def Over(over_1, over_2, over_3): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() o3 = mplot.plotMMA( over_3, 'round_wall', color3_light, 0, dict(label='32 Machines', linestyle='-', marker='s', color=color3_dark, zorder=3)) o2 = mplot.plotMMA( over_2, 'round_wall', color2_light, 0, dict(label='16 Machines', linestyle='-', marker='^', color=color2_dark, zorder=3)) o1 = mplot.plotMMA( over_1, 'round_wall', color1_light, 0, dict(label='8 Machines', linestyle='-', marker='o', color=color1_dark, zorder=3)) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(o1, o2, o3) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.legend(loc=u'lower right') mplot.plotEnd()
def PlotMultiBF(*values_bf): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(2, 0) plotbf = [] pparams = [[color1_light, color1_dark, 'o'], [color2_light, color2_dark, 's'], [color3_light, color3_dark, '^'], [color4_light, color4_dark, '.']] for i, value in enumerate(values_bf): label = str(int(value.columns['Peers'][0])) + " Peers" c1, c2, m = pparams[i] plotbf.append( mplot.plotMMA( value, 'round_wall', c1, 0, dict(label=label, linestyle='-', marker=m, color=c2, zorder=3))) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*plotbf) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.xlabel('Branching factor') plt.legend(loc=u'upper right') mplot.plotEnd()
def plotAvgMM(co, jvss, naive, nt): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() nt = mplot.plotMMA(ntree, 'round_wall', color4_light, 0, dict(label='Ntree', linestyle='-', marker='v', color=color4_dark, zorder=3)) # mplot.arrow("{:.1f} sec ".format(mplot.avg[-2]), x[-2], 4, color3_dark) # mplot.arrow(" {:.0f} sec".format(mplot.avg[-1]), x[-1], 4, color3_dark) j = mplot.plotMMA(jvss, 'round_wall', color2_light, 0, dict(label='JVSS', linestyle='-', marker='^', color=color2_dark, zorder=3)) #j_p = jvss.get_values('round_wall') #plt.plot(j_p.x, j_p.avg, label="JVSS", color=color2_dark, marker='^') #mplot.arrow("{:.1f} sec ".format(j_p.avg[-2]), j_p.x[-2], 4, color2_dark) #mplot.arrow(" {:.0f} sec".format(j_p.avg[-1]), j_p.x[-1], 8, color2_dark) na = mplot.plotMMA(naive, 'round_wall', color3_light, 0, dict(label='Naive', linestyle='-', marker='s', color=color3_dark, zorder=3)) na_p = naive.get_values('round_wall') #mplot.arrow("{:.1f} sec ".format(na_p.avg[8]), na_p.x[8], 4, color3_dark) mplot.arrow(" {:.0f} sec".format(na_p.avg[9]), na_p.x[9], 8, color3_dark) co = mplot.plotMMA(cothority, 'round_wall', color1_light, 4, dict(label='Cothority', linestyle='-', marker='o', color=color1_dark, zorder=5)) # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(na, co) plt.ylim(ymin, 8) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.legend(loc=u'lower right') mplot.plotEnd()
def plotAvg(co, jvss, naive, nt): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() j_p = jvss.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(j_p.x, j_p.avg, label="JVSS", color=color2_dark, marker='^') na_p = naive.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(na_p.x, na_p.avg, label="Naive", color=color3_dark, marker='s') #mplot.arrow(" {:.0f} sec".format(na_p.avg[9]), na_p.x[9], 8, 1, color3_dark) nt_p = nt.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(nt_p.x, nt_p.avg, label="Ntree", color=color4_dark, marker='v') co_p = cothority.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(co_p.x, co_p.avg, label="Cothority", color=color1_dark, marker='o') # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(j_p, na_p, nt_p, co_p) plt.ylim(ymin, 8) plt.xlim(xmin, 1024 * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.legend(loc=u'lower right') mplot.plotEnd()
def plotData(data, name, xlabel="Number of witnesses", ylabel="Signing round latency in seconds", xticks=[], loglog=[2, 2], xname="hosts", legend_pos="lower right", yminu=0, ymaxu=0, xminu=0, xmaxu=0, title="", read_plots=True): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(loglog[0], loglog[1]) if read_plots: plots = read_csvs_xname(xname, *data[0]) else: plots = data[0] ranges = [] data_label = [] plot_show(name) for index, label in enumerate(data[1]): data_label.append([plots[index], label]) ranges.append( mplot.plotMMA( plots[index], 'round_wall', colors[index][0], 4, dict(label=label, linestyle='-', marker='o', color=colors[index][1], zorder=5))) # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*ranges) if yminu != 0: ymin = yminu if ymaxu != 0: ymax = ymaxu if xminu != 0: xmin = xminu if xmaxu != 0: xmax = xmaxu plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(loc=legend_pos) plt.axes().xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed', zorder=0) if len(xticks) > 0: ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xticks(xticks) if title != "": plt.title(title) mplot.plotEnd() return data_label
def plotData(data, name, xlabel="Time since last update", ylabel="Bandwidth", xticks=[], loglog=[0, 0], xname="time", legend_pos="lower right", yname="bandwidth", yminu=0, ymaxu=0, xminu=0, xmaxu=0, title="", read_plots=True, restart_x=False): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(loglog[0], loglog[1]) if read_plots: plots = read_csvs_xname(xname, *data[0]) else: plots = data[0] ranges = [] data_label = [] plot_show(name) subx = 0 if restart_x: subx = plots[0].columns[xname][0] for index, label in enumerate(data[1]): data_label.append([plots[index], label]) # plots[index].print_short() if restart_x: print subx plots[index].column_add(xname, -subx) plots[index].get_values("time") ranges.append( mplot.plotMMA(plots[index], yname, colors[index][0], 4, dict(label=label, linestyle='-', marker='.', color=colors[index][1], zorder=5))) # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*ranges) if yminu != 0: ymin = yminu if ymaxu != 0: ymax = ymaxu if xminu != 0: xmin = xminu if xmaxu != 0: xmax = xmaxu plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(loc=legend_pos) plt.axes().xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed', zorder=0) if len(xticks) > 0: ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xticks(xticks) if title != "": plt.title(title) mplot.plotEnd() return data_label
def PlotBF(values_bf): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(2, 0) plotbf = mplot.plotMMA(values_bf, 'round_wall', color1_light, 0, dict(label='4096 Peers', linestyle='-', marker='o', color=color2_dark, zorder=3)) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(plotbf) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.xlabel('Branching factor') plt.legend(loc=u'upper right') mplot.plotEnd()
def PlotStamp(stamp): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(10, 0) plotbf = mplot.plotMMA(stamp, 'round_wall', color1_light, 0, dict(label='4096 Peers', linestyle='-', marker='o', color=color2_dark, zorder=3)) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(plotbf) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.xlabel('Stamping rate [1/s]') plt.legend(loc=u'upper right') mplot.plotEnd()
def Over(over_1, over_2, over_3): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() o3 = mplot.plotMMA(over_3, 'round_wall', color3_light, 0, dict(label='32 Machines', linestyle='-', marker='s', color=color3_dark, zorder=3)) o2 = mplot.plotMMA(over_2, 'round_wall', color2_light, 0, dict(label='16 Machines', linestyle='-', marker='^', color=color2_dark, zorder=3)) o1 = mplot.plotMMA(over_1, 'round_wall', color1_light, 0, dict(label='8 Machines', linestyle='-', marker='o', color=color1_dark, zorder=3)) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(o1, o2, o3) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.legend(loc=u'lower right') mplot.plotEnd()
def plotScatter(): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(0, 0) plot_show('scatter') plt.ylabel('Bandwidth [bytes]') plt.xlabel('Time since start [s]') data = read_csvs_xname("time", *sc_scatter) styles = ["^"] * 4 + ["s"] * 4 ranges = [] for index, label in enumerate(sc_titles): if index == 0: continue plot = data[index] y = plot.get_values("bandwidth") ranges.append(y) plt.scatter(plot.x, y.y, label=label, color=colors[index][1], marker=styles[index]) plt.legend(loc="upper left") xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*ranges) plt.xlim(0, xmax) plt.ylim(0, ymax) mplot.plotEnd()
def PlotMultiBF(*values_bf): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(2, 0) plotbf = [] pparams = [[color1_light, color1_dark, 'o'], [color2_light, color2_dark, 's'], [color3_light, color3_dark, '^'], [color4_light, color4_dark, '.']] for i, value in enumerate(values_bf): label = str(int(value.columns['Peers'][0])) + " Peers" c1, c2, m = pparams[i] plotbf.append( mplot.plotMMA(value, 'round_wall', c1, 0, dict(label=label, linestyle='-', marker=m, color=c2, zorder=3)) ) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*plotbf) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.xlabel('Branching factor') plt.legend(loc=u'upper right') mplot.plotEnd()
def plotAvg(co, jvss, naive, nt): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() j_p = jvss.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(j_p.x, j_p.avg, label="JVSS", color=color2_dark, marker='^') na_p = naive.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(na_p.x, na_p.avg, label="Naive", color=color3_dark, marker='s') #mplot.arrow(" {:.0f} sec".format(na_p.avg[9]), na_p.x[9], 8, color3_dark) nt_p = nt.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(nt_p.x, nt_p.avg, label="Ntree", color=color4_dark, marker='v') co_p = cothority.get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(co_p.x, co_p.avg, label="Cothority", color=color1_dark, marker='o') # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(j_p, na_p, nt_p, co_p) plt.ylim(ymin, 8) plt.xlim(xmin, 1024 * 1.2) plt.ylabel('Seconds per round') plt.legend(loc=u'lower right') mplot.plotEnd()
def args_to_csv(argn): stats = [] for a in sys.argv[2:argn + 2]: stats.append(CSVStats(a)) plot_show(argn) return stats
from mplot import MPlot from stats import CSVStats color1_light = 'lightgreen' color1_dark = 'green' color2_light = 'lightblue' color2_dark = 'blue' color3_light = 'yellow' color3_dark = 'brown' color4_light = 'pink' color4_dark = 'red' mplot = MPlot() mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() mplot.show_fig = True jvss = CSVStats('test_naive_multi.csv').get_values('round_wall') plt.plot(jvss.x, jvss.avg, label='JVSS', linestyle='-', marker='^', color=color2_dark, zorder=3) mplot.plotFilledLegend(jvss.x, jvss.min, jvss.max, "min-max", color2_light, z=0) mplot.plotEnd()
for a in sys.argv[2:argn + 2]: stats.append(CSVStats(a, xname)) plot_show(argn) return stats option = sys.argv[1] if option == "0": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) plotAvgMM(cothority, jvss, naive, ntree) elif option == "1": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) CoJVTimeBars(cothority, jvss, naive) elif option == "2": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) CoJVTimeArea(cothority, jvss) elif option == "3": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) SigCheck(naive, naive_sc) elif option == "4": Over(*args_to_csv(3)) elif option == "5": PlotMultiBF(*args_to_csv(1, "bf")) elif option == "6": plot_show(1) stamp = CSVStats(sys.argv[2], "rate") PlotStamp(stamp) elif option == "7": PlotMultiBF(*args_to_csv(4, "bf"))
def args_to_csv(argn, xname="Peers"): stats = [] for a in sys.argv[2:argn + 2]: stats.append(CSVStats(a, xname)) plot_show(argn) return stats
def read_csvs_xname(xname, *values): stats = [] for a in values: file = a + '.csv' stats.append(CSVStats(file, xname)) return stats
stats = [] for a in sys.argv[2:argn + 2]: stats.append(CSVStats(a)) plot_show(argn) return stats option = sys.argv[1] if option == "0": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) plotAvgMM(cothority, jvss, naive, ntree) elif option == "1": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) CoJVTimeBars(cothority, jvss, naive) elif option == "2": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) CoJVTimeArea(cothority, jvss) elif option == "3": cothority, jvss, naive, naive_sc, ntree = args_to_csv(5) SigCheck(naive, naive_sc) elif option == "4": Over(*args_to_csv(3)) elif option == "5": plot_show(1) PlotBF(CSVStats(sys.argv[2], "bf")) elif option == "6": plot_show(1) stamp = CSVStats(sys.argv[2], "rate") PlotStamp(stamp)
color1_dark = 'green' color2_light = 'lightblue' color2_dark = 'blue' color3_light = 'yellow' color3_dark = 'brown' color4_light = 'pink' color4_dark = 'red' mplot = MPlot() def plot_save(file): mplot.pngname = file mplot.show_fig = False stats = "round_wall" argn = len(sys.argv) if argn < 2: print "Syntax is:" print " file.csv [stat]" print "where stat is one of {round_wall, round_system, round_user}" sys.exit(1) if argn > 2: stats = sys.argv[2] data = CSVStats(sys.argv[1], "hosts") mplot.plotPrepareLogLog() na = mplot.plotMMA(data, stats, color1_light, 0, dict(label=sys.argv[1], linestyle='-', marker='s', color=color2_dark, zorder=3)) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.ylabel('Time for verification') mplot.plotEnd()
def plotData( data, name, xlabel="Number of witnesses", ylabel="Signing round latency in seconds", xticks=[], loglog=[2, 2], xname="hosts", legend_pos="lower right", yminu=0, ymaxu=0, xminu=0, xmaxu=0, title="", read_plots=True, ): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(loglog[0], loglog[1]) if read_plots: plots = read_csvs_xname(xname, *data[0]) else: plots = data[0] ranges = [] data_label = [] plot_show(name) for index, label in enumerate(data[1]): data_label.append([plots[index], label]) ranges.append( mplot.plotMMA( plots[index], "round_wall", colors[index][0], 4, dict(label=label, linestyle="-", marker="o", color=colors[index][1], zorder=5), ) ) # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*ranges) if yminu != 0: ymin = yminu if ymaxu != 0: ymax = ymaxu if xminu != 0: xmin = xminu if xmaxu != 0: xmax = xmaxu plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(loc=legend_pos) plt.axes().xaxis.grid(color="gray", linestyle="dashed", zorder=0) if len(xticks) > 0: ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xticks(xticks) if title != "": plt.title(title) mplot.plotEnd() return data_label
def plotData(data, name, xlabel="Time since last update", ylabel="Bandwidth", xticks=[], loglog=[0, 0], xname="time", legend_pos="lower right", yname="bandwidth", yminu=0, ymaxu=0, xminu=0, xmaxu=0, title="", read_plots=True, restart_x=False): mplot.plotPrepareLogLog(loglog[0], loglog[1]) if read_plots: plots = read_csvs_xname(xname, *data[0]) else: plots = data[0] ranges = [] data_label = [] plot_show(name) subx = 0 if restart_x: subx = plots[0].columns[xname][0] for index, label in enumerate(data[1]): data_label.append([plots[index], label]) # plots[index].print_short() if restart_x: print subx plots[index].column_add(xname, -subx) plots[index].get_values("time") ranges.append( mplot.plotMMA( plots[index], yname, colors[index][0], 4, dict(label=label, linestyle='-', marker='.', color=colors[index][1], zorder=5))) # Make horizontal lines and add arrows for JVSS xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = CSVStats.get_min_max(*ranges) if yminu != 0: ymin = yminu if ymaxu != 0: ymax = ymaxu if xminu != 0: xmin = xminu if xmaxu != 0: xmax = xmaxu plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(loc=legend_pos) plt.axes().xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed', zorder=0) if len(xticks) > 0: ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xticks(xticks) if title != "": plt.title(title) mplot.plotEnd() return data_label