Пример #1
    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_world? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y':
        print student_locations_world

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_states? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y':
        print student_locations_bad_states

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_cities? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y':
        print student_locations_bad_cities

    print_request = raw_input(
        '\nPrint student_locations_errors_other? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y':
        print student_locations_errors_other

    print_request = raw_input(
        '\nPrint student_locations_bad_counties? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y':
        print student_locations_bad_counties

run_stats(commencement_line_count, student_locations_us,
          student_locations_world, student_locations_bad_states,
          student_locations_bad_cities, student_locations_errors_other,

export_tsv_ids_rates(county_ids_ratios, student_locations_us, 'html/files/',
Пример #2
def main(exports_root_path, main_run_index) :
    ocr_files = os.listdir(ocr_lists_root_path)
    print '\nAvailable OCR text files:'
    i = 0
    for file in ocr_files :
        print '{0}: {1}'.format(i, file)
        i = i + 1

    ocr_file_index = ''
    while ocr_file_index == '' :
        ocr_file_index = raw_input('\nWhich file would you like to run the analysis on? ')

    ocr_file_index = int(ocr_file_index)
    ocr_text_file = ocr_files[ocr_file_index]

    year = re.sub('\.txt', '', ocr_text_file)

    student_list_text_file_path = ocr_lists_root_path + ocr_text_file
    print 'Text file path: \'{0}\''.format(student_list_text_file_path)

    exports_root_path = exports_root_path + year + '/'
    print 'Export files to: \'{0}\''.format(exports_root_path)

    raw_input('\nContinue if the above paths are correct...')

        raw_input('Directory created: \'{0}\'\nContinue...'.format(exports_root_path))
    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(exports_root_path):

    # run a new city state analysis with google api call?
    run_new = ''
    while run_new == '' :
        run_new = print_request = raw_input('\nRe-run entire analysis? y or n? ')

    # run a new analysis
    if run_new == 'y':

        def run_new_analysis(main_run_index) :

            raw_input('\nFile to be parsed: ' + student_list_text_file_path)

            global student_locations_us
            global student_locations_world
            global student_locations_bad_states
            global student_locations_bad_cities
            global student_locations_errors_other
            global student_locations_bad_counties
            global commencement_line_count
            global saved_google_city_state_county_responses

            student_locations_us, student_locations_world, student_locations_bad_states, student_locations_bad_cities, student_locations_errors_other, student_locations_bad_counties, commencement_line_count = get_student_locations(student_list_text_file_path, us_states, world_countries, state_county_names_ids, main_run_index, saved_google_city_state_county_responses)

            print 'Created student_locations_us [dict], student_locations_world [dict], student_locations_bad_states [dict], student_locations_bad_cities [dict], and student_locations_errors_other [list]'

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving commencement_line_count: {0}... (enter \'n\' to escape) '.format(commencement_line_count))
            if save_request != 'n' :
                commencement_line_count = str(commencement_line_count)
                path = exports_root_path + 'commencement_line_count.txt'
                with open(path, 'w') as save_file:

            # student_locations_us
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_us... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_us, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_us... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_us.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_us, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_world
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_world... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_world, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_world... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_world.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_world, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_bad_states
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_bad_states... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_states, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_bad_states... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_states.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_bad_states, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_bad_cities
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_bad_cities... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_cities, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_bad_cities... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_cities.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_bad_cities, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_errors_other
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_errors_other... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_errors_other, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_errors_other... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_errors_other.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_errors_other, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_bad_counties
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_bad_counties... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_counties, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_bad_counties... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_counties.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_bad_counties, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)


    # already ran the analysis, use the files saved from a previous run
    else :

        raw_input('Loading dictionaries and lists from json files...')

        def load_data_from_files() :

            path = exports_root_path + 'commencement_line_count.txt'
            with open(path) as file :
                for line in file :
                    if line != '' :
                        global commencement_line_count
                        commencement_line_count = line

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_us.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_us
                student_locations_us = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_world.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_world
                student_locations_world = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_states.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_bad_states
                student_locations_bad_states = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_cities.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_bad_cities
                student_locations_bad_cities = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_errors_other.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_errors_other
                student_locations_errors_other = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_counties.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_bad_counties
                student_locations_bad_counties = json.load(json_file)


        def print_data_from_loaded_files() :

            # commencement_line_count
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint commencement_line_count, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(commencement_line_count, indent=4)

            # student_locations_us
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_us, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_us, indent=4)

            # student_locations_world
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_world, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_world, indent=4)

            # student_locations_bad_states
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_states, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_states, indent=4)

            # student_locations_bad_cities
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_cities, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_cities, indent=4)

            # student_locations_errors_other
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_errors_other, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_errors_other, indent=4)

            # student_locations_bad_counties
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_counties, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_counties, indent=4)


    run_stats(commencement_line_count, student_locations_us, student_locations_world, student_locations_bad_states, student_locations_bad_cities, student_locations_errors_other, student_locations_bad_counties)

    # add the new student locations and the county info to a dictionary for reference and fewer google api calls
    google_city_state_county_responses = register_google_city_state_county_responses(student_locations_us, saved_google_city_state_county_responses)

    print_request = raw_input('Printing google_city_state_county_responses... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
    if print_request != 'n' :
        print json.dumps(google_city_state_county_responses, indent=4)

    google_saved_count = 0
    for state in google_city_state_county_responses :
        for city in google_city_state_county_responses :
            google_saved_count = google_saved_count + 1

    raw_input('\nThe google_city_state_county_responses city count: {0}\n'.format(google_saved_count))

    # set the tsv file parameters
    tsv_file_name = 'students_by_county_' + year + '.tsv'
    tsv_export_path = html_files_path

    # get the dictionary to save to tsv and the associated stats
    student_county_ids_ratios, tsv_file_stats = prepare_tsv_dictionary(county_ids_ratios, student_locations_us)

    # save the tsv file and print out some stats
    export_tsv_ids_rates(student_county_ids_ratios, tsv_export_path, tsv_file_name, tsv_file_stats)
Пример #3
        print student_locations_us

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_world? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y' :
        print student_locations_world

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_states? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y' :
        print student_locations_bad_states

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_cities? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y' :
        print student_locations_bad_cities

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_errors_other? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y' :
        print student_locations_errors_other

    print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_counties? y or n? ')
    if print_request == 'y' :
        print student_locations_bad_counties

run_stats(commencement_line_count, student_locations_us, student_locations_world, student_locations_bad_states, student_locations_bad_cities, student_locations_errors_other, student_locations_bad_counties)

export_tsv_ids_rates(county_ids_ratios, student_locations_us, 'html/files/', 'students_by_county.tsv')
Пример #4
def main(exports_root_path, main_run_index) :
    ocr_files = os.listdir(ocr_lists_root_path)
    print '\nAvailable OCR text files:'
    i = 0
    for file in ocr_files :
        print '{0}: {1}'.format(i, file)
        i = i + 1

    ocr_file_index = ''
    while ocr_file_index == '' :
        ocr_file_index = raw_input('\nWhich file would you like to run the analysis on? ')

    ocr_file_index = int(ocr_file_index)
    ocr_text_file = ocr_files[ocr_file_index]

    year = re.sub('\.txt', '', ocr_text_file)

    student_list_text_file_path = ocr_lists_root_path + ocr_text_file
    print 'Text file path: \'{0}\''.format(student_list_text_file_path)

    exports_root_path = exports_root_path + year + '/'
    print 'Export files to: \'{0}\''.format(exports_root_path)

    raw_input('\nContinue if the above paths are correct...')

        raw_input('Directory created: \'{0}\'\nContinue...'.format(exports_root_path))
    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(exports_root_path):

    # run a new city state analysis with google api call?
    run_new = ''
    while run_new == '' :
        run_new = print_request = raw_input('\nRe-run entire analysis? y or n? ')

    # run a new analysis
    if run_new == 'y':

        def run_new_analysis(main_run_index) :

            raw_input('\nFile to be parsed: ' + student_list_text_file_path)

            global student_locations_us
            global student_locations_world
            global student_locations_bad_states
            global student_locations_bad_cities
            global student_locations_errors_other
            global student_locations_bad_counties
            global commencement_line_count
            global saved_google_city_state_county_responses

            student_locations_us, student_locations_world, student_locations_bad_states, student_locations_bad_cities, student_locations_errors_other, student_locations_bad_counties, commencement_line_count = get_student_locations(student_list_text_file_path, us_states, world_countries, state_county_names_ids, main_run_index, saved_google_city_state_county_responses)

            print 'Created student_locations_us [dict], student_locations_world [dict], student_locations_bad_states [dict], student_locations_bad_cities [dict], and student_locations_errors_other [list]'

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving commencement_line_count: {0}... (enter \'n\' to escape) '.format(commencement_line_count))
            if save_request != 'n' :
                commencement_line_count = str(commencement_line_count)
                path = exports_root_path + 'commencement_line_count.txt'
                with open(path, 'w') as save_file:

            # student_locations_us
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_us... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_us, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_us... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_us.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_us, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_world
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_world... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_world, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_world... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_world.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_world, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_bad_states
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_bad_states... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_states, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_bad_states... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_states.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_bad_states, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_bad_cities
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_bad_cities... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_cities, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_bad_cities... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_cities.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_bad_cities, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_errors_other
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_errors_other... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_errors_other, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_errors_other... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_errors_other.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_errors_other, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)

            # student_locations_bad_counties
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrinting student_locations_bad_counties... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_counties, indent=4)

            save_request = raw_input('\nSaving student_locations_bad_counties... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
            if save_request != 'n' :
                path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_counties.json'
                json.dump(student_locations_bad_counties, open(path,'w'), sort_keys=True)


    # already ran the analysis, use the files saved from a previous run
    else :

        raw_input('Loading dictionaries and lists from json files...')

        def load_data_from_files() :

            path = exports_root_path + 'commencement_line_count.txt'
            with open(path) as file :
                for line in file :
                    if line != '' :
                        global commencement_line_count
                        commencement_line_count = line

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_us.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_us
                student_locations_us = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_world.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_world
                student_locations_world = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_states.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_bad_states
                student_locations_bad_states = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_cities.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_bad_cities
                student_locations_bad_cities = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_errors_other.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_errors_other
                student_locations_errors_other = json.load(json_file)

            path = exports_root_path + 'student_locations_bad_counties.json'
            with open(path) as json_file:
                global student_locations_bad_counties
                student_locations_bad_counties = json.load(json_file)


        def print_data_from_loaded_files() :

            # commencement_line_count
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint commencement_line_count, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(commencement_line_count, indent=4)

            # student_locations_us
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_us, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_us, indent=4)

            # student_locations_world
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_world, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_world, indent=4)

            # student_locations_bad_states
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_states, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_states, indent=4)

            # student_locations_bad_cities
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_cities, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_cities, indent=4)

            # student_locations_errors_other
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_errors_other, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_errors_other, indent=4)

            # student_locations_bad_counties
            print_request = raw_input('\nPrint student_locations_bad_counties, y or n? ')
            if print_request != 'n' :
                print json.dumps(student_locations_bad_counties, indent=4)


    run_stats(commencement_line_count, student_locations_us, student_locations_world, student_locations_bad_states, student_locations_bad_cities, student_locations_errors_other, student_locations_bad_counties)

    # add the new student locations and the county info to a dictionary for reference and fewer google api calls
    google_city_state_county_responses = register_google_city_state_county_responses(student_locations_us, saved_google_city_state_county_responses)

    print_request = raw_input('Printing google_city_state_county_responses... (enter \'n\' to escape) ')
    if print_request != 'n' :
        print json.dumps(google_city_state_county_responses, indent=4)

    google_saved_count = 0
    for state in google_city_state_county_responses :
        for city in google_city_state_county_responses :
            google_saved_count = google_saved_count + 1

    raw_input('\nThe google_city_state_county_responses city count: {0}\n'.format(google_saved_count))

    # set the tsv file parameters
    tsv_file_name = 'students_by_county_' + year + '.tsv'
    tsv_export_path = html_files_path

    # get the dictionary to save to tsv and the associated stats
    student_county_ids_ratios, tsv_file_stats = prepare_tsv_dictionary(county_ids_ratios, student_locations_us)

    # save the tsv file and print out some stats
    export_tsv_ids_rates(student_county_ids_ratios, tsv_export_path, tsv_file_name, tsv_file_stats)
Пример #5
def stats():
    return jsonify(OK("Sync stats complete"))
Пример #6
def test_look_elevator(limit=None):
    """method that tests the look elevator"""

    result_dir = "look"

    # create directory if not existing
    dirs = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, result_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(dirs):

    # create loggers
    person_logger_path = os.path.join(dirs, settings.LOG_DIR,
    person_logger = logger.PersonLogger(person_logger_path, remove_old=True)
    # create building
    building = Building([

    # generate arrivals
    arr_gen = ArrivalGenerator(building=building, person_logger=person_logger)

    days = ["M", "Tu", "W", "Th", "F"]

    for day in days:
        # load saved arrivals or generate new arrivals
        arr_gen.arrival_times = []
        save_path = os.path.join(settings.ARRIVALS_DIR,
        if not os.path.exists(save_path):

        # add first 100 floor arrivals to FEQ
        cnt = 0
        for time, person in arr_gen.arrival_times:
            cnt += 1
            if limit is not None and cnt > limit:
            settings.FEQ.put_nowait((time, person, person.States.QUEUED))

        # create 6 elevators
        settings.ELEVATORS = []
        for _ in range(6):
            settings.ELEVATORS.append(elevators.LookElevator(None, building))

        while not settings.FEQ.empty():
            curr_time, obj, state = settings.FEQ.get_nowait()
            settings.CURR_TIME = curr_time

        # commit changes to person_logger
        print("Done with", day)

                        stats_dir=os.path.join(dirs, "stats"))
    print("done simulating", result_dir)