Пример #1
 def setup (self):
     # SQLite DB for testing
     self.db_fd, self.db_name = tempfile.mkstemp (suffix='.db')
     # create the collector
     self.collector = CpuStatsCollector (1, self.db_name)
Пример #2
class TestCpuStatsCollector ( ):
    Class for testing CpuStatsCollector functionality.-
    def setup (self):
        # SQLite DB for testing
        self.db_fd, self.db_name = tempfile.mkstemp (suffix='.db')
        # create the collector
        self.collector = CpuStatsCollector (1, self.db_name)

    def test_run (self):
        Checks the collector 'run' method works correctly.-
        self.collector.start ( )
        time.sleep (3)
        self.collector.shutdown ( )

        s = self.collector.sa_session
        last_time = None
        q = s.query (CpuUsageEntity).order_by (CpuUsageEntity.time.desc ( ))
        assert (q.count ( ) > 0)
        for m in q:
            assert (m.user >= 0.0 and m.user < 100.0)
            assert (m.system >= 0.0 and m.system < 100.0)
            if last_time is not None:
                assert (last_time > m.time + self.collector.interval)
            last_time = m.time

    def teardown (self):
        os.close (self.db_fd)
        os.unlink (self.db_name)
Пример #3
        esky_wrapper = esky.Esky (esky.util.appdir_from_executable (sys.executable),
        esky_wrapper = type ('Enum', ( ), {'version': 'NOT FROZEN'})

    # Esky packager needs this to correctly freeze the application
    cherrypy.engine.autoreload.unsubscribe ( )

    # create the CPU-usage statistics collector
    stats_db = os.path.join (BASE_PATH,
                             cherrypy.config.get ('stats.database'))
    cpu_stat = CpuStatsCollector (int (cherrypy.config.get ('stats.cpu.interval')),
    # start it and register to the event bus to stop it when CherryPy exits
    cpu_stat.start ( )
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe ('stop',
    # start the daemon
    cherrypy.tree.mount   (Daemon (this_client, esky_wrapper),
    cherrypy.engine.start ( )
    cherrypy.engine.block ( )
