def _get_spirrid_response( self ):

        rf = StressInFiberWithConstantFriction( u = 0.05 )
        s = SPIRRID( rf = rf,
                 cached_dG = True,
                 compiled_QdG_loop = False,
                 compiled_eps_loop = False

        n_int = 50
        s.add_rv( 'tau', distribution = 'uniform', loc = 100.1, scale = 120.0, n_int = n_int )
        s.add_rv( 'l', distribution = 'uniform', loc = 0.0, scale = 105.0, n_int = n_int )
        #s.add_rv( 'D_f', distribution = 'uniform', loc = 25.0e-3, scale = 5.0e-3, n_int = n_int )

        eps_list = s.eps_list
        mu_q = s.mu_q_grid
        return eps_list, mu_q
Пример #2
#    X = linspace( 0, 1.5, 100 )
#    Y = rf( X, 0.01, 0.8, 0.02, 7e10, 1e-9 )
#    plt.plot( X, Y, linewidth = 2 )

    s = SPIRRID( rf = rf,
                 cached_dG = True,
                 compiled_QdG_loop = False,
                 compiled_eps_loop = False

    # construct the random variables

    n_int = 20

    s.add_rv( 'tau', distribution = 'uniform', loc = 0.1, scale = 4.0, n_int = n_int )
    #s.add_rv( 'l', distribution = 'uniform', loc = 0.0, scale = 5.0, n_int = n_int )
    #s.add_rv( 'D_f', distribution = 'uniform', loc = 25.0e-3, scale = 5.0e-3, n_int = n_int )

    eps_list = s.eps_list
    mu_q = s.mu_q_grid

    # extract values from the grid - interpolate? search criteria - get the nonzero domain
    #s.plot( x_axis = 'x' )

    for i, x in enumerate( eps_list[0] ):
        plt.plot( eps_list[1], mu_q[:, i], label = str( x ) )