.binary_transition(array)

        # could be 32 via result of np.nonzero
        self.assertTrue(post.dtype in (np.int32, np.int64))

        # if no True in original array, result will be empty
        if array.sum() == 0:
            self.assertTrue(len(post) == 0)
        # if all True, result is empty
        elif array.sum() == len(array):
            self.assertTrue(len(post) == 0)
            # the post selection shold always be indices that are false
            self.assertTrue(array[post].sum() == 0)

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_array_to_duplicated(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        if array.ndim == 2:
            for axis in (0, 1):
                post = util.array_to_duplicated(array, axis=axis)
                if axis == 0:
                    unique_count = len(set(tuple(x) for x in array))
                    unique_count = len(
                        set(tuple(array[:, i]) for i in range(array.shape[1])))
                if unique_count < array.shape[axis]:
                    self.assertTrue(post.sum() > 0)
            post = util.array_to_duplicated(array)
            # if not all value are unique, we must have some duplicated
            if len(set(array)) < len(array):
                self.assertTrue(post.sum() > 0)

        self.assertTrue(post.dtype == bool)

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_array_shift(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        for shift in (-1, 1):
            for wrap in (True, False):

                tests = []
                post1 = util.array_shift(array=array,

                if array.ndim == 2:
                    post2 = util.array_shift(array=array,

                for post in tests:
                    self.assertTrue(array.shape == post.shape)

                    # type is only always maintained if we are wrapping
                    if wrap:
                        self.assertTrue(array.dtype == post.dtype)

    @given(st.lists(get_array_1d(), min_size=2, max_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_union1d(self, arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        post = util.union1d(arrays[0], arrays[1], assume_unique=False)
        self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 1)
        # nan values in complex numbers make direct comparison tricky
        self.assertTrue(len(post) == len(set(arrays[0]) | set(arrays[1])))

        # complex results are tricky to compare after forming sets
        if (post.dtype.kind not in ('O', 'M', 'm', 'c', 'f')
                and not np.isnan(post).any()):
            self.assertTrue(set(post) == (set(arrays[0]) | set(arrays[1])))

    @given(st.lists(get_array_1d(), min_size=2, max_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_intersect1d(self, arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        post = util.intersect1d(arrays[0], arrays[1], assume_unique=False)
        self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 1)
        # nan values in complex numbers make direct comparison tricky
        self.assertTrue(len(post) == len(set(arrays[0]) & set(arrays[1])))

        if (post.dtype.kind not in ('O', 'M', 'm', 'c', 'f')
                and not np.isnan(post).any()):
            self.assertTrue(set(post) == (set(arrays[0]) & set(arrays[1])))

                                         max_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_union2d(self, arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        post = util.union2d(arrays[0], arrays[1], assume_unique=False)
        if post.dtype == object:
            self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 1)
            self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 2)

            len(post) == len(
                | set(util.array2d_to_tuples(arrays[1]))))

                                         max_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_intersect2d(self, arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        post = util.intersect2d(arrays[0], arrays[1], assume_unique=False)
        if post.dtype == object:
            self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 1)
            self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 2)

            len(post) == len(
                & set(util.array2d_to_tuples(arrays[1]))))

    @given(get_arrays_2d_aligned_columns())  # type: ignore
    def test_array_set_ufunc_many(self,
                                  arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> None:

        for union in (True, False):
            post = util.ufunc_set_iter(arrays, union=union)
            if post.dtype == object:
                # returned object arrays might be 2D or 1D of tuples
                self.assertTrue(post.ndim in (1, 2))
                self.assertTrue(post.ndim == 2)
Пример #6
class TestUnit(TestCase):

    @given(get_array_1d2d())  # type: ignore
    def test_mloc(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        x = util.mloc(array)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, int))

    @given(get_dtype_pairs())  # type: ignore
    def test_resolve_dtype(self, dtype_pair: tp.Tuple[np.dtype, np.dtype]) -> None:

        x = util.resolve_dtype(*dtype_pair)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, np.dtype))

    @given(get_dtypes(min_size=1))  # type: ignore
    def test_resolve_dtype_iter(self, dtypes: tp.Iterable[np.dtype]) -> None:

        x = util.resolve_dtype_iter(dtypes)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, np.dtype))

    @given(get_labels(min_size=1))  # type: ignore
    def test_resolve_type_iter(self, objects: tp.Iterable[object]) -> None:

        known_types = set((
        resolved, has_tuple, values_post = util.resolve_type_iter(objects)
        self.assertTrue(resolved in known_types)

    @given(get_arrays_2d_aligned_columns())  # type: ignore
    def test_concat_resolved_axis_0(self, arrays: tp.List[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        array = util.concat_resolved(arrays, axis=0)
        self.assertEqual(array.ndim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(array.dtype, util.resolve_dtype_iter((x.dtype for x in arrays)))

    @given(get_arrays_2d_aligned_rows())  # type: ignore
    def test_concat_resolved_axis_1(self, arrays: tp.List[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        array = util.concat_resolved(arrays, axis=1)
        self.assertEqual(array.ndim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(array.dtype, util.resolve_dtype_iter((x.dtype for x in arrays)))

    @given(get_dtype(), get_shape_1d2d(), get_value())  # type: ignore
    def test_full_or_fill(self,
            dtype: np.dtype,
            shape: tp.Union[tp.Tuple[int], tp.Tuple[int, int]],
            value: object) -> None:
        array = util.full_for_fill(dtype, shape, fill_value=value)
        self.assertTrue(array.shape == shape)
        if isinstance(value, (float, complex)) and np.isnan(value):
            self.assertTrue(value in array)

    @given(get_dtype())  # type: ignore
    def test_dtype_to_na(self, dtype: util.DtypeSpecifier) -> None:
        post = util.dtype_to_na(dtype)
        self.assertTrue(post in {0, False, None, '', np.nan, util.NAT})

    @given(get_array_1d(min_size=1, dtype_group=DTGroup.NUMERIC)) # type: ignore
    def test_ufunc_skipna_1d(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        has_na = util.isna_array(array).any()
        for ufunc, ufunc_skipna, dtype in UFUNC_AXIS_SKIPNA.values():

            with np.errstate(over='ignore', under='ignore'):
                v1 = ufunc_skipna(array)
                # this should return a single value
                self.assertFalse(isinstance(v1, np.ndarray))

                if has_na:
                    v2 = ufunc(array)
                    self.assertFalse(isinstance(v2, np.ndarray))

    @given(get_array_1d2d()) # type: ignore
    def test_ufunc_unique(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        post = util.ufunc_unique(array, axis=0)
        self.assertTrue(len(post) <= array.shape[0])

    @given(get_array_1d(min_size=1), st.integers()) # type: ignore
    def test_roll_1d(self, array: np.ndarray, shift: int) -> None:
        post = util.roll_1d(array, shift)
        self.assertEqual(len(post), len(array))
        self.assertEqualWithNaN(array[-(shift % len(array))], post[0])

    @given(get_array_2d(min_rows=1, min_columns=1), st.integers()) # type: ignore
    def test_roll_2d(self, array: np.ndarray, shift: int) -> None:
        for axis in (0, 1):
            post = util.roll_2d(array, shift=shift, axis=axis)
            self.assertEqual(post.shape, array.shape)

            start = -(shift % array.shape[axis])

            if axis == 0:
                a = array[start]
                b = post[0]
                a = array[:, start]
                b = post[:, 0]

            self.assertAlmostEqualValues(a, b)

    @given(get_array_1d(dtype_group=DTGroup.OBJECT)) # type: ignore
    def test_iterable_to_array_a(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        values = array.tolist()
        post, _ = util.iterable_to_array(values)
        self.assertAlmostEqualValues(post, values)

        # explicitly giving object dtype
        post, _ = util.iterable_to_array(values, dtype=util.DTYPE_OBJECT)
        self.assertAlmostEqualValues(post, values)

    @given(get_labels()) # type: ignore
    def test_iterable_to_array_b(self, labels: tp.Iterable[tp.Any]) -> None:
        post, _ = util.iterable_to_array(labels)
        self.assertAlmostEqualValues(post, labels)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(post, np.ndarray))

    @given(st.slices(10)) # type: ignore
    def test_slice_to_ascending_slice(self, key: slice) -> None:

        post_key = util.slice_to_ascending_slice(key, size=10)

# to_datetime64
# to_timedelta64
# key_to_datetime_key

    @given(get_array_1d2d()) # type: ignore
    def test_array_to_groups_and_locations(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        groups, locations = util.array_to_groups_and_locations(array, 0)

        if len(array) > 0:
            self.assertTrue(len(groups) >= 1)

        # always 1dm locations
        self.assertTrue(locations.ndim == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(np.unique(locations)) == len(groups))

    @given(get_array_1d2d()) # type: ignore
    def test_isna_array(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:

        post = util.isna_array(array)
        self.assertTrue(post.dtype == bool)

        values = np.ravel(array)
        count_na = sum(util.isna_element(x) for x in values)

        self.assertTrue(np.ravel(post).sum() == count_na)

    @given(get_array_1d(dtype_group=DTGroup.BOOL)) # type: ignore
    def test_binary_transition(self, array: np.ndarray) -> None:
        post = util.binary_transition(array)

        # could be 32 via result of np.nonzero
        self.assertTrue(post.dtype in (np.int32, np.int64))

        # if no True in original array, result will be empty
        if array.sum() == 0:
            self.assertTrue(len(post) == 0)
        # if all True, result is empty
        elif array.sum() == len(array):
            self.assertTrue(len(post) == 0)
            # the post selection shold always be indices that are false
            self.assertTrue(array[post].sum() == 0)
Пример #7
class TestUnit(TestCase):
    def test_index_values_len(self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_values(cls: tp.Type[Index],
                            values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            #Property: that the length of the index is the length of the (unique) values.
            index = cls(values)
            self.assertEqual(len(index), len(values))
            self.assertEqual(len(index.values), len(values))

        property_values(Index, values)
        property_values(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_values_list(self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_values(cls: tp.Type[Index],
                            values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            index = cls(values)
            # must cast both sides to the dtype, as some int to float conversions result in different floats
                index.values, np.array(values, dtype=index.values.dtype))

        property_values(Index, values)
        property_values(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_loc_to_iloc_element(
            self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_loc_to_iloc_element(
                cls: tp.Type[Index], values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            index = cls(values)
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                self.assertEqual(index._loc_to_iloc(v), i)

        property_loc_to_iloc_element(Index, values)
        property_loc_to_iloc_element(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_loc_to_iloc_slice(self,
                                     values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_loc_to_iloc_slice(
                cls: tp.Type[Index], values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            # Property: that the key translates to the appropriate slice.
            index = cls(values)
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                # insure that we get teh same slice going through loc that we would get by direct iloc
                if v is None:
                    self.assertEqual(index._loc_to_iloc(slice(v, None)),
                                     slice(None))  #type: ignore [unreachable]
                    self.assertEqual(index._loc_to_iloc(slice(v, None)),
                                     slice(i, None))

        property_loc_to_iloc_slice(Index, values)
        property_loc_to_iloc_slice(IndexGO, values)

    def test_index_go_append(self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:

        index = IndexGO(values[:-1])
        length_start = len(index)
        length_end = len(index)
        self.assertEqual(length_start + 1, length_end)

    def test_index_isin(self, labels: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        index = Index(labels)
        self.assertTrue(index.isin((labels[0], ))[0])


    def test_index_display(self, index: Index) -> None:

        d1 = index.display()
        self.assertTrue(len(d1) > 0)

        d2 = index.display_tall()
        self.assertTrue(len(d2) > 0)

        d3 = index.display_wide()
        self.assertTrue(len(d3) > 0)

    def test_index_to_series(self, index: Index) -> None:
        s1 = index.to_series()
        self.assertEqual(len(s1), len(index))


    def test_index_iloc_map_a(self, index: Index) -> None:
        # We can't handle NaNs
        if any(map(isna_element, index.values)):

        ilocs = np.arange(len(index))  # Need new array, will shuffle in-place

        other = tp.cast(Index, index.iloc[ilocs])

        expected = index.iter_label().apply(other._loc_to_iloc)
        post = index._index_iloc_map(other)
        self.assertEqual(post.tolist(), expected.tolist())
Пример #8
class TestUnit(TestCase):
    @given(get_labels())  # type: ignore
    def test_index_values_len(self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_values(cls: tp.Type[Index],
                            values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            #Property: that the length of the index is the length of the (unique) values.
            index = cls(values)
            self.assertEqual(len(index), len(values))
            self.assertEqual(len(index.values), len(values))

        property_values(Index, values)
        property_values(IndexGO, values)

    @given(get_labels())  # type: ignore
    def test_index_values_list(self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_values(cls: tp.Type[Index],
                            values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            index = cls(values)
            # must cast both sides to the dtype, as some int to float conversions result in different floats
                index.values, np.array(values, dtype=index.values.dtype))

        property_values(Index, values)
        property_values(IndexGO, values)

    @given(get_labels())  # type: ignore
    def test_index_loc_to_iloc_element(
            self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_loc_to_iloc_element(
                cls: tp.Type[Index], values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            index = cls(values)
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                self.assertEqual(index.loc_to_iloc(v), i)

        property_loc_to_iloc_element(Index, values)
        property_loc_to_iloc_element(IndexGO, values)

    @given(get_labels(min_size=1))  # type: ignore
    def test_index_loc_to_iloc_slice(self,
                                     values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        def property_loc_to_iloc_slice(
                cls: tp.Type[Index], values: tp.Iterable[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
            # Property: that the key translates to the appropriate slice.
            index = cls(values)
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                # insure that we get teh same slice going through loc that we would get by direct iloc
                if v is None:
                    self.assertEqual(index.loc_to_iloc(slice(v, None)),
                        index.loc_to_iloc(slice(v, None)), slice(i, None)
                    )  # type: ignore  # https://github.com/python/typeshed/pull/3024

        property_loc_to_iloc_slice(Index, values)
        property_loc_to_iloc_slice(IndexGO, values)

    @given(get_labels(min_size=2))  # type: ignore
    def test_index_go_append(self, values: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:

        index = IndexGO(values[:-1])
        length_start = len(index)
        length_end = len(index)
        self.assertEqual(length_start + 1, length_end)

    @given(get_labels(min_size=1))  # type: ignore
    def test_index_isin(self, labels: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable]) -> None:
        index = Index(labels)
        self.assertTrue(index.isin((labels[0], ))[0])